Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Foundation Powers/100 Sacred Treasures

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Revision as of 22:32, 27 February 2024 by Ltouroumov (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<!-- SYNC:pzxm --> <div class="object-wrapper"> <onlyinclude> <div class="object"> <h2>100 Sacred Treasures</h2> <div class="image"><htmltag tagname="img" src="" /></div> <div class="scores"> <div class="score"> Cost: 25 SP </div> </div> <div class="requirements"> </div> <div class="text"> You now have the power to instantly summon and dismiss 100 s...")
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100 Sacred Treasures

Cost: 25 SP

You now have the power to instantly summon and dismiss 100 sentient and intelligent entities that you can seamlessly communicate telepathically with no matter the distance.

The entities collective strength grows as you ascend the hierarchy, reaching its pinnacle at entity 100. For instance, entity number 10 surpasses entity number 1 in every conceivable way by a factor of 100.

Initially, you can only summon the number 1 entity, manifesting as twin dire wolves, the size of an adult male kodiak bear. Each wolf exhibits ten times the physical strength and speed of an elite Olympic male athlete, has super senses, and with durability capable of easily deflecting concentrated medium-caliber artillery fire. Their claws and teeth are sharp enough to cleave through steel, and they possess the special ability to traverse through shadows, manipulating them at will.

Each entity boasts unique supernatural abilities, ranging from shadow manipulation, elemental control, to healing, and telekinesis, etc. These special abilities become increasingly potent and fantastical as you ascend the ladder. These entities also exhibit enhanced passive growth, becoming stronger with increased utilization of their abilities.

To summon higher-level entities, such as entity number 2, you must summon them and defeat them using your own abilities. If you successfully defeat them, you gain control over them, enabling unrestricted summoning. In the event of defeat, the entity will never kill you and will disappear for 24 hours before the process can be initiated again. Each entity that you successfully defeated or was already able to summon like entity number 1, will demonstrate an unwavering and unconditional allegiance in perpetually serving you, this bond can never be broken under no influence, not even your own.

Free from the need for sustenance and immune to fatigue, these entities, if vanquished, require a 24-hour regeneration period before they can be summoned again at full capacity. Unless dismissed they persistently remain in your service, also they might develop a unique personality of their own, if you so allow it.

Fel-Ascended Treasures

The infusion of Mannoroth the Destructor's blood with your 100 sacred treasures entities, has birthed a transformation of unparalleled might. All facets of their physical attributes has been enhanced by a factor of 2.5, this also includes their innate potential for overall growth.

They are now totally immune against harmful magical influences. Adversarial spells are rendered impotent, including an immunity to all illnesses, diseases, and poisons. They are also now nigh impossible to affect through psychic means, though they can still use magic or psychic abilities with great efficiency. In fact, their control and talent with it is even further augmented.

If vanquished they will now require only a period of 12 hours instead of 24 hours to be summoned again at full capacity.