Project V17/Drawbacks/An ANSWER Is Seen And A Trillion Crystal Eyes Look Upon a Blue And Green Dot

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An [ANSWER] Is Seen And A Trillion Crystal Eyes Look Upon a Blue And Green Dot

Gain: 120 SP (Standard)

Gain: 120 CP (Standard)

Gain: 60 SP (Hard)

Gain: 60 CP (Hard)

Gain: 180 SP (Easy)

Gain: 180 CP (Easy)

Required: Negentropy,Shardless,

Required: The Summoning

Required: "Odd"

Required: Entities, what are those Entities you speak of?

Required: Shards, what are those Shards you speak of?

Incompatible: Ubercharge Strike

Your summoning was very noticeable, maybe a bit too noticeable. Regardless of your circumstances, you will find that every entity in the universe has seen you. And they will inform every entity that hasn’t that you have a way to survive past heat death, the answer they’ve long searched for.

Also, don’t even think of trying to run away, you’ve been dimensionally anchored into the universe you started in, and not even killing the Warrior with the countdown perk will let you escape from this universe. And don’t bother with trying to hide, your aura of oddness is so strong it will give away your location no matter what. Good luck.

Intelligent Warfare

The entities receive a massive boost in critical thinking, being capable of rapid innovation and figuring out new and dangerous ways to challenge you. They also receive a full understanding of your build, from drawbacks to powers and skills.

After 10 years, you may now travel around the limited worm multiverse freely. This is not a reward however. Because the entities will have finally cracked the secret of risk-free negentropy from their constant observation of you. Instead of a defensive war in which you can never truly strike back, you must now attempt to hunt down every last entity before they multiply and consume all of reality.