Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Powers/Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (One Punch Man)

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Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (One Punch Man)

Cost: 10 SP

Created by the S-Class Hero, Bang, this martial art stands as the ultimate defensive art that perfectly blends offense and defense. This art seeks to recreate the flows of torrential and undulating forces within one's body. Your mastery of this art reveals itself in the blue water-like aura that trails after your hands and other extremities. You have a perfect grasp of deflecting or redirecting an opponent's attack at twice the power. Your ability to redirect incoming attacks allows you to protect yourself from attacks that are notably more powerful than you are otherwise; however, even this feature of the art has its limits. Your initial mastery is comparable to Garou's and will grow to match and eventually eclipse even Bang's in time.

True Breathing

The combination of Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, Total concentration Breathing, and Hamon have reached a new level. Every breath you take empowers you to be slightly greater than you were before. Your physical capabilities are many times above what would previously be your maximum and can grow without limit. Any spiritual or mystical powers are likewise empowered with your every breath, with you having amazing reserves of energy and a seemingly supernatural talent. As you have complete awareness and control of your body, you will never lose balance and always be able to remain in fighting form.

Dual-Wielding Martial Arts

Your mastery of Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist and Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist has grown leaps and bounds allowing you to use them simultaneously. This combination is enough to allow you to fight any win over Dragon-level threats, or even greater. Combining these techniques, one in your left hand, and the other in your right, allows you to use the Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist technique. This technique sends incredible shockwaves through the body of the target, destroying them from within, and is capable of overcoming otherwise indomitable defenses. Pushing these martial arts further will allow use of the Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist, an even more potent combination technique.

Total Concentration Awakening Breathing

You have mastered the art of breathing. Specifically: completely and utterly saturating your body with oxygen, bringing out and leaving behind the normal limits of your body. Not only do your physical attributes attain a beyond-perfect state, but your thought processes and reaction times attain an equal level, allowing your mind to keep up with your body and keep pace with those who would normally fully outclass you. However, you should be warned: pushing your body to such an extreme burns through your stamina reserves at nearly an equal pace to your physical boost, leaving you vulnerable once the technique wears off.