Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Master/(Master/Mover) Gremlins

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 1‎ | Master

(Master/Mover) Gremlins

Cost: 10 SP

The user can spawn shadowy gremlins that lock on to the first target that they see. Each gremlin is about the size of a big chihuahua, and can rush forward at olympic speeds. A gremlin will relentlessly chase down its target until either the gremlin or the target is destroyed. When the gremlin reaches its target, it will hold down the target. The user can switch the locations of any two gremlins at any time. If either gremlin is holding onto its target, they will bring their target with them. The user can make the gremlins change target.

Gremlins are very fragile; it takes just one ordinary-strength punch to dissipate a gremlin. Gremlins will intentionally move to avoid attacks-- though they’re fast when they’re charging someone, they’re not very agile. They can be hard to aim at, as they are smoky and somewhat transparent.