Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/Thought Cabinet (Disco Elysium)

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Thought Cabinet (Disco Elysium)

Cost: 8 SP (Fractured Psyche)

Cost: 0 SP (Fractured Psyche)

Within the depths of your mind, the pervasive influence of the Pale has granted you the extraordinary power known as the Thought Cabinet. Each thought within your consciousness gains a distinct voice, representing a unique worldview, ideology, personality trait, or hobby. As you explore the world and expand your understanding, you unlock the ability to internalize these thoughts, shaping your very essence. Initially, you possess six slots to house these profound ruminations, yet as you delve deeper into the recesses of your mind, more slots become available to you.

The thoughts residing within your Cabinet possess the profound ability to permeate your being, triggering internal transformations that redefine your skills, capabilities, and even alter your perception of the world. With focused intent, you can harness the power of your thoughts, manifesting new skills and abilities as if conjured by sheer willpower. From mastering musical instruments to delving into martial arts, the boundaries of your potential expand with every thought embraced.

Moreover, the Thought Cabinet holds the extraordinary capacity to reshape your physical form, allowing you to cultivate new organs or modify existing ones to align with the thoughts you internalize. For example, by fixating on the concept of consuming magnesium, you can nurture the growth of Magnesium Receptacle Glands, enabling you to derive sustenance from this elemental source. This intricate symbiosis between your thoughts and your corporeal self empowers you to adapt, thrive, and transcend the limitations of conventional existence.