Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Powers/(Wo)Man of Steel (DC Comics)

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(Wo)Man of Steel (DC Comics)

Cost: 40 SP

Your genes are modified, making you a 100% pure Kryptonian. You gain powers similar to Superman. Super strength and tactile telekinesis, super speed, flight, nigh-invulnerability, enhanced senses, improved cognition, heat vision, cold breath, and super regeneration.

While you are exposed to yellow sunlight, your powers work at their maximum. Without it they are reduced gradually, until they are completely drained. Though this process would take a considerable amount of time, and could go on for months on end under no yellow sun, without any significant reduction to your powers.

Kryptonite crystals won't affect you anymore, but if you were exposed to red sun radiation, you would lose your powers.

New Sun

Your Sun physiology and Kryptonian heritage have combined and enhanced each other into something greater. You are constantly recharging your Kryptonian powers due to absorbing your own body's energy, meaning you grow constantly as if you were in the core of a sun. Furthermore, you need not fear either Kryptonite or the rays of a red sun any longer, as your powers come intrinsically from yourself, so they will not be weakened by such things.

Chosen of Rao

Your sunshine, Sun physiology, and Kryptonian heritage merge together to form a greater whole. Your heat and flames burn through seemingly anything and everything it comes in contact with, esoteric or even conceptual things like infinity and eternity can be brought low by your searing inferno. Your body is likewise elevated to new levels, able to grow with sunshine without physically changing if you so wish, as well as receiving a massive boost in all ways, including such things as beauty. All abilities granted to you due to your Kryptonian heritage are now supercharged, and while not quite at the level of a Silver Age Kryptonian, with some time and training you can get there.

A Ray of Hope

The magical nature of Sunshine has combined with your powers as a Kryptonian to extend your durability and power toward magic as well as the physical, meaning magic no longer harms you as it does a regular human, and your potential to wield magic, including sunshine, has been improved proportionally to how much your strength is improved from a regular human.