You are now a bio-android of unprecedented genetic potential, a combination of the most potent genetic material from four distinct species: the Saiyans, Frost Demons, Namekians, and Humans. This amalgamation grants you a plethora of attributes, abilities and techniques, each species contributing to the creation of an unparalleled being.
From the Saiyans, you get Zenkai, allowing for exponential power growth after recovering from near-fatal injuries. The Frost Demons provide the ability to survive in the harsh vacuum of space and a resilient physique, making you adaptable to the most unhabitable of environments. With the regenerative abilities of the Namekians, you possesses a rapid healing factor, making recovery from injuries almost instantaneous.
Your single weakness is unique organ that acts as your Achilles' heel, requiring its destruction to achieve a permanent demise. Though you have the ability to relocate this tiny organ at will to any part of your body.
You start at your first form, and has the potential to amass more power through the absorption of life force through a special tail-like appendage, affixed to your back. While this is the fastest means of attaining strength, you also have other avenues to unlock your full potential.