Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Esoteric and Abstract Powers/Sovereign Domain

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Sovereign Domain

Cost: 15 SP

Sovereign Domain grants you the ability to establish and manage your territory with a range of functions and traits that ensure order, justice, and efficient development. Here's how it works:

Territory Establishment: By staking your claim and not being contested for a specific duration, the designated area becomes your territory. The duration varies based on the size of the territory. For instance, an average-sized city requires no contestation for 48 hours, while a country-sized territory requires one month. There's no limit to how big your territory can be.

Territory Limit and Expansion: With Sovereign Domain, you can govern only one territory at a time. However, you can expand your domain by claiming adjacent territories, following the established rules. This allows you to increase your influence and extend your governance within the boundaries of the rules.

Claim Announcement and Contestation: Upon claiming a territory with Sovereign Domain, an announcement is made within the territory to inform the inhabitants of your authority and the established rules. Contestation is allowed at your discretion, giving you the power to decide when challenges can occur. Only the subjects within the territory can challenge you, and emerging victorious grants a permanent bonus, with the magnitude of the bonus increasing based on the intervals between contestations.

Choice of Resolution: When your authority is contested within the territory, you have the privilege of choosing between two options to resolve the challenge:

Democratic Vote: You can opt for a democratic vote, allowing the population of the territory to decide the outcome. The inhabitants will cast their votes, and if a minimum of 70% supports the contestation, your sovereignty will be subject to potential change.

Physical Confrontation: Alternatively, you can choose a physical confrontation, where you either engage in combat personally or designate a champion to fight on your behalf. This direct confrontation tests strength and determination, determining the outcome of the contestation.

If you are unsuccessful in the contest, the territory dissolves, and you are prohibited from reclaiming it for a period ranging from 1 to 10 years, depending on the size of the territory.

Contest Resolution: When a claim is contested, a resolution is achieved through a physical confrontation. The designated champions of the initial claimant and the contestant engage in a fair battle within a designated battleground. Equal conditions and protections are provided to ensure a balanced confrontation. The outcome of this clash determines the rightful claimant to the territory.

Rule Violation Detection: With Sovereign Domain, you possess the power to detect rule violations within the territory. You or designated individuals can swiftly identify acts of violence, destruction of nature, and other prohibited actions with precision, ensuring prompt recognition of these incidents.

Announcements and Notifications: With Sovereign Domain, you can promptly address rule violations by making announcements or assigning representatives to inform the inhabitants of the territory. This emphasizes the importance of adhering to the established rules and regulations.

Sovereign Multitasking: With this power, you can effortlessly divide your attention and focus across numerous tasks directly associated with the management of your territory. Whether it's overseeing administrative duties, enforcing rules, addressing subjects' needs, or making important decisions, you can handle them simultaneously with exceptional efficiency.

With Sovereign Domain, you possess the ability to create and maintain an orderly, sustainable, and thriving territory, ensuring harmony among its inhabitants and the preservation of natural resources.