Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Changer/(Changer/Trump) It's a me, a Mario!

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 1‎ | Changer

(Changer/Trump) It's a me, a Mario!

Cost: 8 SP

You have a number of forms you can transform into at will, based on the Mario power-ups. Each power-up has a cooldown that begins after your power-up runs out. The more powerful a power-up, the longer it is until you can get another one. A typical mushroom has a cooldown of about 15 minutes, a fire flower has a cooldown of an hour, an invincibility star has a cooldown of a week, a mega mushroom has a cooldown of a month, and a one-up has a cooldown of a year. This also grants you the ability to jump really high, ground-pound, break bricks with your fists, and great skill with hammers.