Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/Heartless (Kingdom Hearts)

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Heartless (Kingdom Hearts)

Cost: 20 SP

It seems that at some time in your past your Heart was taken and consumed by darkness, transforming you into a Heartless - unlike most others, however, you’ve not only retained your original form, but also your intelligence and memories as well. While you only begin as strong as cannon-fodder Heartless like Shadows or Soldiers, you have plenty of room to grow stronger, and your other abilities as a being of darkness help compensate for your initial weakness.

To start, as a Heartless, your form has become, ironically enough, a Heart - what most other settings would call a soul - manifested into physical form of condensed darkness, granting you a high resistance to mundane weaponry, a nigh-immunity to dark-based powers, and, most importantly, a form of resurrective immortality: While magic and strong conventional attacks can damage or destroy you, this is only a temporary measure, as you will simply reform elsewhere given enough time, with only Keyblades and sufficiently strong ‘holy’ powers (such as purifying, unlocking/releasing, soul-manipulating, or extremely strong light-aligned magics) being able to put you down for good.

In addition, you also possess some other tricks beside that: A sort of sixth sense for the ‘darkness’ - in the sense of evil and negative emotions - within peoples’ Hearts, strong enough that true ‘villains’ and other vile sorts can be felt from entire worlds or dimensions away, though pinpointing will take experience; The ability to open ‘Corridors of Darkness’, shadowy portals that can lead you across worlds and other great distances without the need for something like a Gummi Ship - albeit inaccurately, and incapable of breaching into sufficiently ‘Light’ or ‘holy’ areas without great strength; And, lastly, the ability to steal the Hearts of others who are on the verge of either death or falling to Darkness, quite literally forcing it out of their bodies - and from there, consuming it and either slowly incorporating its strength into yours, or fully corrupting and shaping it into a new Heartless like yourself.

While there are more abilities to be discovered - like harnessing Tier Magic, or commanding Heartless of lesser power - those are less immediately available, requiring you to deepen both your skill and power before you can access them. You can also optionally decide to forsake your original form and take on an appearance similar to most other heartless.

(Note: If you are sufficiently strong-willed when taking this power, or otherwise falling to Darkness in the future, then your Nobody will also form alongside you somewhere in the world.)

Realm of Darkness

The maddening corruption you spread has been suffused with your Darkness, and has in turn suffused it: Wherever your corruption spreads, it carries the Dark along with it, seeping into the world alongside itself - and that same Dark now also acts as a conduit for your corruption, creating an almost self-sustaining effect. At lower levels, this means that the rate of your corruption’s decay when not in your domain is slowed massively, and at greater levels your twin corrupting influences create a feedback loop that at least keeps them from dissipating naturally, if not even causing them to spread without the need for your presence.

Eternal Shadows

Your nature as the Primordial Man has now further reinforced the bond to your Heartless nature just as much as it has the Dark Soul: While Keyblades and holy powers can temporarily purge the Darkness from you, this too is now just a stopgap, for such an unbreakable connection to the Dark means that you can never truly be deprived of it any more; only strong soul-manipulation or the destruction of your Heart can fully strip that from you now.

Furthermore, your Heartless nature’s Darkness is now suffused with the defense-bypassing abilities of Dark Hexes, and, should you also have the Lord Of The Abyss addon, then the Abyss you form will also act like a miniature Realm of Darkness, becoming a safe haven for you and other Heartless.

Dark Will

Your Darkness has undergone a curious shift; now, not only is it spawned, fueled, and strengthened by negative emotions and evil, but now also by willpower and resolve of all kinds. Those of great determination in your vicinity, regardless of morality or emotional inclination, will now begin forming Darkness in their own hearts, just as much as the wrathful and the villainous, and this same connection now also allows you to detect such strong wills with your sixth sense as well.

Additionally, this connection between Darkness and willpower now goes both ways, allowing you to use your Determination to not only amplify your power and growth speed, but also to use your Darkness as a substitute for strong will, not only for the purpose of SAVEing, LOADing and RESETing, but also for refusing to die and prolonging your own life.

Guardando Nel Buio

Your Heartless nature and its powers over Darkness have unlocked a new, secondary transformation in your Old One form: By infusing the Dark into your alternate form, you can further change it from an arboreal titan into a colossal, organic battleship - the World of Chaos. In this state, not only do you possess your Heartless powers, now boosted in strength and range from your status, but you also retain all of your Old One powers as well, now infused with new Dark might; your Deep Fog is dyed a rich black-purple, now carrying your Darkness’ corruption alongside its usual madness, and, more importantly, the demons you spawn can now carry the powers of Heartless in addition to their normal abilities if you wish it, and both they and regular Heartless can be spawned from any sufficient quantities of Darkness as well as the Fog.

Umbral Heart

The formation of an Umbral Core within you has further strengthened both your Heartless nature and its Darkness, reinforcing them with the paracausal and physics-defying traits of your Core’s own essence. The first and most prominent effect is that you now defy simulations and predictions much like your powers, in addition to passively violating entropy at a low level just by existing, and being capable of infusing the powers of Stasis and Strand directly into your new body. Furthermore, not only can these new properties be extended to any other Heartless you create or are made in your vicinity in the future, but they can even be added to other ‘dark’ powers you wield or come across, allowing you to spread your paracausal influence far and wide.