Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Powers/Character Menu

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Character Menu

Cost: 12 SP

You gain a UI like screen that you can summon and dismiss called the character menu. With the menu you can view a visualization of all of your qualities and properties. This includes anything that is physical about you and is listed as a set of traits that can be Positive(+), Neutral(=), or Negative(-). The character menu saves your current self as the Default character, and has 3 other slots for characters to start with. You can choose to use a slot to create a new character that you will be able to play as. You can switch between characters at will, but changes to the characters are kept between switches. If you die while in a character, you will switch to another character, until all that is left is your default.

Character creation starts you out with a base number of Creation Tokens, these tokens are used to buy different traits in order to make and design your characters. (+) traits always cost, (=) traits can be free or cheap, (-) traits give you more tokens to work with. After creating your first character your tokens are saved in a character agnostic pool, and you can begin using tokens to effect your default character. The limit to the (+) traits improvements is nothing above 5sp in the form of powers or advantages