Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Thinker/(Thinker/Mover) Pathfinder

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(Thinker/Mover) Pathfinder

Cost: 15 SP

You have the incredible power of Path To Victory! But only for getting object A to point B. You can choose a subject/group of subjects (it must be an actual physical thing, you can't run a “Path to bring good fortune to me” or anything similarly abstract) and a position to take it to, at which then your power will give you a step-by-step precognitive guide towards getting the target to its location in the most efficient way possible, with the power guiding your body to perfectly perform the actions required.

When setting your paths, the target location must be a real thing and not too vague (no “path to bringing my opponents to death” or “path to a place/person that will help me succeed”), although it can be moving, and you don't need to know where exactly it is i.e “Path to get on to that train” or “Path to the nearest grocery store” are both valid paths.

Your path automatically defaults to ensuring the safety of the object being transported as much as is physically possible while still moving it. However, you can toggle this protection off for a more efficient path.

You are also capable of dictating specific routings for your path such as “Path to getting there stealthily” or “Path to the most dramatic entrance”.

Keep in mind that even with these restrictions, you can still pull off some less obvious paths like “Path to getting this bullet into their head” or “Path to getting this villain to prison” (the path doesn't ensure that the villain will necessarily stay in said prison, just that they’ll get there).