Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Powers/Fire Dragon (Lord of The Rings)

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Fire Dragon (Lord of The Rings)

Cost: 25 SP

You are a dragon; your teeth are swords, your claws are spears, your tail is lightning, your wings are a hurricane, and the magic fire is death. The dragons of Middle Earth are no normal creatures; created by Morgoth to be the ultimate weapon of war that would turn the tide of battle, they didn't originally have wings or spit fire. They were creatures of dark magic and evolution made manifest, growing in size and strength with each passing week with no end in sight. They could live and continue evolving forever, so long as nothing killed them. Doing so was no easy task, as the scales that covered them blocked most attacks launched at them. The first ability made apparent to all new dragons is the hypnotism they possess, which can overpower most creatures in Middle Earth and rewrite a person's whole mind with enough practice and age. The next ability would be the magical fire, which can melt anything due to its magical properties. The final ability that is possessed by each dragon is the ability to grow in size infinitely, increasing every ability you have, biological or otherwise. The best example is Ancalagon, who at the time of his death was well above mountains, To such a degree that when he was killed, he destroyed the largest mountain of Middle Earth by crushing it underneath his mass.