Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 2/(Striker/Shaker) Tyrant

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(Striker/Shaker) Tyrant

Cost: 20 SP

You possess near-absolute dominion over all forces within a 15cm radius of your body. In combat, you can unleash punches and strikes that appear ordinary but carry unimaginable force, amplifying the energy behind them to levels beyond comprehension, resulting in devastating impacts akin to meteoric collisions. Or, through your precise control over kinetic energy, effortlessly drain the momentum of bullets fired at you, suspending them in mid-air as harmless projectiles.

Beyond raw strength, you can even manipulate all electromagnetic fields near you. With a touch, you can render electronic devices useless or generate devastating surges.

Furthermore, your mind is enhanced, enabling subconscious calculations of the forces you control with precision. This heightened cognitive ability allows you to effortlessly and intuitively manage the vast array of forces at your disposal, ensuring unparalleled and seamless control over the forces within your 15cm radius.