Project V17/Drawbacks/Nemesis Choice

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Lawful Good

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 10 CP

Neutral Good

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 10 CP

Chaotic Good

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 10 CP

Lawful Neutral

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 10 CP

True Neutral

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 10 CP

Chaotic Neutral

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 10 CP

Lawful Evil

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 10 CP

Neutral Evil

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 10 CP

Chaotic Evil

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP


Cost: 10 SP

Cost: 10 CP

One or more of your Nemeses is currently your rival. A friendly rival that competes with you for whatever goal.

The Loved

Cost: 15 SP

Cost: 15 CP

One or more of your Nemeses are the kind of people you absolutely get along with. They no longer wish to defeat you or have ideological differences. It's likely that they will assist you with whatever goal you have.

The Hated

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

One or more of your Nemeses are the kind of people you absolutely despise. Their personality, actions, and behaviors are exactly the kind of things you hate. If there's something that annoys you, it's likely they're doing it.


Gain: 20 SP

Gain: 20 CP

Required: Stalker

One or more of your Nemeses wants you. They will do anything to get your love and attention. They want nothing more than to kidnap you and shove you into their basement for all of eternity. They are twice as strong than you. Unless they have Weaker than You.

Weaker than You

Cost: 10 SP

Cost: 10 CP

One or more of your Nemeses are half as strong as you. You cannot stack these onto a single Nemesis.

Better than You

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

One or more of your Nemeses are twice as strong as you. You cannot stack these onto a single Nemesis.

True Antagonist

Gain: 25 SP

Gain: 25 CP

After some time, a powerful being will introduce itself. This being is directly opposed to both you and your nemeses. The True Antagonist is the collective strength of every Nemesis and you combined. It will require you to get along with and work together with your nemeses in order to defeat The True Antagonist.