Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 3/(Master/Trump) The Friend Bringer

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(Master/Trump) The Friend Bringer

Cost: 40 SP

You gain the ability to summon and resend Alternate versions of Shard bearers that you meet, clones of the originals as well. These summons will be perfectly loyal, but will still hold their personality, they will be given a general understanding of both your world and you upon summoning. They will sacrifice themselves and their morals to protect you and do what you say. Their powers start at 50% strength and after a full 1 month of being summoned they are boosted to 200% of their normal strength from then on. (This only happens once.) You are given a Thinker ability which allows you to perceive a mental rotating list of currently useful summons for the tasks you need done. You are given an Aura of 30 feet which counts as your range for the "meet" condition. Endbringers and Entities can be summoned, alts and clones alike, but only under the condition that you touch their core for Endbringers and Seriously injure for Entities. (To summon a clone Leviathan or Alt Leviathan you would need to touch its core; to summon a Scion clone or Alt Scion you would need to seriously injure his real body.) Every summoning takes shard power and requires focus to keep active after they complete their original task, summoning Endbringers is an immense drain of both shard energy and mental focus and will do serious damage to your shard if held too long while Entity summons will instantly drop your shard to less than 1 week of energy left and knock you unconscious for at least 1 hour, they will shatter your shard if summoned for longer than their task takes. Summon's initial energy and focus requirements are substantially higher than continual summoning post task. (Negentropy will completely null all the shard based drawbacks of this power and half all mental drain) This power will allow you to perform this ability with any and all "powered" individuals in the multiverse if taken with Esoteric Knowledge or Shardless