Project V17/Powers/Shard/Fusions/Unlimited Trump Works

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Unlimited Trump Works

Cost: 15 SP

Required: (Trump) Manager

Required: (Trump) Prototype

Required: (Trump) Shard Supply Store

Manager, Prototype, and Shard Supply Store have fused into Unlimited Trump Works.

Your power slots merge into a single cluster of one core slots, which can hold a power rated 14 (~80 SP), three primary slots, which can hold powers rated 12 (~60 SP), six major slots, which can hold powers rated 10 (~40 SP), and nine minor slots, which can hold powers rated 8 (~20 SP). In addition to this, the power also has reserve slots to store inactive powers that can be hot-swapped into their active counterpart. Each rank has three reserve slots per active slot (3 for core, 9 for primary, 18 for major, and 27 for minor.)

These slots can be filled in several ways. You can copy powers from any Parahuman in a 100m range from you, this comes with the ability to sense their presence and approximate location, steal a power by touching a Parahuman directly, or you can create powers that match your specifications. This can be done manually by assembling components from the library Shard Supply Store provides and sealing them into a pattern at the cost of one charge, or by spending charges to automate the creation. Powers created this way starts with a rating of 4 for one charge and increases in cost according to the triangular number sequence (costs for ratings 4 to 14: 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66). Prototype is capable of generating almost any power you ask for and can fill in the blanks if your specification is incomplete. You can also generate random powers with a category of your choice for a 50% discount. (You cannot create Trump powers that can modify Unlimited Trump Works itself under any circumstances.)

In addition to this, each of your slots possesses a number of auxiliary slots that function as augments or support powers, they behave the same way as (Trump) Aliena and can each contain 20 points worth. Your core slot has five auxiliaries, each primary slot has three, and each major slot has two.

Powers in reserve slots are passively improved based on data collected while they are in use, you can force this process to happen in an active slot by expending 1 charge but the power will be weakened by 20% until the changes are finalized (this takes about 2-6 hours). You are also able to alter them by modifying the pattern, either manually at no cost (but this takes time and experimentation), or automatically at the expense of one or more charges depending on the extent of the modifications. You can also cycle through different expressions of the power at the cost of one charge and either replace the power or copy the new expression to a reserve slot. The powers in your major and minor slots can be transferred to other people, you will lose access to the power but retain knowledge of the pattern.

You gain 15 charges per day (25 with Negentropy) and your component library completely refills in around a week, depending on how many components were used. Other powers you possess that cost 20 SP or less are automatically attached as slots in a separate cluster but do not gain reserve or auxiliary slots. They can be modified only by expending charges but cannot be copied or given out.


Oberon is fused into Unlimited Trump Works.

The number of slots from Oberon increases to six (or nine with Negentropy), they can hold any of the powers you have copied. You are able to choose from either the primary expression or any alternative expression you have discovered. However, you cannot bring forth any modified versions of these powers. Multiple compatible powers can occupy the same slot and will synergize together. Power compatibility depends on the power itself and not its expression.

Each Oberon slot gains three auxiliary slots which work the same way as described above. The power configuration of these slots can be bound to the slotted power(s) and will automatically be recalled when it is brought forth.


Araboth fuses with Unlimited Trump Works to act as a supportive aspect. Your slots now feature the Araboth’s upgrade and enchantment rarity system bolstering the prospective powers’ quality and potential. Each active and reserve slots start at Grey. Rarity progression costs are left untouched.

Each upgrading to a rarity level increases the active slots’ power potential, with Araboth aiding the process by either lightly suggesting components with promising synergy and effectivity or by simply automating the process with charges, improving both particular and random power generation by mechanically picking power patterns/expressions that are oriented favorably to the user’s unconscious preferences and desires. Scaling with each rarity level.

In their fusion, both Araboth and Unlimited Trump Works mutate, with the auxiliary slots mixing with the enchantment system, resulting in Aliena-like power creation (being untouched, for the most part) gaining the possibility of being altered and augmented further with enchantments, being distributed or reallocated at your liking. The amount of enchantments per rarity is left untouched.

Reserve slots are a different matter, their passive improvement is accumulatively expanded depending on their rarity level and their power modification is largely the same, with the detail of Araboth’s support, being the same as with active slots.

The power transferal is now applicable to items, losing the power while retaining the knowledge of the pattern and enchantments.

Your changes expand to 30 charges per day (40 with Negentropy), and the possibility of expanding the number of charges by sacrificing an enchantment in return, giving the amount of 2 charges.

Note: Both the rarity system and original features use the same currency for the sake of reasonable standards.