Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Powers/One of the Last Czarnians (DC Comics)

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One of the Last Czarnians (DC Comics)

Cost: 40 SP

You are now one of the last Czarnians, and as a Czarnian, you are one of the most dangerous and nearly unkillable species in existence. This is because Czarnians possess natural physical abilities that are honestly astounding. Their strength and durability are able to physically match Martians, combat-focused New Gods, experienced Green Lanterns, and even yellow sun-empowered Kryptonians. They can casually lift 1 million tons, take planet-destroying attacks without a scratch, and their speed is such that they can combat speed Force users, react while traveling at massively FTL speeds across the universe, and sharpen their awareness while increasing their temporal flow.

One of the most well-known traits is the fact that they have truly inexhaustible stamina. They don't need any food, water, air, or sleep and can survive in the vacuum of space without any harm. Lobo has been known to "ride through the cold of space on his Space Hog and not notice the heat of blazing suns."

The senses of Czarnians are pretty interesting because their sense of smell is so strong that once they catch a scent just once, there is nowhere in the universe you can hide from them. One Czarnian has been known to track prey across intergalactic distances. They can even hear in space and possess a special sense that allows them to detect the weakest point in an opponent.

Czarnians tend to have either a general genius-level intellect or being super-genius in matters associated with destruction and violence. They craft unique weapons to kill prey and create complex virulent agents and the necessary antidotes to them, or making sentient "space vehicles" stuffed with all manner of weapons or semi-sentient weapons, creating all the technology necessary for a true utopia. They are also skilled at learning languages, with the most well-known example being Lobo, who has learned to speak 17,897 different languages from across the universe. You are able to choose between either the general genius in all categories or being smarter but Specialize in Violence and destruction.

The greatest trait of Czarnians that truly makes them one of the most dangerous species in the universe is their truly insane healing abilities. These abilities are so great that they are known throughout the universe to be biologically immortal unless facing another member of their race. Examples of how extreme their healing is include being immune to the effects of aging, disease, toxins, and poisons. They can regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue instantly, such as lost limbs or other body parts, with little apparent pain. They have even regenerated out of a pool of their own blood by recycling the cells instantly and controlling that same recycling of their cells whenever they feel like it to fight off foreign infections. One of their members could fight off a Black Light Infection from Black Lanterns. Czarnians reproduce through conventional means, but they can also reproduce asexually through replication caused by their regeneration. If you are wounded, any blood spilt may grow into a new Czarnian, sharing your memories and personality. So beware depending on your Personality you may have to fight your "Clones" if you are not careful.

Last thing all Czarnians are Characterized by having truly White Skin, Red Eyes Surrounded by a Black facial markings, an Wild but Fabulous Hair.