Project V17/Drawbacks/Won't you fly high, free bird

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Revision as of 11:45, 29 November 2023 by Ltouroumov (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<!-- SYNC:t6ya --> <div class="object-wrapper"> <onlyinclude> <div class="object"> <h2>Won't you fly high, free bird</h2> <div class="scores"> <div class="score"> Gain: 15 SP (Standard)</div> <div class="score"> Gain: 10 CP (Standard)</div> <div class="score"> Gain: 10 SP (Hard)</div> <div class="score"> Gain: 5 CP (Hard)</div> <div class="score"> Gain: 20 SP (Easy)</div> <div class="score"> Gain: 15 CP (Easy)</div>...")
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Won't you fly high, free bird

Gain: 15 SP (Standard)
Gain: 10 CP (Standard)
Gain: 10 SP (Hard)
Gain: 5 CP (Hard)
Gain: 20 SP (Easy)
Gain: 15 CP (Easy)
The morning tomorrow of your arrival, somehow there will be a massive breakout at the Baumann Parahuman Center with practically all prisoners escaping, more than half of them will encounter you and find a reason to target you, If your selected location is the Birdcage then they won't specifically target you at that quantity and this costs points instead.