Vampires, especially higher vampires, are some of the strongest monsters seen in the Witcher series. Throughout the years, many have sought to kill the higher vampires, only to be met with death as none of the standard methods of killing a vampire worked on the higher vampires. Silver, a metal that would ordinarily kill any monster without a specific weakness, has no effect except to slightly annoy the vampire. Decapitation is a little more than an irritation. Higher vampires are the only vampires within the Witcher series that are completely immune to holy symbols, silver, fire, sunlight, and other common vampire weaknesses. The only method known for killing a higher vampire is for another higher vampire to kill them, and since they all work together, there is no way for a witcher to kill higher vampires. A higher vampire once had his head cut off, was staked with silver, had holy water pored on his body, and was buried. He still regenerated and eventually came back.
Your strength has been heightened to the point that, with a single strike, you could destroy a large building with little effort. Your speed is also ridiculously fast; you are able to move around at speeds at which others with enhanced senses would assume that you are teleporting. Your defensive abilities have also been improved, allowing you to take damage that could level giant mountains with ease and not have a scratch on you. Your senses are supernatural, allowing you to sense things others cannot. Like all higher vampires, you possess immortality and boast an impressive healing factor.
You also possess other supernatural abilities, such as the ability to manipulate blood, fly, manipulate humans and animals with mind control, induce sleep in creatures, and turn into a mist of blood and a giant bat, which further increases your vampiric abilities. While higher vampires do not require blood, they find the taste enjoyable.