Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Master

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(Master) Geas

Cost: 1 SP

If a consensual contract is agreed upon, without coercion or Master effects involved, though bribery is fine, all parties must follow through. All parties must be aware of the power. This power works on you even if you're immune to Master powers, and won't work if another power is immune to it. You must be one of the involved parties, even if the contract just labels you as a witness or arbitrator. Be careful to look for loopholes. This power fails if the contract becomes impossible to fulfill.

(Master) Mascot

Cost: 2 SP

You have the ability to create a projection that shares all five senses and you can speak through it. Its form can be anything you imagine, however, you can't swap form unless you release the projection first. It is not physically strong or powerful in any way, it is closer to a walking plush animal.

(Master) Uncanny Valley

Cost: 2 SP

Your physical persona radiates an unsettling aura, causing individuals to feel fearful or uneasy. Individuals face difficulty in focusing on you without succumbing to dread. Individuals with stronger wills can resist this effects. This effect grows the more individuals know of you. As it grows stronger, people will start to feel uneasy or even fearful at the mere thought of you. You can toggle this effect on and off.

(Master) State the obvious

Cost: 2 SP

Every participant in discussions you participate in will understand the rationality and viewpoint of all the other sides. Information gained from this power cannot harm you in any way, and you may toggle this ability at will.

(Master) Mirror Image

Cost: 3 SP

You can create 5 phantom copies of yourself, which will follow your mental orders. They look exactly like you but they can't affect the world around them. Phantoms will disappear 5 minutes after being created.

(Master/Stranger) Opposite

Cost: 3 SP

Everyone will believe and do the opposite of what the user says. This effect is permanent and the user cannot deactivate it. Additionally, the user's words and actions are often interpreted as sarcasm, making true communication with others difficult or impossible.

(Master/Thinker) Patrol

Cost: 3 SP

You can create invisible specters that travel a designated route. While they don't share senses with you, you are a vague sense of the things happening around them. While there are no limits on how many you can make, they only move as fast as a normal walking speed.

(Master) Recite

Cost: 3 SP

You can force anyone to say anything. There is no limit to what you can make them say or what words they can speak. You can even make them speak languages they don’t know.

(Master/Thinker) Confetti

Cost: 4 SP

You have extremely fine telekinetic control over all scraps of paper smaller than a square inch within 100 meters. I suggest you get a paper shredder. You also have an unlimited capacity to multitask.

(Master) Animate Objects

Cost: 4 SP

You can give verbal commands to objects, telekinetically animating them like puppets. It may be as complex of a command as you like, but commands will fade after an hour. The maximum force exerted is based on your own strength, and the accuracy and precision of their movements depends on your skill with using the objects. While they can follow orders, they do not have the intelligence and creativity required to make decisions. You can tell an object information required for future orders, but the information will be forgotten an hour after it was given.

(Master/Thinker) Fear

Cost: 4 SP

You have knowledge on how to cause fear. You can know anyone’s fear with just a glance and the perfect way to make them feel fear. You can manipulate those who are afraid, making them unknowingly act as you wish. You can, with relative ease, traumatize people, permanently scarring them. Doing so allows you to place a permanent order in their subconscious. This works best when used on a single person at once, but can still be used on a crowd.

(Master) Gold Digger

Cost: 4 SP

You have a passive master effect that affects everybody you interact with, increasing their willingness to give you gifts and valuables. This effect is massively increased on targets who find you attractive.

(Master/Thinker) Rodent King

Cost: 5 SP

You have total control of the minds of any and all rodents within about 3 city blocks. You also have an unlimited capacity to multitask.

(Master) Bacchus

Cost: 5 SP

The user can incite feelings of unrestrained abandon in those around them, lowering inhibitions and inducing low-level euphoria. This effect gradually increases to outright drunkenness, with no negative consequences felt the next day. They can even further amplify this aura, imbuing it with bloodlust, leading those affected to become wildly aggressive and violent.

(Master/Stranger) Reversed Controls

Cost: 5 SP

You can reverse how anyone within your line of sight perceives direction. They will see up as down, left as right, and forwards as backward. This effect wears off as soon as they are out of your line of sight.

(Master) Puppeteer

Cost: 5 SP

You can make anyone within clear sight match your moves precisely. They will follow the exact movements you do and even copy the words you say. Although you can't make them do anything that you yourself cannot do. If both you and they possess a blaster power, you may use their blaster power.

(Master) Play Along

Cost: 5 SP

You can completely control a person's actions and powers while you are touching them, but they are free as soon as you let go.

(Master) Monologue

Cost: 5 SP

You can cause other people around you to monologue for long periods of time without them realizing it. This can cause them to reveal all forms of information they otherwise wouldn't normally say.

(Master) Heavy Gaze

Cost: 5 SP

With this power, the user can command anyone with just a gaze. The longer the target is exposed to the user's serious glare, the more overwhelming the sensation of compliance becomes. They will feel an irresistible urge to do whatever the user wants, against their own freewill, as if possessed.

(Master/Mover) Rodeo

Cost: 5 SP

The user is able to conjure three powerful, muscular horses, which can sprint at a speed of Mach 3, making them an elite and speedy means of transportation. These horses also have (Mover) Stairway to Heaven, allowing them to run in the air. If the horses remain in close proximity to each other, they can combine their abilities to form a chariot-like construct, enabling a rider to travel at superhuman speeds without experiencing any negative effects, such as inertia or nausea. This chariot also grants the rider a minor cognitive boost, allowing their mind to process information at a heightened rate, thus eliminating any perception of time dilation.

(Master) Confession

Cost: 5 SP

When this power is activated this forces whoever you ask a question to answer truthfully. This works off the spirit of the question, your power automatically communicating your intentions even when you would fail. This can be directed as you wish, only affecting those you wish to effect and no one else.

(Master/Thinker) Instinct

Cost: 6 SP

You can cause a target to have a "gut" feeling about a particular subject, You can influence what this gut feeling will be, but you can't completely control it.

(Master) Ratatouille

Cost: 6 SP

After the user eats, they can regurgitates everything but the bare minimum to keep their body functional, and from that regurgitation they produce more rats, which the user can control with precision, seeing and sensing through their eyes. The rats created are smarter and tougher, able to defeat a teen with their strength and wit alone. However, the more rats are in the swarm, the smaller the user's shared sight becomes, making it more difficult to see through each rat individually, ultimately only able to see what multiple of their rats see.

(Master/Brute) Come at Me Bro!

Cost: 6 SP

You have the ability to taunt any enemies in a 100 meter radius, pulling their attention towards you while making them ignore any attacks from others, up to a certain point. This also gives you a slight brute rating.

(Master) Ditto

Cost: 6 SP

The user can duplicates everybody that they can currently see, and themself. Duplicates spawn directly behind the original, facing in the opposite direction. Everybody duplicated by the user's power controls both their original body and the cloned body-- however, because the user can’t give secondary multitasking power to anybody they clones, the overall effect is highly disorienting rather than empowering. Duplicates are ‘fragile’-- if they’re knocked unconscious, even for just a moment, they vanish.

(Master) Join The Madness

Cost: 6 SP

You can influence a target to do something they would not as long as they see you do it first. This can range from making normal civilians decide to become pretend capes to capes deciding to speak things differently.

(Master) Karma Repayment

Cost: 6 SP

Whenever you save someone's life, they are compelled to be completely loyal to you, though they still maintain their original morals and rationality. This loyalty diminishes every time they do you good, and once they have done the equivalent of saving your life in deeds the loyalty breaks, though you can refresh their loyalty at any time by saving their life again.

(Master/Brute) Anger Issues

Cost: 6 SP

You gain the ability to sense and project anger and rage from those within a few blocks of you. The emotional reaction is dependent on the person affected but is also subtle and slow enough that unless they are already aware of you and your power would seem natural. You also gain an increase in general durability and strength proportional to the anger of those around you.

(Master) Red Strings

Cost: 7 SP

With repeated exposure, you can make people think of others in certain ways. This power only activates when you, the person you're affecting, and the person you want to change what they think about are in the presence of eachother.

(Master/Striker) Forget It

Cost: 7 SP

With just a touch and a word, you can make anyone forget everything and anything related to that word as well as the word itself. This can range from names to objects, or even general knowledge. They will totally forget everything about it, even the definition of it.

(Master/Thinker) Sandman

Cost: 7 SP

The user can create intangible sand like constructs that causes those who comes into contact with them to fall asleep. The user is able to manipulate dreams and nightmares of their targets, allowing them to induce pleasant or horrifying dreams. They can control the dreamscape itself, crafting any situation or environment they desire, and the individuals experiencing these dreams will feel as though they are actually there. The user can also access the unconscious mind of their targets, giving them insight into their deepest desires, fears and memories.

(Master) Spirit Animal

Cost: 7 SP

You can create a projection of an animal. This does not have to be a real animal, the only limitation is that it has to be smaller than an elephant. You cannot change what kind of animal your projection is. It can be anything from a flying walrus to a dragon the size of an ant.

(Master) Lifestyle Changer

Cost: 7 SP

You can give yourself or others an increasing amount of dread the more an action is performed repeatedly. The longer they repeat the action, the more they will dislike it. This can be subtle in as many as 4000 repeats needed to hate it or as few as 10 repeats needed.

(Master) Naiad

Cost: 7 SP

The user can create watery monsters out of nearby sources of water. Once created, the watery monster can use hydrokinesis of its own to attack others and reinforce itself, following the user’s mental directives. If the monster is frozen or sufficiently dissipated, the watery monsters will be considered dead. The more water there is, the bigger and stronger the watery monsters can be.

(Master) Technopathy

Cost: 8 SP

You can control any electronic within 200 meters of yourself and become a genius when it comes to coding. You can hack into electronics farther than 200 meters from you as long as you're using an electronic within 200 meters of you to do it.

(Master/Thinker) Poison Ivy

Cost: 8 SP

You have telekinetic control over all plants within 500 feet. You can do things like use vines to trap people or crush them with a tree. You cannot make plants fly. You also have an unlimited capacity to multitask to control plants.

(Master) Clay Servants

Cost: 8 SP

The user can produce white, physically androgynous humanoids from their body, which physically copies any equipment that they are wearing upon creation. They are made out of a clay like substance about as durable as bone and feel no pain. These creatures will follow only the user’s commands unless stated otherwise. Additionally, by focusing on a skill, these creations becomes masters of said skill at "birth" (ex: gun-use, martial arts, painting, chess etc.) and can be used as support. The limits are that they are only limited one per skill, as such it’s impossible to create two creations having gun-wielding skill.

(Master/Striker) Strings

Cost: 8 SP

You can release small nearly invisible strands of harmless string from your fingertips that can control up to 10 objects or people in a distance of 1000 meters. The string would go through any material, but esoteric effects would fail. You can apply the effects of your Striker powers through them. Anyone using powers can cut through your strings.

(Master) Kage no Bunshin

Cost: 8 SP

You can create fragile clones of yourself. Their durability it low and their copies of your powers weaken the more clones you have. At one clone, its power will be half as strong as yours, at 100 they'll be just under a hundredth as strong as you. When one of your clones is popped, you'll receive their memories. You can create a maximum of 100 clones. Your clones do not have this power.

(Master) Love at First Sight

Cost: 8 SP

You can make one person at a time fall deeply in love with you. They can realize they're being Mastered, and their reaction to this depends on their personality, the situation, and their past interactions with you.

(Master) Hero Worship

Cost: 8 SP

Whenever you truly save someone, whether their life or from a horrid fate, you will gain their perfect and unbreakable loyalty. They will swear their lives to you, and will do everything in the power to help you. This also works on enemies you choose to spare. Your aware of when this can activate and can choose for it to activate or not, as well as who it applies to or not.

(Master) Positive Multiplier

Cost: 10 SP

This power adds a multiplier to any action you do that would increase your reputation with someone. You can choose the multiplier, as long as it is no more than ten, but the more powerful it is, the less subtle it is.

(Master/Shaker) Logosthesia

Cost: 10 SP

You can release a gas around your body that breaks down certain neurological connections in the brain which cause their established worldview to completely collapse. While they still retain their memory what they believe in and how they interpret the world is completely reset. A doctor hit with the gas would still remember all their memory of practicing medicine and their skill with the tool but could now believe that a banana can cure a stab wound or any other ridiculous notion that a child who doesn't know any better would believe in.

Shortly after being hit with the gas they are susceptible to being influenced by whatever form of narrative that is first provided to them. A deeply religious man could become an atheist or follow Mickey Mouse as his new god, a bigoted person can become an incredibly open-minded person and vice versa, ect

As long as they are provided a replacement narrative they will in everything you say or if left to their own devices believe in whatever their mind fancy.

(Master/Thinker) Brain Drain

Cost: 10 SP

You can temporarily siphon 25% of the mental capabilities of everyone within 25 meters of you. The combined intelligence, processing ability, multitasking, etc that you siphon lasts for 25 minutes after they leave your range, though your victims regain their full faculties immediately.

(Master/Tinker) Kerbal

Cost: 10 SP

You can summon little green men that stand 0.75 meters tall and possess an innate understanding of technology. These entities are capable of intuitively and effortlessly engineering complex machinery and creations, allowing you to tap into their expertise to build and develop cutting-edge technologies without having to learn the necessary skills yourself. These little green men can operate on your behalf, either working individually or collaborating together to tackle large-format tasks, creating a versatile and effective workforce that can produce results efficiently and with high precision. While they are initially proficient in a wide range of technologies, they will gradually gain specialized areas of expertise as they become more experienced. They will become highly skilled and knowledgeable in specific fields, allowing you to leverage their growing talents to create even more advanced technologies tailored to your specific needs. This can enable you to harness their collective knowledge and expertise to tackle increasingly complex and cutting-edge challenges with greater efficiency and precision.

(Master/Striker) Imp Master

Cost: 10 SP

You can turn anybody you touch into a metre-tall imp with red skin, a tail, and horns for an hour. The imps will resemble their original appearance and retain all of their powers. They must obey every command of their master. The duration can be extended by touching the target again, but the more time somebody spends as an imp, the more they can twist the commands of their master or even resist them eventually.

(Master/Mover) Gremlins

Cost: 10 SP

The user can spawn shadowy gremlins that lock on to the first target that they see. Each gremlin is about the size of a big chihuahua, and can rush forward at olympic speeds. A gremlin will relentlessly chase down its target until either the gremlin or the target is destroyed. When the gremlin reaches its target, it will hold down the target. The user can switch the locations of any two gremlins at any time. If either gremlin is holding onto its target, they will bring their target with them. The user can make the gremlins change target.

Gremlins are very fragile; it takes just one ordinary-strength punch to dissipate a gremlin. Gremlins will intentionally move to avoid attacks-- though they’re fast when they’re charging someone, they’re not very agile. They can be hard to aim at, as they are smoky and somewhat transparent.

(Master) Mirror Mirror

Cost: 10 SP

You can create alternate copies of yourself that glow a random color, the color dictates your personality but their opinions and goals will match you. Red may be angrier than you but will still work and assist you. While you may not share memories or senses with them, they remember and inherit the knowledge of their predecessors. They have all the same powers and knowledge you have. You can dismiss them whenever you want.

(Master) Command

Cost: 10 SP

You can command people to do something and they will follow it exactly as said. Those under your control will have a vacant stare and exhibit no emotions.

Depending on how you worded your sentences, they can forget what they did, do a command at certain triggers, or have it last an desired amount of time.

(Master) Dominate

Cost: 10 SP

You can completely dominate someone by touching them. This allows you to modify their mind, whether it be their memories, relationships, desires, personality, or even morals, though over the course of a month any modifications will slowly unravel, starting with morals and ending with memories.

(Shaker/Master) Depression

Cost: 10 SP

The user has an aura of total apathy and despair. It causes people to simply stop what they were doing and stare into space, remembering the worse parts of themselves and how meaningless their actions are. Effect lasts for as long as the victims are in the user’s range.

(Master) Relationship Modification

Cost: 10 SP

Imagine being able to make it so that anyone was your best friend, trusted confidant, or loyal servant. Well you can now, people effected by your power having their social and emotional relationship to you modified either temporarily or permanently to whatever you desire. This can either be a change in how they act, or all the way up to them suddenly having appropriate memories clear as day that makes them believe that it was always this way. You’re not limited to just the relationships between the target and yourself. You can make a man hate his best friend with murderous rage, leave his beloved wife the same way he’d walk away from a stranger on the street, or loyally and fervently dedicate himself to a cause he didn’t even know existed yesterday. This power can affect any number of people as long as you can directly perceive them, and you can roughly sense a person’s currently existent relationships when you pay attention.

(Thinker/Master) The Boss

Cost: 10 SP

This power consists of two parts: one is Thinker-related, allowing you to become a competent CEO or boss of a company or business with expertise in all skills and learning of the craft. The other part enhances the abilities of your employees, similar to the Bastard Son(but without detrimental effects), in their respective fields. Secretaries, programmers, researchers and more become parahuman adept in their trades. The effect is subtle and fades when they are not in their work areas. Field employers use they work base as their designated work area.

(Master/Trump) Haze of Conflict

Cost: 10 SP

You possess a passive and long-lasting master effect that implants something akin to a Conflict Drive in everyone around you. This effect interacts oddly with Parahumans, causing their Conflict Drive to worsen and their powers to gain an increasing trigger-happy power boost.

(Master/Thinker) Truth Serum

Cost: 10 SP

To your vicinity, people’s uncomfortable truths about themselves are in plain sight within their mind’s eye, incapable of avoiding them, almost as if someone forces them to confront their biases and self-deception. You gain an insight into their unconscious truths and use it to your advantage or theirs if you’re more benevolent.

When asked about something, they’ll tell you with the utmost truth as they lose their capacity to lie to themselves and others around you.

This can be therapeutic for some as it is crushing for others.

(Master) Victory's Path

Cost: 11 SP

The user's power subtly makes people do things that will lead to their victory: shooters in their range will twitch and miss, people they are speaking to will trust them implicitly (or disbelieve them if they employed reverse psychology), and people they are fighting will slip up, leaving themselves open. Power scales with the user's ability to recognise and seize advantages—the more victory conditions they know how to capitalise on, the more ways their power can help them. This doesn't guarantee them a win; it only makes it possible if they can seize the opportunity.

(Master) Friendbringers

Cost: 12 SP

You gain control of three small creatures that each have two powers that each cost at most 5 SP. They're also very durable, strong, and fast. If one of them dies they'll be replaced by a new, similar creature with different powers of about the same strength. You will not be able to choose the new creatures' powers, they'll be entirely random.

(Master) Golem

Cost: 13 SP

You can animate statues of creatures, humans, or animals. Their abilities are based on the creature the statue was based on. No matter what their durability is that of the material they're formed from. A wooden statue of a Phoenix will still be weak to fire due to the material it's made of. Strength also increases with the size of the statue and how detailed it looks. A metal statue of a dragon the size of Lady Liberty could go toe to toe with any of the Endbringers.

(Master/Trump) Specter

Cost: 13 SP

You can summon a projection that has powers of its own. It has a total of 20 SP to spend on powers. It can't have Master, Tinker, Thinker, Trump, or Tier 2 powers. It will have a roughly humanoid appearance.

(Master) Hive Mind

Cost: 15 SP

You can create one perfect clone of yourself each day. All your clones are part of a Hive Mind under your control, meaning you all share your consciousnesses with each other, with you being in charge of it all. Your Hive Mind shares all your powers at 100% capacity EXCEPT Hive Mind itself. Should the original you die, a random clone will become the original.

(Master/Trump) Scepter of Power

Cost: 15 SP

You can make a projection that takes the form of a grey wood staff with a yellow crystal orb on its tip, with 6 tiny versions of this orb floating around it, the 6 orbs can be freely moved by you but can't go very far from the staff. You can use all your senses through it and the staff can fly. The staff is sentient, allowing it to act on its own or follow your orders.

By touching something the staff can absorb it, being unable to absorb living beings, it has 6 Weak slots and 1 Strong slot to store objects, you can freely swap objects between slots. The staff gains weak powers based on the objects inside it, using the strong slot allows you to amplify greatly one of those powers at a time, the power expression is random and you can freely swap it, swapping the power expression of an object also results in a random expression.

For example, by feeding the staff a spear you can turn the staff into a spear in a weak slot and control its length on a strong slot, swap the expression, and you can extend a metal spike on a weak slot and shoot it at a strong slot. Feed it a rock and you can reshape stone on a weak slot and create it at a strong slot, with the stone staying locked in whatever place you created it, even air, though it will rapidly decay if it's not attached to anything.

Giving it a cauldron vial makes your shard create a temporary connection to whatever shard this vial came from, giving the staff a random power like any other object. The staff will whisper to you the knowledge it acquires from absorbed objects or things it sensed while you weren't paying attention. Knowledge is acquired from the head of a dead body, from a smartphone, from a book on medicine, and many more.

Some powers may need you to touch the staff to use. Touching the staff also allows you to fly, and it will protect you from harm by boosting your reaction speed and piloting your body to defend or evade every time you don't notice the danger or can't react.

(Note: The staff and its orbs change depending on what is occupying the slots and the power expressions, Putting iron on the main slot may make the staff turn into metal, and putting a lighter in a weak slot may make whichever of the six orbs it's stored look like a sphere made of fire)

(Master) Khepri

Cost: 15 SP

You have absolute control of the bodies and powers of every carbon based lifeform within 10 meters of yourself, as well as an unlimited ability to multitask. This power extends through portals. You will retain your sanity. You can turn this power off at will, or let people within your range keep control of themselves while you control others. Certain people are immune to this power, such as Alexandria and Imp.

(Master) Monster Maker

Cost: 15 SP

You can fabricate and augment monsters via charges. Utilizing one charge allows you to design a creature with assorted characteristics and capacities, with a most of 10 charges required for the most capable and intricate creations, which can even rival the strongest parahumans. You will receive one charge per day and can store a maximum of 20 charges. Instead of constructing a fresh creature, one can also employ a charge to upgrade an existing one, with diminishing returns.

(Master) Shadow Servant

Cost: 15 SP

You possess a master power enabling the creation of shadow minions of any desired shape or size —be it bipeds, quadrupeds, or formless entities resembling slimes— while always retaining the color and form of shadows. You have a pool of power that governs the "birth" and sustenance of these creatures, offering a choice between prioritizing quantity or enhancing their individual quality. You can have up to 15 regular minions, create a super one capable to withstand an normal battle Endbringer most powerful attack, or any combination in between. While your minions cannot wield Trump powers, the only limitation on the number of powers they can possess is determined by your power pool.