Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/Forward & Onward

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Forward & Onward

Cost: 8 SP

While this ability doesn't give you the power to travel the multiverse, it does help make the transition easier. You can activate this ability either right before or during travel to a new universe. Doing so will allow you to send a small piece of yourself, a soul shard, ahead of the rest of you. You will be able to choose the specifics of this piece. Whether it's just your base personality, or even including restrained copies of some of your perks. Though this soul shard is too small to contain any of your actual powers. The soul shard acts as a beacon for your main soul to locate, allowing for a "reincarnation" into the new world.

After determining what to include in the soul shard, you can designate its destination. The ability to travel the multiverse determines whether it's a random or specific universe, but the personal details are your choice. This also applies to the time your main soul will arrive and fuse with your soul shard. By default this will be near the start of 'canon' but can be manipulated if you have other abilities that allow you to move through time. You can decide factors like the race or personality of the family into which you'll be born and when your main soul enters the new body. However, you cannot be born into a race that doesn't give birth or a race significantly more powerful than you. If the race your soul shard is born from is different, your new incarnation will possess the benefits and drawbacks of that race.

Once the soul shard enters the new world and is born, the specifics are mostly beyond your control. As a part of you, it will generally adopt your base personality and align with your actions in various situations. This facilitates a smoother social fusion upon your full self's arrival. However, the soul shard may act differently depending on its creation and if you assigned it specific goals or objectives to pursue before your complete self arrives.

When your main soul arrives, the soul shard seamlessly merges back into the whole without any negative effects on your main soul. The memories of your new life integrate easily into your mind. You have the ability to determine the level of realism these memories hold for you, whether they feel completely real or more detached, akin to watching a movie.