Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Changer

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(Changer) Beauty

Cost: 2 SP

You take on the form of whatever you find most attractive. While this doesn't give you any additional supernatural powers, it does give you a matching set of biology that could sustain that form.

(Changer) Itsuka Kendo

Cost: 2 SP

You can increase the size of your individual limbs. Your strength increases with the size of your limbs so you are always able to move your limbs with the same effort. You can increase the size of your limbs up to 10 times their original size.

(Changer/Stranger) 3.. 2.. 1.. Camera!

Cost: 3 SP

Whenever something or someone records you, you look better. It would be as if a picture of you were posing and photoshopped to make you look your best. This significantly increases your appearance as well.

(Changer/Brute) Ogre

Cost: 3 SP

You can turn into a green Ogre. While transformed, you possess slightly enhanced strength and durability. You also have a Scottish accent while transforming.

(Changer) Self-Petrification

Cost: 3 SP

You can transform yourself into a durable stone-like material. You can still move in this form, but you're slower and less flexible. You're stronger though.

(Changer) Wolverine

Cost: 3 SP

You can grow 3 bone claws from between your knuckles on each hand that are about a foot long. These claws are incredibly sharp. You can extend any number of claws at a time.

(Changer/Brute) The Golden Man

Cost: 4 SP

The user can transform their body into a solid gold-like form that is both sturdy and weighty. Despite their external appearance, their physical characteristics are vastly different from that of a soft metal, possessing considerable strength and durability, making them highly resilient to damage. This power allows the user to withstand physical attacks and emerge unscathed, but it also renders them susceptible to being overly weighed down by their newfound weight and mass, hindering their mobility and agility. Nonetheless, this power grants the user immense strength and endurance, giving them an edge in hand-to-hand combat and enabling them to withstand formidable amounts of punishment.

(Changer/Trump) Metamorphosis

Cost: 4 SP

You can create a cocoon around your body. This cocoon can give your body a few benefits or drawbacks, depending on your perspective. If you stay in the cocoon for less than an hour, all it will do is slowly heal you of any injuries and cure you of any disease. But stay there longer than an hour, and your appearance will start to be altered. It will optimise the body's natural systems, and if you have any other abilities, it will slowly transform your body to better reflect and utilise them.

An example is that if you have pyrokinetic power, your body will start to turn red and perpetually be hot, maybe even having flames instead of hair. This will result in your pyrokinetic power growing stronger, either in potency or control.

(Changer/Stranger) Human Shapeshift

Cost: 4 SP

You can shapeshift into any possible human form, regardless of sex, appearance, or physique. This doesn't effect your internals, aside from muscle mass. This can transform away Case 53.

(Changer) Golem

Cost: 4 SP

You can absorb items and form them into armor. You can control the overall shape of this armor and your actual body will shift to accommodate any changes. Any changes to your body are reversed once you remove the armor. It becomes difficult to move if your armor is more than five times as large as you originally were with movement becoming impossible at 10 times your original size. You can control any mechanical devices you have integrated into your armor.

(Changer/Brute) Fatty

Cost: 5 SP

You gain fat ten times faster than humans can naturally gain, and easily becomes obese. The fatter you are, the more physically stronger you become. You do not suffer from health problems related to obesity. You can choose to burn your fat, resulting in a temporary boost to stamina and strength proportional to the amount of fat lost. You body will adjust to the lack of fat, making sure you don’t have loose skin.

(Changer/Stranger) Imposter

Cost: 5 SP

You can transform and act like anyone you have interacted with. The more you have interacted with them, the better the transformation and the more mannerisms you adopt. This can even fool thinker powers.

(Changer/Blaster/Brute) Dinosaur

Cost: 6 SP

You can transform into any non-supernatural animal from any planet you've been to.

(Changer/Brute) Armored Skin

Cost: 6 SP

You gain the durability and defenses of the strongest piece of armor you are wearing. This can be as small as a kneecap or shoulder plate. This also replicates any unique properties of said armor onto your entire body. Equipment with (Changer/Brute) Ghost Equipment count as being worn.

(Changer/Brute) Ghost Equipment

Cost: 6 SP

You can make any equipment you wear shifted to another space but still keep its benefits and functions. For example, you can wear power armor and be strong, but look like you are wearing normal clothes. The invisible equipment will still protect you from damage and need to be repaired if you take too much damage. It is like having a hidden layer of gear over your outfit.

(Changer) “Coil”

Cost: 6 SP

You can transform into a giant snake, big enough that you can swallow a few people whole. In this state you can store and release force by coiling your muscles, akin to a coil spring.

(Changer/Trump) Kirby

Cost: 7 SP

You transform into a pink ball-like creature that can suck things up into its mouth. Anything that isn't food that gets absorbed can be turned into a powerset. The powers in these powersets aren't as strong as most powers, but they are varied. You can only have one of these powersets at a time. When you're done, whatever you sucked up is released, so don't feel like you need to be a cannibal to use this effectively. You're also quite durable and strong in this form, enough so to be unaffected by non-tinkertech bulletfire.

(Changer/Stranger) Oblex Impersonation

Cost: 7 SP

You can split off several slimy tendrils that can extend a moderate distance. The ends of these tendrils can form indistinguishable copies of others you have studied in detail and can accurately replicate voices you have heard. You are unable to replicate any powers people have.

(Changer/Master) Aragog

Cost: 7 SP

The user can transform into a giant spider made of arms with no body. The arms are covered in black fur, and break off into branches of four forearms per arm, each ending in a hand with eyes and mouths on the palm. These arms can break off from the whole and act independently, though if the user transforms back while any arms are detached, the arms start flailing about wildly, uncontrolled. In the user’s changer state, they also gain a mild brute power, being able to crush cars with some effort.

(Changer/Blaster) Swiss Army Man

Cost: 7 SP

You can physically change your body into any form of weapon, other than Tinkertech. The only limitation is you cannot exceed twice the total volume of your body with the amount created. You could change your arm into an artillery piece, or you could make it into 50 smaller gun barrels, but you cannot go over twice the total volume of your arm. You can control every weapon created on your body as long as they are attached, so the 50 barrels could all point in 50 different directions and could move around as you desired. Any ammunition fired is created by the power and uses no body mass.

(Changer/Trump) It's a me, a Mario!

Cost: 8 SP

You have a number of forms you can transform into at will, based on the Mario power-ups. Each power-up has a cooldown that begins after your power-up runs out. The more powerful a power-up, the longer it is until you can get another one. A typical mushroom has a cooldown of about 15 minutes, a fire flower has a cooldown of an hour, an invincibility star has a cooldown of a week, a mega mushroom has a cooldown of a month, and a one-up has a cooldown of a year. This also grants you the ability to jump really high, ground-pound, break bricks with your fists, and great skill with hammers.

(Changer/Striker) Amalgam

Cost: 8 SP

With a touch, you can fuse with any living being. This fusion has all its component's skills, powers, and abilities. All minds within the fusion are combined equally, including yours, and physical traits represent a mix of everyone involved. You may fuse as many times as you want, and the fusion may decide to eject members or unfuse entirely at will.

(Changer/Trump) Slime

Cost: 8 SP

You can turn into a slime, a creature made of semi-solid acid that can turn into liquid with a thought. The acid is very corrosive. You can also transform your shape, though your color, texture, and consistency will remain unchanged. You can change your color by resting in food coloring for a few hours, but your texture and consistency cannot be changed through mundane means. You can absorb mundane objects to gain minor powers from them. Absorbing more of that object, or similar objects, will strengthen that power, or to gain a new power from that object. You can only have 30 of these powers active at once. Absorbing calculators would increase your ability at math, absorbing bleach may allow you to remove the color from objects, absorbing water may allow you to dilute chemicals, absorbing plants may allow you to absorb energy from the sun, and candy may allow you to give yourself short bursts of energy.

(Changer) Daymare

Cost: 8 SP

You can enter a Changer state based on the fears of people around you. You can remake this form without leaving it. The greater and more primal the fear around you, the more powerful the form. Power level is based on total fear, more people will mean more fear, and thus a more powerful form.

(Changer/Brute) T-1000

Cost: 8 SP

You can convert your body into a liquid metal that you can manipulate. You can harden this into solid metal at will. While in this state, you are significantly more durable, faster, and stronger.

(Changer) Accelerated Evolution

Cost: 9 SP

Your body goes through tens of thousands of years of optimized evolution per second, creating evolutionary traits on the fly to deal with harmful external stimuli like poison, extreme weather, etc. note that you lose traits just as fast as you gain them, so if you want to keep a certain trait you need to constantly subject yourself to the same conditions that gave you the trait in the first place. You do not devolve below your base state.

(Changer) Forest

Cost: 10 SP

You can transform into a forest. You have complete control over the plants and (non-sentient) animals in the forest. You can choose the layout for the forest when you first turn into it. The forest is a square mile in size.

(Changer/Brute) Hecatonchires

Cost: 10 SP

You can transform into a giant, about 10 meters tall with 100 pair of arms and faces. You also have super strength, able to lift a minivan with only a single arm in this state.

(Changer/Mover) Tentacles

Cost: 10 SP

You can transform into a writhing mass of tentacle-like appendages, granting you impressive regeneration capabilities, immense physical strength, and the ability to move through the water with speed and grace. You will also possess the power to traverse bodies of water with at speed’s equal to leviathan when he runs on land, yet this form also come with some notable limitations. Namely, moving on solid surfaces is more cumbersome due to the lack of solid footings to work with, and you must maintain sufficient hydration levels to avoid drying up and suffering damage.

(Changer) Self-Biokinesis

Cost: 11 SP

You have total control over your internal biology and appearance. This can only transform away Case 53 if you mess with your Corona Pollentia and Corona Gemma so that they don't turn you back into a Case 53.

(Changer/Master) Bowser

Cost: 14 SP

You can transform into a bipedal Anklyosaurus that can breath fire. You're moderately more durable and powerful than an actual historical Anklyosaurus and can regenerate at a moderate pace. You can also jump 30 meters into the air (~100 feet), break stone with ease, and order legions of summonable minions of varying abilities to do your bidding. They are loyal to you, but hold their own motives, so can be swayed to work against you. Your insides are also filled with loyal, intelligent minions. If you swallow someone whole they'll be transported into your gut where they can help or hinder you in various ways, though your internal minions will fight against anyone that tries to harm you. Some of the effects that can be activated from your inside include growing to be multiple times larger than Behemoth (and making you the strongest Brute recorded by a significant margin), overclocking any of your abilities (including non-super ones), controlling your body (in a very jittery manner), altering your digestion, putting you to sleep, waking you up, and resuscitating you.

(Changer) Lung? Hah! I'm the real dragon here.

Cost: 14 SP

You can transform into mythical creatures. Your maximum size is that of New York City.. incidentally, you'd need to be that size and a Dragon if you wanted to kill an Endbringer, though you'd likely destroy the city and everything nearby as well. Your growth rate is 1 inch per second.

(Changer/Trump) Pokemon

Cost: 15 SP

You can transform into any non-legendary or mythical Pokemon. The descriptions of Pokemon found in Pokedex entries are ignored. Metagross isn't as smart as a supercomputer, Alakazam doesn't have an IQ over 9000, and your mother can be alive while you're a Cubone.

(Changer) Synthesis

Cost: 15 SP

The user can freely shapeshift their body by copying the body parts and/or tissue of any organism within a very short radius. Elements copied can be scaled up and down at the user’s leisure. If the user copies a parahuman's brain, it is possible to gain access to their power. Note that the user can only copy living tissue.

(Changer) Grimm

Cost: 15 SP

You can transform into any Grimm from Remnant (RWBY). This includes the giant Whale Grimm, but doesn't include Salem. You can detect negative emotions while in your Grimm form. If you have Aura, you cannot use it in this form. When your Shard runs out of juice, you're stuck in whatever form you're in at the time.