Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Esoteric and Abstract Powers/Reality Marble (Type-Moon)

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Reality Marble (Type-Moon)

Cost: 15 SP (Ultimate One (Type-Moon))

Cost: 0 SP (Ultimate One (Type-Moon))

The concept of a Reality Marble is one that centers around the materialization and projection of one's inner world onto reality. This inner world needs not follow the common logic of man, aka the laws of the universe around you, and can impose rules and conditions seemingly impossible and nonsensical, furthermore it needs not be deployed fully, overwriting the world, but can be deployed partially or even just within your own body. This can have strange consequences so beware.

Bridging the Gap

Your Reality Marble can forever be expressed through your Aura. To harm your Reality Marble infused Aura is to attack your view on Reality, it takes a special form of might to even begin to harm this new form of Aura. Your Reality Marble no longer summons such harsh retaliation from the world. Your body is conceptually strengthened. Similar to how Heroic Spirits have skills that reflect their history and past feats. Pierce enough hearts with a spear and soon every weapon you use will be considered Heart-Seeking like Gae Bolg.

A Reality True to Me

Your Reality Marble is able to maintain itself without conscious input using your Eternal Soul. The World is no longer able to reject your Reality Marble due to a lack of energy, nor it is able to reject the very concept of Eternity. Your Eternal Soul rejects the human idea of insane, leaving you with a comprehensive worldview. You are able to teach others how to ignite their own Reality Marble given enough time and will. Your Reality Marble is built for Eternity, at no point will your Reality Marble be something resent-able to you, it is constantly shifting itself to remain true to you as you are now, not the you at the time of creation.

Co-Written History

Teachers of Myth produce Heroes worthy of their own Stories, but history remembers those who taught their Heroes, look to Cú Chulainn and Scáthach, you cannot recall one without mentioning the other. Your True Student’s feats empower you, less than if you were to perform the feat on your own, but still a noticeable empowerment. Respectively, your students are empowered by every feat you perform. Your True Students are able to pull from your Fable, gaining superior access to both the Classroom of Semblances and the Marks of your Reality Marble.

Living Legend

You are an enigma, your very being is tied to Eternity. The protections from Soul-Body Connection are permanent no matter the conditions, they are as immutable as your soul. Your Reality Marble is no longer separate from you under the idea of it being ‘your Reality Marble being your idea of reality’. Your Reality Marble is your soul. Nothing is able to disrupt or destroy your Reality Marble as that would be an attempt to destroy your Soul. You are a literal Force of Nature, although one of your own design. You shape your Fable/Story/Legend through your thoughts and actions, a self-sustaining and self-actualizing being of the greatest nature. Splitting a River is not cutting a mere body of water for you, you attack the very idea of a river and change it to be different.

A Mark Left on Reality

Your Reality Marble is continually improving in every aspect. With this you will never have to worry about a True Student's Mark being left behind, as they all strive to compare with the one of highest strength. No Mark will be left without a shade due to this, as all your Marks will develop a shade with time, even if they never see use. You now gain a Mark for every Reality Marble you ignite. Each Mark stabilizes your Reality Marble more and more, with enough True Students even the world will be unable to deny your Marbles existence. This stabilization goes beyond durability, the Marks each empower another piece of your Reality Marble's Concept, the empowered portion depends on the Mark's origin. This empowerment is not a simple increase in strength, it is an increase in conceptual weight, adding details and depth to your marble, making it more and more real.

Unlimited Celestial Works

Your nascent Reality Marble has evolved into the Unlimited Blade Works, and merged into the Celestial Workshop, creating an even more powerful manifestation of your inner world, and gaining every Noble Phantasms the UBW has been shown, or hinted at possessing. Unlike Shirou, or EMIYA, the original wielders of this ability, your mind will not be twisted or changed in any way. You will retain your sanity and clarity of thought while utilizing this upgraded power.

With the Celestial Workshop's influence, there is now no actual difference between a fake and the real thing for you. You can treat any of your fakes, copies, or imitations as if they were the actual genuine items, even if they don't match exactly. This unique ability allows you to command your fake legendary swords or any other replicated items to become the real thing in full power.

Furthermore, the Celestial Workshop empowers your fake creations to surpass their original counterparts through diligent use and effort. With this power, you can force fake copies of various objects to gradually grow in power until they become twice as potent as the original real thing, and continue to improve further with consistent use. These fake blades and items, while initially not as formidable as the genuine articles, will steadily evolve into mighty objects in their own right over a period of years.

When manifesting your Reality Marble into the physical world, you have the choice to project either the base Unlimited Blade Works (UBW) or the enhanced Celestial Workshop version.