Project V17/Drawbacks

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Case 53

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

You do not look human. How bad you look depends on your chosen appearance. If you chose Self-Insert or Insert you'll now be able to go back and choose your appearance. The more good-looking your appearance the more human and good-looking your appearance will be. On the other hand, if you chose ugly or disfigured, prepare to look like Noelle. Your appearance may also be based on a random one of the powers you chose.

Case 53 Tattoo

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 7 SP (Easy)

Gain: 7 CP (Easy)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Required: Case 53

Required: Amnesia

Required: Cauldron

You are a product of the organization, Cauldron. As a Case 53, you exhibit both their signature tattoo and the typical side effect of amnesia, being unable to recall any memories from your life prior to receiving powers.

Pint Sized

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Required: Drop-In

Your body is aged down to somewhere between 6 and 12 years old. You will age normally but cannot use powers to age yourself up. Your physical abilities are reduced to match your age. Adults will not take you seriously and your independence will be severely limited.

Conscious Geas

Gain: 3 SP (Standard)

Gain: 8 CP (Standard)

Gain: 6 SP (Easy)

Gain: 12 CP (Easy)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 4 CP (Hard)

Regardless if you're immune to Master/Stranger powers or not, you have a geas on you. A geas is a compulsion you must obey. You are aware of your geas and are not affected mentally by it, but if you try to go against the geas you won't be able to. It may make your body move on its own if you try to disobey. If your Geas was to be a good person, then you would find yourself forced to do things that you felt a good person would do. The more specific the Geas, the more debilitating, impossible, and painful it is to resist. If the Geas is extremely general, such as to be a good person, you could get away with being an asshole or even petty theft with only some heartburn, but if it was something like not stealing, then if you tried to steal you'd find yourself paralyzed and feeling as if hundreds of red-hot needles were before forced into every nerve on your body.

Unconscious Geas

Gain: 8 SP (Standard)

Gain: 3 CP (Standard)

Gain: 12 SP (Easy)

Gain: 6 CP (Easy)

Gain: 4 SP (Hard)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Regardless if you're immune to Master/Stranger powers or not, you have a geas on you. A geas is a compulsion you must obey. You are unaware of your Geas, and their effects are entirely mental. If your chosen Geas was to be a good person, then you would find yourself genuinely trying to be a good person. If that was your geas, you would have to shift your alignment to good though. This is NOT caused by your Shard if you have one. To be clear, you forget you chose this Perk even if you remember all your other choices. The more general the Geas is, the less it affects your personality. If your Geas was to be good, you'd find yourself a significantly better person, or at least trying to be a significantly better person, but you might still occasionally do something you know isn't good because of selfishness, revenge, or some other reason. If your geas was more specific, like to not steal, you'd obsessively hate the idea of stealing and likely couldn't do it even if it would stop the entity from ending all worlds.


Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

You find that you have a knack for pissing off people who have viewpoints that oppose yours. Something about you causes people who have different viewpoints than yours to have an unnatural dislike of you. This can easily cause arguments when you encounter them and try to interact with those with opposing viewpoints.


Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Your outsider nature can be felt, and you get all the wrong kinds of attention. Expect to be treated poorly.

In One Ear...

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

You can't explain your powers to others. If you try to, no information is conveyed in the attempt, even if the explanation was a lie (speech sounds silent, writing doesn't appear on the page, etc). Others can come to their own conclusions on how your powers work just fine, although attempts to confirm or deny their theories fail as well.


Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

You seem to be a walking talking failure of basic security. Even if you consciously try, you tend to slip some kind of information about yourself. And whenever you do slip, somehow, it reaches the ears of those who might actually use that information. It's safe to say your enemies might know where you live, work, relax, and even the name of your pet poodle.

Weak Body

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Olympic

Your physical traits are below average when compared to the general population. It takes you twice as long to build strength as it does for others, and your immune system is weak, causing you to fall ill frequently.


Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

You have an overinflated sense of your own worth, your new favorite pastime is making sure that you look your absolute best at all times.


Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

You can’t find any motivation, sometimes you don’t even want to do anything. While not suicidal, sometimes you don’t feel like eating when you really need to. You need strong willpower to be able to live a normal life, but you will regularly just stop doing something halfway and have trouble starting something.


Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

You find yourself slightly more easily angered than usual. If you were normally calm and composed, then you'd find yourself making harsh retorts or giving others the cold shoulder a bit more often, while if you only had the emotional intelligence of a baby larva, then even the slightest insults toward yourself would fill you with fury.

Battle Junkie

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

You find yourself caught in the grips of a fierce and addictive passion for battle. As a Battle Junkie, you are driven by an insatiable desire to engage in combat, constantly seeking out new challenges and victories. However, be warned, for the art of combat comes a massive dopamine hit comparable to hard drugs, be careful not to be addicted to violence.

The Only Thing I Fear

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

You are deathly afraid of something. It could be anything, insects, holes, the ocean, etc. You panic at the mere sight of it and if you force the issue you might even faint.


Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Your hunger for wealth is undeniable, insatiable, and unquenchable. You desire money and all things that can help you financially above all else. If you lack a strong will, you can abandon any morals in the face of the almighty dollar. Your sole focus is money, the means to your end. For you, the difficulty of a task is irrelevant; only the potential reward matters.

Shopping Addiction

Gain: 5 SP (StandardMiser)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (HardMiser)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 8 SP (EasyMiser)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

You are afflicted by a condition, known as compulsive spending, which makes it virtually impossible for you to save money. You simply cannot control your urges to spend and constantly feel the need to purchase items, whether necessary or not. This habit drains your finances, leaving you always wanting more money. It is a difficult condition to deal with, as it can lead to excessive debt and stress, and can negatively impact your social and personal relationships.

Thou shalt not utter Lord's name in vain.

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Every time you utter a divine's name in vain or say curse words, something terrible will happen to you.

(Lasts until you ascend to divinity and only with gods you are aware of, if you are atheist and say something like, dear god, a random god will smite you "gently")


Gain: 2 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 CP (Easy)

Gain: 1 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Entity

You are allergic to something. It might be dust, animals, food, material, substance, energy, etc.

Can be taken up to 10 times.


Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Reputable

You find it really difficult to gain a reputation. Your accomplishments are often downplayed by others and people often credit successes to others and failures to you.


Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Cover Story

No matter what, you cannot keep your civilian identity secret. Perhaps your voice is recognized by a childhood friend and they tell everyone, or perhaps you're forced into revealing your identity to save someone's life. It doesn't matter how, but your civilian identity will be revealed one way or another within a month.

Wanted (Local)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Entity

You attract the interest of a local group (like the E88, ABB, etc.). They will either want to recruit you or eliminate you.

If you participate in dismantling that group, another will not appear. If you move locations you will inevitably attract the interest of another group.

Wanted (Global)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Entity

You attract the interest of a group with national or international reach (like Cauldron, PRT, CUI, etc.). They will either want to recruit you or eliminate you.

If you participate in dismantling that group, another will not appear. If you move locations you will inevitably attract the interest of another group.

CUI Summer Camp

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

You have been targeted by the Yangban or Geselleschaft to be kidnapped and indoctrinated. They will violate international sovereignty and attempt to kidnap you directly as a high-priority target. They will only begin to target you once you begin to act as a cape (if you don't have powers yet you are safe).

If those groups have yet to form, they will, or another group with similar goals will form instead.

Some Terms and Conditions apply

Gain: 15 SP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 8 SP (Hard)

Gain: 8 CP (Hard)

Gain: 20 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

"Oh, you didn't actually think I could give perks that affect powers everywhere in the multiverse, did you?"

The perks: Blank, Trumped the Trump, All Seeing Precognition, and Plot Amour no longer work everywhere. Instead, they are limited to the multiverse cluster you start in.

If you choose the setting "Canon Earth Bet" or "AU Earth Bet" the range is limited to what the entities can reach (1080 universes). For "Crossover" and "AU Crossover" it includes the multiverses of any settings you select. For "Alternate Earth" includes the multiverse of your chosen destination(s). And "No Transfer" places you in the Worm multiverse.

Wildbow? Where have I heard that before?

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

You forget everything you know about Worm. Why? You had a chance to save everything! Stop the bloodshed, and save the multiverse! Well, there's still a chance if you got Backup that you'll save everyone, or that you'll be powerful enough to save everyone by chance. Please don't pick this without Backup, especially not if you chose to arrive on April 8th, 2011!


Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Required: Reincarnation,Character-Insert,

You forget everything from your current life. You are like a walking duckling who has no clue who or what everything is unless you have Wildbow's predictions. Any friends your current life made, any family, and even any enemies. You don't remember them.

Half of Who I Am

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

You forget most of everything from your first life EXCEPT Wildbow's predictions. While you forget a lot of facts such as the name of your parents or maybe even yourself. You still remember important key information like pets you had or key events that shaped your personality. While you no longer remember your past self, the memories you do have make it so you still retain your personality, goals, emotions, and overall identity.

Selective Amnesia

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 20 CP (Standard)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 30 CP (Easy)

Required: Half of Who I Am

You forget everything from your first life EXCEPT Wildbow's predictions. Wow, that's some serious dedication. You don't remember your thoughts or feelings about Wildbow's predictions, just the facts.

Smarmy Asshole

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

You are incredibly annoying, cocky, and arrogant to your last breath. Most people garner actual hate and disgust for you and your attitude after a single sentence

Inverted Controls

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

You experience an unusual reflex occasionally, where your senses will invert, leading to temporary disorientation. Such as you may perceive colors as inverted, hear sounds in reverse, or even feel sensations like hot and cold swapped. These episodes can occur randomly and last for random durations.


Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

You have an addiction to illegal substances, hindering your overall performance. The constant use of these drugs has diminished your mental capacity and cognitive abilities, reducing your mental capabilities and perception. This, in turn, makes it more difficult to perform critical tasks such as planning, strategizing, and executing complex plans. Furthermore, prolonged drug use has left your body in a state of dependency, causing you to experience painful and debilitating withdrawals when not using. During this time, your physical abilities are reduced, resulting in a decrease in strength, agility, and stamina.

Ryoga Hibiki

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

Good news, you have a teleportation power. Bad news, it only works when no one is looking at you through mundane means and you can't control it. It's also global in scale. This drawback only activates every 6 to 8 hours.

Reluctant Dimension Hopper

Gain: 15 SP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Gain: 20 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Required: Ryoga Hibiki

Good news, you no longer teleport around the Earth at random. Bad news you now teleport across the multiverse at random.

You are stuck in the universe you arrive in for one hour, you will not be teleported somewhere where you instantly die, such as a volcano or space, and when your hour is up you are returned to a random place from the place you left.

The place you arrive at can range from hugely beneficial, such as inside Scrouge Mcduck's vault, to rather benign, such as a random street in Kings Landing, or even very dangerous, such as Commoragh in Warhammer 40k. This means you have a 1/3 chance of being in immediate Danger.

After 100 jumps this power wears off. This drawback only activates once every 10 to 12 hours.

Friend of the Doctor

Gain: 40 SP (Standard)

Gain: 40 CP (Standard)

Gain: 20 SP (Hard)

Gain: 20 CP (Hard)

Gain: 60 SP (Easy)

Gain: 60 CP (Easy)

Required: Reluctant Dimension Hopper

Oh. Oh no. Don't pick this.

So, usually, when you hop dimensions the location is 2/3 times going to be fine, but with this option every dimension you travel to, you will be faced with immediate and life-threatening danger, still unable to leave for 1 hour, thankfully whoever did this to you has a little mercy and this will wear off in 50 jumps if you can survive. This drawback only activates once every 20 to 24 hours.

Also gives you a free pair of AMAZING (yet mundane) running shoes.


Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 20 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Required: Reluctant Dimension Hopper

When you teleport, you now stay around for longer than an hour. In fact, you don’t return at all. Every jump will leave you stranded in a new dimension. You will also be stuck in this dimension for at least an hour, at most a few days, multiversal transportation power will not work during this time. Luckily, every 3-5 jumps you will be transported to your original dimension. You will be able to stay in your original dimension for around an hour, at most a few days.

Never Ending Adventure

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 20 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Required: Reluctant Dimension Hopper

This drawback never wears off. Have fun always appearing in another dimension.


Gain: 20 SP (StandardHomecoming)

Gain: 20 CP (StandardHomecoming)

Gain: 10 SP (HardHomecoming)

Gain: 10 CP (HardHomecoming)

Gain: 30 SP (EasyHomecoming)

Gain: 30 CP (EasyHomecoming)

Gain: 0 SP (Homecoming)

Required: Reincarnation

You’ve reincarnated and have lived a brand new life followed by your choices here, but the world you wake up in is not the world you were reincarnated. It seems that rather than being reincarnated in the location chosen in setting, you’ve instead been dropped in from another world, the world in which you’ve reincarnated. You may choose the scenario in how you came to be here, whether it was a freak science accident, an enemy technique that threw you here, or something stranger.

If this is taken with Homecoming, you may optionally choose to have come here through a method of choice; maybe you're here on a mission from your home world, or maybe you were thrown here by accident, but you can easily get back. Maybe it’s even a vacation destination for you and your family, or a world you spend half your time in.

Your history and perks are affected by this: If taken without Homecoming, you’ll have just been suddenly dropped off, your family is in your Reincarnation world, and perks and items such as A Pencil. A Fucking Pencil! is only applied to your home world. If taken with Homecoming, you choose how things such as your family are affected, how long you have been here, whether your reputation is in your home world or both, your items, and so on.

You are dropped off in the location and scenario chosen here; your Reincarnation world can be anything you’d like.

Infamous Origins

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Required: Reincarnation

Your origin is not something most would be proud of. You could be a villain's child or a villain's marriage partner. Either way, people will know and distrust you because of it.

Won't You Fly High, Free Bird

Gain: 15 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 20 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

The morning tomorrow of your arrival, somehow there will be a massive breakout at the Baumann Parahuman Center with practically all prisoners escaping, more than half of them will encounter you and find a reason to target you, If your selected location is the Birdcage then they won't specifically target you at that quantity and this costs points instead.


Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: Wealthy

Incompatible: Drop-In

Incompatible: Entity

You or your family is not very wealthy. If you're a CEO then your business is quickly going downhill, though you're not yet poor, just getting there with a lot of momentum.


Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Uh-oh, you are in deep trouble now. Seen you owe to some people the greatest power of them all… money. On the first selection you will owe a shady group (either the Elite, or whatever comparable group in your world) 50.000$ or the equivalent, with each selection increasing it ten times (500k, 5M, 50M, 500M). They charge 1% in interest per month. If you refuse to pay, they will send goons after you and your properties to cover their losses. You can beat them, but each time they will send stronger people after you, each time more stronger then the previous.


Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

You tend to monologue. It's nothing overpowering, but if you don't actively go out of your way to not monologue, you're probably going to monologue after you feel you've won.

Slaughterhouse 8

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: No Powers

If the Slaughterhouse 9 has formed, they're after you. Not to kill you or torture you, no, something worse. They have a position open and they want to recruit you. If the Slaughterhouse 9 has yet to form, they will, and they will survive long enough to try to recruit you. If you don't have powers yet, they will only come after you once you've triggered.

Jaws of the Butcher

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: No Powers

For whatever reason, the Teeth (and consequently the Butcher) decide to move into your area. The teeth don’t like you, but they won’t actively try to hunt you down. The points from this drawback mainly come from the fact that regardless of whatever perks or powers you may possess, you are no longer immune to the possession aspect of the Butcher’s unique powers. If you fuck up and kill the Butcher then you’re stuck with the voices of all the previous Butchers who will slowly try to drive you insane if you don’t agree to lead the Teeth. If the Butcher dies during an Endbringer fight then you may be possessed if you’re the closest to the Butcher. For some reason, the Butcher will now feel possessed to attend every Endbringer fight.

Endbringer Target

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: End of the Kaiju

The first time you go to an Endbringer fight, the Endbringer will go slightly out of its way to kill you. Unless you show that you're very powerful, you won't be its main focus.

Whispers In The Mind

Gain: 25 SP (Standard)

Gain: 20 CP (Standard)

Gain: 40 SP (Easy)

Gain: 30 CP (Easy)

Gain: 15 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: End of the Kaiju

Required: All dead!?

Required: Endbringers Scrambled

Required: Human Endbringers

A silent screech lays in the back of your mind. You are now an unwilling part of a Simurgh plot. Maybe you'll wind up thinking that the plot must go as closely to the canon as possible, causing you to never do something that could jeopardise the plot or even try to correct perceived deviations. Maybe you will attempt to "remove" any threat to your city and burn it down in the process. Whatever the case, it is almost certainly negative in nature. This power overrides Mental barrier and Blindspot.

Echidna Clone

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

At some point in the future, you will run into Noelle and events will conspire to allow Noelle to absorb and make a clone of you. Regardless of whatever perks or powers you possess to prevent trump effects, this clone will possess all your powers and will, of course, hold a burning hatred of you. To better facilitate this event coming to pass, you will forget you took this drawback. Good luck dealing with your clone, it will have the opposite alignment as you and will do its best to fuck up your life.

Fairy Goddess

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Glaistig Uaine never entered the Birdcage and has continued gathering powers, often targeting those with strong or interesting powers. She has become a boogeyman for Capes and is now regarded as even above Eidolon (as he is now). Whatever your powers, regardless of how strong or weak they are, she has decided to add you to her collection. You have about a week before Glaistig Uaine arrives so use that time to get familiar with your powers and the layout of the city.

You are the Worthy Opponent

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Eidolon will learn, through one means or another like Thinker powers or Watchdog evaluation, that you are a worthy challenge for him. A Worthy Opponent. Anti-thinker perks cannot protect you against this. Even if you are a hero, he will find a way to challenge you.

And you better be able to provide an adequate challenge as Eidolon will be coming at you with all his might.

Chosen One

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Required: You are the Worthy Opponent

Eidolon will learn that he can restore his powers to their full strength by killing you. He will not give up and will not hesitate to exhaust his Shard to kill you.

Saintly Purge

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

At some point in the future, Saint and the Dragonslayers will become convinced that you will be a serious threat to humanity, even if you don't plan on doing anything big with AIs. Saint will use his remote access to Dragon's code combined with Teacher's granted skills to master her, forcing her to fight you as a high-priority target.


Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 8 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: Entity

Outside of battle, you're clumsy and forgetful. These can both be removed through your powers or through practice.


Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: Entity

Your life is full of misunderstandings, almost like a comedy anime, except that these misunderstandings can cause some serious problems. Maybe a Hero might think you are committing a crime, or a villain thinks you are responsible for killing their child.

(If you take Trouble Magnet as well… well get ready)

Contractual Villainy

Gain: 15 SP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Gain: 20 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

You will frequently be required to perform villainous acts or suffer escalating consequences. You are not required to succeed but an attempt with a reasonable possibility of success must be made. These tasks will require illegal acts to be performed, from theft and robbery to arson or even assassination. As long as you cooperate, what will be asked of you will test but not overstep your moral boundaries but will be inconvenient to your plans in some way. (Such as robbing a bank if you are trying to lay low.)

I'm Altering the Deal

Gain: 30 SP (Standard)

Gain: 30 CP (Standard)

Gain: 20 SP (Hard)

Gain: 20 CP (Hard)

Gain: 40 SP (Easy)

Gain: 40 CP (Easy)

Required: Contractual Villainy

The tasks you receive are no longer constrained by moral boundaries. Instead, they will slowly escalate and become more morally reprehensible until you reach depravities that would make even the Slaughterhouse Nine sick. (Or, more likely, recruit you.)


Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 8 CP (Easy)

You developed an addiction to alcohol, resulting in impaired judgment, reckless behavior, and an inability to perform certain tasks. You struggle with the need to drink, often consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time. As a result, you experience physical and emotional consequences, including headaches, vomiting, and withdrawals.


Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 8 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: Entity

You can't hold your alcohol. A single shot and you're slurring your words, stumbling, and likely making a fool of yourself. No powers or abilities you may gain can prevent this.

Rogues Gallery

Gain: 12 SP (Standard)

Gain: 12 CP (Standard)

Gain: 6 SP (Hard)

Gain: 6 CP (Hard)

Gain: 18 SP (Easy)

Gain: 18 CP (Easy)

Over time you will find Parahumans of opposing alignments and goals drawn to you like moths to a flame. This will happen at a rate of roughly one Normal Shard Parahuman per month, and an additional person with a Vital Shard appearing yearly. However the more powerful you are, the more rapidly enemies will rise to challenge you. This Drawback will wear off after 10 years.

Inconsistent Minor Misfortune

Gain: 3 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 2 SP (Hard)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Gain: 5 SP (Easy)

Gain: 8 CP (Easy)

When it comes to irrelevant, everyday inconveniences, you have terrible luck. You will stub your toe more frequently, often arrive at a stoplight just as it turns red, will never win at bingo, and experience other such frustrations. This Drawback will wear off after 10 years.

Consistent Minor Misfortune

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 3 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 2 CP (Hard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Easy)

Required: Inconsistent Minor Misfortune

You are slightly less lucky in all aspects. This is a very subtle, very small decrease, but affects even combat. This effect is twice as potent if you have any Perks or Powers that increase your luck. This Drawback will wear off after 10 years.


Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

You're not necessarily any less intelligent... you just care less. You're really bad at anything you're not significantly motivated to do.


Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 8 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: Handicapped

Incompatible: Entity

People will expect you to do small favors for them whenever you're not busy with something important People might ask you to mow their lawn or save their cat from a tree. You can turn them down, but most people will be offended.


Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: Orphan

Incompatible: Drop-In

Incompatible: (Orphan) High School Student

Incompatible: (Orphan) Middle School Student

Incompatible: (Orphan) Elementary School Student

Incompatible: Annette Hebert

Incompatible: Hana

Incompatible: Colin Wallis

Incompatible: Danny Hebert

Incompatible: Shawn

Incompatible: Kenta

Incompatible: Max Anders

Incompatible: Thomas Calvert

Incompatible: Jacob

Your parents will die within the next month due to it being favorable to further Cauldron's Goals. Short of you killing your parents yourself, there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent this. They will die because you wanted them to, and you will know. (The only way to save your parents is to use the Raven power to bring them to your home universe. Best prepare an explanation.)


Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Required: Poor

Incompatible: Drop-In

Incompatible: Entity

You live on the streets or in the wild. Your whole family could be like this, or just you if you're an orphan.


Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

"Oh, I made a mistake. I accidentally forgot to protect your soul during the transfer and now you suffer from a form of soul sickness. No matters, it is only temporary for a week."

You now suffer from an incurable soul sickness for a week. While it won't kill you, it will make you want to rest your head for the week and not do anything.


Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: Case 53

Incompatible: Servant

Incompatible: Entity

Even if you're not handicapped in the slightest, when you're in your civilian identity, people will think you're handicapped.


Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Whether you are deaf, mute, blind, paraplegic, or something else, no powers can recover what you have lost.

Cold Heart

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Well-Adjusted

Your empathy is muffled, making it harder to see things from the perspective of others. Be careful this doesn't lead you down a dark path.

Keep The Secret

Gain: 15 SP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 20 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Unmasked

You are an old-school man. If you are a hero, then you must be in a suit. If in normal life, then you must live without superpowers. You must differentiate your life between life as a cape and life as an ordinary citizen. You cannot knowingly reveal the secret of your civilian identity to others. You cannot use your powers in civilian identity.

Eh, I Can Take You

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

You have a dangerous habit of underestimating the threat certain people pose, and this always ends up biting you in the ass. Major players are exempt from this. Instead, this drawback triggers whenever you go against lesser foes or threats. Expect a lot of humiliation to come your way that could have been avoided. Be careful not to get yourself killed.

Trouble Magnet

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: May you live in Interesting Times

You tend to attract trouble. Or maybe trouble is attracted to you.

Even if you live a normal life you will tend to be involved in some troubles. They rarely, if ever, completely disturb your life and your role in them will match your alignment (or perceived alignment).

For example, the local police could ask you to assist with a mysterious murder, your neighbors want help investigating the strange happenings around the block. You might also uncover conspiracies or cabals by accident, like the school principal committing fraud or local Thinkers manipulating property prices.

Child of Fate

Gain: 20 SP (Standard)

Gain: 20 CP (Standard)

Gain: 30 SP (Easy)

Gain: 30 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Required: Trouble Magnet

You have been blessed with the fate to live out your own story, with you as the protagonist. You will meet the most interesting people, be present for the most momentous events, and get to see the most amazing places around, all the while getting into no end of dangerous trouble, just like any other protagonist out there.

This practically guarantees that regardless of your desires, you will be drawn into and be a major player in the main story of any world you land in or visit, if there is any - and if it doesn't have any, fate will put you on a path that determines the future of the world, whether for better or for worse. This might sound amazing but know that this doesn't give you any plot armor, so there is nothing that guarantees your safety, and while you will have some downtime between adventures, you will inevitably get dragged back into another grandiose adventure.

Mr. Regular

Gain: 30 SP (Standard)

Gain: 30 CP (Standard)

Gain: 40 SP (Easy)

Gain: 40 CP (Easy)

Gain: 20 SP (Hard)

Gain: 20 CP (Hard)

Required: Trouble Magnet

Required: Homecoming,World-Walker,Entity,

Wow, you really must be a glutton for the strange, the weird, and the adventurous, aren't you? Well, you now have that in abundance.

You are going to see everything the multiverse has to offer if you live that long, from the Reapers invading, Darkseid attacking whatever world you currently live in, to a rowdy and destructive group of mages crashing in your house, and Justice League randomly appearing in your current world, et cetera. You will never lack for any form of excitement.

This in essence makes your life a massive multi-crossover, where you will meet several characters not limited to franchises you know regardless of your current world, they will find you, and they will involve you in their nonsense, so I hope you're ready.

Note: If you take this and child of fate, you are in for a hell of a time.

Fallen Worship

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

The Fallen believe you to be one of the Endbringers, possibly not believing you've yet to receive whatever divine wisdom causes the Endbringers to destroy cities every couple of months. They will worship you and try to get you to act like the Endbringers. Even if you don't take this, they might still come to this conclusion.

Tinfoil Hat

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

No one will believe you if you tell them about the entity or Cauldron unless you show them definite proof or they already know about what you're telling them. (Stranger) Truth overpowers this drawback.

Despair Event Horizon

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

When someone opposes your beliefs and way of life you get irritated. But if someone were to argue against everything you stand for and win? When you spiral into a pit of despair. The kind of major event that can turn a Paragon of Heroes into an outright Malicious Villain. Watching everything you stood for break into nothing, you will break as well. It will be difficult to come back, not impossible but extremely difficult.

Arbitrary Weakness

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Coming in contact with a certain thing weakens and maybe even debilitates you. Like Kryptonite, you find yourself losing power in the face of that something. This can be sunlight, a certain element on the periodic table, or even an object like the Bible.

Just Following Orders

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Entity

You will follow the orders given to you by your superiors unless they are in direct contradiction with your alignment. (For example, you would not obey the order to execute an innocent civilian if you were Lawful Good).

If a despot were to seize power through legal means like an election you would be more inclined to follow the orders of the new government than if they seized power through a violent coup.


Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Entity

You have a pragmatist mindset. Your plans and solutions do not always take into account the human factor or the PR angle. Your alignment still influences your plans. This makes working in a team somewhat difficult if the other members are less pragmatic than you, it depends on whether you are ready to compromise and accept the opinion of others or follow their plans.

Personality Conflict

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Entity

You are unable to work with others in a meaningful way for any extended period of time unless you really put the effort in. Any team you join will inevitably either fall apart or kick you out. You must be genuinely attempting to work with the team for this to take effect, so no joining a gang with the intent of having them fall apart.


Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Entity

You must always try for a peaceful resolution before subduing an opponent by force. Your attempt at a peaceful resolution must be a true attempt but can be done in a simulation or have been undone by time travel. The resolution attempt should be proportional to the situation, you are not expected to solve a random ganger's family problems before arresting him for armed robbery.

Complexity Addiction

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Entity

You can't help but make unnecessarily elaborate and dramatic plans. Maybe you steal an entire building just to steal an item inside, or maybe you only use a tank of sharks to kill your enemies. Regardless, your plans are more dramatic than pragmatic.

Terrible Fashion

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

You just suck at looking charismatic or good due to the horrendous fashion choices. Not only that, even when wearing normal clothing, you will somehow look a bit off, enough that people will subconsciously find you less attractive.

Always on The Clock

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Entity

Your social life will suffer because of your Hero career. If you work for an organization, you'll be interrupted during your off-time for various "urgent" matters. Your candlelit dinner date might be interrupted by a villain attack or another emergency. None of the interruptions will put your secret identity at risk, if you have one, there will always be the opportunity to slip away discreetly or politely excuse yourself.

Parker Luck

Gain: 20 SP (Standard)

Gain: 20 CP (Standard)

Gain: 30 SP (Easy)

Gain: 30 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Peaceful Life

Incompatible: Worriless

Required: Always on The Clock

Your superhero activity doesn't just negatively impact your social life, it makes it absolutely miserable, like there is some invisible force having a laugh at your misery. Supervillains might attack and kill your loved one, You will struggle with work and earning money constantly at risk of being fired or entering poverty, or some guy or girl might come along and steal the love of your life from you. Being a hero is a sacrifice and your duty will take it pound of flesh from you but remember with great power comes great responsibility you will even make it out somehow.

An Angel and Devil on My Shoulders

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Entity

Two powerful people will be aware of you, the Entity/Entities, and either the choices the other person made, the CYOA you played, or the deal the third party gave you (depending on your Meta (Awareness) choice). One will be True Good, the other Chaotic Evil. The True Good person will try to convince you to use your power for good, though that doesn't necessarily mean they care how you go about this (They don't care if you act the part of a Superhero or if you do humanitarian work instead). The Chaotic Evil one will try to convince you to use your power for selfishness and evil. Neither of them will attack you unless you choose the side of the other person.

Kill Order

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Entity

You will inevitably have a kill order placed on your head by the PRT. Anybody in the world can murder you with no legal consequences whatsoever, and in fact, will be rewarded for doing so. Heroes especially will be gunning for you whenever they have a chance. All those unwritten rules that discourage actually killing someone in a Cape conflict no longer apply to you, and your opponents will be going all out.

Overwatch 2

Gain: 20 SP (Standard)

Gain: 20 CP (Standard)

Gain: 30 SP (Easy)

Gain: 30 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

You can't help but add things absolutely no one will want. You promise something and vastly under-deliver. You are a complete buzzkill when it comes to making anything or everything.

You say you will create a sword that can annihilate continents, you will only end up putting in enough work to make a sword that barely damages a building.

Your promises are lies and you're probably a douchebag


Incompatible: Entity

You gain a form of insanity. They can range from various forms of mental disorders to hallucinations.

(You can pick your insanity in the section below)

May you live in Interesting Times

Gain: 20 SP (Standard)

Gain: 20 CP (Standard)

Gain: 30 SP (Easy)

Gain: 30 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Trouble Magnet

You attract trouble. Even if you try to live a completely mundane life, a strong Parahuman will always find you and you'll never go without a challenging fight. This could be considered a Perk if you have a power that grows with the use or that gets significantly more useful with increased skill, but it ensures you're never overpowered. If you're stronger than anyone in the setting, a Tinker might find themselves opening a portal between the universe you're in and one with stronger fighters.

A Little While Longer

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 8 CP (Easy)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Required: Homecoming,World-Walker,Entity,

Incompatible: Reluctant Dimension Hopper

Incompatible: Dimensional Flux

"By the way, I'm disabling your multiversal traveling privileges. No running away from this you munchkin. I am going to anchor your soul to your chosen setting."

Your ability to traverse the multiverse has been disabled and all forms of methods to get out of the world you are trying to leave will fail. You must wait a while before a successful jump to another universe is made.

It takes 1 year for the soul anchor to fade. Taking this option multiple times multiplies it by 10 for a maximum of 100 years.

Apocalypse Now

Gain: 15 SP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 20 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Scion/Zion is haunted by visions of his own death. For each time this drawback is taken, it half as much time for Zion to initiate Golden Morning until something sets him off (counting from the moment of your arrival). It could be that Jack gets the idea to influence him early, Zion realizes that humans are using the remains of his dead partner to create more Parahumans, or any number of other things. Now you are locked in, and nothing can change Zion. Even if you kill Jack Slash before he sets off Zion, he will still initiate Gold Morning after the correct amount of time has passed.

If taken on an Alternate Earth this instead changes the local doomsday scenario such as The Snap (MCU), The Reapers harvest of the universe(Mass Effect), or Voldemort's return and subsequent fall of Hogwarts(Harry Potter).

If there's no existential threat present at all, a random one will appear and will act up in about a decade.

Dimensional Flux

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

"Oh, dear. It seems that I was a bit careless during the transfer process, and accidentally disrupted your dimensional signature while sending you to your destination. I hope you like surprises."

It seems as though your transfer (or your empowerment, if you picked No Transfer) has destabilized your 'position' in space. While this isn't much of an issue on its own, it will cause any attempts to travel to other dimensions or universes to almost always fail catastrophically, at best sending you far away from your intended destination in that world, and at worst sending you to a completely different universe entirely. Thankfully, your initial transfer has anchored you to your chosen world, preventing this from interfering with any attempts to return, should the need arise. This flux will last for about 10 years before stabilizing.

Power Boost

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 8 CP (Easy)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

For each instance this option is taken, the power of all sapient beings will increase by 10%, excluding yourself. Each boost requires a month to take effect. Therefore, if all 10 boosts are taken, it will take 10 months for the full effect to manifest. It's important to note that these boosts are not cumulative, so if you take all 10 boosts, the final increase will be 100% rather than 259.37%.


Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Friendly

Whatever friends you make will turn on you, or die, or maybe they weren't your friends, to begin with. In the end, you are alone.


Did you slight a Fae? Or try to trick a Devil? No matter what you have been cursed. This curse may take many forms. (Choose one from the section below.)


Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

You gain a stalker. This person is obsessed with you and will go to great lengths to get your attention and affection. They also get a build of similar strength to yours and have the Insane drawback.

Villain Target

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

You are much more likely to encounter villains in your new life, either as a victim or as a target of recruitment.


You gain a Nemesis who has an ideological position incompatible with yours that cannot be reconciled. This person will have a build of similar strength to you. Your nemesis does not necessarily want to kill you their goals will just be diametrically opposed to yours, they will be the Villain to your Hero, rival business partner, or competing shadowy organization.

Your Nemeses will respect the Truce as long as you do as well if they are any alignment other than Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil.

If you picked Late to the Party, your Nemesis will be part of them.

(You can pick your nemesis alignments in the section below)


Your powers have been split from you, your strength evenly distributed with another.

(You can pick the number of people in your cluster and it's specific mechanics in the section below)

Late to The Party

Gain: 20 SP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 30 SP (Easy)

Gain: 23 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 8 CP (Hard)

One good person, one neutral person, and one evil person arrive on Earth Bet with a build of their choice, except that they arrive at a time before you, don't arrive at the same time as each other, and have a build of similar strength to you.

Party's Just Getting Started

Gain: 15 SP (Standard)

Gain: 8 CP (Standard)

Gain: 23 SP (Easy)

Gain: 12 CP (Easy)

Gain: 8 SP (Hard)

Gain: 4 CP (Hard)

One good person, one neutral person, and one evil person arrive on Earth Bet with a build of their choice at the same time as you and have a build of similar strength to you.

This Party's About to Get Crazy

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 8 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

One good person, one neutral person, and one evil person arrive on Earth Bet with a build of their choice, except that they arrive at a time after you, don't arrive at the same time as each other, and have a build of similar strength to you.

The Summoning

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Instead of arriving discreetly in your new world, or assuming an extant identity, you are intentionally summoned in a magical (or technological) ritual. Your summoner doesn't actually have a way to control you with the ritual, but they will know that you're an outsider. For Drop-Ins this is straightforward, but for Reincarnations or Character Inserts, the ritual puts you in the person's body.

Extremely Obvious Summoning

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Easy)

Required: The Summoning

Instead of even being summoned by likely a person messing around with incantations, sheer luck, or by a small secret select few, you are instead summoned by a person that is live streaming (or some other suitably public event), and your summoning will be very public, with almost everyone knowing you are not from Earth Bet, or any other currently known Earth!

The Binding

Gain: 25 CP (Standard)

Gain: 25 SP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Hard)

Gain: 15 SP (Hard)

Gain: 35 CP (Easy)

Gain: 35 SP (Easy)

Required: The Summoning

With this, the ritual used to summon you will also compel you to obey your summoner for a year and a day, or until you have completed a task they defined when you were summoned. You can only resist commands that are deeply heinous to you, and the summoner will have commands for you before letting you leave the circle.

Corona Pollentia

Gain: 15 SP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 20 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

You have yet to trigger with your powers. To trigger you will need to get deeply traumatized. There is a possibility you will trigger from finding out you fell through a portal in your sleep into Earth Bet and that if you don't fix things, the whole multiverse, including your own Earth, will be destroyed, or at least heavily damaged. If you chose Shardless then you can Trigger with a Warrior Shard, but it'll be a random power, likely weaker than most of those listed, and you're guaranteed some Shard Influence. If you chose Character-Insert, you still keep whatever power they already had before you remembered your current life. Your Trigger Event for your chosen powers won't Second Trigger your Character-Insert power unless it is similar to the original Trigger Event of the person you were reborn as.

Second Trigger

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Only part of your powers are available when you gain them. At first, you will only have at most 50% of your total SP worth of powers available.

Once you undergo a traumatizing event, either the first time or as a true second trigger, the remainder of your powers will unlock.


Gain: 15 SP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 20 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

Your powers start out 50% weaker and grow over time to 200% of their base power.

Normally they will grow to 100% in 6 months and 200% in 12 months. The more you use your powers creatively the faster they will grow.

In the context of powers with multiple numerical values (i.e. number of charges and strength of charges), the product of all the values doubles. This means either one parameter doubles, two parameters increase by 1.4, three by 1.25, etc. (the n-th root of 2 for n parameters.) For frequencies, they are multiplied by the inverse. (2x becomes 1/2, etc.) You can choose which parameters are affected.

Jet Lag

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 20 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Required: Acclimation

The time necessary for Acclimation to grow from 50% to 100% increases to 12 months and the time from 100% to 200% to 24 months. The more you use your powers creatively the faster they will grow.

Snail's Pace

Gain: 20 SP (Standard)

Gain: 20 CP (Standard)

Gain: 30 SP (Easy)

Gain: 30 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Required: Jet Lag

The time necessary for Acclimation to grow from 50% to 100% increases to 4 years (48 months) and the time from 100% to 200% to 8 years (96 months). The more you use your powers creatively the faster they will grow but each stage will last at least 12 months.

Snails Are Quicker Than You

Gain: 20 SP (Standard)

Gain: 20 CP (Standard)

Gain: 30 SP (Easy)

Gain: 30 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Required: Snail's Pace

The time necessary for Acclimation to grow from 50% to 100% increases to 8 years and the time from 100% to 200% to 16 years. The more you use your powers creatively the faster they will grow but each stage will last at least 2 years

Quarter Pounder

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Required: Acclimation

Incompatible: Starting From Nothing

Acclimation is modified to make your powers start at 25% instead of 50%. This does not affect the time necessary to grow.

Starting From Nothing

Gain: 20 SP (Standard)

Gain: 20 CP (Standard)

Gain: 30 SP (Easy)

Gain: 30 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Required: Acclimation

Incompatible: Quarter Pounder

Acclimation is modified to make your powers start at 0% instead of 50%. This does not affect the time necessary to grow.

No more, No less

Gain: 20 SP (Standard)

Gain: 20 CP (Standard)

Gain: 30 SP (Easy)

Gain: 30 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Required: Acclimation

Acclimation no longer grows past 100% strength.

Not faster, Not slower

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Required: Acclimation

Acclimation cannot be made quicker through training.

Can't You Walk and Talk at the Same Time?

Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Required: Acclimation

Now your powers grow and develop one at a time over your acclimation period, proportional to their SP cost to how much you've spent total on all of your powers. If you bought 100SP worth of powers, then a 10SP power would take one-tenth the acclimation period to develop.

You are now forced to take the entire length of your acclimation to grow into your abilities and in the same order as their requirements; no level of creativity will shorten the duration. Multitasking abilities can't allow you to train more than one purchased power at a time but may be used to work on abilities contained within a power.

Arbitrary Limitations (All Powers)

Gain: 15 SP (Standard)

Gain: 15 CP (Standard)

Gain: 20 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Easy)

Gain: 10 SP (Hard)

Gain: 10 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

Required: Arbitrary Limitations (One Power)

You or your Shard have placed limitations on your chosen powers and/or perks. When restrictions are imposed on some aspects, others improve to compensate. Overall your powers will be integrated to work together as a single whole.

For example, your powers can only be used by minions, only one set can be used at a time (powers are grouped thematically), and you have to build Tinker devices to produce those powers (if you have a Tinker power for example).

If the restrictions are centered around a power, like a minion master power or Tinker ability, this ability gets a boost.

Arbitrary Limitations (One Power)

Gain: 5 SP (Standard)

Gain: 5 CP (Standard)

Gain: 3 SP (Hard)

Gain: 3 CP (Hard)

Gain: 8 SP (Easy)

Gain: 8 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

Required: Arbitrary Limitations (All Powers)

You or your Shard have placed limitations on one of your chosen powers and/or perks. If an aspect is restricted, another aspect gets improved to compensate.

For example, the power can only be used under certain circumstances but the effect is increased, the range is reduced in exchange for potency, the number of choices is limited but they can be improved over time, etc.

Power Cap

Gain: 10 SP (Standard)

Gain: 10 CP (Standard)

Gain: 5 SP (Hard)

Gain: 5 CP (Hard)

Gain: 15 SP (Easy)

Gain: 15 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

Your overall power for all of your abilities is capped at a certain level, dependent on the strength of your current enemies: For example, if your enemy only has city-destroying levels of power at most, then you will be limited to city-destroying levels as well, regardless of how strong you actually are. It is only when you are fighting an enemy with equal or greater levels of power that you can unleash your full strength.

When not currently in combat, your power instead scales to the strongest individual in the area you currently occupy: If you limit yourself to only operating in a single planet or single region of that planet, your power will scale with the strongest person in the area, while if you expand your operations to an entire solar system or more (provided you are actually capable of doing so), then the power-scaling's range will increase accordingly.

Flavor Fiasco

Gain: 2 CP (Hard)

Gain: 4 CP (Standard)

Gain: 6 CP (Easy)

When taken you will suffer Gordon Ramsay’s worst nightmare. With this drawback, the flavors of food and drinks randomly change to something you dislike, regardless of how they are prepared or appear. For instance, a bite of chocolate ice cream might suddenly taste like mint strawberry swirl, or a juicy steak might have the flavor of cricket meat. Even a simple glass of water could unexpectedly taste like cough syrup. These flavor changes are completely random and can occur at any time, but they are always palatable enough to ensure you won't starve. However, they will consistently be flavors that you find unpleasant. The changes are random but you are guaranteed to suffer at least one fiasco a day at least. This doesn’t make any changes to the food and will not affect the food in any way besides how it tastes.


Gain: 20 CP (Hard)

Gain: 30 CP (Standard)

Gain: 40 CP (Easy)

Beware, for the IRS is on your tail! They will ruthlessly attempt to audit you and your funds. And remember, this is the organization that brought down Al Capone, and which even the Joker would dare not cross. If you fail to be 100% squeaky clean for the 3 years the IRS will continually test and try you for, you will be thrown in jail and be unable to get out of jail regardless of powers. This isn’t saying your powers are gone, they just can’t be used to escape the property line of the prison.

Worst Day Ever

Your first day on Earth Bet (or wherever you arrive) will suck.

Reign of the Kaiju

Gain: 40 SP (Standard)

Gain: 40 CP (Standard)

Gain: 60 SP (Easy)

Gain: 60 CP (Easy)

Gain: 20 SP (Hard)

Gain: 20 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: End of the Kaiju

Incompatible: Fair Kaiju Fights

“Unfortunately, I made a mistake when I sent you to your destination. I boosted the Endbringers’ power source by accident. But don’t worry, you still have a chance to survive. The powers I gave you are strong enough to resist them for now.”

All the Endbingers have been charged, what this effectively means is that they are no longer holding back, and you can never be sure which Endbringer is going to attack as they no longer hold any specific order in which they attack or how long they stay dormant in between attacks, as well as being around twice as strong as they were before they got the power-up.

Ever More Endbringers

Gain: 40 SP (Easy)

Gain: 30 SP (Standard)

Gain: 20 SP (Hard)

Gain: 20 CP (Hard)

Gain: 30 CP (Standard)

Gain: 40 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: End of the Kaiju

Incompatible: Extras Not Included

Every time this drawback is taken, 20 more Endbringers will be made and 3 more will become active. So taking this all 4 times would leave you with 85 inactive Endbringers and 15 currently active ones, for a total of 100 to contend with.

This also speeds the rate at which Endbringers attack by an amount commensurate to the number you add.

Waking Titans

Gain: 20 SP (Hard)

Gain: 30 SP (Standard)

Gain: 40 SP (Easy)

Gain: 20 CP (Hard)

Gain: 30 CP (Standard)

Gain: 40 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: End of the Kaiju

Incompatible: Extras Not Included

Required: 20 Endbringers in 1 World

At the moment of your arrival, The Endbringer attack cycle will be modified so that an Endbringer will be awakened every time an Endbringer attacks until all of the Endbringers are awoken.

After all 20 are awoken, they revert to their previous attack cycle.

Reign of The Entities

Gain: 80 SP (Standard)

Gain: 80 CP (Standard)

Gain: 120 SP (Easy)

Gain: 120 CP (Easy)

Gain: 40 SP (Hard)

Gain: 40 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Overcharge Strike

Incompatible: Ubercharge Strike

Required: Entities, what are those Entities you speak of?

Required: Shards, what are those Shards you speak of?

“Unfortunately, It appears I made a fatal mistake. I have accidentally strengthened my greatest enemy.”

All Entities have been greatly altered. They will have all the powers of their Shard regardless if they have been deployed or not and are now much stronger than before. With full control over kinetics, energy, and matter they are immune to any conventional form of attack. They are completely secured within hidden pocket dimensions that are defended to the brim with Sting-like weaponry. They even have various redundancies that prevent them from having a specific weak spot to attack. Entities will even be capable of properly interacting with out-of-context things, this would be as if they had Trump Compatibility.

Though Eden would still be dead if you did not take Not So Dead After All.

Desire For Survival

Gain: 40 SP (Standard)

Gain: 40 CP (Standard)

Gain: 60 SP (Easy)

Gain: 60 CP (Easy)

Gain: 20 SP (Hard)

Gain: 20 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Overcharge Strike

Incompatible: Ubercharge Strike

Required: Entities, what are those Entities you speak of?

Required: Shards, what are those Shards you speak of?

Zion is no longer suicidal and never will be. No amount of reminders regarding Eden's death, the pointlessness of the Cycle, or anything else will make him stop trying to survive with all his faculties. Hope those points were worth it because you'll have to go all out to win.

He is still depressed and apathetic, as long as nothing sets him off he continues his current behavior for at least a century. Unless a major event happens to his core Shards, he will not notice any missing or subverted Shards.

After 250 to 300 years, he will proceed with the end of the Cycle, collect all of his and Eden's surviving Shards and depart from the planet, destroying all parallel versions of it in the process.

Not So Dead After All

Gain: 40 SP (Standard)

Gain: 40 CP (Standard)

Gain: 60 SP (Easy)

Gain: 60 CP (Easy)

Gain: 20 SP (Hard)

Gain: 20 CP (Hard)

Incompatible: Ubercharge Strike

Required: Entities, what are those Entities you speak of?

Required: Shards, what are those Shards you speak of?

Contessa did not kill Eden, she only damaged the Entity's core Shards and they have been stuck in a loop ever since. In the background, automatic repair protocols were working tirelessly to bring back functionality and restore it. A few years after your arrival (2-4) the process finally completes and Eden will wake from her slumber. Cauldron will be cut from the dimensions containing Eden's corpse as the dimensional interdiction Shards activate. It will take the Entity at least six months to sort out the complete mess Cauldron has made of it, the shadowy organization did a number on the dormant Entity's network. During this time, Eden's Shards will receive several update packets and update their configurations. The ones attached to hosts will properly connect, and Case 53s will have their powers correct themselves to function as intended. Once the process is complete, Eden will appear and reconnect with Scion. The Cycle will continue.

The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything

Gain: 40 SP (Standard)

Gain: 40 CP (Standard)

Gain: 20 SP (Hard)

Gain: 20 CP (Hard)

Gain: 60 SP (Easy)

Gain: 60 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: Entities, what are those Entities you speak of?

Required: Shards, what are those Shards you speak of?

Required: Negentropy,Shardless,

Whispers on the Shard Network are that someone has the [ANSWER]. Thankfully, your Shard is smart enough to not advertise that fact, the greedy little thing. As you meet more Parahumans and fight with or against them, the Network will slowly be able to discover your identity. Some Shards are smarter than others and will catch on faster, once they do they will push their host to enter into conflict with yours to acquire that sweet sweet [DATA]. Shards with a higher rank than yours will attempt to bully yours into handing over the [ANSWER]. If things go on for long enough, Scion will finally check his inbox, from this point on the golden man himself will be on your tails.

Fear not, however, it is still possible for you to survive the encounter depending on your relationship with your Shard. One option is to willfully become Scion's new partner, your Shard will be elevated to the rank of HUB and will be the start of a new Entity with your consciousness at the helm. There are other options as well, killing Scion will quiet things down significantly.

An [ANSWER] Is Seen And A Trillion Crystal Eyes Look Upon a Blue And Green Dot

Gain: 120 SP (Standard)

Gain: 120 CP (Standard)

Gain: 60 SP (Hard)

Gain: 60 CP (Hard)

Gain: 180 SP (Easy)

Gain: 180 CP (Easy)

Required: Negentropy,Shardless,

Required: The Summoning

Required: "Odd"

Required: Entities, what are those Entities you speak of?

Required: Shards, what are those Shards you speak of?

Incompatible: Ubercharge Strike

Your summoning was very noticeable, maybe a bit too noticeable. Regardless of your circumstances, you will find that every entity in the universe has seen you. And they will inform every entity that hasn’t that you have a way to survive past heat death, the answer they’ve long searched for.

Also, don’t even think of trying to run away, you’ve been dimensionally anchored into the universe you started in, and not even killing the Warrior with the countdown perk will let you escape from this universe. And don’t bother with trying to hide, your aura of oddness is so strong it will give away your location no matter what. Good luck.

The Cycle Begins Anew

Gain: 80 SP (Standard)

Gain: 80 CP (Standard)

Gain: 40 SP (Hard)

Gain: 40 CP (Hard)

Gain: 120 SP (Easy)

Gain: 120 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: The Neighbors

Incompatible: Ubercharge Strike

Required: Entities, what are those Entities you speak of?

Required: Shards, what are those Shards you speak of?

At some point within a few years after your arrival (5-10), a second pair of Entities will arrive and begin a new Cycle. If the Warrior and/or Thinker are still alive, they might clash or join forces. If you have already defeated the Warrior and Thinker, they will try to take over the Shard networks for their own purposes. Take a lot of points because you'll need all the help you can get.

Apollyon: the Destroyer

Gain: 80 SP (Standard)

Gain: 80 CP (Standard)

Gain: 40 SP (Hard)

Gain: 40 CP (Hard)

Gain: 120 SP (Easy)

Gain: 120 CP (Easy)

Incompatible: Entities, what are those Entities you speak of?

Required: Shards, what are those Shards you speak of?

Incompatible: Ubercharge Strike

Apollyon is heading to Earth: a hypothesized third entity stronger than Zion and Eden combined. He is three times stronger than Zion and Eden combined, as well as having twice the number of shards. He is coming to take over the cycle that Eden and Zion have failed to finish. Apollyon is different from Zion and doesn't intend to preserve the current cycle. Instead, he will carry out his original plan for Earth and initiate a new cycle. This new cycle will see thousands of shards dispersed onto Earth, plunging the world into chaos.

Second Wave Parahumans

Upon taking this drawback, the rate of triggers around your chosen world will increase by 0.1% per day until it reaches the new rate. The triggers have a lower activation threshold than standard triggers, closer to that of second-generation triggers. These parahumans can second trigger if they encounter a situation sufficiently similar situation to their first trigger.

There is a 5% chance of a Parahuman also becoming a Noctis Cape, a 2% chance they'll gain the Olympic perk, a 2% chance they'll gain Blank and a 1% chance they'll gain Mental Barrier. A Parahuman with Mental Barrier will have a 50% chance of also gaining Blank. There is a 0.001% chance that Parahumans will gain Trumped the Trump.

Mass Awakening

Upon taking this, people will also begin awakening Shardless powers at a base rate of 1 in 500'000 people, separate from shard-based triggers, and increasing by a multiplicative 20% for each rank after the first. The rate of awakenings starts at the base rate and increases by 0.1% per day until it reaches the same rate as whichever rank you chose below. The awakenings have a similar activation threshold to standard triggers but can happen through more than just traumatic events, such as moments of great need or situations that would fit the mythos of an origin story. All of these parahumans' powers, by nature, are considered Negentropic and can improve with training and/or time.

All the powers listed in the Shardless power sections will get triggered, save for Ascensions and Paragon and any powers that can't be afforded. Since not all powers are completely unique, some of them will trigger with the powers you chose if you have access to them, potentially being highly different from your versions due to the versatility of some powers.


Gain: 40 SP (Standard)

Gain: 40 CP (Standard)

Gain: 30 SP (Hard)

Gain: 30 CP (Hard)

Gain: 50 SP (Easy)

Gain: 50 CP (Easy)

Required: Second Wave Parahumans

Upon taking this drawback, people who trigger as a result of Second Wave Parahumans have a 0.05% chance of undergoing a "broken" trigger unnoticed by the warrior entity, increasing with the Second wave parahumans rate up to a maximum of 25%. These broken triggers can jump from person to person, affecting multiple people. Those affected by broken triggers will almost certainly die as a result of their powers or the trigger event. If the individual survives, however, they will undergo a second broken trigger, merging with their shard into a "titan."

These "titans" have full access to all the powers of the host's Shard, including those it could have given out but didn't. These "titans" appear to experience a loss in their original personality, attacking seemingly indiscriminately and slaughtering anything they can reach, usually heading towards the nearest populated area and obliterating it, All Titans are inherently equal to Endbringers in terms of durability and destructive potential and on rare occasion may be able to overpower them.

After 250 to 300 years this drawback will end.
