Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/Aspect of Archery

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Aspect of Archery

Cost: 15 SP

Bowmanship is an unappreciated art in these modern times, and you are able to put Heroes of Old and even Gods to shame. Your skill with with a bow has transcended it's human limits and breached into the realm of the supernatural. You are able to transmute any loose physical matter into the shape of an effective and usable bow and/or arrows. Using the magical energy within you, you are able to replace the need for physical arrows, creating magical arrows that are incredibly efficient, shattering boulders with minimal amounts of energy. There is no limit to the amount of arrows you are able to cast at once, you are only limited by the number of physical arrows you can hold or the magical energy to create arrows. Creating arrows of various elements is not beyond you, although more esoteric elements are exceedingly difficult. You are able to use the magical energy inside of you to strengthen your body to withstand the amount of strain it would take to put down Gods. As a master of bowmanship is not useless without their bow, you are able to blend archery and physical combat into a fluid style. You will be able to create magical arrows that hold nigh-infinite amounts of magical energy.