Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Powers/Wisdom of the Sage (The God of High School)

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Wisdom of the Sage (The God of High School)

Cost: 15 SP (The King's Body (The God of High School))

Cost: 5 SP (The King's Body (The God of High School))

You inherited a portion of the King’s Power, the innate Divine ability of the Jade Emperor Ohkwang.

This power allows for the manipulation of the Four Fundamental Forces of the Universe. Strong Force, Weak Force, Electromagnetism, and Gravity.

The King himself was able to fling whole planets around the solar system like pinballs, or disintegrate half the bodies of High Gods with a wave of his hand, and his true successor, Han Dae-Wi, will be every bit as mighty.

You however, have only received a portion of this power. You could fly or destroy whole houses with a thought or construct various weapons and items from thin air but the heady heights of power the Kings possessed are years away for you.

As time passes and you practice your power, you will grow in both the control you have, the range of your ability and the magnitude of what you may effect. This ability turns one of your iris’ wholly black, with a golden Omega symbol in place of your pupil, at least when the ability is in use.