Project V17/Drawbacks/Curse Choice/Curse of Yandere Lover

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Revision as of 21:34, 5 December 2023 by Ltouroumov (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<!-- SYNC:i5qy --> <div class="object-wrapper"> <onlyinclude> <div class="object"> <h2>Curse of Yandere Lover</h2> <div class="scores"> <div class="score"> Gain: 15 SP </div> <div class="score"> Gain: 15 CP </div> </div> <div class="requirements"> <div class="requirement"> Incompatible: A Significant Other </div> </div> <div class="text"> All the lovers you have/will have will turn into Yandere. They will tr...")
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Curse of Yandere Lover

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

Incompatible: A Significant Other

All the lovers you have/will have will turn into Yandere. They will try to keep your affections to themselves, even going as far to killing any potential competition they think they will face. If you try to break off the relationship, they may as well kill you to preserve you in their memories. They will always be influential and powerful enough to do so. Do be careful, sometimes a Yandere lover is much more dangerous than a superpowered nemesis.