Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Powers

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Perfect Condition

Cost: 10 SP

You are metaphysically and permanently altered to the peak of your current bodily potential in all physical, mental, and spiritual areas, a state that is maintained as long as you wish and will update should you have the desire. This allows to you function at your best without accounting for any limit breaker powers you may possess.

Your body no longer requires sustenance and bears perfect, moderately supernatural regeneration which allows you to return to your best in a weeks time. Your capabilities cannot degrade and no effect may weaken or oppose you against your will. This benefits supernatural bodies and their traits, if possessed, but is otherwise mundane.

Super Soldier Serum (Marvel)

Cost: 5 SP

Your body has been enhanced by the Super Soldier Serum. All of your strength, speed, reaction time, durability, agility, reflexes, stamina, healing, mental processing, senses, and longevity have been pushed beyond peak human levels. Many will say that you are the next step in human evolution.

Spider-Totem (Marvel)

Cost: 10 SP

Radioactive spiders are everywhere these days. Your physiology is modified to gain powers similar to that of Spider-Man or one of his contemporaries (Silkworm, Spider-Woman, Spider-Gwen, etc.)

These powers generally include some form of enhanced strength, agility, stamina, and durability. The ability to climb walls and shoot webs (but not always) as well as the legendary spider-sense.

Homo Superior (Marvel)

Cost: 15 SP

Your X-Gene is activated and your latent mutant powers awaken. The powers you gain from this are up to you, but must be Alpha level and you will be able to train them through practice. You are guaranteed to not be physically mutated in an unappealing way.

Homo Immortalis (Marvel)

Cost: 40 SP

You have now become an Eternal. Eternals are an evolutionary offshoot of humanity called Homo immortalis. This branch of humanity was created by the Celestials to be at the absolute peak of what humanity could achieve evolutionarily. They were then gifted and infused with Cosmic Energy, which gave them great powers and abilities to look after the human race throughout the ages.

As an Eternal, you are immortal and are immune to things like toxins, diseases, age etc., and have a healing ability that, should you be injured somehow, you could regenerate any injured or missing tissue as long as a significant portion of your body's molecules are not dispersed.

At your baseline with no cosmic energy, your physical capabilities are such that your strength is a match for a peak-condition Spider-Man, Luke Cage, and such. Your agility, reactions, movement, and running speeds are such that you can dodge light. Your durability is where you shine in that you can take hits from an un-angry Hulk, Hercules, and an unworthy Thor and keep on going for a few days. Your intelligence is so great that you can come up with technology millennia in advance of the modern day or pick up and master new skills in days to weeks. Your senses are superhuman, allowing you to hear in a few city blocks, smell like the greatest animals of Earth, see everything for 1 mile, etc.

And all this is without the greatest gift of the Celestials to the Eternals, Cosmic Energy, the energy of the Universe itself. With this gift, your true potential as an Eternal is realized. You can enhance all your physical abilities such that your strength can allow you to throw hands with an angry Hulk, a worthy Thor, Hercules with his godhood, an actually harm them, and if you're smart, defeat them. Your agility is such that you now view light as standing still and can fly the cosmos under your own power by manipulating gravitons around yourself. Your durability matches your strength in that it takes hits from an angry Hulk and a worthy Thor to make you bleed. Your life force is augmented by Cosmic energy, bolstering your metabolism so that you no longer get tired from any physical exertion, need to breathe, an can travel space without any equipment. Your intelligence has been enhanced such that you are capable of interpreting DNA code at a glance, accurately enough to determine parentage. You have basic cosmic awareness with a range as big as a planet, have perfect memory and indexing, such that memories are to you as 'real' as the present, with your most vivid memory dominating your perceptions. Your senses are now godly, allowing you to see through solid objects, the entire electromagnetic spectrum, telescopic vision to see objects in clear detail at long distances, even minuscule things like strands of DNA while in orbit casually, and with a bit of focus, down to the microscopic level.

This is only the basics of what cosmic energy unlocked for you. It also gave you telekinesis/molecular manipulation that at its peak can create whole ships from the molecules around you or create inviolable shields that can last for hours, telepathy to read and even manipulate the minds of others, illusions, teleportation, and the ability to manipulate cosmic energy in the form of beams from your eyes or beams, flashes, and blasts from your hands as various types of energy (gravity, various electromagnetic, quantum, etc.).

As of right now, you can only enhance yourself with the energy and do the bare basics of the above skills, like reading minds of those close by, or moving objects around a room and shooting basic cosmic energy beams from your eyes and hands. So you are given a database in your head on how to train your abilities to the highest levels that an Eternal can reach.

Goutetsu Style Shotokan Karate (Street Fighter)

Cost: 5 SP

Created in the feudal era as an assassination art, this style has evolved into the ultimate style for martial arts purists.

You probably already know some of the core techniques: the Hadoken, a powerful Ki blast, the Shoryuken, an uppercut enhanced with Ki flames, and the Tatsumaki-Senpyukaku, a spinning kick capable of ending most fights on its own.

Your Ki is derived from one of two sources, which you can switch on the fly, although mastering one completely is superior to switching at a whim. There is the ominous Ki of the Satsui no Hado, the original method of this art, famously used by Akuma. There is also the pure Ki of the Kyoi no Hado, created by Gouken & most famously used by Ryu.

Hakkyokuseiken (King of Fighters)

Cost: 7 SP

You have now learned both scrolls of the powerful Qigong art, Hakkyokuseiken, allowing you to manipulate your qi for uses like telekinesis, channeling energy into your strikes, creating and manipulating the elements with your qi, making yourself physically larger, immortality, & many other techniques.

The most effective use of it, however, is to empower an existing martial arts style with your qi. Hence, you have also been given mastery of every martial arts style that has ever been used with Hakkyokuseiken, including but not limited to the original style's Baijiquan Kung Fu, Andy's Koppouken & Shiranui style Ninjutsu, Terry's MMA, & the Aikijujutsu-Karate hybrid of Geese Howard.

Hokuto Shinken (Fist Of The North Star)

Cost: 10 SP

Hokuto Shinken is the ultimate assassination martial art. This martial art employs a deadly form of combat that targets the body's pressure points to cause various effects, including instant death and healing. Practitioners can tap into their full physical strength through the Dragon Breathing technique and learn other martial arts through the Water Reflection Spirit. Strong emotions may play a role to allow the user to tap into greater power during times of great need. Through the study and use of this martial art users will gain greatly increased physical and mental ability with the ability to topple entire countries.

This also includes knowledge of the other assassination arts from the series, such as Nanto Seiken.

Sublime Way (D&D)

Cost: 10 SP

You are proficient in the use of the Sublime Way. You start out at the level of a beginner of the Sublime Way (equivalent to 1st level Martial powers). You are not limited to any class, and instead can develop any class features available to the various physical classes across Pathfinder and D&D, allowing you access to classes in the Book of War, the Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords, and much more.

Through practice, study, reflection, and training, you can increase the number of martial powers you know, their level, class features, unique feats, and even improve your physical, mental, and spiritual condition.

Senpou Arts (Sekiro)

Cost: 5 SP

Profound is the irony for the peaceful Buddhists to seek conflict, but these Monks have abandoned the righteous path and seek immortality through vile and heretical means.

You gain mastery of martial training in the Senpou Temple school of martial arts. You’re a master with your hands, feet, polearms, and all Senpou arts. In addition, your martial arts have buffed you to superhuman heights, capable of shattering stone walls, blocking similar attacks with your bare hands, and moving at supersonic speeds.

Ashina Arts (Sekiro)

Cost: 5 SP

Having undergone rigorous training in the Ashina school, you have mastered the art of the sword. In this renowned school, the philosophy ingrained in you is that a clash of blades is not merely a collision but rather akin to the graceful dance of a carp in motion.

Under the tutelage of your mentors, you were taught to emulate the fluid movements of flowing water, drawing inspiration from the majestic fountains and embodying the spirit of rivers and waves in your swordplay. This unique approach has allowed you to develop a seamless and adaptable style, effortlessly transitioning from offense to defense and counterattack, much like the uninterrupted flow of water. Moreover, your training has extended to archery as well, broadening your skills further.

With your extensive training and relentless dedication, you have reached a level of proficiency comparable to that of Genichiro, a formidable adversary renowned for his martial prowess. Your abilities as a swordsman are highly regarded and you stand as an equal to him in combat.

Way of the Shinobi (Sekiro)

Cost: 5 SP

Once, a curious shinobi questioned the relevance of swordsmanship when direct confrontations seemed unlikely. Regrettably, that shinobi's fate met a violent end. However, this incident sheds light on the importance of the Way of the Shinobi, a formidable art embraced by ninjas. While it may not possess the sheer potency of the Ashina school, the Way of the Shinobi thrives in situations demanding direct combat.

The foundation of this style revolves around unsettling adversaries and dismantling their defenses. Expertise in parrying and countering allows the practitioner to exploit vulnerabilities, seeking to unbalance opponents and penetrate their guard. Consequently, the Way of the Shinobi appears to be more defensively inclined, tailored for duels rather than large-scale warfare.

Through arduous training, you have become a master of this unique combat form. Your keen perception allows you to discern weaknesses in your opponent's stance, enabling you to exploit them flawlessly. You create windows of opportunity for precise and decisive "Deathblows," the strikes that spell the end for your adversaries.

As the master of the Way of the Shinobi, you possess the prowess to identify and exploit openings, capitalizing on them with lethal efficiency. Through your calculated movements, you wield the power to deliver the definitive blow that seals the fate of your opponents.

You start on par with early-game Sekiro

Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū (Ruroni Kenshin)

Cost: 5 SP

You have mastered the Bakumatsu period's deadliest sword art, Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū, on a level equivalent to Hiko Senjūro XIII.

Described as a "sword style for supermen," the foundation of this technique is it's unbelievable speed, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. It requires extreme athleticism to wield properly, destroying the bodies of those too weak to properly wield it. You will not have this problem, as your body becomes athletic enough to handle even the most dangerous techniques.

It comes with a limited combat precognition that relies on using your ki to "read" your enemies.

It also somehow keeps it's practitioners unnaturally young, with Himura Kenshin, who hadn't even properly mastered the style, looking like he did at 15 even at the age of 33.

Three Sword Style (One Piece)

Cost: 15 SP

You have gone the through intense Physical and Sword training to become proficient with Roronoa Zoro's Three Sword Style.

Your current Mastery is at the same Level of skill and strength Zoro obtained after Training with Mihawk (post-Timeskip). This power also comes with a prodigious skill with swordplay allowing you to quickly reach the greater heights Zorro achieves later in the series

(Note: This power works well with any supernatural power that enhances your physique besides Haki.)

Rokushiki (One Piece)

Cost: 10 SP

You are now adept at all techniques of Rokushiki. The assassination superhuman martial arts style developed by the Marines with the Exception of the Rokuogan but you do possess the knowledge to be able to master every technique and learn not just the Rokuogan but your own variations of each technique.

Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist (One Punch Man)

Cost: 10 SP

A martial art created and taught by martial arts master, Bomb. This style has a focus on manipulating and creating razor-like blades of pressurized air that are fully capable of slicing the user's target apart. The pieces of the target are then pushed with various amounts of force relative to their proximity to the center of the whirlwind. Your mastery of this technique is enough to elicit a pinkish-red aura that trails around your extremities, similar to the aura associated with the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. Your initial grasp of the techniques of this martial art is comparable to Garou, but with eventually grow to be greater than Master Bomb.

Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (One Punch Man)

Cost: 10 SP

Created by the S-Class Hero, Bang, this martial art stands as the ultimate defensive art that perfectly blends offense and defense. This art seeks to recreate the flows of torrential and undulating forces within one's body. Your mastery of this art reveals itself in the blue water-like aura that trails after your hands and other extremities. You have a perfect grasp of deflecting or redirecting an opponent's attack at twice the power. Your ability to redirect incoming attacks allows you to protect yourself from attacks that are notably more powerful than you are otherwise; however, even this feature of the art has its limits. Your initial mastery is comparable to Garou's and will grow to match and eventually eclipse even Bang's in time.

Master Martial Artist (One Punch Man)

Cost: 10 SP

You possess, within you, a superb talent and skill for the martial arts. You are fully capable of adapting to other's fight styles and finding counters to them in the middle of combat. Your ability to learn martial arts is in the realm of the supernatural, allowing you to quickly ascertain the fundamentals of other martial arts styles. A single encounter is enough to make another's martial art one of your own; even reading a martial arts scroll briefly is enough to pick up a martial art.

You have two notable martial arts in your repertoire:

Exploding Heart Release Fist: a dangerous martial art that relies on subjugating one's target through brute force and destructive power. Tuning your heart rhythm to beat explosively in time with your strikes allows you to flood your body with adrenaline and briefly surpass the limits of your body. The shear power of your strikes produces shockwaves that can overcome nearly perfect defensive martial arts.

Void Fist: a martial art aiming to maximize the destructive power of one's strikes while maintaining a high output of attacks. It features many rotating and twisting motions to extend and/or magnify its attack damage.

Heracles Style Nine Lives: Shooting the Hundred Heads (Type-Moon)

Cost: 20 SP

This is the premier martial art created by the greatest hero of Greece, Hercules. While it originally started out as a technique he created to use with his bow and arrows to simultaneously exterminate all one hundred heads of the Lernaean Hydra, an immortal nine-headed serpent that would grow back no matter how many times it was cut down, it succeeded. Upon slaying the Hydra at the end of a lengthy battle, Heracles devised this combat technique and expanded it to be usable with any weapon. It transformed from a combat technique into "Heracles Style: Shooting the Hundred Heads," an all-purpose Noble Phantasm capable of adapting and changing its appearance depending on the target and the circumstances of its use. Just as with the Hydra, which had the circumstance of "resurrecting no matter how many times it is killed," this martial art adapted the trait "exterminates no matter how many times his opponent resurrects."

Upon gaining this, you have a basic level of mastery with every armament in existence, regardless of whether it is delivered with a bow, large sword, shield, spear, axe, or possibly even unarmed. The greatest aspect of this technique isn't its ability to adapt, but its ability to draw out the maximum power of any weapon it's used with, whether that be a bow, sword, shield, or spear. This makes them the greatest of their types in the moment the style is used with them. This is what puts this art on par with Noble Phantasms.

At complete mastery, you can display power from Anti-Unit to Anti-Army, and even up to fortress sieging, all depending on the target. Anti-Unit Nine Lives Blade Works with a series of slashes and the Anti-Phantasm Beast skill that discharges nine dragon-like homing lasers at the enemy. It's described as "a high-speed attack consisting of nine consecutive strikes, as swift as if the attacks are overlapping." Similarly, just like with the Hydra, there are one hundred simultaneous attacks that cancel out regeneration.

God Hand: The Twelve Labors (Type-Moon)

Cost: 20 SP

This is the continuously active-type Noble Phantasm of Hercules that grants him a "body that knows no death." It is a blessing/curse of the gods, representing immortality, that was granted to him for completing his Twelve Labors in life. It lacks an overt external manifestation such as a weapon or armor, but is the body of the user itself. Because of this, it transforms your body into a tough suit of armor that acts similarly to a conceptual weapon in practice, as a side effect coloring your body like lead.

God Hand has three effects: Resurrection up to 12 times, attack nullification, and "immunity against an attack you have experienced previously."

God Hand applies a conceptual defense, meaning it cannot be worn down. It defends against all attacks of B-rank quality and lower, regardless of the attack being physical or magical in nature. It also grants the effect of automatic regeneration, including resurrection after death, reviving you with a stock of eleven extra lives. You have lives equaling the number of lives, rendering you an "immortal" being who must be killed twelve times to be fully eliminated. For you to be damaged, an attack of A-rank quality or above is needed, meaning that a C-rank attack, no matter how amped up, would still be nullified by God Hand. Even should an attack be capable of destroying the world, since it lacks the Metaphysical Weight needed to get past God Hand.

Unlike Magic Resistance that completely nullifies the attack, God Hand instead allows the attack to take effect without registering any damage. This allows you to attack without even thinking of defense due to it, since they will simply bounce off without leaving a mark.

Multiple lives can be taken at once if the set amount of damage of each life is exceeded from an attack. While any damage can be healed within minutes, the lives lost require a day to heal for each life taken, though this can be sped up by dumping massive amounts of energy into God Hand for faster restocking of lives or healing. Every time you are harmed by an attack, regardless of whether it leads to death or not, you will gain resistance after you heal. In the case of being damaged by flames, you would gain around "+100 fire resistance" after healing. Rather than rendering them "completely ineffective," it makes subsequent attacks almost useless against you. No matter the power of the ability used to kill you, it will be nullified after you resurrect. Even the greatest attack will not be effective on you twice and will require different methods to take each subsequent life.

The one weakness to God Hand due to Heracles' legend is that it is ineffective against Hydra venom. One single strike from a venom-coated dagger is enough to eat through all of God Hand's lives and possibly kill you if you don't set yourself on fire like Hercules once had to.

Innocent Monster (Type-Moon)

Cost: 5 SP

Your true history and existence have been distorted by the monstrous reputations and gossips. As a consequence, your abilities and appearance have been rendered to conform this. This is both a boon and a curse. This will empower your capabilities, but beware as the more power you gain from this skill, the more distorted you are, the more monstrous you become, warping both mind and body. Be careful to remember who you truly are, and not be consumed by these distortions.

Shadowhunter (Shadowhunters)

Cost: 10 SP

Shadowhunters, more formally known as Nephilim, are human-angel hybrids who possess angelic blood. You have been elevated to the prime physical human condition. To push yourself beyond this, you need to draw Angelic Runes, or Marks, on your skin using your personal Stele.

Steles are the tools used by every Shadowhunter to draw Marks on their skin, each stele is made out of the heavenly metal, Adamas. Adamas is nigh-indestructible, silver-white, translucent, and smooth as glass but warmer and heavier. When your stele is in use, the runes on it glow slightly.

Your personal Stele can be summoned to your hand at any time, regardless of its material condition. Inscribing runes onto your skin grants you power related to the rune drawn. Drawing runes comes naturally to you, as would mundane art if you attempted it. You will always be able to further improve a rune form until it reaches an angel’s definition of perfect, empowering the rune immensely.

These runes grant various powers and abilities such as enhanced senses, increased speed, accelerated healing, and protection against demonic influence. Different runes serve different purposes and can be used strategically in battle or for everyday tasks. While most runes are temporary, there are a few special runes that are permanent.

As one with supernatural blood running through your veins, you have access to the ‘Sight’, which allows you to pierce through magical illusions, allowing you to see the true forms of other beings.

You are given a physical copy of the Grey Book that cannot be lost or permanently destroyed. This book contains every rune gifted to the Shadowhunters by the Angel Raziel.

Witcher (The Witcher)

Cost: 12 SP

Your body mutates in several interesting ways granting you the powers and training of a Witcher. You know several magical signs which you can quickly and expertly use, you have an inhumanly strong, flexible, quick and durable body, and a very enhanced metabolism as well as severely enhanced senses and natural night vision. You are also an expert of the fighting styles used by the various Witcher schools and have a good understanding of alchemy(but you are unlikely to find the materials used by the art on a non magical world). Lastly you have a very smart and deductive mind, you would be a natural-born detective if you ever applied yourself.

You can choose whether or not you gain white hair or cat-like eyes from this power. Unfortunately, the process which mutated you has also turned you infertile.

Hunter (Bloodborne)

Cost: 20 SP

Once, long ago, you were only a mere man, ignorant of the T̶̤̅͐ṙ̶̛̭̤̣͚͊̑̀͆̿́͗̀͆͒̌͒̓ǘ̴͚͈̤̤̞̲̮̤͎̳̠͍̓͊̎̈͐̈̽̇͆̂̅͋̚͠t̷̖̳̫̓͆̈́̀̄̒͒͌̓͘͠͝͝ḩ̸̩̱̘̝̟̘͛͌̇̀͜, now you are Greater closer than ever to ascension and death in equal measure. After a trip to Yharnam and the signing of a Eldritch contract you were given a blood transfusion, resulting in you gaining incredible power and an Eldritch blessing. You are gifted with power far above that of a mortal man and even greater than your fellow infected, you hit with force enough to level city blocks and move with speed effortlessly surpassing sound, your agility is even more frightening, you move like an olympic acrobat in combat. You can take as much as you can dish out in a pure contest of durability, even greater due to your enhanced healing factor which heals injuries, excluding complete organ destruction and limb removal, in mere minutes. This healing is massively accelerated by the injection of blood, blood infused with Eldritch energy is even more effective. Your senses are similarly enhanced to an inhuman degree and you gain a preternatural tracking ability and a bonus in all attributes when fighting Beasts. As a hunter you also gain more esoteric abilities such as being able to now see and interact with the horrifying Eldritch forces with occupy the cosmos, this awareness will start small with things like minor eldritch creatures but it can grow to the point of being able to safely interact with Eldritch Gods. Your blood also now acts as a divine vessel of power, enhancing its effectiveness in all magics and granting imbued weapons and artifacts with greater power in both offense and defense. Blood from fallen/murdered enemies can be used to enhance your self, physically, mentally and magically even having the capacity to enhance the potency of the eldritch power rushing through your veins. You are also granted incredibly powerful "bullets", eldritch in nature, with can be loaded into any ranged weapon with a thought this supply is limited however and can only be replenished through a sacrifice of your own blood or after a 24 hour period. You have eldritch blood vials for healing which also replenish every 24 hours, there is no other way to get these back, unless you make your own. You are now functionally immortal, every time you die you are transported backwards, in both time and space, to a safe, secure, and personally significant place and will be able to teleport to a relatively safe place within 100ft of your body after you get there and you will always appear exactly 5 minutes before you died or before you engaged in whatever battle you may be participating in. Be warned however, for all the good this power does it is also easily capable of great harm. This power makes you capable of withstanding the Eldritch truth however it does not make you able to handle the stress and strain this puts on you, your Will will be your only guide on this long and winding path ahead. Even greater a danger is that of Beastdom, the blood has granted you a second persona so to say it is not intelligent or sapient in any capacity however if your will ever breaks, the strain of the ever long night becomes too much and bloodlust eats at your senses, this other persona will eat what is left of you and spit out a vicious beast one that is even more powerful than you and dangerously skilled it will kill many and you will be its first victim.

What Do You Fear? (Chainsaw Man)

Cost: 10 SP

Embrace the Fear of humanity and transform into a Devil that embodies those fears. As you activate this ability, you undergo a terrifying transformation, assuming the form of a formidable Devil that embodies a specific concept feared by humans. For example, as a Storm Devil, you can conjure sudden heavy storms and call down lightning strikes to unleash devastation upon your foes.

The strength of your powers as a Devil is intricately tied to the level of fear humanity harbors towards the concept you embody. The more they fear and believe in the power of the concept, the stronger you become, fueling your abilities with their collective terror.

In addition, you possess the ability to form contracts with humans, allowing them to borrow a fraction of your power in exchange for a cost they must pay. This contract enables them to wield a portion of your fearsome abilities, empowering them in battle, but they must bear the consequences or fulfill the agreed-upon terms.

Light Shipgirl (Azur Lane/Kantai Collection)

Cost: 10 SP

Incompatible: Heavy Shipgirl (Azur Lane/Kantai Collection)

You are the physical incarnation of a warship into human form. As a ship, you can walk on water as if it were land and move at the speed your ship half can (~35 knots). You have the displacement and radar cross section of your ship-self, on land you can consciously alter this to avoid destroying the floor.

At will you can summon your rigging which is a representation of your ship-self's equipment. Despite their small size, your weapons deal damage that can even exceed their full-sized counterparts. In addition to this, due to MSSB (Magical Sparkly Shipgirl Bullshit), you have minor mystical abilities that allow you to enhance your performance beyond your normal limits for a short time.

You are limited to ships of light tonnage, Submarines, Destroyers, Light Cruisers, Light Carriers, or Support Ships from the second world war or before. You will have the appearance of a girl even if you were not before. Light ships tend to look on the younger side.

Heavy Shipgirl (Azur Lane/Kantai Collection)

Cost: 15 SP

Incompatible: Light Shipgirl (Azur Lane/Kantai Collection)

You are the physical incarnation of a warship into human form. As a ship, you can walk on water as if it were land and move at the speed your ship half can (~35 knots). You have the displacement and radar cross section of your ship-self, on land you can consciously alter this to avoid destroying the floor.

At will you can summon your rigging which is a representation of your ship-self's equipment. Despite their small size, your weapons deal damage that can even exceed their full-sized counterparts. In addition to this, due to MSSB (Magical Sparkly Shipgirl Bullshit), you have minor mystical abilities that allow you to enhance your performance beyond your normal limits for a short time.

You are limited to ships of high tonnage, Battlecruisers, Battleships, and Aircraft Carriers from the second world war or before. You will have the appearance of a girl even if you were not before. Heavy ships tend to look on the older side.

Hybrid Shipgirl (Azur Lane/Kantai Collection)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Heavy Shipgirl (Azur Lane/Kantai Collection),Light Shipgirl (Azur Lane/Kantai Collection),

Your ship is retrofitted into a hybrid, either an Aviation Cruiser or Aviation Battleship allowing you to get the best of both worlds. While your firepower or air projection is less than either type, your power is higher than the sum of your parts.

Viltrumite Hybrid (Invincible)

Cost: 20 SP

Your DNA is infused with Viltrumite DNA, granting you super strength, super speed, super durability, and hyper-evolved bodily processes such that you can hold your breath for extended periods of time, you are immune to all Earthly diseases short for something made by a Biotinker specifically meant to affect a Viltrumite, have regeneration capable of healing pretty much anything so long as your pieces are generally put back into the right place and no more than a third of your brain is destroyed, grow back stronger after being hurt, and have sufficient longevity to live for thousands of years. Unfortunately, this comes with a weakness to certain sonic frequencies.

Harem (Grrl Power)

Cost: 25 SP

You can teleport to any place you have been before or anywhere within your line of sight. Whenever you teleport you can choose to move one of your existing bodies there or create a new body at the destination. You can have a maximum of 5 bodies at a time, you can dismiss any body at will unless you have only one. Your mind exists simultaneously across all of your bodies and your multitasking capability increases with the number of bodies you have active. Your physical strength and resilience double for each body under 5 to a maximum of 16.

Maxima (Grrl Power)

Cost: 30 SP

You gain phenomenal strength, speed, armor, flight and energy beams. At their base level, these attributes are on the level of a high tier cape. You have a power reserve that you can call on to focus into one of these attributes to supercharge it. In extreme cases you can even draw against your other abilities to “max out” an attribute giving you staggering capabilities.

Your body will slowly improve over time to reach peak human physical ability, your looks will also improve with it. Your biology is heavily modified, your skin takes on the appearance of solid gold (or another metal if you with it so) and your blood is a purple liquid.

Tamaranean (DC Comics)

Cost: 20 SP

Your genes are modified with Tamaranean DNA. You gain powers similar to Koriand'r (Starfire).

Super strength, durability, and stamina. Atmospheric flight, self-sustenance, energy absorption, and energy projection (starbolts).

Amazon (DC Comics)

Cost: 20 SP

You become an Amazon blessed by the gods of Olympus, granting you powerful abilities.

Super strength, durability, speed, reflexes, agility and stamina. Flight, enhanced senses, accelerated healing, immortality and the ability to wield magic.

(Wo)Man of Steel (DC Comics)

Cost: 40 SP

Your genes are modified, making you a 100% pure Kryptonian. You gain powers similar to Superman. Super strength and tactile telekinesis, super speed, flight, nigh-invulnerability, enhanced senses, improved cognition, heat vision, cold breath, and super regeneration.

While you are exposed to yellow sunlight, your powers work at their maximum. Without it they are reduced gradually, until they are completely drained. Though this process would take a considerable amount of time, and could go on for months on end under no yellow sun, without any significant reduction to your powers.

Kryptonite crystals won't affect you anymore, but if you were exposed to red sun radiation, you would lose your powers.

Speed Force (DC Comics)

Cost: 40 SP

You merge with the Speed Force, granting you superhuman abilities similar to Barry Allen, The Flash.

Your primary ability is super speed. You are faster than any other known speedster, able to move faster than the speed of light. Your reflexes and perception accelerate in proportion with your speed, you can channel this power to accelerate your mind even when you stand still.

There are also several ancillary powers, accelerated healing, electrokinesis, dimensional travel, and time travel.

Still Force (DC Comics)

Cost: 40 SP

You've become a conduit of the Still Force, a cosmic force opposite of the Speed Force based on entropy and inertia, and allows it's conduits to negate motion, with the potential to induce and accelerate the force of entropy.

With the Still Force you can deceleration or halt the aging process, drain life-force energy from others, steal the motion of everything around you to the point that time seems to stop for you and you seem to have super speed to others, and even create physical constructs. With enough power and mastery, you can use the Still Force to stop the expansion of the universe.

Strength Force (DC Comics)

Cost: 40 SP

You've become a conduit of the Strength Force, a cosmic force similar to the Speed Force based on Gravity, Density, Mass and the Force of Motion. With the Strength Force you can manipulate the Mass and Density of your muscle and bones to enhanced your Strength and Durability to the point of becoming almost invincible, capable of tanking almost anything, and capable of increasing your strength with no limits making you always as strong as you need to lift, adapt and sustain by any means related to Laws of Physics such as Mass, Gravity and Force. This can make you or anything you choose to affect, as infinitely heavier, tougher, denser and/or muscularly more robust. Using it on yourself causes an increase in size. The only drawback is that when you apply this power to increase your strength, you lose a bit of your invincibility and vice verse. Using the Strength Force, you can Manipulate Gravity and the Force of Motion in many ways, such as changing your relativity in relation to your strength output making you punches even more powerful then they should, cover your body in stones and fiery rocks, as well as cause the earth to shift at your will. With enough power and mastery, you can create constructs made of the Strength Force energy and even compact mass to deform spacetime to form a blackhole. Your power can use Infinite Values in terms of Mass, Force and Gravity, meaning you can increased them infinitely, having this energy to be very catastrophic to spacetime if used irresponsibly. It also provides you the protection to function with unnatural mass, density and gravity without the laws of physics stopping you or destroying everything around.

Martian Manhunter (DC Comics)

Cost: 40 SP

Your genes are modified with Green Martian DNA. You gain powers similar to J'onn J'onzz. Shape-shifting, invisibility, phasing, super durability, super strength, super speed, enhanced stamina, regeneration, enhanced senses (EM and IR spectrum vision), improved cognition, telepathy, and telekinesis.

You do not inherit the Martian's psychosomatic vulnerability to fire.

One of the Last Czarnians (DC Comics)

Cost: 40 SP

You are now one of the last Czarnians, and as a Czarnian, you are one of the most dangerous and nearly unkillable species in existence. This is because Czarnians possess natural physical abilities that are honestly astounding. Their strength and durability are able to physically match Martians, combat-focused New Gods, experienced Green Lanterns, and even yellow sun-empowered Kryptonians. They can casually lift 1 million tons, take planet-destroying attacks without a scratch, and their speed is such that they can combat speed Force users, react while traveling at massively FTL speeds across the universe, and sharpen their awareness while increasing their temporal flow.

One of the most well-known traits is the fact that they have truly inexhaustible stamina. They don't need any food, water, air, or sleep and can survive in the vacuum of space without any harm. Lobo has been known to "ride through the cold of space on his Space Hog and not notice the heat of blazing suns."

The senses of Czarnians are pretty interesting because their sense of smell is so strong that once they catch a scent just once, there is nowhere in the universe you can hide from them. One Czarnian has been known to track prey across intergalactic distances. They can even hear in space and possess a special sense that allows them to detect the weakest point in an opponent.

Czarnians tend to have either a general genius-level intellect or being super-genius in matters associated with destruction and violence. They craft unique weapons to kill prey and create complex virulent agents and the necessary antidotes to them, or making sentient "space vehicles" stuffed with all manner of weapons or semi-sentient weapons, creating all the technology necessary for a true utopia. They are also skilled at learning languages, with the most well-known example being Lobo, who has learned to speak 17,897 different languages from across the universe. You are able to choose between either the general genius in all categories or being smarter but Specialize in Violence and destruction.

The greatest trait of Czarnians that truly makes them one of the most dangerous species in the universe is their truly insane healing abilities. These abilities are so great that they are known throughout the universe to be biologically immortal unless facing another member of their race. Examples of how extreme their healing is include being immune to the effects of aging, disease, toxins, and poisons. They can regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue instantly, such as lost limbs or other body parts, with little apparent pain. They have even regenerated out of a pool of their own blood by recycling the cells instantly and controlling that same recycling of their cells whenever they feel like it to fight off foreign infections. One of their members could fight off a Black Light Infection from Black Lanterns. Czarnians reproduce through conventional means, but they can also reproduce asexually through replication caused by their regeneration. If you are wounded, any blood spilt may grow into a new Czarnian, sharing your memories and personality. So beware depending on your Personality you may have to fight your "Clones" if you are not careful.

Last thing all Czarnians are Characterized by having truly White Skin, Red Eyes Surrounded by a Black facial markings, an Wild but Fabulous Hair.

Asgardian (Marvel)

Cost: 20 SP

You gain the physiology of an Asgardian. You will have superhuman physical abilities as well as an unlimited lifespan. You gain the Allspeak, the universal language that can be understood by all.

Osmosian (Ben 10)

Cost: 15 SP

Osmosians are a type of mutant human with unique abilities that vary from individual to individual. They have an insatiable hunger for matter and energy, and if they absorb too much, they can become mentally unstable or even go insane. Osmosians can use absorbed matter and energy to recover from injuries and increase their strength, which can vary depending on the material they have recently absorbed. They live for hundreds of years and develop flesh-colored horns on their foreheads as they mature. Osmosians can also absorb alien DNA, but they can only have 1/10 of that alien's power. If an Osmosian loses control of their mutations, they can become a fusion of all the DNA they have absorbed. In order to restore their sanity, they can forcibly drain their mutations, but this has risks to their physical health.

Anodite (Ben 10)

Cost: 35 SP

The spark of magic is ignited within you, allowing you to find it easy to learn magic and even take on a new, true form as an Anodite, a being of pure mana with the ability to fly, pull mana from living things, and draw on your magic to a stronger extent. At first all you'll be able to do is form shields, platforms, and energy blasts, but with time and training, you could become akin to a god. Just be careful not to lose yourself.

Half-Saiyan (Dragon Ball Z)

Cost: 20 SP

You now embody the fusion of two lineages, seamlessly inheriting the distinctive traits and remarkable abilities bestowed upon you by both your Saiyan and non-Saiyan parentage.

Your mixed heritage affords you a prodigious potential for growth and power. Compared to your pure-blooded Saiyan counterparts, you possess a natural affinity for channeling and controlling ki, enabling you to access it with greater ease and finesse.

You also exhibit physical characteristics typical of Saiyans, such as proportionally enhanced physical resilience, Zenkai that empowers you to rise even stronger after each near-death experience, allowing you to surpass previous limits with each resurrection, a natural affinity for combat. Additionally, a tail, a symbol of your heritage, representing the dormant might of the Oozaru, waiting to awaken if your gaze falls upon the radiant full moon.

It is within the depths of your being that an untamed wellspring of power lies dormant, poised to surge forth during moments of heightened emotion and unwavering determination. This reservoir of energy, once unleashed, propels you towards unimaginable heights, echoing the extraordinary journey of Gohan as he realized his true potential through disciplined control and focused training.

Frost Demon (Dragon Ball Z)

Cost: 40 SP

You have now become a member of the Frost Demon race, you have the ability to customize your physical appearance as long as it remains consistent with the characteristics of the Frost Demon species. While Frost Demons are typically weak, you have been bestowed with a mutation akin to Frieza, elevating your potential to a similar level. Your powers possess an immense magnitude, to the point where you may find it necessary to assume multiple forms in order to suppress your base form, as a mere gesture could inadvertently obliterate entire planets. However, through discipline and mastery, you can learn to control your powers without the need for multiple forms, and even attain new forms that greatly augment your base one, provided you are willing to expand the efforts to achieve such levels, though you can do so with relative ease.

In addition you have also gained telekinetic abilities, the ability to survive in space, regeneration, a highly resilient physique, and the capacity to paralyze your opponents by injecting a potent venom through retractable bone spurs concealed within your forearms. As a Frost Demon, it is expected that you will live an extended lifespan of thousands of years, affording you the freedom to explore the universe at your leisure.

Androids (Dragon Ball Z)

Cost: 45 SP (Bio-Android (Dragon Ball Z))

Cost: 20 SP (Bio-Android (Dragon Ball Z))

You have now become a robotic or cyborg human, whether a creation by a mad brilliant scientist in an underground laboratory or through a top-secret government project. The origins of your transformation are inconsequential, because you now embody the epitome of human evolution, with a powerful physical structure housing a core capable of generating an infinite amount of energy. This energy sustains your physical capabilities indefinitely, surpassing the heat death of the universe and enduring beyond. Fatigue is no longer a concern, and you can unleash energy attacks without limitation. However, this does not impede your potential for further growth in power and potency, similar to the progression observed in Saiyans or humans.

There are no self-destruct mechanisms or failsafe programs integrated within your being; as you are entirely autonomous. Nevertheless, it is important to note, that your newfound form may lead to detachment from human emotions, potentially fostering a misguided sense of superiority. This can be mitigated through self-control and discipline.

Bio-Android (Dragon Ball Z)

Cost: 30 SP

You are now a bio-android of unprecedented genetic potential, a combination of the most potent genetic material from four distinct species: the Saiyans, Frost Demons, Namekians, and Humans. This amalgamation grants you a plethora of attributes, abilities and techniques, each species contributing to the creation of an unparalleled being.

From the Saiyans, you get Zenkai, allowing for exponential power growth after recovering from near-fatal injuries. The Frost Demons provide the ability to survive in the harsh vacuum of space and a resilient physique, making you adaptable to the most unhabitable of environments. With the regenerative abilities of the Namekians, you possesses a rapid healing factor, making recovery from injuries almost instantaneous.

Your single weakness is unique organ that acts as your Achilles' heel, requiring its destruction to achieve a permanent demise. Though you have the ability to relocate this tiny organ at will to any part of your body.

You start at your first form, and has the potential to amass more power through the absorption of life force through a special tail-like appendage, affixed to your back. While this is the fastest means of attaining strength, you also have other avenues to unlock your full potential.

Majin (Dragon Ball Z)

Cost: 50 SP

You have now undergone a transformation into a Majin being. Your physical form consists of a highly malleable substance that can be molded and utilized in various ways. Due to the resilient nature of your gum-like body, you possess immunity to blunt traumas, and your exceptional regenerative abilities allow for complete recovery from any injury, except for total atomization, rendering you nearly invulnerable. Furthermore, by assimilating individuals through absorption, you gain the ability to incorporate their characteristics and powers, resulting in significant enhancements to your entire being. With the antenna situated atop your head, you possess the ability to utilize magic. This transformative magic grants you the power to metamorphose individuals into sustenance, though the full extent and potential of this magic can only be realized through your own exploration and experimentation.

Unlike the stereotypical intelligence limitations of Majin beings, you fortunately retain all mental faculties and intelligence that you possessed prior to the transformation.

Mew, too (Pokémon)

Cost: 20 SP

Your genes are modified with Mew DNA. You gain powers similar to a Mew, including a Psychic typing, the ability to learn any move, and even to transform into various Pokémon forms, changing your stats, typing, and gaining new abilities corresponding to your new form. You could become a Legendary comparable to the likes of the Creation Trio with time and effort, but for now, you're essentially just Level 1, only able to hit a little harder and transform into a Mew form enhancing your physical abilities as well as allowing you to levitate.

Aliens Are Real, And They Turned Me Into A Robot! (Inuyashiki)

Cost: 15 SP

The Robot Body, also known as the Alien Weapon Unit, is a formidable creation design by an Alien for unknown purpose. This unique body grants you incredible abilities and immunities. You require no maintenance, able to adapt and regenerate, as well as gaining resilience allowing you to initially withstand conventional and military-grade firearms, though tanks may pose a challenge. Furthermore, you are able to enter a temporary boosted form that greatly multiplies all your abilities tenfold.

Equipped with a jetpack featuring folding thrusters, your body is capable of limitless flight, even in space. Your immense strength enables you to effortlessly toss multiple people or lift multiple planes simultaneously. You can easily rip apart meteorites with ease.

Your mind, housed within a supercomputer, enables you to run swift simulations to predict outcomes, aided by an advanced A.I. that compiles data 24/7 through your enhanced senses that can perfectly hear and see within a radius of 100 km.

Your body possesses a direct interface with technology, allowing you to access satellite links, cameras, social media, and government databases. You can remotely manipulate banking systems, automobiles, and electronic screens. By integrating electronic devices, you gain USB ports and the ability to locate individuals near technological equipment. You're even equipped with a medical technology that grant you the ability to cure wounds, diseases, and even resurrect the recently deceased.

In the event you become unconscious due to damage, your body enters autopilot to neutralize the threats. Built-in weapons include multi lasers, rockets, an invisible laser weapon, arm cannons, and a self-destruct mechanism capable of obliterating half of Earth.

Within this robotic form, you become an unstoppable force, equipped to face any challenge that comes your way.

Fel Blood (Warcraft)

Cost: 10 SP

You have consumed the blood of Mannoroth the Destructor. Felfire now flows in your veins, empowering you to greater heights. This massively increases your ferocity and instinct for violence. All of your physical capabilities are mildly increased, and this is more effective the more powerful your physiology, though there are diminishing returns. You are now slightly resistant to magic.

Gamma Mutate (Marvel)

Cost: 30 SP

Much like Bruce Banner, you are now host to a rage-fueled alter ego. Stress or injury will cause you to transform into a Hulking, irradiated brute. In this form, you possess massive super strength, durability, stamina, regeneration, speed, and resistance. In combat, all of these abilities scale higher as your rage grows, though you will eventually hit a soft cap. When transformed your looks are two levels below your standard appearance.

Adeptus Astartes (40k)

Cost: 5 SP

You have gained the enhancements of a space marine, which chapter is up to you. This also grants you the training of a freshly promoted battle brother. Note: This does not give you any wargear.

Perpetual (40k)

Cost: 35 SP (Primarch (40k))

Cost: 5 SP (Primarch (40k))

The inevitable successor of the human race, you have been transformed into an immortal and nigh-indestructible superhuman like the God-Emperor of Mankind (but not his equal). With a mind equal to a supercomputer, and a body equal to a Primarch of old that can regenerate from almost any injury however grievous due to an immortal soul, you can lead humanity to a golden age of prosperity or eternal damnation. But be warned, for all your potential and power, you are not unkillable.

Quirk (MHA)

Cost: 10 SP

Quirks are a supernatural ability that resulted from a biological evolution. All Quirks come with an underlying Atlas Quirk, which grants Quirk wielders the required secondary superpowers they need in order to function without harming their users, this Atlas Quirk allows for the possibility of superpower possibilities through training alone. Shōta Aizawa is a grand example of this, fighting on par with other heroes and villains without a quirk that increases his physical capabilities. Quirks are unique to the individual and are presented in one of three ways. You are able to select any single quirk that is not One for All or All for One. This can instead be left up to chance if you wish.

Emitter Quirks: Emitter Quirks allow individuals to generate, control, and/or release certain substances or energies. Emitter Quirks make up the majority of Quirks, leading to a wide variety of properties and abilities.

Transformation Quirks: Transformation Quirks alter the user's physical appearance or grant them special features. This can include turning into an animal, growing extra limbs, or changing body parts. Transformation Quirks generally require a certain level of focus in order to activate them, preventing accidental activation.Transformation-type Quirks are the only known type of Quirk that can bestow the user attributes they do not normally exhibit by default.

Mutant Quirks / Heteromorphic Quirks: Mutant Quirks cause a permanent abnormality to the user's body that is directly related to the power or enhancement. Mutant Quirks cannot be turned off, as they are permanently active, this allows them to be far more resistant to quirk nullification.

Nova (Abberant)

Cost: 40 SP

Your Mazarin-Rashoud node is activated and you gain incredible powers from subconsciously manipulating the four fundamental forces & quantum physics. The powers you gain from this are any you could take during default character creation (Such as Mega-Attributes & Quantum Powers) and you will be able to train & expand them through practice or special meditation. You don't have to worry about Taint and never will. You also don't need to worry about Quantum age restrictions. Note that despite being a Shardless power, an M-R Node looks remarkably like a Corona Pollentia, even to medical experts.

Half-Ghost (Danny Phantom)

Cost: 15 SP

Your molecules got all rearranged. You’re now a half-ghost from Danny Phantom, granting you access to a variety of abilities, and a half-ghost transformation, the design of which is up to you. You can most easily use your powers in ghost form, but with enough effort can use them in your human form.

Your abilities initially start out as flight, intangibility, invisibility, ecto-blasts, and increased physicals. However, as you grow more skilled and older you get more powerful. From your older abilities simply growing stronger, to learning to manipulate ectoplasm like a Green Lantern, and gaining new abilities altogether, like possession, powerful cryokinesis, a ghostly wail that wreaks havoc on cities, and possibly more personalized powers based on your personality or background. You’ll also grow stronger and more versatile as time goes on.

Conduit (Infamous)

Cost: 15 SP

Conduits possess an impressive array of exceptional powers. Apart from elemental manipulation, such as video, neon, and napalm, they exhibit remarkable abilities like rapid regeneration. They can heal from injuries at an accelerated rate, enabling them to recover quickly from wounds and endure physical trauma that would be fatal to ordinary individuals.

Additionally, conduits can become one with their element, allowing them to transform their bodies for unique advantages such as intangibility, enhanced mobility, or heightened defense. They are also capable of absorbing their own element from the environment, replenishing their energy and gaining increased power. These extraordinary traits make conduits formidable and versatile individuals, adept at both offense and defense.

Limelight (The Reckoners)

Cost: 20 SP

You have a multitude of abilities, you are capable of Inorganic Disintegration so long as the target of this ability isn’t directly attached to a living creature. This is no small scale ability, you are capable of wiping away entire skyscrapers in one go. You have incredible control over the fine details of your disintegration.

You are able to create and manipulate force fields (in a color of your choice). The surface area of these force fields is controlled at-will. These force fields are near-invulnerable. You have an invisible force field around you at all time, this is permanent and requires no conscious maintenance. You may also shape your force fields into constructs, making up any form of your choice (roads, globes, gloves, disks, walls, etc.). Creating a globe and constricting it around someone is an easy feat for you. You are capable of flight through your force fields. Even Hard-Light Spears numbered in the hundreds can be made with ease.

You are able to instantly heal any wound, no matter the severity. This has no cooldown and may even be able to revive the dead. You have superhuman strength. The most important of all your abilities is your capacity to give weakened forms of your powers unto others. These gifted powers will last for as long as you will.

Hyper Geno Arts (Super Gene)

Cost: 25 SP

You are capable of opening all 10 Gene Locks through training alone no matter the quality of the Art. Even the Fabled Life Door is not beyond your grasp. You have talent greater than Han Sen. You do not require any external materials to increase the your mind, body, or soul. You are able to learn Hyper Geno Arts without any Geno Solutions. You have a library of all the Hyper Geno Arts that have existed at any time, and the Sutras they are based off of. You may pick 5 Arts/Sutras to have basic proficiency with initially. You can comprehend any martial arts you come across with ease, and create new ones from your knowledge. Eventually you will develop a Super Body on the level of Han Sen’s, you may either create your own, or pick one from Super Gene itself. After constant use of a Hyper Geno Art or Sutra, you experience condenses itself into a weapon (Geno Core) that best represents the Art it originates from and how you use it. They start out relatively weak, yet grow stronger with use. Only after you form a Geno Core and unlock the tenth Gene Lock of a Sutra are you able to condense gene armor. Your Gene Armor may be an Armament, presenting as a sword, spear, gauntlet, or armor. It may also be Xenogeneic, instead of forming something physical, it gets absorbed by your body and strengthens it. Xenogeneics are generally stronger than Armaments at the cost of probable insanity. You have no risk of going insane due to having a xenogeneic gene armor.

Fanalis (Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic)

Cost: 15 SP

You are a Fanalis, they are a powerful race that originates from the Dark Continent. Fanalis are known for their exceptional speed, strength, senses and agility. With their distinctive red hair and eyes, they excel in hand-to-hand combat, boasting incredible physicality and endurance.

Descendant of the Red Lions, Fanalis are considered the strongest race in the world of Magi. Fanalis possess a low magoi, but you will not have this weakness.

You gain the Fanalis combat style and start as strong as Masrur, but you strength varies with your maturity.

Half-Devil (DxD)

Cost: 10 SP

Half of your DNA has been replaced with that of a devil, which has increased your speed, strength, and durability, along with granting you near perfect night vision, a large reserve of demonic energy, and access to the power of imagination, allowing you to use your imagination in the creation of spells.

Demon (Demon Slayer)

Cost: 15 SP

You are cursed with Demon Blood, you have a deep insatiable craving for human flesh though this can be overcome by a sufficiently strong will, eating people will make you stronger, it will get exponentially harder to grow the closer you get to the level of an Upper Moon. You have infinite stamina and start at the level of a lower moon, many times faster than sound and strong enough to destroy a large building, you can also regenerate from all wounds not inflicted by wisteria or sun blessed/boosted materials albeit not instantly, wounds will close at a visible rate and limbs will regrow within 1 hour of removal if no weakness is used to boost the attack. Your senses can cover about 1 mile, being able to accurately see, smell, and hear within that range if focused. You have absolutely perfect night vision. You are weak/take extra damage from wisteria and it will not allow you to past through it, the sun will disintegrate you, and sun blessed/boosted materials will cause you extra damage and will kill you if used to decapitate you. Muzan Kibutsuji holds absolutely no power over you. You can select any known blood demon art or create your own, it will start at the level of Lower Moon 6-Rui.

Descendant of Sparda (Devil May Cry)

Cost: 40 SP

Through your veins runs the blood of the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda. A powerful demon who rebelled against his own kind to protect humanity. This too turns you into part-demon, granting you incredible physical abilities as well as various unique abilities thanks to your demonic heritage.

You start strong enough to shatter a giant statue with a single strike, being able to move at mach 20, healing strong enough to be unfazed from being stabbed and shot, and regeneration so fast that being bisected heals instantly. But be careful, your regeneration can be overwhelmed after a very long and exhausting fight.

You can use your demonic energy to teleport, create platforms in the air to jump off from, imbue your weapons and ammo with it and do possibly many other things with it.

You possess a transformation, your Devil trigger, a demonic form that increases all your powers tenfold.

Blood of Númenor (Lord of The Rings)

Cost: 10 SP

By some chance the blood of Númenor runs true in you, nearly as much as it does among the royals of Gondor and Arthedain. You are one of the Dúnedain, or Men of Westernesse. Tall, dark-haired and grey-eyed, and more noble in spirit and body than other Men despite the fading of your kind. You possess the gift of foresight to some degree, though it is not infallible nor predictable. You are stronger in body than any among mortal Men, and in lifespan you can expect to live two centuries or more.

You inspire those around you by your mere presence, and can ward off the effects of fear on your men. You have some innate talent for the healing of wound and hurt. There is an innate air of authority to you, like the Kings themselves, and even those who have never met you will at least recognize it. You can seemingly without effort give great and inspiring speeches.

The Progenitor of Man (Records of Ragnarok)

Cost: 40 SP

You are the progenitor of mankind, the first human from which all of humanity has descended. Your love for humanity knows no bounds, and you are willing to face insurmountable odds to protect your children, even if it means battling the gods themselves. Your endurance is unimaginable, able to continue fighting for a short period after your body has died. Created in the image of a god, your beauty is even admired by beings like Aphrodite. Your reflexes are so impressive you are able to dodge punches that are faster than light. Your durability is remarkable as well, enabling you to withstand powerful blows from divine beings. Your charisma towards humans is immense, capable of touching their hearts and uniting them, if only temporarily. Regardless of the powers or strength you acquire, you will always retain the ability to assume a human form. For you are human.

As the first man, you were destined to rule over all Earth's animals. Most creatures will naturally be friendly towards you and may even lend you their aid. Additionally, you possess the Eyes of the Lord, which possess the ability of Divine Reflection. These eyes allow you to perfectly replicate any move or technique you witness. They even grant you temporary biological adaptations to accurately reproduce certain techniques. However, there are limitations to these eyes. They cannot replicate techniques dependent on external sources; they only work for different forms of inner power or energy. The strain of perceiving opponents' attacks puts a certain amount of pressure on your nervous system. Pushing your eyes to their limits causes your body to overheat, and further abuse risks rendering you blind, with bleeding occurring from your nose, eyes, and ears. Consequently, you lose the ability to use Divine Reflection.

The "Hercules" Method (The Strange Talent of Luther Strode)

Cost: 15 SP

The Method is a series of teachings and knowledge which teaches the user to focus their mind, body and spirit into perfection. This leads to superhuman physical ability dozens of time stronger than peak human, and slightly less substantial increases to mental ability, along with a moderate level of self biokinesis where the user gains perfect control over every part and process of their body. This includes basic immortality, as well a kind of x-ray vision able to see the biology of living creatures, as well as weak precognition. Note that this massively improves any species change powers you have. You will have high potential in learning these teachings and complete its' basic level within two months. You will suffer no mental side effects.

The King's Body (The God of High School)

Cost: 15 SP

You have received a special transferable physical energy. This energy improves your physique, raising all physical attributes to a superhuman level. You can shrug off bullets, throw cars, and run multiple miles in a minute. You receive the secondary powers required to function at this increased level. You will no longer age beyond your peak, as this energy constantly keeps you in your peak condition, not allowing you to regress with age or lack of up-keep. The special energy that fuels your physique is transferable, allowing you to give away your physique to others at will, though this gifted portion will not regenerate over time.

Wisdom of the Sage (The God of High School)

Cost: 15 SP (The King's Body (The God of High School))

Cost: 5 SP (The King's Body (The God of High School))

You inherited a portion of the King’s Power, the innate Divine ability of the Jade Emperor Ohkwang.

This power allows for the manipulation of the Four Fundamental Forces of the Universe. Strong Force, Weak Force, Electromagnetism, and Gravity.

The King himself was able to fling whole planets around the solar system like pinballs, or disintegrate half the bodies of High Gods with a wave of his hand, and his true successor, Han Dae-Wi, will be every bit as mighty.

You however, have only received a portion of this power. You could fly or destroy whole houses with a thought or construct various weapons and items from thin air but the heady heights of power the Kings possessed are years away for you.

As time passes and you practice your power, you will grow in both the control you have, the range of your ability and the magnitude of what you may effect. This ability turns one of your iris’ wholly black, with a golden Omega symbol in place of your pupil, at least when the ability is in use.

Renewal Taekwondo (God of High School)

Cost: 15 SP (The King's Body (The God of High School))

Cost: 5 SP (The King's Body (The God of High School))

A martial art created by Jin Tae-Jin as a counter of ITF Taekwondo. It emphasizes strong, linear kicks like its base ITF Taekwondo. On mastering all of the basic Renewal techniques, one can obtain the concept of Renewal Recoilless which allows one to execute any move perfectly by focusing all their energy into a single point without wasting any movement. Every single Renewal technique would get a Recoilless upgrade. This would amplify the kick's power to the point that it could bend space and is strong enough to damage the Yongpyo, an armor stronger than Barbadium, thus becoming the strongest Martial Art in this world. (*You start out with the same level that Jin Mori was at the beginning of series. You have the potential of Jin Tae-Jin and Jin Mori combined. Your body will also be always strong enough to handle the strain of the martial arts.)

Reincarnation (The God of High School)

Cost: 60 SP

You once held a position of extraordinary significance. In a previous existence, you were revered as one of the High Gods, an entity of immense power capable of reshaping the very foundations of this world. However, for reasons unknown, you perished or lost your divine abilities, only to be reborn as a child in your current race. Recently, you have begun to reawaken your dormant powers, as detailed below.

These powers and abilities, as well as any supernatural artifacts associated with them, can be accessed through a transformation into your godly form. Initially, this transformation will be draining, but with time and practice, you will extend its duration until it becomes a permanent state.

Your reincarnation bestows upon you several powers derived from your former self. Select a God, Monster, or other Mythological Figure from legends to serve as the basis of your original identity. Your powers and items will be modeled after this chosen entity.

Firstly, you inherit the physical prowess and life essence of a celestial being. Your strength allows you to obliterate entire worlds with a single strike, or hoist them above your head with some effort. Your speed surpasses that of light by a magnitude of at least a hundred thousand, and you possess the resilience to endure blows capable of shattering planets, akin to how humans withstand attacks from their fellow beings. Your life energy is so potent that a mere release of your power could submerge an entire world, and your life energy-based abilities are equally cataclysmic, capable of ending worlds as surely as your physical might.

Additionally, you acquire two distinctive and exceptional powers, as well as two unique items inspired by the legend of your original self. These items are comparable in potency to the fabled tools wielded by the Monkey King, such as Yeoui/Ryu Jingu Bang or Yongpyo. It is also possible to transform powers or remarkable feats associated with your chosen entity into original items, ensuring they remain rooted in their authentic legend.

Embrace your reborn divine nature and wield these newfound powers and artifacts, for you are destined to leave an indelible mark on the world that resonates with the echoes of your legendary past.

Mantra Reactor (Asura's Wrath)

Cost: 30 SP

Within your body now resides a Mantra reactor, an extraordinary device that enhances all aspects of your physiology. You possess a transhuman divine form, granting you heightened strength, agility, and resilience. With this newfound power coursing through your veins, you become an unstoppable force, capable of achieving the impossible and surpassing the limitations of mere mortals. With your transhuman divine physiology, you stand as a living embodiment of the divine and a beacon of limitless potential.

In addition, you innately know the various applications of Mantra. This includes deep understanding of Mantra technologies, unlocking the ability to turn humans into Demigods, and construct massive war machines like the Karma Fortress or the Shinkoku Army Fleet.

Life Fiber Warrior (Kill La Kill)

Cost: 15 SP

You become infused with Life Fibers, an alien life form that bestows upon you enhanced physical abilities, ageless immortality, rapid regeneration, and the potential to grow stronger by absorbing more Life Fibers and recovering from near-fatal injuries.

In addition, you gain a special sentient Kamui companion who can communicate and evolve, offering not only enhanced physical prowess but also may evolve in combat with through adapting in combat or emotion. Furthermore, you wield a formidable pair of scissor swords crafted from Life Fibers, capable of changing in size from ordinary scissors to towering skyscraper-like weapons.

Your knowledge extends to utilizing Life Fibers for weapon creation and the creation of more Kamuis, although infusing others or crafting additional sentient Kamuis requires substantial effort. Additionally, you receive a weekly supply drop of Life Fibers, which can be stockpiled for future use as needed.

Fire Dragon (Lord of The Rings)

Cost: 25 SP

You are a dragon; your teeth are swords, your claws are spears, your tail is lightning, your wings are a hurricane, and the magic fire is death. The dragons of Middle Earth are no normal creatures; created by Morgoth to be the ultimate weapon of war that would turn the tide of battle, they didn't originally have wings or spit fire. They were creatures of dark magic and evolution made manifest, growing in size and strength with each passing week with no end in sight. They could live and continue evolving forever, so long as nothing killed them. Doing so was no easy task, as the scales that covered them blocked most attacks launched at them. The first ability made apparent to all new dragons is the hypnotism they possess, which can overpower most creatures in Middle Earth and rewrite a person's whole mind with enough practice and age. The next ability would be the magical fire, which can melt anything due to its magical properties. The final ability that is possessed by each dragon is the ability to grow in size infinitely, increasing every ability you have, biological or otherwise. The best example is Ancalagon, who at the time of his death was well above mountains, To such a degree that when he was killed, he destroyed the largest mountain of Middle Earth by crushing it underneath his mass.

Lazarus Syndrome

Cost: 30 SP

You have contracted a transdimensional bacterium called malaise, which causes a condition that has been colloquially dubbed as 'Lazarus Syndrome'. This bacterium completely rewrites their host's personal dimensional structure, rendering them completely immune to any forms of premature ceasing as to preserve the host and in turn themselves. This typically manifests as the ability to come back from the dead.

But this isn't the end of your new abilities, however. The second most prominent effect Lazarus Syndrome causes is to occasionally generate powers in relation of how you died. Death by sword? Maybe you can disconnect your body parts, or perhaps become very good a swordplay. Death by crushing? Perhaps your body will become super-dense or allow you to become intangible. You never really get to choose, but it'll always be related to how you die. The more you know how you died, or will die, the more you can narrow down what power will manifest.

Parasite Lost

Cost: 15 SP

Congratulations! You are now infected by an extraordinary species of sapient worms, and it's incredibly good news. These worms are a hyper-evolving civilization, capable of progressing from the stone age to the Renaissance within days and reaching even more advanced stages in just a week. The more advanced they become, the better they are at enhancing your body and abilities. Rest assured, they will never take control of your mind or body. They respect your autonomy completely and act as benevolent partners. With their remarkable abilities, they can evolve into a super-advanced civilization within your body alone, without needing to expand elsewhere.

Embrace this power of the worm-infected state and unlock extraordinary growth, physical prowess, mental acuity, and overall excellence as you reach new heights of human potential within the confines of your own body.


Cost: 8 SP

Not only have you surpassed human limitations, you also possess extraordinary mobility which allows you to utilize your environment to your advantage. You can perform incredible feats like launching off surfaces, air dashing, swinging on lampposts, running on walls, grinding along rails, and moving with supernatural grace. You can also effortlessly leap over buildings, move faster than cars, dispatch multiple adversaries in seconds, all while avoiding harm to yourself and others. With exceptional effort, you can traverse an entire city within minutes. Your enhanced mobility grants you unrivaled freedom and efficiency, blending your combat prowess with superhuman dexterity, allowing you to connect physical attacks with coordinated follow-ups effortlessly.


Cost: 5 SP

Every third day you will be able to split your body into two, with you staying in control of one of them and a clone of your mind placed in the other. The only difference between the two of you is that the clone will be completely loyal to you, they will not have your powers, know that you are the leader, and be 100 percent okay with it.

Unbreakable Fortitude

Cost: 10 SP

You have become as unshakable as a rock. Regardless of the conditions, be it scorching temperatures or frozen wastelands, deep-sea depths or atmospheric heights, you find yourself at ease. Even though you are not impervious to mental stress and addiction, their impact has significantly diminished, resulting in milder effects. Furthermore, any hostile endeavor to alter your being would prove more arduous, and if such an attempt were to succeed, you would gradually revert back to your original form over time.

Pilot (Titanfall)

Cost: 5 SP (Titanic Legends (Apex Legends/Titanfall))

Cost: 0 SP (Titanic Legends (Apex Legends/Titanfall))

Some call you a super soldier, others an unstoppable killing machine, for your expertise in ground warfare can be considered unparalleled. Your prowess is unmatched, you are a formidable instrument of lethal precision and remarkable efficiency, regardless of the terrain, you are able to swiftly neutralize dozens of highly trained soldiers without any noticeable duress. Equipped with a highly versatile jetpack, you effortlessly exhibit flawless maneuverability and graceful agility. From double jumping, wall running, and mantling, all executed flawlessly ensuring that your maneuverability is never comprised.

You're also fitted with a helmet equipped with state-of-the-art systems and an efficient HUD that provides comprehensive data for any combat and reconnaissance situations. Further enhancing your performance across all fields, while ensuring optimal situational awareness and effectiveness.

The Last Night Sentinel (DOOM)

Cost: 10 SP

Within the eternal struggle against the relentless demonic legions, a champion arises. You embody the unyielding might and unparalleled prowess of that the Sentinel are known for, surpassing all adversaries in your path. Your arsenal knows no bounds, as you harness the power to carry a formidable cache of weapons, equipment, and ammunition, effortlessly summoning them from a separate realm. A mental menu grants you swift access to your vast array, ensuring you are never caught unprepared. The carnage you unleash is uninterrupted, for your weapons draw strength from the ammunition at hand, eliminating the need for time-consuming reloads. As you engage in combat, your keen understanding of demonic anatomy enables you to exploit vital weaknesses, turning their own bodies into instruments of destruction. The chaos of battle becomes your ally, as your unparalleled focus allows you to effortlessly multitask, assessing adversaries, ammunition levels, and strategic vantage points simultaneously. Your mastery of weapons is peerless, each strike hitting its mark with unwavering precision. In the aftermath of each demon's demise, their life force becomes a resource to be harnessed, empowering your healing, ammunition reserves, and armor reinforcement. As the Last Sentinel, you embody the legacy of the Night Sentinels in its entirety, bearing their indomitable spirit and surpassing their peerless skill.

I Reject My Humanity (JJBA)

Cost: 15 SP

You have rejected your humanity and transform into a twisted abomination of life and death. Your sustenance now depends on consuming fresh blood and converting humans into obedient, monstrous slaves.

In this twisted form, you wield unparalleled control over your body, unlocking supernatural feats. Your very blood becomes a weapon, capable of taking the form of bullets or streams that can cut through stone effortlessly. Should harm befall you, swift regeneration heals substantial wounds and allows you to control severed body parts from a distance. Your body temperature can plummet to freezing levels upon contact, while your extended nervous system acts like tentacles, infiltrating and controlling the nerves of your enemies. Your hair and blood vessels gain the strength of an octopus, granting you formidable abilities to manipulate and control.

Your senses of smell, hearing, touch, and taste are heightened tenfold, granting acute awareness, and a tremor sense that works both on land and underwater, while your vision extends to an owl-like wide cone. Using tentacle-like extensions of your circulatory system, you can pierce flesh and effortlessly paralyze your prey. Your eyes possess a hypnotic quality to mesmerize and control those who meet your gaze.

Moreover, you have the power to infuse corpses with a small amount of your blood, transforming them into vampiric minions known as Zombies. These Zombies inherit the Blood Vessel Needle ability and retain previous capabilities, including intellect, as long as their circulatory systems remain intact.

You also gain the ability to teleport rapidly between shadows, concealing objects, and even corpses within their depths. By embedding fragments of your flesh into sentient living creatures, aggressive razor-sharp tentacles attack those who attempt to remove the spores.

Unfortunately, this comes with a weakness to the sun and things related to the sun, such as Hamon Breathing or strong directed UV Light.

THE Ultimate Lifeform (JJBA)

Cost: 40 SP (I Reject My Humanity (JJBA))

Cost: 30 SP (I Reject My Humanity (JJBA))

You have become the sole embodiment of the Ultimate Lifeform, the apex being of Earths food chain. You are distinctly unique, even from any alternate versions of yourself.

You possess immense physical strength, capable of flipping islands, and unmatched durability to withstand similar devastating blows. Your speed surpasses even the swiftest Stands, rendering you invisible to the naked eye. Even if reduced to a single cell, your regenerative abilities restore you to full health within seconds. Complete control, awareness, and knowledge over your biology grant you the ability to modify your features and transform individual cells into sentient creatures like birds or other animals. Moreover, by mere touch, you can extend this control to reshape other beings as you see fit, instantly comprehending their biological makeup. Unlike others, you can harbor multiple Stands within yourself, surpassing the single Stand restriction.

Your mental prowess is equally unmatched. Your memory and intelligence eclipses that of any human, enabling you to acquire years' worth of knowledge and information within moments. Your senses surpass even the most acute abilities of the animal kingdom, enhanced by an array of sensory organs beyond human capacity.

However, your most formidable and deserving attribute of the "Ultimate Lifeform" title is your Understanding. Through mere observation of an ability, you can replicate and perfect it, assimilating the powers of others at a superior level. You can create superior abilities based on those you have copied, endowing them with amplified abilities surpassing the original versions. There is, however, one restriction to this ability: you can only replicate powers within your own capability. If an ability relies on an energy source you lack or cannot acquire through bodily transformation, you cannot replicate it.

You are no longer weak to sunlight, in fact if you have Hamon Breathing you can become the most powerful Hamon User in history.

Beast of No Nation (DC Comics)

Cost: 10 SP

You have become the Avatar of all Faunas, ala Beast Boy, this grants you an extraordinary ability to connect with and transform into the vast array of Earth's fauna. With a mental catalog and perfect indexing of every single creature that has ever existed on Earth, you possesses unparalleled knowledge of their strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities. This comprehensive understanding extends to every creature's biology, behavior, and innate abilities.

The power allows you to swiftly shape-shift into any animal form contained within your mental catalog. This transformation can seamlessly transition between forms, adapting to the needs of any situation. Whether it's the keen eyesight of an eagle, the agility of a monkey, or the strength of a gorilla, you can selectively manifest specific animal aspects without undergoing a full transformation.

Any animal form you harness are at its absolute peak potential. Even in partial transformations, the manifested animal aspects are maximized, pushing the boundaries of natural ability. Through training and practice, you can enhance these forms, making them even stronger than their natural counterparts.

Moreover, the mental catalog of fauna continually updates itself. Whenever you explores a new planet, your mental catalog of the Faunas expands. This ensures that you always possess the most up-to-date information and can adapt to the unique creatures you encounter in alien worlds.

Gourmet Cells (Toriko)

Cost: 10 SP

You have been injected with Gourmet cells. Gourmet Cells are physical embodiment of savoriness and Appetite Energy, the source of life and all known ingredients. You gain overwhelming life force, extremely increased physical strength, speed, athleticism, stamina, endurance, and senses. Eating unique food may also lead to useful adaptations. The more abundant and delicious your diet, the greater effect gourmet cells will have. This also gives you enough luck to easily find rare ingredients for cooking and a talent to cook dishes delicious enough to make Satan weep.

Marvelous (MCU)

Cost: 30 SP

Perhaps an experiment went sideways, maybe it was just a fluke, but you now find yourself empowered by a fraction of the Space Stone, one of the six elusive Infinity Stones.

This grants you a generally enhanced body beyond the realms of what's possible for a human or kree to achieve naturally, and an internal store of cosmic energy you can call upon. Your internal store of energy is vast enough for you to empower yourself many magnitudes higher than your base, once you learn to control your output.

Enveloping yourself in your cosmic energy allows you to comfortably survive in the vacuum of space, tank large amounts of blunt force, survive targeted artillery fire from the Sanctuary II starship, and eventually even survive plunging through a planet's crust into its mantle and core.

Your cosmic energy benefits more than just your durability, granting the strength to send the likes of Thor across an ocean with a single punch, and eventually perform the aforementioned task of plunging through a planet's crust. You also attain the ability of flying at high speeds, being able to reach escape velocity within seconds and reach light speeds in space.

Your attunement to the Space Stone also grants you potent energy manipulation abilities in general. You are capable of firing destructive photon blasts, and absorbing energy attacks including things such as Thor's lightning. At your peak you will be able to impart enough energy to damage the likes of Ultron empowered by all six of the Infinity Stones.

Magic And Muscle (Mashle)

Cost: 25 SP

In a world where magic reigns supreme, physical strength may seem irrelevant, useful only for basic tasks. However, you possess an extraordinary advantage: your physical abilities are enhanced to godlike levels, surpassing human limitations. You can effortlessly shatter steel, lift castles, outrun lightning, and dodge railgun fire. Your durability enables you to withstand stab wounds and powerful spells at close range. Moreover, your physical training results in rapid and explosive growth in power, achieving in hours what would normally take weeks.

Your exceptional strength not only affects the physical realm but also allows you to manipulate and resist the supernatural purely through physical force. You can swat away fireballs and magical blasts, restrain ghosts in chokeholds, and defy mind control and curses. The possibilities are nearly limitless as long as you possess superior physical strength compared to your opponents.

The connection between magic and muscles is inseparable in your case. Your magical strength will always match your physical strength, and vice versa. Additionally, your magical abilities will always succeed against anyone whose magical skill and power are weaker than yours. Your attacks will unfailingly land, and your spells will invariably work. Even magic resistances, immunities, or anti-magic items are rendered useless against you as long as you maintain superiority.

Demon Infernal (Fire Force)

Cost: 10 SP

Infernals are humans who have undergone Spontaneous Human Combustion after merging with their Doppelgänger in an alternate dimension known as Adolla, or Hell. This merge takes place after coming into contact with sparks of an Adolla Burst, an extra pure flame originating in Adolla, in the form of red insects. Usually Infernals only arise when an individual is incompatible with their Doppelgänger, a reflection of them as they are commonly perceived by humanity, which results in their loss of reason and a new tendency to rampage.

Infernals can vary widely in form, but all tend to take the form of fiery charcoal-like monsters. They have blackened skin that is at least partially enveloped in flames. An Infernal has much more strength and agility than they had as regular humans, and an ability to manipulate the flames produced by their bodies.

You, however, have taken this a step further. You have managed to retain your mental faculties, allowing you to keep your reason and awareness. However, you still have an urge to rampage and cause destruction. Your form is characterized by having horns and much stronger flames than regular Infernals. You are incredibly difficult to kill, due to equally improved defense and strength. You can brush off being shot by traditional weapons and only need to fear attacks from particularly strong Third Generation pyrokinetics.

The Wretched One (Deadman's Wonderland)

Cost: 20 SP

As a result of experimentation and injection with the Red Crystal, you have become a Deadman, gaining incredible power through blood. You possess unparalleled spatial senses and marksmanship, effortlessly perceiving and precisely striking moving targets. Your range perception and precision are beyond human comprehension.

Endowed with exceptional endurance, you can withstand massive blood loss without compromising your fighting ability. Even after severe blood loss, you can continue moving indefinitely, defying the usual limitations of anemia. You possess a defense mechanism that allows you to survive a single fatal attack once a day, escaping death with only a loss of breath and energy.

You are also able to freely manipulate blood outside of your body, and your own blood can be condensed into various forms like scythes, floating bombs, projectiles with supersonic speed, and even bullet-stopping armor. Over time, this power can evolve.

To manifest your powers, you can secrete blood through your skin, eliminating the need for self-inflicted wounds and making your abilities easier to utilize.

Additionally, you possess Elemental control, allowing you to imbue your blood with the power of a single element such as ice, fire, electricity, enhancing the versatility and devastation of your attacks.

The pinnacle of your powers is achieved by transforming into The Wretch. In this temporary form, you gain instant regeneration enough to heal from any fatal wounds in seconds, superhuman strength capable of submerging cargo ships with a single blow, and the ability to control blood within miles, allowing you to control any blood within your line of sight. You can unleash hurricane winds that engulf cities, and ignite your blood in a fiery explosion to destroy buildings. In this perfected state, you are immune to the risk of death from overexertion, and all your abilities are greatly enhanced.

Venomous Phantom Snake (Metal Gear)

Cost: 8 SP (Lord of War (Metal Gear))

Cost: 4 SP (Lord of War (Metal Gear))

You now possess a comprehensive set of skills and abilities that easily allow you to become the world greatest spy. While on the field you can blend seamlessly into any environment, quickly grasping the lay of the land, understanding local culture, and staying aware of the current happenings as if you have lived there your whole life.

You've gained a trained eye to memorize small details effortlessly. Whether it's identifying inconsistencies in building floor plans or detecting any changes in a safehouse since your last visit, you possess a keen perception that allows you to spot discrepancies with ease.

No nation can confine you, but languages unlock a world of understanding. With your linguistic prowess, you effortlessly comprehend the nuances of real-world languages, speaking and reading them at a native level. This talent extends to coding languages and ciphers as well, allowing you to learn complex languages and codes in a matter of days or weeks rather than years.

Embracing the art of disguise, you've gained a talent to create disguises so perfect they are nearly undecipherable. Using materials and patterns found both on and off the field, you can even transform yourself into anyone you mimic, flawlessly imitating their appearance and mannerisms. You gain all their memories, knowledge, and skills of anyone you mimic, but not their powers. However, no matter how many people you mimic or memories you gain, you will never lose your sense of self.

Furthermore, you possess an innate understanding of moving stealthily and remaining undetected. You can navigate through any environment without leaving a trace, maintaining a near-perfect sense of how far you can push your presence without alerting even elite guard units. You become a ghost, elusive and virtually untrackable to your enemies.

Yuji “These Hands” Itadori (JJK)

Cost: 10 SP

You have the ability to fight on par with some of the greatest fighters in the JJK universe. Despite the name, this power is not limited to just Yuji, but instead you are now granted the combined martial prowess, physical and mental skills, and battle IQ of Yuji Itadori, Ryomen Sukuna, Toji Fushiguro, and Satoru Gojo. This means that you can fight like them even if you do not possess any other amplification, and if you were to have any, such as being a Jujutsu Sorcerer, your powers would be amplified even further.

To stay true to JJK fashion, you can’t be respecting 1v1s. But in order for that to happen you have to have battle partners capable of keeping up with you, which this power now provides. Any allies you have that you enter battle alongside, for the duration of the battle, will find their own skills, physical ability, and battle IQ will rise up to match yours in any field they are lacking and yours will rise up to match theirs in any field you fall behind. Most importantly you will find each perfectly coordinated, almost as if you were one person, and will need no communication on battle strategy or passing of information as you are intuitively aware of everything you need to know. You can turn this on and off at will.

The Terrarian (Terraria)

Cost: 25 SP

You have been transformed into The Terrarian, this transformation starts you at a peak human physique of your own design with incredibly potential for growth. You have the ability to craft everything in terraria, both modded and un-modded, regardless if you are able to craft it normally. Although you may require other esoteric materials in place of the ones naturally used in the various recipes, all bosses will have a respective spawner that will be craftible no matter what realm you are in, however that does not equate to them being easy. Bosses will drop loot and material that are both natural to the terraria world, and adapted to the realm you are in at the time of summoning. Everything crafted by you is indestructible and will not lose durability or experience wear and tear as such creations are now subject to Terraria Physics.

You are able craft Life Crystals and Mana Crystals, as that is the only way to find them besides completing achievements from the endless list of Achievements that you have access to you. These achievements can grant you bonuses that scale with difficulty, these bonuses can be anything from increases in damage to specific entities, to materials you require. There is no limit to the number of Life and Mana Crystals that can be earned through achievements, although there is a limit to the number of Life and Mana Crystals that can be used through crafting.

You have access to an Inventory with no weight or quantity limitations, you only have to touch an object to put it in your inventory. No time passes for items in your inventory, they will be in the same condition as they were when stored. You start out with a limit of seven accessory slots, although more can be unlocked via Achievements.

Ghoul (Tokyo Ghoul)

Cost: 10 SP

You have turned into a ghoul, gaining the ability to lift a few tons, tank small-arm fire with minimal damage, and sprint at tremendous speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour. The cherry on top of this newfound power is the addition of a kagune, which is a predatory organ composed of RC cells. This unique appendage further enhances your strength and mobility while introducing a new level of lethality to your repertoire. There are several RC types, each with their own general characteristics:

Ukaku: Wings released from the shoulder area, specializing in high speed attacks.

Koukaku: A high density kagune released from the shoulder blade, making it the sturdiest RC type at the cost of speed and difficulty to wield.

Rinkaku: Scaled tentacles released at the back around the waist. Specializes in brute strength, while granting powerful regeneration.

Bikaku: An all-rounder kagune with a tail like appearance released around the tail bone.

You only start with one kagune.

The release of your kagune increases your base stats, making you more resilient and mobile. You have the potential to reach the level of EOS Kaneki through your own power.

You cannot eat normal food and require human flesh to survive. You are also altered to a degree, allowing you to change a portion of human flesh you consume into RC cells, thus allowing you to grow stronger.

Ultima Sunt (Guild Wars)

Cost: 30 SP

You become a Ultima Sunt, beings that were manufactured by the Gods, built for war, and betrayed due to their potential in surpassing their creators. Ultima Sunts are originally heteromorphic slime-like creatures that gain new forms, abilities, and optimized hybridizations by either assimilating/consuming genetic material or profound energies. Every Ultima Sunt has the (non-nerfed version) [Unlimited Growth], [Beckon], [Evolution], [Pinnacle Intellect], and [Ultimate Stealth] abilities from Boundless.

[Unlimited Growth] – These beings possess no form of limitation in gaining more power.

[Beckon] – Ultima Sunt can mentally manipulate their prey with mild suggestions on how to act when they are within their line of sight or general AOE.

[Evolution] – All newly collected genetic material and esoteric energies are rapidly optimized for use in new hybrid forms that ‘accentuate the positive’ and ‘negate the negative’.

[Pinnacle Intellect] – All memories, data, and experience consumed by Ultima Sunt’s are stored away in each individual cell. Making the whole being operate faster then the strongest quantum computer.

[Ultimate Stealth] – Ultima Sunt’s possess the ability to cloak themselves, hiding them away from the world in almost all manners but the space they reside in.

Due to their history, these beings are generally not tolerated by the Gods in any way, shape, or form. Albeit there exist two cases where they still exist due to favorable circumstances. Another shortcoming of the race is their base infertility due to being originally artificial in nature and only made for war but can be overcome with esoteric methods.

Shepard (Mass Effect)

Cost: 15 SP

You are now Shepard, the galaxy’s greatest hero, the one who defeated the very Reapers themselves. Or at least you have all of their skills, knowledge, and powers. Depending on the version of Shepard, they can be the galaxy’s finest soldier, its greatest engineer, or it’s most powerful biotic. You are all three, gaining the benefits of all three classes, and their mixed classes and specializations, perfectly mixed together and their benefits stacking on top of each other. You are the perfect N7 operative.

Your biotics do not rely on an implant, they now operate similar to an Asari’s innate biotic ability, and your biotics are incredibly powerful, capable of tearing through a dreadnought, and extremely precise, allowing you to use it to brush your teeth if you want. Your use of this ability is as instinctive as your heart beating, requiring no effort on your part and can grow stronger over time. You also somehow possess the ability and knowledge to create Element Zero through your biotics.

You are also given a unique and powerful Omnitool, capable of performing almost any function and that never runs out of power or resources. In the event it breaks you’ll find it repaired the next time you need it.

And finally, you gain Shepard’s ability to somehow seamlessly encounter and integrate powerful new companions into your crew. If you desire it, it won’t be long before you’ll have a powerful, interesting, and perfectly loyal crew following your command.

You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L.! (Fallout)

Cost: 12 SP

You have been assessed by the Vit-O-Matic Vigor Tester, and you're off the charts! You have all of the skills, perks, and abilities of the Wasteland's most legendary figures, both real and hypothetical. This includes the likes of a Tribal who beat Horrigan to death with his bare hands, a genius to match House or Elijah, or a multifaceted Courier who with guile brought whole nations to their knees. You are all of the above and more, as you gain the benefits of essentially being a "maxed" Fallout character from all of the games, with the mixed builds and specializations perfectly blending together and their benefits stacking on top of each other. You are ring-a-ding, baby, and you know it.

You are also given a unique and powerful Pip-Boy (or Pip-Boy variant), capable of performing an enormous variety of functions (targeting, automapping, keeping track of your current tasks, directly turning knowledge from books, digital records, or other kinds of media into skills and knowledge for the user, etc.) and never runs out of power or resources. It simply does not break, ever, and cannot be lost or stolen.

(The genius granted by this power is only the general intelligence, technical skill, and knowledge that you might expect from maxing your skills and taking the relevant Perks. If you want perfect knowledge of Fallout technology, you still have to take SCIENCE! (Fallout).)

Monster (Kaiju N°8)

Cost: 10 SP

Rejoice, for reasons unknown, an unknown life form has just entered your body. But luck has smiled upon you, as instead of IT winning the battle, YOU can now transform into a humanoid Daikaiju with immensely powerful abilities. The transformation can be partial or total, with more physical strength gained the more complete it is and don't fear losing control of it, it comes with total control.

All kaiju gain their powers from their Uni-organ. Yours exists in the Core, localized in the place of your heart. Your Uni-organ gives self-biokinesis and energy generation/emission.

Your body possesses immense physical strength, capable of easily lifting cars with only a part of your body transformed. You are extremely resilient, to the point of tanking shots and coming out unscathed. Additionally, you can manipulate parts of your body to create weapons or limbs, such as changing any area of your body into a jaw.

Along with this ability, you can grow in size and is able to regenerate from attacks and regrow limbs, including the regrowth of the body from the core after detaching it from the body, although them consumes stamina. While most of your powers are physical in nature, you can also emit energy to enhance your body or shoot lasers from your mouth.


Cost: 5 SP

You are no longer fully human, but have taken on some minor traits associated with felines. Your five senses have expanded several orders of magnitude. You can see clearly in near darkness, easily differentiate scents better than any bloodhound, easily track and triangulate sounds around you, etc.

Your head is adorned with an adorable, and quite functional, pair of cat ears. You have very sharp claws that you can easily retract or call to use at your fingertips. A cat tail completes your set of cat features and greatly improves your balance, easily compensating for complex motions to keep you upright. Your body, in general, feels lighter to you and is much easier to move in, granting you an improved acrobatic skill–enough to easily always land on your feet.

You have a special ability enabling you to seek out and find delightfully warm sunbeams and other locations of supreme comfort. At your leisure, you can emit a soft aura around you that enforces others’ perception of your adorableness and your need to be taken care of and protected. You are free to choose which breed of domestic cat you take after.


Cost: 20 SP

Oh? It seems you're a mischievous fellow, huh. It makes sense, I suppose, as you're now a member of the yōkai race the Bake-Danuki. A powerful and mischievous creature, you now possess a multitude of powerful physical and magical abilities.

To start with, you now possess a much greater degree strength and agility, capable of outclassing even most brutes, as well as incredible senses capable of tracking someone that passed through even the most crowded of places days ago, or even hearing the heartbeats of others from the other side of a large building. Alongside this, you also possess the ability to manifest the appendages of your species at will, most notably the extremely dexterous and prehensile tail. You’ve been ingrained with muscle memory as if you had had these traits all your life.

The next is perhaps a Bake-Danuki's most well known power: You now possess the ability to freely shapeshift into anything you wish, capable of taking the form of anything from that of an old lady to even a massive building or boat.

And finally, perhaps your kind's most obscure power, is that by grasping a leaf in your hands, you may transmute it into whatever you wish, from living creatures such birds and dogs to inanimate objects such as a pen or kettle.


Cost: 15 SP

Oh, it seems you suffered an accident, and whatever identity you were supposed to have already died, but fear not, you lived again. Welcome to the ranks of the undying: the Ajin.

As an Ajin. You generate an esoteric energy called IBM (Invisible Black Matter) that's three times more dense than those of a rookie Ajin. You can manifest enough IBM particles to perfuse a large room or manifest your IBM constructs, like Ghosts, for longer durations and in greater quantities.

IBM has unique properties that make it fascinating. It is undetectable when unmanifested and impossible to study even when manifested. You have fine control over your IBM, allowing you to adjust its manifestation speed, decay, and perceptibility. With practice, you can mimic the characteristics of other materials or energies. At advanced levels, your IBM can serve as a substitute power source for your other abilities.

As an Ajin, you have a form of immortality. Whenever you die, you will be revived and reset to a functional state. All wounds, ailments, and fatigue are removed, and lost limbs, organs, and other body parts are regenerated from your IBM. If your body is torn apart, pieces within a certain radius will be integrated, while anything outside that range will be recreated from your IBM. Reformation and regeneration are unstoppable processes.

Most Ajin can manifest a sapient IBM construct called the "Black Ghost." Your Ghost is an extension of yourself and can be mentally controlled. It has limitations in terms of time and distance, but with experience, it becomes more capable of functioning independently, as well as shifting it's form. The Ghost can learn mundane skills and can be physically strong and resilient, but it is not invincible.

Your Ghost can utilize your supernatural abilities and can learn to use them independently. However, its will be limited by your own skill, and you will bear the cost of these abilities.

Peak Realm Martial Artist (Volcanic Age)

Cost: 5 SP

You may select and fully master any martial art featured in the Volcanic Age series. As a martial artist you may gain access to internal energy which can temporarily enhance your body to superhuman levels or reinforce your weapons. Your internal energy reserves are moderate, allowing you to fight in full combat for three hours before needing to meditate to restore your internal energy. You may increase your internal energy through practice but to reach the realm of masters would take decades.

Hanma (Baki the Grappler)

Cost: 10 SP

In your veins is the blood of a legend. You are now a Hanma, don’t dishonor the Hanma name. Your natural talent in combat is pushed beyond the limit, your physique is perfected for battle. With little effort you can learn and master any martial art, as well as identify it weaknesses. You also gain the infamous Demon Face. In this technique, the user flexes the back muscles to form the face of a demon, allowing them to tap into their full potential and become many times stronger than they were before. This increase in physical strength, speed, endurance, stamina, and ability to absorb and reciprocate hits makes the user practically invincible on the battlefield. They are able to dish out immense damage and virtually absorb any attack that comes their way. Even without training you can reach the same level of strength as early Jack Hanma, and at your peak you can reach the same level as Yujiro Hanma, the man who stopped an earthquake with a punch, tanked a lightning bolt and is fast enough to dodge said lightning.

Niko Style (Kengan Ashura/Omega)

Cost: 5 SP

You are a master of Niko-style martial arts. This is a martial style that places a high focus on adaptability and applicability; many of the techniques are not set patterns, but rather basic principles that can be applied in multiple situations. The style has 4 Kata which are Adamantine, Flame, Redirection, and Water. Each kata has its own principles and specialization.

-The Adamantine Kata involves the tightening of the muscles (thus hardening one's body) for both defensive and offensive purposes. -The Flame Kata is centered around movement and positioning, giving the user incredible speed and agility -The Redirection Kata involves seeing and manipulating the "flow of power", using minimal motions to turn the opponent's attacks against them. As a result, this kata requires incredible kinetic vision and delicate physical control. -The Water Kata is a grappling-based kata that places emphasis on flexibility and fluidity of motion.

The principle of multiple katas can be used in conjunction with one another to perform techniques best suited for the task. Besides the 4 kata, you are also privy to the knowledge of how to perform the secret technique of the style. You start out equal to Tokita Ohma in both physical capability and mastery.

Taboo Descendant (Kengan Ashura/Omega)

Cost: 5 SP

You carry the blood of the Kure clan within you, a clan of assassins that are notorious throughout the criminal underworld. Besides being assassins, the Kure clan is also known for its practice of selective breeding to create a race specialized for combat, which it has done for the past 1300 years. As a result of this selective breeding, members of the Kure clan possess a powerful physical body that far exceeds a normal human by a wide margin, with a pain tolerance that can take deep wounds and shrug them off to continue fighting as if nothing has happened thanks to over 20 types of different endorphin produced by their body.

You also possess knowledge of the Kure clan's martial art, especially the technique called Removal, which allows the user to consciously remove the brain limit on their muscular strength output and access their body's latent potential. You have a Removal rate of 100% and have equal talent to Kure Raian. You can choose whether or not you have the black color eye of the Kure clan or not.

Superman Syndrome (Kengan Ashura/Omega)

Cost: 5 SP

You are a freak of nature who has a rare mutation that causes your muscle to be 52 times denser than the average human being, giving you even greater physical strength than those of the Kure clan. Your musculature is so dense, it can even provide extra protection for normally weak and vulnerable areas like the back of the neck and throat.

You also have access to a technique called Blast Core which allows you to compress and release your muscle like a spring for a burst of explosive force.

Oni (Re:Zero)

Cost: 10 SP

You are an Oni. Outwardly, you look no different, but you can enter your Oni form, manifesting a pair of horns. In this state, your physical capabilities greatly surpass humans, capable of killing monsters with your bare fist. You also passively absorb ambient Mana, boosting both your physique and magic. Do be careful, as there is a chance of your going berserk.

Unbound Form

Cost: 15 SP

You can transform your body and any objects you touch, altering their shape and properties as you desire. You have the power to transform into virtually any form you desire, whether it be a giant beast, a tiny insect, mythical beasts, or even a non-corporeal entity. You could turn a pebble into a diamond, your arm into an unstoppable battering ram, or a human into any animal or plant you could imagine. This power is incredibly versatile and adaptable, and can be used to great effect in almost any situation.

Apex Specimen

Cost: 15 SP

You are at the top of your species. Your physical and mental condition is unparalleled. Every aspect of your being is enhanced to be greater than any other member of your species.

Inherent racial weakness find no hold on you. You could walk under the glorious light of the sun if you were a vampire, and retain your mind while bathing in the beauty of a full moon as a werewolf. All racial abilities are enhanced and your potential is no longer limited.

You may even generate abilities unique to yourself through enough experience and determination. Mastering abilities associated with your species becomes significantly easier, such as shape-shifting into a wolf at any time as a werewolf or becoming proficient in blood magic as a vampire.

Umm… Sensei! (Assassination Classroom)

Cost: 35 SP

You are… a yellow octopus? You are an Anti-matter creature with unique and powerful abilities! You possess multiple tentacles. You are incapable of taking harm from anything besides Anti-Anti-Matter weapons. Your skin has the ability to change color, which allows you to express emotions and camouflage yourself. You can also generate a mucus that serves as a support agent for various purposes, such as waterproofing, cleansing, adhesive, and even as a substitute for tears. When faced with a severe threat, you have a special ability known as Absolute Defense, which allows you to compress your body into a small sphere, not much larger than a baseball. In this form, you are completely impervious to harm, with even a nuclear warhead unable to scratch you. However, this state leaves you immobile and susceptible to being carried around. You have a maximum speed of Mach 20, allowing you to move incredibly quickly. Learn more about your unique capabilities, and unlock your full potential.

Crimson Gem of Cyttorak

Cost: 40 SP

This ancient jewel, powered by Cyttorak, the ruler of the crimson cosmos, binds to the user's soul and transforms them into the unstoppable Juggernaut.

The incredible energies of the Gem will cause you to transform into Cyttorak's Exemplar, the Juggernaut, a nearly unstoppable force of nature. The Juggernaut possesses near-limitless strength, stamina, and durability, granting very high levels of invulnerability. This allows you to go toe to toe with a moderately angry World War Hulk or the Mighty Thor and actually fight to a draw with a possibility of winning.

As the Juggernaut, you are completely self-sustained, having no need to breathe, eat, drink, or sleep, as well as immunity to contaminants of any kind. The self-generating mystical energies provided by the Gem cover all your needs, making you self-sustaining.

You are covered with a personal force-field that greatly enhances all your physical abilities, such as strength and durability. The field is strong enough to withstand an attack like Thor's god-blast, Adamantium weapons, or even being in the true presence of Oblivion himself, leaving you completely unscathed. This field can also be used to absorb and redirect energy-based attacks. With enough power, you can even use this field to levitate and fly. Should your force field and immense durability not be enough and you are damaged, you also have a regenerative healing factor that enables you to completely regenerate with superhuman speed from wounds on the level of being completely flayed down to a skeleton.

You are also able to change your size from being a normal human to being 80ft tall.

The greatest power bestowed by the Gem that truly makes you THE JUGGERNAUT is that it turns you into an embodiment of an unstoppable force. Once you begin to advance in a certain direction, it is virtually impossible to halt your movement unless you yourself want to. It is possible to slow you down, but unless it's an attack on the level of Thor's use of his god-blast, you cannot be stopped.

A side effect of all this is that you also gain immortality from all "natural" means that are not great enough to overpower the power of the Crimson Cosmos.

The single weak spot is the Juggernaut's mind, but you are equipped with a suit of armor that is just as durable as you are and shields you against virtually all psychic attacks. Be aware that if you are not careful, your enemies may be able to remove your helmet (though this is not an easy feat).

Note that this is only what the Gem does if you are a normal human upon bonding with it. The effects of the Gem will be much greater with a higher Baseline.

The Magnum Opus of Maerorus (W40K)

Cost: 20 SP

In a hidden laboratory, a clandestine project unfolded, shrouded in secrecy and whispered about in hushed tones. It spanned decades, involving major wars, legendary master assassins, and even Space Marines, all aimed at bringing down the Maerorus Temple's failed experiment, and in the end they succeeded, or so it seemed.

The Maerorus Temple, now forgotten, and only exist as a name recorded in forbidden archives, has finally achieve their dreams, and gave birth to their Magnum Opus - you. Your DNA is now intertwines with the very essence of the Tyranids and countless other Xenos, transforming you into a shape-shifting warrior of terrifying power. Your genome carries the codex of hundreds of Xenos DNAs, allowing you to adapt your form to any situation. With bare hands, you take down hordes of foes, absorbing their biomass to heal and mutate, growing spikes, tendrils, or altering your form as needed.

Moreover, an innate intuition for assassinations and combat is etched into your very genome, enabling you to rival the best agents of the Officio Assassinorum. You are a formidable force on the battlefield, embodying the deadliest skills of an assassin and a shape-shifter - truly the perfect Child of Maerorus.

Immortal Physiques: Hardness (Emperor's Domination)

Cost: 20 SP

With this power, your physical body has ascended and gain two divine physiques, each embodying the concept of Hardness. The first is The Indestructible Diamond Immortal Physique—a form of invincibility. Even with a minor completion of this physique, you become impervious to conventional weapons and greatly resist all mystical attacks, but even the mightiest magic will be hard pressed to scratch you without divine power. At grand completion, not even Gods and Demons can break through your invulnerability.

The Indestructible Diamond Immortal Physique also grants unparalleled regenerative capabilities. Any injuries inflicted upon you are instantly healed, leaving no trace behind. When activated, your body emits a radiant, golden metallic glow, symbolizing your impenetrable nature.

The second physique is The Furious Immortal Tyrannical Physique. This physique enhances your vitality and unlocks your latent potential during battles, allowing your power to rapidly surge, and grow stronger to overwhelm your enemies. The extent of this boost depends on your untapped reserve, but each boost is also permanent, increasing your base stats with every battle, and amplifying your potential.

Your journey begins with a minor completion of both physiques, gradually advancing through dedicated training and experience. Over time, you will reach half-completion, and ultimately attain grand completion—a level of power turning you into the walking embodiment of the concept Hardness.

Immortal Physiques: Softness (Emperor's Domination)

Cost: 20 SP

With this power, you gain two divine physiques, each embodying the concept of Softness. The first is The Eternal Physique—a path that leads to a life unbounded by time. This physique grants no direct advantage in battles, but instead, it extends your lifespan to an extraordinary degree. Legends speak of those who complete the Eternal Physique achieving true immortality. While this claim remains unproven, user who attain Grand Completion can easily live for countless billions of years.

Growth of the Eternal Physique is a slow and solitary journey, akin to a snail's crawl. Progress is measured in generations, with each phase taking countless decades to master, and for most, even three generations barely marks the entry into this Physique's fundamental realm. To succeed, unwavering determination and an unyielding spirit are essential to resist the world's distractions.

Upon reaching Grand Completion, the flow of time itself is your plaything. Moments can be stretch into millennia, and a million year will pass in a blink of an eye, even eroding Gods and their realm to nothingness to the tides of time.

The second physique, The Sacred Spring Physique, blesses you with boundless vitality. Every technique fueled by this Physique exceeds normal limits, potentially becoming dozens or even hundreds of times more potent. Swiftness and force amplify every technique's might, granting it unparalleled speed and impact.

However, the crowning attribute of the Sacred Spring Physique is its inexhaustible stamina. On a battlefield, you may not be the most dominant force, but your resilience is unmatched.

Your journey starts with minor completion in both physiques, gradually advancing through dedicated training and experience. Over time, you will attain half completion, eventually culminating in grand completion—a state where you become the embodiment of Softness, a master of time and vitality.

Immortal Physiques: Yang (Emperor's Domination)

Cost: 20 SP

With this power, you are bestowed with two divine physiques, each embodying the essence of Yang. The first is The Solar Immortal Physique—a celestial physique that empowers you to ascend to the ranks of a divine star. This physique grants you mastery over all facets linked to a star's nature. From your very being, you can unleash a limitless torrent of sunfire and sunlight, wielding these scorching energies as weapons or tools. Additionally, the power to manipulate gravity resides within your grasp, permitting the creation of spatial rifts and the bending of cosmic forces to your will. As you attain grand completion, your presence becomes as unattainable as the sun high in the daytime sky, casting your brilliance upon all you survey.

The second physique, The Extreme Yang Immortal Physique, manifests as an indomitable sun that radiates from your chest. With it, you harness an unparalleled intensity of heat that can liquefy even the sturdiest of substances, and even space time. This blazing inferno can take on multiple forms, allowing you to unleash devastating attacks that incinerate all in your path. As you advance towards grand completion, not even abstract concepts can evade the all-consuming flames of your power.

Your journey starts with minor completion in both physiques, gradually advancing through dedicated training and experience. Over time, you will attain half completion, eventually culminating in grand completion—a state where you become the embodiment of Yang, wielding the might of celestial fire and incinerating energy beyond mortal comprehension.

Immortal Physiques: Yin (Emperor's Domination)

Cost: 20 SP

Harnessing divine essences, you now possess two divine physiques that embody the concepts of Yin.

The first, known as The Heaven Devourer Evil Physique, endows you with the power to create voracious black holes at will. These cosmic maws engulf everything in their path, consuming attacks, objects, and even altering the fabric of space-time through their gravitational pull. As you progress towards grand completion, your appetite grows, enabling you to devour even concepts and divine entities with ease. Your mastery over these cosmic rifts becomes absolute, a force to be reckoned with.

The second physique, The Void Physique, bestows upon you the ability to merge seamlessly with the surrounding space, rendering you practically untraceable. Cloaked in an ethereal fog-like presence, you navigate the realms as a phantom, appearing anywhere and everywhere at will. Your dominion over the space you embody is total, granting you control over the very dimensions that once confined you. With time and dedication, your command over space transcends boundaries, reaching grand completion where even the highest realms and dimensions bend to your will.

Your journey starts with minor completion in both physiques, gradually advancing through dedicated training and experience. Over time, you will attain half completion, eventually culminating in grand completion—a state where you become the embodiment of Yin, a force that devours and merges with the cosmos itself.

Immortal Physiques: Pure (Emperor's Domination)

Cost: 20 SP

With this power, you are bestowed with two divine physiques, each embodying the concept of Pure.

The first, The Void Imperfection Physique, renders you impervious and untouchable, be they offensive or defensive, prove futile against you. No harm can be inflicted upon your being, nor can any defense block your attacks, and ailments of any kind hold no power over you. Even the most potent of supernatural poisons or bewitching enchantments cannot effect you. As you progress toward Grand Completion, you transcend barriers and concepts themselves, attaining a state where nothing can touch you without your consent.

The second physique, The Soaring Immortal Physique, grants you unparalleled speed. Swift as a comet, your movements defy comprehension. Treasures and techniques pale in significance when faced with your incomprehensible velocity. At Grand Completion, your speed transcends even spatial confines, allowing you to traverse through any dimensional fabric. Your existence becomes a blur, causing spacetime itself to stand still in your presence.

Your journey starts with minor completion in both physiques, gradually advancing through dedicated training and experience. Over time, you will attain half completion, eventually culminating in grand completion—a state where you become the embodiment of Pure, an immortal being invulnerable to all harm and swifter than the fabric of reality itself.

Immortal Physiques: Taint (Emperor's Domination)

Cost: 20 SP

With this power, you acquire two distinct divine physiques, each embodying the concept of Taint. The first is The Hell Suppressing Immortal Physique—a physique of immeasurable heaviness. When you activate this physique, the weight of your body increases to astronomical levels. Even a single drop of your blood becomes as heavy as thousands of pounds. Attaining Grand Completion in this physique empowers you to perform feats of extraordinary might—crushing gods with a single stomp and bending reality itself under the weight of your presence. You become a walking cataclysm, leaving devastation in your wake.

The second physique, The Sky Destroyer Immortal Physique, grants you boundless strength. Activating this physique enables you to unleash infinite physical power. You can tear the mountains asunder with your bare hands, grapple with dragons on equal terms, and shatter divine artifacts and weapons with sheer physical force. At the pinnacle of your journey, when you attain Grand Completion in this physique, even abstract concepts, and divine laws yield before your overwhelming strength.

Your journey starts with minor completion in both physiques, gradually advancing through dedicated training and experience. Over time, you will attain half completion, eventually culminating in grand completion—a state where you become the embodiment of Taint, a force of indomitable weight and strength.

Suffering is Strength

Cost: 20 SP

You know pain, you know what it is like to feel your bones break, your skin burnt, your flesh cut, your very blood flowing out of your body, and all it does is make you stronger. With any type of effect that harms you now, provided you survive it, you gain a scaling resistance that reduces that to effectively zero. Have your ribs crushed and that same blow will have no more of an effect than a stiff breeze upon your skin, have your arm burnt with and that same blaze would have the same effect as the sun on an autumn day. As a bonus you’ve gained an absurd tolerance for pain.

Mantle Of The Greatest Hero (Villain Initialization)

Cost: 20 SP

Your existence becomes enveloped by an esoteric energy field, imbuing you with enhanced physical attributes and amplifying your existing abilities. At the outset, this grants you the strength to effortlessly lift cars, renders you impervious to low-caliber bullets, and accelerates your regeneration, allowing injuries to mend in mere minutes. With this energy shroud, you also gain the gift of flight and the ability to project formidable energy blasts from your palms.

Yet, the true potential of this power lies in its limitless capacity for evolution and rapid growth. The energy cocoon surrounding you exhibits an innate adaptability, rapidly growing in response to stimuli and challenges, while also enhancing the potency of your other abilities. As time progresses, this energy becomes significantly more powerful, even acquiring entirely new capabilities.

Proving its evolving nature, the original possessor of this ability was able to utilized the energy field to render himself impervious to mental assaults, breathe within the void of space, and protect himself while traversing through dimensional gaps. In less than a year, he progressed from struggling to destroy walls, to near singlehandedly repelling a colossal meteor poised to obliterate Earth.

Goa’uld (Stargate)

Cost: 10 SP

The children of the gods, a narcissistic title that the Goa’uld gave themselves, are an aquatic species of parasites or symbiotes (depending on who you ask) that originally came from a desolate planet of primitive lizard-like species. They took hosts and conquered the galaxy. However, this was not always the case, as the Ancients originally hoped for them to take over as the watchers of the universe for them, took them under their wing, and taught them secrets of the universe that they used to instead take over the universe.

Despite being quite small, they are rather strong as they can burrow through skin and bone, wrapping themselves around the nervous system and taking control of whatever poor fool was unlucky enough to be near them at the time, and as several Goa’uld would say, nothing survives of the host. They had unbelievable control over the host, being able to kill them at will when needed or release a deadly poison that was released when killed or removed from the host. All Goa’uld possess genetic memory, being able to have the accumulated knowledge of every Goa’uld before them with technology that could convince most of the galaxy into thinking that they were gods. All Goa’uld could also enhance their host to superhuman levels, heal them when necessary, and prolong the lifespan of a host to unnatural levels.

Goa’uld also possessed Naquadah within their blood, an unnatural addition to them that allowed them to use the technology that they built. You possess the knowledge of every Goa’uld except for the knowledge that Anubis gained while he was ascended.

Through the Cyoa, your current body or the body you choose to be either Inserted into or Reincarnated into will be transformed into a perfect body for you to inhabit. You can also use your powers through your host.

From The God Tree (Naruto)

Cost: 8 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Cost: 4 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Your body becomes that of Zetsu. You heal faster, you can regenerate, and you can absorb or send others chakra by skin contact. You can even clone yourself, but it takes energy.

Your body is incredibly malleable, able to implant DNA of nearly anyone into yourself to gain extremely weakened powers. You can even shapeshift yourself, copying the energy level and looking (and feeling) exactly like who you're shapeshifted into. Sensors will be confused, unless they can sense emotions.

You also gain the Mayfly technique, able to put yourself into the ground or trees, even if the ground is stone, and travel nearly undetected.

Powerful detection methods are the only way for someone to detect you.

Jiongu (Naruto)

Cost: 8 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Cost: 4 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

A kinjutsu - forbidden technique of shinobi, specifically of the Waterfall Village. Its most renown wielder was the Treasurer of the Akatsuki, Kakuzu.

A powerful man who, before he even received the Jiongu, fought and survived a battle against the God of Shinobi, Hashirama.

The Jiongu turns your body into threads and stitches of black, allowing it to attach hearts of powered beings, giving yourself enhanced physical prowess. Your threads and stitches can extend your limbs, grabbing with enhanced strength enough to crush steel in your hands.

Your body can extend the Jiongu into spear-like attacks, or you can use the hearts of people as weapons and allies. Your body is immortal, allowing you to survive fatal blows as long as you have an extra heart to spare.

You can only gain four extra hearts, having four extra lives in stock. You need no chakra to use any of these techniques and each heart is supercharged to be, at the very minimum, half as powerful as you. Stealing a heart steals powers.

Higher Vampire (Witcher)

Cost: 30 SP

Vampires, especially higher vampires, are some of the strongest monsters seen in the Witcher series. Throughout the years, many have sought to kill the higher vampires, only to be met with death as none of the standard methods of killing a vampire worked on the higher vampires. Silver, a metal that would ordinarily kill any monster without a specific weakness, has no effect except to slightly annoy the vampire. Decapitation is a little more than an irritation. Higher vampires are the only vampires within the Witcher series that are completely immune to holy symbols, silver, fire, sunlight, and other common vampire weaknesses. The only method known for killing a higher vampire is for another higher vampire to kill them, and since they all work together, there is no way for a witcher to kill higher vampires. A higher vampire once had his head cut off, was staked with silver, had holy water pored on his body, and was buried. He still regenerated and eventually came back.

Your strength has been heightened to the point that, with a single strike, you could destroy a large building with little effort. Your speed is also ridiculously fast; you are able to move around at speeds at which others with enhanced senses would assume that you are teleporting. Your defensive abilities have also been improved, allowing you to take damage that could level giant mountains with ease and not have a scratch on you. Your senses are supernatural, allowing you to sense things others cannot. Like all higher vampires, you possess immortality and boast an impressive healing factor.

You also possess other supernatural abilities, such as the ability to manipulate blood, fly, manipulate humans and animals with mind control, induce sleep in creatures, and turn into a mist of blood and a giant bat, which further increases your vampiric abilities. While higher vampires do not require blood, they find the taste enjoyable.

Original Vampire (Originals)

Cost: 25 SP

A long time ago, there was a family that had just lost their child to a werewolf. In an effort to protect their children, the mother, who was a witch, found a spell that could protect their children and the parents from ever feeling the loss again. However, she did not use the original spell and modified it twice, adding to it. You have been transformed into one of these vampires, being one of the original lines of vampires. As a creature of the night reanimated through magic, you have several powers because your physiology has changed, giving you superhuman abilities.

As an original vampire, your superhuman strength allows you to toss humans around like nothing, crush buildings to pieces, and, with enough effort, destroy an island. Depending on how old you are, your abilities could be much stronger. You also possess superhuman speed and agility, being able to move faster than human eyes can see. Even some supernatural creatures with enhanced senses can't keep up with you, and your reaction time is just as fast. Your senses have also been enhanced by being able to hear conversions from blocks away from the source, smell things from the side of a city, and see in complete darkness. Along with the super strength comes increased durability that allows you to take blows that would destroy buildings just fine and a regenerative healing factor that can heal anything within seconds, so long as you have not been beheaded. Like all vampires, you have immortality.

Besides the physical powers, you also possess mental abilities that are supernatural in nature. Being able to enter and influence the minds of others, controlling thoughts or influencing them, erasing memories, creating illusions, and more. You can sire other vampires by feeding your blood to humans; this can heal humans without turning them, though if they die they become vampires in transition, and if they feed on a human they forever turn into a vampire or die if they don't. The vampires you create are loyal to you. Vampires also possess some minor miscellaneous abilities like controlling the weather, controlling small animals like wolves or birds, manipulating elements, shutting off their own emotions, flying, and even shape-shifting. Vampires get stronger with age, and the more blood they consume, the stronger they get. The less blood they consume, the weaker they get. Vampires possess a weakness for sunlight, white oak stakes, decapitation, and vervain. The older a vampire is, the less affected they are by these weaknesses. You gain a daylight ring and the knowledge of how to create one, although you do not possess the magic needed for its creation.

Werewolf (Originals)

Cost: 15 SP

Werewolves are cursed beings that shapeshift into a large, fearsome, and extremely dangerous wolf during the night of the full moon. They were cursed by a witch as revenge for killing her tribe. Werewolves possess a supernatural strength far beyond that of humans, even when in human form, being able to match young vampires. Werewolves are vastly faster than most supernatural beings in and out of wolf form, being able to outspeed vampires who have been alive longer than one hundred years. They also possess higher durability than humans, being able to tank damage that would kill humans due to their natural durability and a superhuman healing factor; however, unlike vampires, they are mortal. A werewolf's senses are vastly more potent than those of a vampire. When transformed into a werewolf, all abilities they possess are further enhanced to a significant degree, even more so when there is a full moon, being triple strength when under a full moon and twice as strong when transformed. Werewolves possess a potent venom that is lethal to vampires and humans alike and brings hallucinations and eventually, death to all that of a normal vampire Original vampires are only slightly affected by the venom.

Angelic Aberration (NGE)

Cost: 10 SP

You are the result of a secret experiment that fused human and angelic DNA, creating a new hybrid species that possesses some of the traits and abilities of both. No longer are you mere human, but a Half Angel, a being that can challenge the mysterious and powerful creatures that threaten humanity’s existence.

As a Half Angel, your body and mind have been enhanced beyond human limits, granting you superhuman strength, speed, durability, intelligence, and perception. You can easily lift several tons of weight, run faster than sound, heal from most wounds in minutes, and process information at incredible rates. You also have enhanced senses that allow you to see in the dark, detect heat signatures, and use echolocation. You are a formidable opponent in any physical or mental challenge.

Furthermore, you now have the ability to generate and control an AT-Field, a powerful force field that is the manifestation of your soul. Your AT-Field is comparable to weaker Angels, such as Matarael or Shamshel, and can withstand conventional weapons and some N2 explosions. You can also shape your AT-Field into various forms, such as blades, spikes, shields, or wings. You can use your AT-Field to fly, levitate, or jump great distances. You can also use your AT-Field to attack enemies by projecting it outward or shaping it into different forms. Some examples of offensive uses of AT-Fields are slicing through objects with razor-sharp edges, crushing targets with immense pressure, or blasting enemies with beams or waves of energy.

Your AT-Field also allows you to adapt to any environment or situation by altering your physical body. For example, you can breathe underwater, survive in space, resist extreme temperatures, or camouflage yourself. You can also learn to mimic some of the abilities of other Angels such as energy blasts, regeneration, or mind probes.

Divine Physiology (God of War)

Cost: 25 SP

You become a Minor God from God of War's Greek Pantheon. This gives plenty of abilities.

Sleep is irrelevant, food and water is not even needed. Your skin, blood, and more are all able to completely ignore mortal attacks. A sword that does not surpass enough power to split an island cannot even harm you.

Immortal slaying weaponry has similar effects to a divine-attack, ignoring your defense.

Your body heals quick, able to survive fatal wounds effortlessly.

On top of all of this, you can shapeshift into different forms. Your power grows as you age.

You have a domain, but it is minor. You also get power through worship and might be able to ascend into a greater god if an entire continent worth of people worship you.

Shelob's Equal

Cost: 25 SP

You are now able to transform into a monstrous spider that instills dread in all who encounter you. Despite your massive size, comparable to that of a truck, your mobility remains unhindered as you deftly traverse every terrain. You can even adopt a hybrid humanoid form, a fully human guise, or any anything in between, enabling you to adapt your appearance to suit your machinations.

In your fully transformed state, your physical capabilities are augmented beyond comprehension. Your strength is of such magnitude that it could level entire cities, while your durability enables you to withstand missile impacts without a trace of harm. Speed is yours to command, moving at velocities that would stump those with heightened senses. You can leap over towering buildings in a single bound, and your regenerative abilities mend wounds in mere seconds. Your supernatural senses affords you an acute danger perception, bolstered by a surplus of vital organs that ensures your survival even in the face of insurmountable odds.

Your arsenal doesn't end here. Your venom is potent, able to subdue even beings of monstrous regeneration, and the hallmark ability of any spider, silk-spinning, is taken to extraordinary heights in your case. Your silk is five times stronger than the sturdiest spider silk known, and it possesses the ability to absorb the life force of others, while creating illusions and nightmares that haunt their waking moments.

As time progresses, your connection to your spider heritage deepens, granting you additional spider-related abilities. You can even evolve your existing powers by discovering innovative applications for abilities you've previously mastered.

Diamond-Hybrid (Steven Universe)

Cost: 20 SP

As a human that is half gem, you possess a unique physiology and are able to use all the standard abilities of gems. Similar to Steven, your abilities are initially dependent on your emotions. However, as you learn to hone your abilities, you can use them more naturally, no longer requiring emotions to use your unique abilities.

You are able to shapeshift effortlessly into anything that you desire, temporarily altering your physical form to anything that you can think of, such as transforming into a giant monster or a lion. This takes skill in order for it to be used properly, and the use of this power is initially strenuous. Through this power, you can change how old you are by being functionally immortal. Through the power of your gem, you have gained the ability to regenerate from any wound; however, unlike a normal gem, you cannot normally just ‘poof’ and transform into your gem in order to regenerate from your wounds. If you happen to be killed, then your gem would enter a dormant state and recreate your body, and so long as your gem is unharmed, you can be restored. Like other gems, you possess the ability to summon a weapon from nothing, and what this weapon is will be completely up to your desires. Each weapon is unique and specifically tailored to the personality of its wielder. These weapons can be further upgraded, but if they break, you will not be able to summon them for some time.

With your enhanced physiology comes enhanced strength beyond that of a human. In the beginning, this strength is enough to smash a car apart with your bare hands; however, as you grow in understanding your power, you can increase this strength to be able to easily shatter a continent. You also possess a supernatural durability, able to withstand being hit with a force that could easily destroy a city, and like your strength, this ability grows with your understanding of your gem nature. You also possess immunity to temperature and things that would ordinarily kill a human, such as lava, diseases, poisons, radiation, and other harmful substances. Your speed is also enhanced; initially, this speed is slightly above that of a normal human, and with training, you could slow down your own perception of reality and move faster than most man-made objects.

Like all diamonds and gems, you possess an ability that is purely unique to yourself, such as the mind control seen by white diamond, the electrical abilities seen by yellow diamond, or the emotional control seen by blue diamond. As you learn more about your abilities, you could even learn to do anything shown by any gem in the show, including Steven. You also possess the ability of fusion, being able to combine with other gems, combining your strength with the person you fuse with, and gaining new abilities. This, however, is often seen as a deeply personal experience.

Grandmaster Martial Artist (History Strongest Disciple Kenichi)

Cost: 12 SP

You have become a grandmaster-level martial artist a person who has not only completely mastered their respected martial art but perfected and push it further beyond what it was originally capable of and your body has reached superhuman level.

You are capable of demolishing a building with a single strike and taking hits at the same level, moving at a speed that can leave behind after image to even train fighters with superhuman capability, read and predict the attack of your opponent with incredible accuracy. Note that this massively improves any other martial art power you may have it will also give you a massive boost to teaching and learning new martial art.

You have the choice between sei and dou ki. Fighters with Sei ki are calm and collected in temperament they prefer a methodical approach to fighting which usually give them a more defensive fighting style with an emphasis on counter-attacks, Fighter with Dou ki on the other hand are passionate and aggressive they rarely stay from the offensive when in a fight and prefer to beat their opponent down with unmatched ferocity. Depending on Which type of ki you pick your martial art will be more offensive or defensive in nature becoming better in that aspect.

You may also choose a martial philosophy between the life-saving fist and the killing fist. Live-saving fists give your martial art a focus on subduing and neutralizing your opponent without taking their life while the life-taking fists give your marital art a focus on killing your enemy giving you a more lethal edge in combat

Mankind Redefined (Marvel)

Cost: 10 SP

The next step in human evolution is your genetics; you have evolved well past human limits, becoming as close as a normal human can get to being a mutant without being one. While others rely on fancy superpowers, you have pure strength to get you by. Your strength and durability have been raised well beyond normal human limits, allowing you to crush a building with pure, unadulterated power. People with fancy magical powers never train, so one good hit could knock them over like a deck of playing cards. This is not just limited to giving you strength; you also possess enhanced durability and speed, allowing you to keep up with those who are stronger than you by a slight margin. You are fast enough to outrun fast cars and those who have been enhanced with the powers of a spider and precognition.

Despite not being supernatural, you also possess the ability to nullify supernatural powers that are targeting you, walking straight through magic that very well should kill you.

Perfect Chimera (Knights of Sidonia)

Cost: 30 SP

You are the result of a sophisticated and precise process of hybridization and adaptation that has fused the best traits of Gauna and humans. You are a perfect chimera, a being that transcends the limitations of either species and possesses a harmonious and seamless blend of abilities.

Your appearance reflects your unique nature, as you combine the strengths of both Gauna and humans in your form. You have amazing healing powers that can mend any wound, telekinetic flight at hypersonic speed, continent-shattering strength, and a continuously adaptive and evolving mega-structured placental layers that allow you to survive through nearly any physical attacks, or in the most extreme conditions, such as an explosion that destroyed a gas giant without even a scratch. You also have a keen aptitude for both Gauna-like modifications and human cognitive skills.

Your body is covered by a versatile and adaptable placental layer that you have unrivaled control over. You can shape and manipulate it to create drones that can scout and spy for you, remotely operating them and receiving sensory input from them. However, using them too much will slow down your healing rate, as they consume some of your placental layer.

You also have an energy organs that emulate the Gauna's ability to store and focus different types of energy, such as heat, light, electricity, or radiation. You can use this energy reserve for various purposes, such as enhancing your physical abilities, creating energy weapons, or manipulating the environment. However, some energies can be unstable and dangerous, so you need to be careful with them. You also absorb energy from your surroundings over time, which can be beneficial or harmful depending on the type of energy.

You have a natural grasp of Gauna anatomy and physiology that gives you an edge in combat and survival. You can spot the weak points of other beings, lure and confuse them with controlled energy emissions, or exploit their vulnerabilities with precision attacks. This knowledge also applies to intelligent beings, giving you an advantage in finding their flaws and weaknesses.

One of your most powerful abilities is the power to mentally dominate other beings through physical contact, taking over their bodies for a short time. You can extend this power to multiple targets, but you need to focus to maintain control. If you lose control, the dominated beings may go berserk and attack you or others. This power can be useful for infiltration, interrogation, or manipulation.

As the apex of Gauna-human integration, you have a mega-structured placental layer that grants you incredible powers. You can grow any technology that you understand or have the blueprints of from your body. This allows you to create technology that is only theoretically possible or beyond the current level of civilization. You can also integrate technology into your body seamlessly, enhancing your capabilities even further. Your mega-structured placental layers can nullify particle-based weapons with ease, as they are automatically absorbed. Even gravity-based weapons will be less effective against you, as your advanced placental layering reduces their impact. However, don't forget that your True Core is still your weak spot, though it is very hard to reach through your formidable mega-structure layers.

Regular Frame (APOSIMZ)

Cost: 15 SP

You have been injected with a Code, a one-time device that transmuted you into a regular frame, a biomechanical being composed of placenta and heigus particles. Your new form let's you switch between your human form and your armored form at any time. Placenta is a substance that can regenerate and reshape itself, making regular frames biologically immortal and resistant to damage. Heigus particles are a form of omnipresent background energy that exist in the vacuum of space, and generated by the Code now integrated into you, this energy acts as a hyper efficient fuel source that can be used to power your abilities and weapons. Regular frames also have access to a unique special ability or weapon that reflects their personality and preferences.

The first time you transform into a regular frame, the process is accompanied by a "transmutation light" a powerful beam that stretches into the sky. This phenomenon only happens once and does not occur in subsequent transformations. Initially, regular frames aren't much stronger than baseline humans, resulting in a mechanical skeletal appearance similar to frame disease sufferers. However, over time and by utilizing placenta and heigus particles, they can rapidly grow stronger, and create armor and various objects such as clothing and weaponry, including the infamous EBTG. At their peak, a regular frame has the potential to devastate entire worlds.

All regular frames possess potent physical capabilities, extremely high reflexes, the ability to "digest almost anything" and generally require no breathing or nutrition. They are immune to aging and can only die if their brain is destroyed, their head is severed, or their placenta is depleted before a fatal blow is struck.

By manipulating their own placenta, regular frames can create various shapes and structures, such as blades, shields, spikes, wings, etc. They can also use it to repair or modify other machines or devices that are compatible with placenta. For example, they could create a sword out of their arm, or fix a broken vehicle with their placenta. They can also utilize placenta as jet fuel, granting high-speed boosts, swift battlefield movement, and flight capabilities.

The flow and output of heigus particles in their body can be controlled by regular frames, allowing them to adjust their speed, strength, durability, and temperature. They can also use heigus particles to fire beams, blasts, or bullets from their body or weapon. For example, they could increase their speed to dodge an attack, or fire a heigus beam from their eye. While wearing any level of seal armor emits heigus particles, which can reveals your location, low seal level or no armor can mask this, but makes you more susceptible to attacks from other users.

Regular frames also have the ability to create anti-megastructure bullet (AMB), which is a powerful projectile that can pierce through Megastructure and Semi-megastructure, a near impenetrable material.

During the transformed state regular frames will have a personalized HUD with the same feature as Etherow when armored. The HUD displays the time remaining until activity cutoff (or armor disengagement), remaining heigus particles, seal level warnings, approaching threats, details about the special ability, and more.

The Azure Festum (Fafner In The Azure)

Cost: 30 SP

You have become a Festum, a silicon-based alien race that originated from another dimension, and strives to assimilate all life in the universe for eons. Through this transformation you gain the ability to have near-omnipotent control over matter and energy using your mind, and you can communicate telepathically with each other and other lifeforms.

However, your transformation is not into an ordinary Festum. You are the ultimate Festum, possessing the powers of all the different varieties of Festums. You can change your appearance at will with your shape-shifting ability, creating and using various forms of energy such as lasers, plasma, electricity, gravity, and antimatter with your energy manipulation power, and generating and utilizing various forms of matter such as metals, crystals, liquids, gases, and organic substances with your matter manipulation skill.

But above all, your core skill is assimilation, which grants you the capacity to absorb anything you touch or consume into your being, and acquire their knowledge, memories, abilities, and characteristics. You can also share what you assimilate with other Festums you create or command. You can produce new Festums from your own body or from what you assimilate with your reproduction feature, and control them with your mind and direct them to your objectives with your mind control power. You can also merge with them or split from them to adjust your power or focus.

You now gain an innate trait of resistance, which makes you immune to nearly any attack or damage that is not specifically designed to harm Festums. And even then, you have a natural attribute of regeneration, which enables you to recover from any injury or loss of mass rapidly. You also have a nature of immunity, which makes you unaffected by conventional weapons, diseases, poisons, radiation, and environmental hazards.

Furthermore, you have a key advantage of adaptation, which allows you to adjust to any situation or environment you encounter, and enables you to constantly learn, and evolve to acquire new skills and abilities from what you do and what you assimilate.

Elder True Vampire (Hellsing)

Cost: 20 SP

You have gained the powers of a True Vampire, a powerful demon that feasts on the blood and souls of those it kills. While each vampire, when they reach a certain amount of strength, gains an ability unique to themselves, the common powers include superhuman strength, which allows you to tear apart humans as if they were wet rags and kill any man easily. If you are starved, your strength is substantially diminished and only barely above that of a human of similar size. Particularly powerful vampires are capable of eviscerating whole battalions of soldiers in a matter of minutes as well as causing considerable structural damage when at full strength. Superhuman speed and reflexes True Vampires are considerably faster than even the most trained humans. With their supernatural speed, they can appear as a flash of light to the eyes of a human being, and they can easily dodge automatic gunfire. All vampires have infinite stamina and can survive conventional attacks that would kill any ordinary person. You are generally resistant to most forms of attack, with decapitation or impaling the heart being the only exception that could kill a True vampire.

One of the most notable vampire abilities is being able to drink blood, which is the main sustenance for vampires. Consuming blood allows you to gain more strength and, as a result, become more formidable. Once you consume one's blood; the victim's soul is taken, and you gain a bunch of benefits for it, including regenerating a body part that is dismembered. You also gain the abilities of the souls that you have consumed, you gain extra lives for each soul that can take the place of the death that you would otherwise face. You may also use the souls as familiars; however, while they are outside of you, they can no longer be used to avoid death or use the abilities that they held.

You can read and speak directly into the minds of those you have sucked blood from. This power is said to extend to all beings. You can also manipulate the minds of weaker-willed beings. You have the ability to create and command several different kinds of underlings, including servant vampires, familiars, and ghouls. Although for the creation of a vampire, it is required for the person to be a virgin and also of the opposite sex, those who do not fit the requirement turn into ghouls mindless zombies that you have complete control over. You also have minor shape-changing abilities that you can use to transform yourself into those you have consumed the soul of.

The Greater Nobility (Vampire Hunter D)

Cost: 35 SP

Congratulations! By acquiring this power, you ascend to the esteemed status of a Greater Noble Vampire, an elite lineage that has reigned over both humankind and vampire-kind for countless millennia. As a Greater Noble, your attributes receive a massive boost, including a truly impressive immortality that that would baffle even gods, restoring your physical body from any injury by warping space-time itself. Your powers far surpass those of ordinary vampires, and even the traditional weaknesses of your kind hold little sway over you. You can be atomized and still return to the realm of the living, fully intact and with all your possessions in pristine condition. Only exposure to sunlight, a stake through the heart, or by negating your immortality can other even begin to pose a threat to your existence, however with all these gifts comes the thirst for blood.

But that's not all—your chosen attribute, be it strength, speed, or intelligence, undergoes an unprecedented augmentation. The boost is so immense that it surpasses even the capabilities of other Greater Nobles. With enhanced speed, you can traverse vast distances in an instant, leaving infinity in your wake. Opting for strength empowers you to effortlessly create chasms as deep as the Mariana Trench with a single, unintentional swing of your sword. And if you select intelligence, your mind blazes brighter than the sun, far surpassing even the most brilliant geniuses. Additionally, your intellect grants you immunity to mind control, and illusions become mere child's play for you to decipher and overcome.

Inspector Gadget

Cost: 30 SP

Your body has been surgically enhanced, allowing you to produce any type of gadget from your body. These gadgets can be released instantly and are fully integrated into your physical form, making them accessible at any time. As long as the gadgets do not exceed your body's size, you can produce as many as you need, making you a versatile and unpredictable threat in any combat scenario. The gadgets can range from simple tools to high-tech weapons, and can be customized to suit your needs and preferences. Your ability to produce gadgets on demand makes you a formidable and adaptable foe, able to adapt to any situation and exploit your opponents' weaknesses.

Inheritor of Solus (Marvel)

Cost: 35 SP

Radioactive spiders are everywhere these days, good business for the exterminators. You’re possessed of the physiology of an Inheritor, including flight, super strength, speed, reflexes and durability enough to hunt the Totems that are a staple of your diet.

The main feature of your new physiology however, is the ability to absorb life energy. This absorption further enhances your other abilities in line with the general quality of the energy absorbed. Animals provide barely enough energy to survive, regular humans can barely sustain you and your abilities, but powered humans can enhance your abilities after absorption. The very peak of this being Totems (the most common being Spider-totems), which contain a vast amount of energy capable of enhancing your powers for great lengths of time. The Inheritor Morlun, for instance, was able to move faster than the preternatural ‘Spider-sense’ of many Spider-Totems after having gorged himself on them.

This sensitivity to life energy also allows you to track the life energy of those you’ve felt before, ensuring your quarry will never escape. The pinnacle of this sense is the ability to traverse the Web of Life and Destiny as a means to track your prey. While this was originally intended to allow you to traverse the multiverse in pursuit of a totem to feed on, It also acts as a form of generalized multiversal travel through the web, as almost every universe has at least one Totem within it.

Finally, as long as you have a steady amount of life energy, you cannot die, and will heal from wounds (though you will require more energy than usual).

Unfortunately, these powers come at the cost of necessitating the absorption of life energy to survive. While surviving off of animals is possible, as is not killing hosts while feeding, both will severely weaken your new physiology. Similarly, unless you possess a strong will the feeling of feeding will become highly addictive.

Corvinus Strain (Underworld)

Cost: 20 SP

Similar to Alexander Corvinus, you too have been infected with a virus that would ordinarily kill an average mortal; however, through some genetic fluke or some other source, your body has mutated the virus into being more beneficial than harmful. Similar in nature to the variation of the virus that Alexander Corvinus gave to his children, yours is in flux. Your strain will accept any DNA that has been transferred into your system, enhancing the virus to be even stronger than before. The strain is ever-evolving; the longer you live, the more the virus will change in ways that are beneficial for your continued existence.

Without any modifications, the virus gives you several abilities well beyond those of an ordinary human, such as immortality, eternal life free of any disease, and immunity to the effects of aging and poison. The virus also provides an accelerated healing factor that allows for almost instantaneous regeneration, so long as you don't have your entire body disintegrated all at once to an atomic level. You possess a supernatural strength that can destroy buildings with ease. Supernatural speed that, even with enhanced senses, looks like teleportation, as well as enhanced control of speed, additionally grants you the ability to react to things and see the world as though it were slowed down. Enhanced durability and endurance enable you to get shot at and get right back up, or have a building thrown at you like it was nothing.

Through the evolution of your virus, you can gain a myriad of abilities, such as the ability to read memories through blood, the ability to read the minds of others, and more, as your strain of the virus evolves beyond its current strength. As mentioned earlier, if you gain the DNA of any being in your blood, your virus will react and give you abilities based on the creature. Such as gaining standard vampiric abilities from the DNA of a bat or the abilities of a werewolf from the DNA of a wolf able to transform into a wolf-like creature. Your virus seems to want to combine everything it comes across to evolve to new heights.


Cost: 5 SP

Your power lies in the unstoppable determination to fulfill your mission. In the face of adversity, you exhibit an unyielding resilience, a speeding car would hit you head-on, only for you to rise with a grunt and continue onward. Even when faced with a horde of bloodthirsty assassins, your body seems to draw from an unending well of stamina, defying the limitations of exhaustion. Whether falling from great heights or enduring fractures, you rise again and again, always pressing forward. It's as if a divine will propels you, compelling you to persist in achieving your objectives. This doesn't imply that your goals will be achieved at any cost, but rather that your body would remain unbroken in your pursuit until they are accomplished. However, once you do fulfill your objective, you might be left physically weakened, possibly even bedridden for weeks on end.

Titan Shifter (Attack on Titan)

Cost: 10 SP

You are a titan shifter and not just any titan shifter but one similar to the original, Ymir Fritz. Unlike Ymir all abilities you possess are your own and over your complete control. Said abilities include all of the original nine titans abilities, immense strength, and a regeneration factor that would allow you to regenerate from anything as long as you have the will to live.

As you grow experienced with your powers, you may develop new features to add onto your titans and even make others titan shifters themselves.

Enbu (Toriko)

Cost: 10 SP (Gourmet Cells (Toriko))

Cost: 15 SP (Gourmet Cells (Toriko))

Originally a dance that the monkey king would perform to playmates that could match its strength the dance has over time evolved into a martial art that is practiced by the monkey inhabitant of area 7 in the gourmet world.

The art centered around creating a unison with all the trillions of cells within one body toward a single task thus greatly amplifying the effectiveness of the action. However, Enbu takes a lot of stamina and concentration to use if even a single cell in your body becomes exhausted the unison of cells will break and the technique will fail.

Knocking (Toriko)

Cost: 10 SP (Gourmet Cells (Toriko))

Cost: 20 SP (Gourmet Cells (Toriko))

You now know the art of knocking, a technique that allows the user to strike at the pressure point of creatures or objects to cause changes to them. Normally this involves striking at the nervous system of a wild beast which causes the creature to be paralyzed for easy capture but it can also be used on your own body or others to stabilize wounds, increasing the body's physical strength.

Master of the art can even perform knocking on ethereal concepts such as when Teppei performs knocking on the entire world and stopping it from exploding or when Jiro performs knocking on time itself causing localized time to stop.

Body Modification (My Hero Acadamia)

Cost: 15 SP

Similar to Tomura Shigaraki your body has undergone intense bodily modifications increasing your physical attributes on a level comparable to All Might in his prime. These Modifications don’t just increase your physical attributes as now any quirk you have are amplified as well as your body is enhanced to be able use their full power. This power also enables you to be a worthy vessel able to handle the stress that comes with powerful quirks.

Immortal Sun

Cost: 35 SP

You are a sun made incarnate, conveying upon you all its grand power. You possess the durability and sheer physical power of a star, and have an immense amount of energy to call upon. You can call upon any effect that a star can produce, from massive solar winds, insane levels of radiation, scorching rays of light and heat, to even monstrous levels of gravity.

Your energy may be freely used to power your other abilities, freely able to convert to any other power source you need, and will passively enhance them regardless of conversion.

While you may possess the power of a star in it’s entirety immortal and untouchable by most, you also possess absolute and perfect control and understanding over all your powers, granting instinctive mastery and knowledge over your powers domain, keeping you from destroying everything around you without intending to. You can control your power in it’s every manifestation as effortlessly as breathing, capable of just as easily controlling even the most minute production of heat, unnoticeable to almost all, as you are in simply unleashing all of your power in a supernova.

True Soul (Baldur's Gate 3)

Cost: 15 SP

You are undergoing the process of ceremorphosis, which will gradually change your body into that of an Illithid, a sadistic race of aberrations feared by sentient creatures on many worlds across the multiverse due to their powerful psychic abilities. Inside your brain wriggles a tadpole, which has seemingly undergone a change from its normal behavior. Due to this change, or perhaps due to some other force, you won't be affected by ceremorphosis like normal and will get to keep your normal personality and soul.

Through gaining the tadpole, your brain has already been altered, initially allowing for the use of abilities that others would find unnatural. The first psionic ability that you have developed would be Authority, mentally dominating those who have a weaker psionic presence than yours, delving in and out of their memories, and changing things for better or worse. The second psychic ability that you have gained is telepathy.

As your psychic abilities grow stronger, the more access you gain to the various abilities that being an Illithid grants. Such as the ability to create black holes or change into a displacer beast. Eventually, with enough time, your tadpole will fully evolve, letting you transcend into an Illithid form. This form allows you to access the full might of an Illithid being able to go toe to toe against an evolved elder brain and mentally dominate it. This also comes with a hunger for brains that will enhance your psychic ability.

Character Menu

Cost: 12 SP

You gain a UI like screen that you can summon and dismiss called the character menu. With the menu you can view a visualization of all of your qualities and properties. This includes anything that is physical about you and is listed as a set of traits that can be Positive(+), Neutral(=), or Negative(-). The character menu saves your current self as the Default character, and has 3 other slots for characters to start with. You can choose to use a slot to create a new character that you will be able to play as. You can switch between characters at will, but changes to the characters are kept between switches. If you die while in a character, you will switch to another character, until all that is left is your default.

Character creation starts you out with a base number of Creation Tokens, these tokens are used to buy different traits in order to make and design your characters. (+) traits always cost, (=) traits can be free or cheap, (-) traits give you more tokens to work with. After creating your first character your tokens are saved in a character agnostic pool, and you can begin using tokens to effect your default character. The limit to the (+) traits improvements is nothing above 5sp in the form of powers or advantages

Archon (Fable - The Lost Chapters)

Cost: 15 SP

Being a descendant of William Black, you have the blood of an Archon, whose blood is as pure as William Black's blood. You have gained the ability to use all three Hero traits: Strength, Skill, and Will.

When you do something related to one of the Hero Traits, the trait becomes more potent. If it's Strength, you become stronger, more vigorous, and faster. If it's Skill, you can become skilled at unnatural rates, become faster, and more stealthy. And finally, if it's Will, your magic reserves increase and you seemingly become more knowledgeable.

Magic, the act of William. With Will, you can do a variety of things, like casting a fireball, lightning, and blasting the area surrounding you with a wave of fire. Or if you want to have more physical spells, then you will find yourself being able to use things like a Physical shield, which surrounds you with a protective sphere of energy that will absorb all damage at the expense of Will.

There are many things Will can do, but note that some spells have a moral inclination, meaning that you cannot master and go further with some spells. For example, some spells like healing, would require you to be morally a good person, and draining the life out of someone will require you to be a morally terrible person.

Tarrasque (D&D/Pathfinder)

Cost: 20 SP

You have gained the fearsome power of a Tarrasque, one of the greatest and most terrifying monsters to ever roam the Prime Material Plane. You can choose to be fully transformed into a Tarrasque, have a hybrid form between the Tarrasque and your current form or simply wield its power in whatever form you may have.

As someone with the power of a Tarrasque, you now gain a plethora of powerful abilities and resistances, such as the supernatural strength and durability of a Tarrasque; the ability to move through the earth as if you are swimming through water; project an aura around you that hampers the flight ability of all other creatures in range; instill fear and panic with sight alone; deflect magical projectiles; the ability to eat and digest everything, gaining resistances and immunity to various types of harmful effects (heat, poison, diseases, energy drain, psionic ability, magic resistance, etc.).

But the most impressive ability that you now have is the Tarrasque regenerative capability. Given enough time, no matter what sort of wound or damage you may take, you will always regenerate back to full health. Even the complete disintegration of your body would not be enough to stop your regenerative ability, as you would simply regenerate from nothing.

The only way to stop your regenerative ability would be for someone to kill you and cast powerful magic or warp reality to prevent you from coming back, such as a wish spell. But even then, the moment that the magic or alteration to reality is gone, you can simply return unimpeded.

Phazon Infusion (Metroid)

Cost: 20 SP

You have been implanted with a sample of Phazon, a corruptive substance with a number of outstanding and dangerous properties. Normally taking the form of glowing blue fluid, ores or crystals, it is in fact a pseudo-organic pseudo-mineral superorganism capable of self-replication, and possesses both highly mutagenic and energy-generating properties. It is also highly radioactive, volatile, and toxic and corrosive to most life on top of that, killing many creatures that touch it and mutating the ones that survive into monsters. While you specifically will be exempt from the more lethal effects due to being considered this particular strain’s “progenitor”, others will not be so lucky.

As the Phazon spreads inside you, it will gradually replace your ordinary flesh and blood with itself, enhancing your overall capabilities and granting the occasional beneficial - if sometimes disturbing - mutations. During this process, you will find yourself developing a number of abilities, such as generating and discharging Phazon energy, spreading your own internal supply to corrupt your surroundings, and even manipulating the Phazon in an area, such as forming solid Phazon constructs or controlling corrupted creatures and machines. This process can be accelerated by retaking and absorbing excess Phazon from any corrupted surroundings and creatures, though be warned that ‘overfeeding’ can lead to both physical and mental instability.

At the height of your development, after becoming a being of solid Phazon, you will find your body slowly stabilizing and reinforcing itself, skin forming into durable Phazite and internals shifting towards newer, stranger functions - and then after that, beginning to develop its own miniature Phazon Core like those of Leviathans, substantially increasing your output when fully formed. Once complete, your form will be similar to that of Dark Samus in miniature; resilient, needless, and possessed of an array of abilities that make you a terror to fight personally, with only outside forms of Phazon-based weaponry being capable of getting through your defenses.

As one last note: Phazon’s chaotic nature tends to interact very strangely with environments possessing exotic and/or unstable energies, with Aether’s split into two dimensions being a prime example. Should the substance be introduced to other, similar locales such as the Warp, or otherwise areas where reality is fluid or unstable, such as Shardspace, similar reactions may occur in the future.