Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 2/(Changer/Master) The Flesh That Hungers

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(Changer/Master) The Flesh That Hungers

Cost: 20 SP

You've gained the ability to generate a flesh seed from your own blood, which, when planted into the ground, triggers a macabre transformation of the surrounding land and living creatures.

At its initial stage, the flesh seed will sprout into small, grotesque plants that will begin to twist the other flora and fauna around it into biological abominations. These abominations exhibit a primal nature, driven by their insatiable hunger for flesh and their instinct to grow and adapt. As you progress and nourish your creations, they evolve and become increasingly formidable, growing larger, more complex, and more dangerous.

The twisted biome you cultivate possesses a symbiotic relationship with you. As the progenitor of this horrific ecosystem, you share a psychic link with the creatures and plants under your control, allowing you to exert influence over their actions and direct their growth. Through this connection, you gain an understanding of their needs and motivations, enhancing your ability to guide and command them.

As the twisted biome expands, it begins to exert an influence over the surrounding environment, gradually warping and distorting the land. This transformation grants you an increasingly advantageous position, as the corrupted environment supports the growth of even more formidable and monstrous beings.