Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Thinker

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(Thinker) X-Ray and Vav

Cost: 2 SP

You can see using comic-book x-ray vision, infrared, and in ultraviolet.

(Thinker) Two-Face

Cost: 2 SP

You can set and control your emotional responses independently from your true thoughts and expressions. You're even capable of faking emotional responses and actions. This is capable of fooling the likes of Tattletale.

(Thinker) Bloodhound

Cost: 2 SP

You have Parahuman senses of smell, sight, and taste. You can also find someone if you have their scent, as long as they are within a mile of you.

(Thinker) Conspiracy Nut

Cost: 2 SP

The user can intuit connections between events, people, things. The power has a tendency to get out of control, leading to acute apophenia. This doesn’t give an explanation on how a things are connected.

(Thinker/Striker) Synesthesia

Cost: 2 SP

You can make yourself, or any animal, experience any one of the senses through another, being able to smell shapes or seeing the number "7" taste citrus fruit. The intensity and duration of the experience can be decided by: you have just one sense and stay forever, to tasting shapes and it work for a second. The senses are not limited to the 7 common senses, being able to affect the supernatural and Parahuman senses.

(Thinker/Master) Bribery Makes Everything Easier

Cost: 2 SP

You gain a thinker ability to discern what would be the optimal bribe to convince a person or group to do a particular task for you. And a minor master ability to get said target to at least listen to your attempts to convince them to take the bribe in question and also not get second thoughts if they do go along with it.

(Thinker) Checklist

Cost: 3 SP

The user will automatically know six objects they will need in the next 24 hours, or at a specific occasion or event within this timeframe. This power can only be used once every 24 hours. It will focus on things considered more important, such as gear for an upcoming fight, over 20 bucks for your lunch.

(Thinker) Byakugan

Cost: 3 SP

You have total awareness within 30 meters of yourself. Your awareness only extends to anything that's been within 30 meters of yourself for over a hundredth of a second.

(Thinker) Skilled

Cost: 3 SP

You are as skilled in the use of any tool or machine you've touched within the last five minutes as a professional, though not quite as much as a master.

(Thinker) Clean Mind

Cost: 3 SP

You can detach your rational mind from your body and think clearly in this state. While it can protect against Master effects, it can't negate suggestions you would still follow even in this state. Additionally, you enter a state of being a High-Functional Sociopath during this period.

(Thinker) Perfect Timing

Cost: 4 SP

You gain enhanced timing. You can effectively time and manage group activities with exceptional efficiency. With this ability, you can calculate the precise amount of time required for a given task and organize team members accordingly. Your enhanced timing ability requires you to have understanding of every factor involved in the task at hand. Whether it's the environment, fitness, parahuman powers, or any other relevant detail, you have a heightened sense of intuition that helps you precisely determine the optimal course of action for each situation. You have the normal shard Blindspots.

(Thinker/Brute) Skill Issue

Cost: 4 SP

You get more skilled in combat the more injured you are and possess a mild Brute power that keeps you standing even after your bones are broken. While it doesn't heal you, it can keep you in a fight if you aren't dead yet. If you're on your last-minute stand, you can even defeat the likes of Contessa.

(Thinker) Scrying Orb

Cost: 4 SP

You can create a floating, intangible orb that you can use to gather information from afar. You can move the orb telekinetically, and may perceive things from the orb's location with all your senses as if you were there. It cannot go through living things, and intense heat dispels it. While not invisible, the orb is very faint and hard to see, being highly transparent and lacking specific color.

(Thinker) Multibrain

Cost: 4 SP

You can give your full focus to several things at the same time and increase your mental capabilities by cloning your brain. You can do this once per day, and it will always appears within a jar. Although non-sentient and non-sapient, frequent use will make it likely for your emotions to seep into it, resulting in the formation of an alternate personality within your mind and network of brains. Fortunately, if it happens, they will never be malicious, as they will consider you a parental figure.

(Thinker) One or the other

Cost: 5 SP

You can correctly answer any question that is yes/no, true/false, or a/b and more than 100 people know the correct answer to it on the planet. You also know if the answer leans heavily in one direction or the other.

(Thinker/Brute) Stolen Muscles

Cost: 5 SP

The user can absorb their opponent's muscle memory, causing them to lose the ability to perform most actions unconsciously. This includes the need to think about even the most basic functions, like breathing, blinking, and swallowing. The absorption also confer the necessary physical ability to utilize the muscle memory effectively as well as allow the user to temporarily gain the targets strength.

(Thinker) Tracker

Cost: 5 SP

Provided you either know what something or someone looks like or can get an accurate description or name, you can immediately pinpoint where it is and can figure out the quickest and/or easiest way to get there.

(Thinker) Mental Probe

Cost: 5 SP

You gain the ability to simulate a person's brain. Simply by being in your line of sight, you can read their surface thoughts and memories by tapping into their mental activity, gaining an understanding of how they think and processing their thoughts in real-time. The longer you maintain visual contact with the target, the deeper you can delve into their thoughts, eventually gaining access to their most recent and significant memories. You can also insert your own thoughts into a person’s surface thoughts, allowing you to communicate.

(Thinker) Eagle Vision

Cost: 5 SP

You have a downward vision from the skies, anything above the clouds can't be seen though. Your eyes are accurate enough to track individual people and sharp enough to even read their lips.

(Thinker) All Part of the Plan

Cost: 5 SP

Each day you receive 3 visions of events that will happen within 24 hours. These events are random but significant. If something particularly important will happen, like an Endbringer attack, you will receive a vision from that event. You receive your first vision upon waking, your second an hour later, and the third an hour after that.

(Thinker) Roleplay

Cost: 5 SP

Roleplay allows you to assume the skills of a single character or role at a time, attaining their peak human abilities. By immersing yourself in the role, you gain their expertise and excel in various fields.

(Thinker) Super Dream

Cost: 5 SP

Whenever you sleep your consciousness is transported to simulated reality designed by your power to provide various methods to experiment and train your power to its fullest extent in a safe environment. Powers with limited resources do not consume them in this world. There is no sapient life in this world, just soulless Automata for you to practice on. This world and your body in it is entirely mental/simulated only useful to build skill and muscle memory. Time spent in Super Dream counts as proper sleep for the purposes of body maintenance. It is not just powers this helps train if you for example wish to develop your skills as a mechanic it will provide opportunities for you to develop the skill as long as you put the work in, do this enough times for multiple different disciplines and people might think you have a tinker power or multiple thinker powers even if this is your only power.

(Thinker) Looking for More

Cost: 5 SP

You can think of a set of traits and/or skills you want in somebody, and your power will give you a mental compass to the closest target fitting your criteria.

(Thinker) Ghostmates

Cost: 6 SP

The user can communicate with the deceased, summoning intangible and transparent versions of their corpses. The spirits are unable to move more than one meter away from their earthly remains, leaving them confined to the immediate vicinity. However, their ability to communicate is limited, and their cooperation may not be guaranteed. Moreover, require at least their head to initiate the summoning, as without it the ghost will be unable to think.

(Thinker) Sightless Predictions

Cost: 6 SP

When the user’s eyes are shut, they can predict the movement of objects in a large area around them. Spending longer with their eyes shut allows them to look further into the future.

(Thinker/Master) Chef Supreme

Cost: 6 SP

With the ability to create incredibly tasty food from even the most basic ingredients, your culinary mastery transcends ordinary boundaries. Not only can you transform simple fare into mouthwatering delights, but you also gain a heightened sixth sense to perceive the unique sense of taste possessed by those around you. This uncanny ability allows you to tailor your creations to suit individual palates, ensuring that every dish brings unparalleled satisfaction to anyone who partakes.

But your culinary prowess extends even further. By infusing mundane food with a tantalizing taste enhancements from your touch, you have the power to make any dish irresistibly delicious, surpassing the addictive allure of even the most potent substances. The flavors you create are so enchanting and captivating that they leave a lasting impression, forever etching your culinary creations into the memories of those fortunate enough to experience them. With each bite, you transport others into a world of culinary ecstasy, where food becomes an extraordinary sensory journey.

(Thinker) Precognitive Combat

Cost: 6 SP

You are a Combat Thinker, specializing in the role of a one-(wo)man army, excelling in both one-on-one and one-against-many combat scenarios. Your ability to anticipate actions before they occur enables you to perform mind-boggling feats of finesse and skill. Among those who rely on conventional methods, you are considered the pinnacle of combat prowess including tactics, strategy and skills, making even individuals like Uber and Victor appear somewhat gimmicky in comparison. Additionally, you attain a nominal level of fitness(if you don't already possess it or a superior level) and a understand of how to best train and maintain your body health.

(Thinker) Schrodinger

Cost: 7 SP

You can see five visions that start the moment you began the vision to five minutes later, each with a different choice you choose before starting the vision, and can choose which route you wish to take. You cannot use this power in the visions, and you have to choose one of the routes. You can end a vision early. If you encounter a blindspot you'll snap out of your visions and you'll be where you started.

(Thinker) Landlord

Cost: 7 SP

Anyone within a 50 feet radius will be known. This can range from armed intruders to Strangers, within your range, you can spot them and know the exact details of what they have on them. You can also attach your power to an object or building and sense whenever someone tries to get inside even if you're not there.

(Thinker) Dreamer

Cost: 7 SP

You can gain a third-person view of anyone you know the appearance of. You must know at least what their face looks like without any kind of mask but you can spy on them regardless of where they are. You can choose to spy on yourself to grant yourself limited clairvoyance of your surroundings.

(Thinker) Retroactive Empath

Cost: 7 SP

You can read the history of any object the is personally/emotionally valuable to someone.

(Thinker) Snap

Cost: 7 SP

With a single glance you can tell all of a person's mental and emotional weak points. This doesn't help you leverage them.

(Thinker) Anti Moniter

Cost: 7 SP

You know when you're being directly observed and can counter-observe the target. If they are listening in on you, you can listen in on them. If they are using power, you can counter-observe them as well.

(Thinker) Parry

Cost: 7 SP

You can parry any form of attack, or attempt to do so, with whatever is on hand. Responding to attacks either precognitively or reflexively should they ignore precognition. However it does not actually speed you up to successfully block. Your body will react in a way that causes the least amount of harm you.

(Thinker/Blaster) Ricochet

Cost: 7 SP

You can cause any projectile/thrown object/Blaster power to ricochet unrealistically off surfaces to hit targets. You can make bullets ricochet off 10 different surfaces before accurately hitting the weak spot of something.

(Thinker) Twisted World

Cost: 7 SP

You can see a second layer of reality. This reality is a mirror of the true reality, but distorted by emotions and past actions. You can see actions that has happened in an area, to a limited degree, see the mental state of a person in physical form, and hear the true feeling and thoughts of people around you unfiltered. When looking at an office worker, you may see a distorted version of them, where they are skinny and half dead, overworked. When looking at a murder scene you may see puddles of blood that aren’t there. When someone is talking, you do not hear what they said, but what they feel and think unfiltered. Your eyes are open and you see the world for what it truly is. You and anyone else who has this power is immune to the distortion in the second reality, thus appearing as yourselves. You can toggle this on and off.

(Thinker) My Eyes are Your Eyes

Cost: 9 SP

By touching someone you can permanently use any of their senses, including Parahuman senses. This works on animals, humans, Parahumans, Endbringers, and Entities.

(Thinker) Danger Sense

Cost: 9 SP

You gain a vague sense that can instinctively inform you of various dangers and threats. You can instinctively sense all kinds of things such as poisonous gas, Shaker effects, traps, lies, and even hidden things. The greater the danger the more foreboding it is. The closer it is to the present, the more accurate it is.

(Thinker) Discombobulate

Cost: 9 SP

You possess unparalleled precision in your actions. Every movement you execute goes precisely where it is intended, with the ideal amount of force required for the task. You possess an innate understanding and control of your bodily functions and operations, including every autonomic function, like your organs (heart, liver, and intestine), individual muscle fibres, hormonal production and regulation, and mental and neural processes, with absolute precision.

(Thinker) Glimpse

Cost: 10 SP

You constantly see 10 seconds into the future. You can turn this off at will, but it'll turn back on if you're going to get seriously injured within the next ten seconds.

(Thinker/Master) Indoctrination Is Friendship

Cost: 10 SP

You have a thinker power which gives you an instinctive ability to act in a charismatic manner, navigate social situations, and understand the feelings of others. This is enhanced by a subtle Master power which acts without your conscious control to influence those you interact with. In everyday situations this leads to small nudges to smooth social interactions in your favor, over time making those you become close to devoted to you. During higher stakes interactions it can trade some subtlety for stronger effect.

You also have an instinctive knowledge of the positioning of people in your vicinity.

(Thinker) Oracle of Delphi

Cost: 10 SP

You can tell prophecies in the form of poems that can tell the future. These futures CAN be changed. If no party who hears a prophecy tries to change it, it will happen. This power's only blindspot is your home universe, but when talking about the entity or Endbringers, it will be vaguer than usual.

(Thinker) Weakspot

Cost: 10 SP

You know the weakness of anyone or anything you see. You don't necessarily know how to leverage that weakness, though. For example, when looking at Alexandria you'll see that she's vulnerable to drowning, but won't know how to actually drown her.

(Thinker/Striker) Theft

Cost: 10 SP

If you were to take an object from another person without their explicit permission, you can not only utilize said object masterfully, you can also increase the effectiveness of the object. The more the owner of the object wants it back, the better the effectiveness gets.

(Thinker) Plans within Plans

Cost: 12 SP

You are amazing at making plans. However, the longer term and more complicated the plan you want to make, the longer it takes to make the plan. If your plan is going to take a whole century to complete, or is very complicated, it might take years for you to complete your plan. A somewhat complex plan that lasts a week will only take a couple of hours. This power does not make you OCD.

(Thinker) Past Sight

Cost: 12 SP

You are capable of viewing the past with perfect clarity, with the typical shard blindspots. This can be directed at a specific person that has been in your line of sight or a location that you have been at, within the past day. Time can be slowed down, paused or sped up during this viewing.

(Thinker) Laplace Demon

Cost: 14 SP

You’re great at predicting things. A quick glance at your surroundings gets you flawless predictions for the next 10 seconds. The further into the future you look, the less accurate the predictions get. The more information you have about your surroundings and other variables, the more accurately you can predict into the future.

(Thinker) Respawn

Cost: 14 SP

You can retrieve your memories from the future until the next point you either die or run into a blindspot.

(Thinker/Mover) Pathfinder

Cost: 15 SP

You have the incredible power of Path To Victory! But only for getting object A to point B. You can choose a subject/group of subjects (it must be an actual physical thing, you can't run a “Path to bring good fortune to me” or anything similarly abstract) and a position to take it to, at which then your power will give you a step-by-step precognitive guide towards getting the target to its location in the most efficient way possible, with the power guiding your body to perfectly perform the actions required.

When setting your paths, the target location must be a real thing and not too vague (no “path to bringing my opponents to death” or “path to a place/person that will help me succeed”), although it can be moving, and you don't need to know where exactly it is i.e “Path to get on to that train” or “Path to the nearest grocery store” are both valid paths.

Your path automatically defaults to ensuring the safety of the object being transported as much as is physically possible while still moving it. However, you can toggle this protection off for a more efficient path.

You are also capable of dictating specific routings for your path such as “Path to getting there stealthily” or “Path to the most dramatic entrance”.

Keep in mind that even with these restrictions, you can still pull off some less obvious paths like “Path to getting this bullet into their head” or “Path to getting this villain to prison” (the path doesn't ensure that the villain will necessarily stay in said prison, just that they’ll get there).