Infernals are humans who have undergone Spontaneous Human Combustion after merging with their Doppelgänger in an alternate dimension known as Adolla, or Hell. This merge takes place after coming into contact with sparks of an Adolla Burst, an extra pure flame originating in Adolla, in the form of red insects. Usually Infernals only arise when an individual is incompatible with their Doppelgänger, a reflection of them as they are commonly perceived by humanity, which results in their loss of reason and a new tendency to rampage.
Infernals can vary widely in form, but all tend to take the form of fiery charcoal-like monsters. They have blackened skin that is at least partially enveloped in flames. An Infernal has much more strength and agility than they had as regular humans, and an ability to manipulate the flames produced by their bodies.
You, however, have taken this a step further. You have managed to retain your mental faculties, allowing you to keep your reason and awareness. However, you still have an urge to rampage and cause destruction. Your form is characterized by having horns and much stronger flames than regular Infernals. You are incredibly difficult to kill, due to equally improved defense and strength. You can brush off being shot by traditional weapons and only need to fear attacks from particularly strong Third Generation pyrokinetics.