Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Foundation Powers/Figurines Collector

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Figurines Collector

Cost: 20 SP

You have been chosen by the realm where shadows dance and imagination intertwines with reality. Once a day, you can summon forth a perfect living doll crafted from the depths of your own shadow. These dolls can take the form of original characters from the depths of your creativity or be inspired by existing characters.

Each doll possesses a unique power, derived either from its inherent nature or based on the character it represents. These powers, will initially remain within the realm of street-tier abilities but offer a glimpse of formidable potential. Though initially modest, these powers shall flourish and expand over time, growing in strength and versatility alongside your own mastery.

When crafting a doll based on an existing character, it is not merely their appearance that is captured but also their knowledge and personality. These dolls embody the essence of the characters they represent, allowing them to act with the same wisdom and motivations. However, regardless of whether they are original creations or replicas of beloved characters, the dolls are bound to you by an unyielding loyalty, their unwavering devotion solely directed towards you.

Additionally, you are also able to store and recall these dolls into your own shadow. When the dolls face defeat or succumb to injuries, they are instantly recalled to the sanctuary of your shadow. Within this ephemeral refuge, they are restored to full vitality, their wounds healing as if they were never inflicted. After three days, you can summon them forth once more, ready to stand by your side and fulfill their purpose with unflinching loyalty.

Initially, you can maintain an active roster of seven dolls at any given time. However, as your mastery deepens and your connection with shadows grows stronger, the number of dolls you can command will expand, allowing you to harness a greater ensemble of allies in your endeavors.