As a human that is half gem, you possess a unique physiology and are able to use all the standard abilities of gems. Similar to Steven, your abilities are initially dependent on your emotions. However, as you learn to hone your abilities, you can use them more naturally, no longer requiring emotions to use your unique abilities.
You are able to shapeshift effortlessly into anything that you desire, temporarily altering your physical form to anything that you can think of, such as transforming into a giant monster or a lion. This takes skill in order for it to be used properly, and the use of this power is initially strenuous. Through this power, you can change how old you are by being functionally immortal. Through the power of your gem, you have gained the ability to regenerate from any wound; however, unlike a normal gem, you cannot normally just ‘poof’ and transform into your gem in order to regenerate from your wounds. If you happen to be killed, then your gem would enter a dormant state and recreate your body, and so long as your gem is unharmed, you can be restored. Like other gems, you possess the ability to summon a weapon from nothing, and what this weapon is will be completely up to your desires. Each weapon is unique and specifically tailored to the personality of its wielder. These weapons can be further upgraded, but if they break, you will not be able to summon them for some time.
With your enhanced physiology comes enhanced strength beyond that of a human. In the beginning, this strength is enough to smash a car apart with your bare hands; however, as you grow in understanding your power, you can increase this strength to be able to easily shatter a continent. You also possess a supernatural durability, able to withstand being hit with a force that could easily destroy a city, and like your strength, this ability grows with your understanding of your gem nature. You also possess immunity to temperature and things that would ordinarily kill a human, such as lava, diseases, poisons, radiation, and other harmful substances. Your speed is also enhanced; initially, this speed is slightly above that of a normal human, and with training, you could slow down your own perception of reality and move faster than most man-made objects.
Like all diamonds and gems, you possess an ability that is purely unique to yourself, such as the mind control seen by white diamond, the electrical abilities seen by yellow diamond, or the emotional control seen by blue diamond. As you learn more about your abilities, you could even learn to do anything shown by any gem in the show, including Steven. You also possess the ability of fusion, being able to combine with other gems, combining your strength with the person you fuse with, and gaining new abilities. This, however, is often seen as a deeply personal experience.