Project V17/Drawbacks/Curse Choice

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Curse of Undeath

Gain: 10 SP

Gain: 10 CP

You are immortal. Every time you die, you are respawn near your body. However, each time you resurrect, you lose your a part of your being. It may be a power of yours, or a memory, maybe even an emotion or a sense. Don't die too many times, you would end up becoming a hollow shell.

Curse of Strange

Gain: 10 SP

Gain: 10 CP

You suffer from a curse that alters the results of your actions in unexpected ways. No matter what you do, you will always end up with something different but somewhat similar to what you intended. For example, if you attempt to write a novel, it will magically transform into a graphic novel instead. If you prepare a cake, you will find yourself with a batch of cream puffs. If you perform a song, you will involuntarily break into a choreographed dance. These are mild effects that don't impact serious events and change something into a similar thing.

Curse of Masochism

Gain: 10 SP

Gain: 10 CP

With this curse, your sense of pain is completely warped, causing your body to find it unnaturally soothing and enjoyable - and at more extreme levels, borderline pleasurable. This also overrides any Perks, powers or other abilities (such as alien/eldritch physiology) that would normally negate or help you deal with pain, reducing their effectiveness to a quarter at most and capping the pain reduction at 50%.

Curse of Unpalatable

Gain: 10 SP

Gain: 10 CP

Every dish you attempt to make ends up causing the worst food poisoning imaginable. A simple egg boiled by you could infect the water supply with salmonella and make everyone who drinks it sick. A cake baked by you for a party could start a fire that spreads to the whole neighborhood. A sandwich made by you with just two slices of bread may create something that looks like it came straight from HP Lovecraft, with tentacles and eyes oozing out of the crust. No matter how much you practice or improve your cooking skills, you can never produce anything edible or safe. But you may learn to control the appearance of your dishes.

Curse of Distractions

Gain: 10 SP

Gain: 10 CP

You suffer from what is acutely known as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or ‘ADHD’ but in a rather severe form. You are not able to go more than five minutes without either swapping thought processes to a new topic or changing your current activity. This essentially impedes and slows down progress for anything that requires great concentration over long periods of time. Such as, but not limited to, meditation, tinkering, studying, etc.

This curse has three exemptions, it will not be active during combat, when you are sleeping, and during intimate relations.

This curse stacked with ‘Curse of Worldly Distractions’ lessens your concentration time by half.

Curse of Worldly Distractions

Gain: 10 SP

Gain: 10 CP

You suffer from what is essentially ‘worldly’ ADHD. Meaning instead of your body producing the effect that disallows concentration for more than five minutes, random events in real life will occur that either physically or mentally prevent you from focusing on your current train of thought or activity.

This curse has three exemptions, it will not be active during combat, when you are sleeping, and during intimate relations.

This curse stacked with ‘Curse of Distractions’ lessens your concentration time by half.

Curse of Pain

Gain: 10 SP

Gain: 10 CP

Every harm you do will cause you to suffer the same pain. The feeling of a knife against someone makes you feel like you were stabbed. The sound of a gunshot in your ear makes you feel the bleeding. The burning of someone you burned makes you burn with agony. Every act of violence you commit will be reflected back to you in equal measure. Although you won't physically be harmed from this curse.

Curse of Paranoia

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

Your paranoia is great enough to make Batman take notes from you. You needlessly make hundreds of plans of simulated scenarios which may never come true. You have contingency plans against both your enemies and allies and even a hypothetical enemy you may face in future. To you, today's friends may as well be tomorrow's enemies. You will have a hard time making friends and trusting others.

Curse of Crippling

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

You are plagued by a curse that limits your abilities in some way. Whenever you do something, you will face some kind of obstacle or handicap. Whenever you undertake something, you will encounter some form of difficulty or disadvantage. For instance, if you engage in combat, you might suddenly become paralyzed in your right arm. If you play chess, you might be forbidden from moving your knights. You always encounter some kind of restriction that makes your current task harder.

Curse of Unknown

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

You are under the influence of a curse that deprives you of knowledge and understanding. You always come across information that is incomplete or missing, and you tend to lose your memory of crucial details at the most inconvenient times. You are constantly unaware and confused about what is happening around you.

Curse of Black Thumb

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

Wherever you go, you leave a trail of death and decay in your wake. The plants around you age at an accelerated pace, with their lifespan shortening by a factor of eight within a 30km diameter. Furthermore, fruits and vegetables within a 7km radius of you will rot at an increased rate, making them unfit for consumption in mere hours.

Curse of Nature

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

Wherever you go you leave a trail of destruction and chaos in your wake. Your mere presence is a blight to the natural world, and all creatures and vegetation are drawn to cause you malice and harm. Animals will go out of their way to maul and attack you, while plants will reach out to grasp and strangle you, with vines twisting and wrapping around you like the tentacles of an octupus, determined to drag you into their grasp. This curse makes the very earth itself your enemy, with those that belong to nature acting upon an uncontrollable desire to exact carnage upon you.

Curse of Stone

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

You are cursed with a touch that turns everything to stone. No matter what you touch, living or non-living, it becomes a lifeless rock. You cannot control this power, nor can you reverse it. Even the slightest contact can transform gold into granite, or treasures into rubble. You are doomed to be alone and surrounded by stone.

Curse of Boredom

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

Every activity you try to enjoy ends up triggering the most unbearable headaches imaginable. A simple movie watched by you could cause a throbbing pain that makes you nauseous and dizzy. A book read by you for pleasure could induce a blinding migraine that prevents you from seeing anything else. The more interesting something is, the worse you suffer from it.

Curse of Killers

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

"If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world remains the same."

Each time you kill more than once a day, a person closest to you will slowly lose themselves to an overwhelming desire for darkness. The mind twists, contorts, and warps, with the sudden and uncontrollable urge to end your life. They turn into murderous and tortured individuals, seeking only to inflict pain and suffering upon those around them, directing their special hatred towards you. The corruption spreads with each life you take, and another close to you becomes a deranged and malevolent creature. They become unrecognizable, a twisted shell of their former selves, hell-bent on causing as much misery as possible.

Curse of Appearance

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

You possess a shapeshifting power but you can't control it. You can’t control how you look or who you are. Every day, your gender, appearance, and age will change randomly and drastically. You can try to use other shapeshifting powers to alter your appearance, but your new form will take on traits from your base form. However, any perks that affect your beauty or agelessness will still apply to any form you take. If you are handsome in one form, you will be beautiful in another.

Curse of Social Anxiety

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

You struggle with interpersonal relationships and often shies away from first encounters. You struggle with social events, and tend to make things awkward by either slipping up or overdoing it. Many will find you weird, and most will stay away from you. When stressed, you try to hide from any social situations, trying to hide in trash cans, cardboard boxes, or other objects. If you fail to do this, you would freeze up and be incapable of thinking straight.

Curse of Yandere Lover

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

Incompatible: A Significant Other

All the lovers you have/will have will turn into Yandere. They will try to keep your affections to themselves, even going as far to killing any potential competition they think they will face. If you try to break off the relationship, they may as well kill you to preserve you in their memories. They will always be influential and powerful enough to do so. Do be careful, sometimes a Yandere lover is much more dangerous than a superpowered nemesis.

Curse of Half-Death

Gain: 20 SP

Gain: 20 CP

You made a deal with Death to become immortal, however she tricked you. The first time you die, you will be resurrected in a half-dead state. Your body will be atrophied and all your physical abilities will weaken massively. Your magic will also become closely aligned with Death, thereby making any life magic difficult to cast. Living beings will also instinctively distrust you. You will have hard time making friends. Beware of gods/spirits of death for they will consider you an abomination and may try to kill you. However no matter how many times you die, you will always resurrect in this half-dead state. Do remember, if you heal yourself from this state, Death will take hold of your soul and you will permanently die. And just like the man who was tricked by Death, you will also only remember about the immortality part and forget the drawback. Only after your first death, will you remember everything.

Curse of Activation

Gain: 20 SP

Gain: 20 CP

Your powers are always on. You can never turn them off or control them fully. For example, if you have laser eyes, you will always shoot lasers from them. You can only adjust the intensity, but not stop them completely.

Curse of Glass

Gain: 20 SP

Gain: 20 CP

Every item you try to handle ends up shattering into the most dangerous fragments imaginable. A simple vase picked up by you could explode into shards that fly across the room and injure anyone nearby. A laptop used by you for work could spark a short circuit that fries all the electronics in the building. The more precious something is, the worse you destroy it.

Curse of Sickness

Gain: 20 SP

Gain: 20 CP

Required: Weak Body

Your body has undergone changes, and you now exhibit a variety of debilitating symptoms such as a constant dry cough, labored breathing, and persistent headaches. These symptoms are always present and are exacerbated when you use your powers. Additionally, you may experience nausea, dizziness, and chest pains. Overuse of your abilities can leave you temporarily bedridden and could result in severe injury or death. Your new condition is serious, and you must exercise caution when utilizing your abilities. It is crucial to be aware of your limits and seek medical attention if symptoms persist or worsen.

Curse of Contradiction

Gain: 20 SP

Gain: 20 CP

Any living being you fall in love with dies. The only way to get over this curse is to become apathetic towards life. You are destined to live a lonely life with this.

Curse of Sloth

Gain: 20 SP

Gain: 10 CP

Incompatible: Noctis Cape

You are required to spend 50% of the day sleeping in order to recharge your powers. Going a few days without sleeping would weaken your powers, and finally a weak of not sleeping will stop your powers from working.

Curse of Gluttony

Gain: 25 SP

Gain: 25 CP

Incompatible: Powered Sustenance

Every food you try to eat ends up triggering the most unbearable hunger imaginable. A simple snack consumed by you could cause a gnawing pain that makes you faint and weak. A meal eaten by you for satisfaction could induce a ravenous appetite that prevents you from feeling anything else. The more delicious something is, the worse you starve from it.

Curse of Memory

Gain: 25 SP

Gain: 25 CP

Incompatible: Noctis Cape

You are cursed with irreversible memory loss. Every 24 hours, you will forget 23 hours and 55 minutes of what happened. You can choose what 5 minutes per day you will remember exactly. The rest will be erased from your mind.

Curse Of Failure

Gain: 30 SP

Gain: 30 CP

You cannot win without losing half the time. If you set up plan with 100 sub plans, you are confirmed to fail at 50% of them. A standalone plan always has a 50% chance of failure/victory, no matter what steps you take. You will never get a complete victory. You may kill scion only to find out he was keeping a worse enemy at bay!!

Curse of Destruction

Gain: 40 SP

Gain: 30 CP

No matter what action you take, you will always cause the maximum destruction possible. Trying to heal a simple cut may mutate the dormant cancer the patient had, thereby turning him into a horrific abomination. Trying to save a city from a villain may lead to fight which not only destroy the city but also the neighboring cities. Do be careful how you use your power, for your curse may destroy this world even before Scion does.

Curse of Lying

Gain: 40 SP

Gain: 40 CP

Every time you deceive others about who you are, you will lose sight of your true self. You will become a stranger to yourself, living in a world of lies. Every time you pretend to be in a different situation, you will forget where you came from. Your lies will not only make you forget about what the lie was but also may cause you to forget something random within your mind. With enough lies, you will lose touch with your roots, your values, and your goals. Every time you exaggerate your abilities, you will forget what you can really do.

Curse of Truth

Gain: 40 SP

Gain: 40 CP

Every time you reveal the truth, you will be unable to change yourself. Your personality, and sense of self grows more rigid and unbending. You will be mentally, physically and spiritually incapable of change and growth. With each truth said, you grow more immutable. While you are far more mentally resistant, you are also more fragile in some ways. If someone were to argue against everything you believe in and emerge victorious, not only would your perspective on life collapse, but everything that you are would be shattered as well.

Cure Curse

Cost: 5 SP

Cost: 5 CP

Your curse can be gradually healed over time and with effort. Although it will affect you indefinitely, as you grow stronger and gain healing, its severity will decrease. Still, it may randomly resurface, and its effects are likely to last indefinitely. It will never be entirely erased, but it may become manageable with persistence.