Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 3

From Worm CYOA Wiki

(Trump) Manager

Cost: 30 SP

You can take/copy the powers of any Parahuman you touch as well as give powers you have taken/copied to others. You have fifteen slots to store powers and can have five of them active at a time. You can temporarily go over this limit but will suffer thinker headaches that worsen rapidly the longer you are over your maximum limit. Negentropy increases your active limit by 2 and total slots by 5. You can alter the powers in your possession by cycling through different expressions of the same power or modifying it by boosting one aspect at the expense of another or changing its restrictions. Multiple compatible powers can occupy the same slot and will synergize together. Power compatibility depends on the power itself and not its expression. This power works on Cauldron Vials and the Garden of Eden, you will get a random expression when getting those powers. You can discard unwanted powers but you will not be able to acquire them again unless you steal/copy them again. Copying powers can take a minute, but stealing them happens instantly.

(Trump) Oberon

Cost: 35 SP

You can gain a permanent copy of the power of any Parahuman you touch. This works on the substance in Cauldron Vials and the Garden of Eden too, though adapted for human use. You can only have five of these powers active at a time, but rather than the Fairy Queen's ghosts, you have these powers for yourself. Negentropy increases your active limit by 2.

(Trump) Prototype

Cost: 40 SP

You have 18 slots to store powers. You can only have 6 active at once but can instantly switch which ones are active. You can instantly empty a slot but it takes 30 seconds to load a power pattern from memory.

Each day, you gain 10 charges (up to a maximum of 200 stored). You can use these charges to copy, create, and improve powers. You can use 1 charge to copy the power of a parahuman in your line of sight within 100m of you. You can use from 1 to 5 charges to create a new power, the created power will be random unless you constrain it. (1 charge would be around 3 on the PRT scale, 5 charges would be around 7). The more precisely you constrain a power the weaker it will be. You can expend more charges to tweak a created power further to your liking. The only power you cannot reproduce is Eidolon as your power already fulfills that function (that is to select and interface with powers).

You have two secondary Thinker powers. One that allows you to perfectly recall power patterns, and one that allows you to understand the patterns, modify and combine them into new powers.

Negentropy increases your daily charges to 15 and your slots to 24.

(Blaster/Striker) Sting

Cost: 25 SP

You can infuse anything you can touch, any projectile you fire, or any power you manifest, with the ability to ignore select laws of physics, including the ability to pass through anything. These will not pass through your own body unless you will them to. You cannot empower yourself with this. Along with this ability, you also have an intuitive understanding of angles, trajectories, as well as an enhanced sense of timing.

(Brute) Avalon

Cost: 30 SP

You regenerate near instantaneously, are far more durable than you otherwise would, have unlimited stamina and do not age past your prime, have no limits when it comes to how strong you can become through training, are beloved by nature and its inhabitants, and your willpower is increased.

(Shaker) It Gets Worse

Cost: 40 SP

There are few things that can harm you. Not because you're an ultra Brute or so fast you can't get hit. No, you have impossible luck. No one harms you because they get hurt or humiliated or even killed because they tried. The harder, more seriously, and more violently they tried to hurt you, the worse the response from your power. You can still get hurt by accident or if a sufficiently durable and determined person tries hard enough. They might even live long enough to regret it.

(Breaker) And the Void Stares Back

Cost: 35 SP

Your whole body is a door to a pocket dimension. Your surface is a semipermeable membrane, you can choose what can pass and what can't. You can shift your shape, and using materials similar to skin, you can make yourself appear human. You can sound like whatever you want. If you let everything in, you become a very powerful vacuum. If you want you can just walk through anything. You are completely invincible from all physical attacks, including Sting.

(Tinker) Revolution

Cost: 30 SP

You have access to every Tinker technology tree as well as understood technology dating back to the dawn of civilization(s). The closer to understood technology your inventions are the less black-boxed they are. This limit can be raised if you study and analyze your own technology or if a technology you created is reverse engineered and understood by scientists.

You can have 3 method specializations (modular, efficiency, etc), 5 broad specializations (lasers, waves, code, vehicles, etc.), and 9 narrow specializations (clockwork automata, personal equipment, prosthetics, surveillance, etc.) at once. It takes a minute to switch between specializations.

Note: Even if you build a replicator the created items will still be black-boxed and need maintenance.

Note: Technology levels, your base technology level is based at least on 2010 technology and cannot be lower if you are in a world with a more primitive understanding.

(Thinker) Vision

Cost: 35 SP

You can simulate any scenario you can come up with. Only the entity is a blindspot to this power.

(Thinker) Neural Network

Cost: 35 SP

Your have access to a network of 512 Nodes (768 with Negentropy) that can be used for several purposes. For every 16 unallocated nodes, your thinking speed is increased by 25% additively.

Nodes can be used to store approximately 2.5 PB (petabytes) of information, this includes memories. One Node is sufficient to store a perfect snapshot of your brain.

Nodes also be grouped into a Module, this allows them to be programmed to perform various functions like keeping track of time, automatically creating a backup of your brain, process your vision to parse any text and store it in a node, and more. If it can be done with a computer, it can be done with a module. One node has roughly the same processing power as a high end server.

You can also use Nodes to create a Cluster, this allows them to host Thinker powers. A power uses a number of nodes equivalent to the square of its rating (Thinker 2 takes 4 Nodes, Thinker 3 takes 9 Nodes, and so on). Your maximum rating is 9. The powers can only use information gathered from your own senses, including any power granted senses.

(Breaker/Trump) Self-Rewrite

Cost: 40 SP

You have the power to rewrite your own existence. Able to will yourself to change into another person, have any tier 2 power, and turn yourself into anything. You could will yourself into becoming Metal, Fire, Water, Space, Time, and anything you could think of. You are capable of turning yourself more intelligent, stronger, faster all by your will alone. You are also able to teleport across the Wormverse Earth simply by wanting to be there. You can retain your consciousness no matter what you transform into.

(You can only turn into more esoteric things by buying the Esoteric Knowledge perk or being Shardless. You're also only able to go to other multiverses by having Homecoming).

(Tinker/Trump) Shards

Cost: 40 SP

A Tinker specializing in the manipulation of shards, this power allows for personal Shard editing and Data gain from nearby Shards. Data gathering takes active combat with a Shard bearer to copy data, this will allow your shard to gain these powers or off shoots. You can cannibalize different data to strengthen or weaken different powers, making changes with the Raw Data and Energy. You gain both a passive Raw Data acclimation, which accelerates depending on how much data you have in your shard. (You can edit more and more, much larger changes and ability addition, faster depending on how much data you have copied from other shards) and a passive Energy gain which will increase your shards life span if left unused. This shard can be overtaxed until it breaks in terms of raw energy, though you will be warned beforehand. (Will be negated with Negentropy) If giving direct access to unused shards (I.E. The Garden of Eden) you will be able to freely manipulate these shards with a touch, and with significant energy use you can discover how to make shards and make powers from/for them. (This analysis will take direct contact for 72 hours, unboosted) The creation of new shards and powers will cost incredible amounts of Raw Data and Energy, enough that each use will cause a serious risk of immediate shard death. (Drawback will be negated with Negentropy.) The Raw Data needed is about a year of moderate generation (20 fully copied shards worth of generations for a full year with no additional use) for Shard creation but Raw Data needed for power is variable.

(Shaker/Blaster) Stilling

Cost: 40 SP

You now have the ability to wield the power known as Stilling an incredible power that allows you to negate and manipulate wavelengths.

Its versatility is immense, as it can be used for disintegrating molecular bonds, cancellation of heat and sound, slowing or stopping motion, and negating the effects of virtually any superhuman ability/power. It can even be used to heal and far more.

This power manifests as golden light, which you can shape into any form you wish. All of your "stilling" effects are completely silent, can range greatly in power (from pencil-thin cutting beams to planet-destroying blasts), and has practically infinite range. Your light can even track and home in on targets, even curving in mid-air.

You are capable of manifesting a golden aura that grants you the ability to fly at immense speeds. Thanks to the aura itself, you are able to fly even through space and other hostile environments without any problems.

You can use your Stilling ability to "tune" your defenses to negate any power, even if they are far more powerful than you. You also have an automatic adaptive defense that makes you immune to anything used against you.

You are able to use the Stilling ability to its fullest potential even without knowing exactly how it works.

(Breaker/Shaker) Embodiment of the Supernova

Cost: 35 SP

You are able to transform into a person-shaped supernova. and in this state, you possess almost complete control over plasma and the ability to create a near-endless amount of it. and you can create and manipulate plasma that is over a billion degrees Celsius and fire concentrated beams of plasma, alongside creating and directing seas of plasma, with a mere thought.

You also gained immense control over gravity and radiation. Your gravity manipulation allows you to condense matter into black holes. Your control over gravity is such that you can prevent black holes from affecting matter. Your control over radiation is such that you can prevent others from being affected by your breaker state. create illusions by manipulating visible radiation and tapping into communications that use radio waves, and so on.

(Shaker/Changer) Cocytus

Cost: 35 SP

You have the ability to become, create and manipulate ice, your body is naturally in a state of being a man made of ice though you always look human. This power allows you to ignore physical attacks by shattering around them, regrowing your ice body, or manipulating your body around the attack. Your body instinctually becomes ice when attacked, you can fight this. You can create ice from nothing for up to half a mile in a sphere around you and freeze natural water for up to 2 miles (Up to the molecular level). You have a secondary Thinker ability which allows you to sense all water, in all forms, and created ice within your radius. When more energy is expended you can drop your ice's temperature to absolute zero. Killing all energy next to your ice immediately and making your ice strong enough to tank at least one hit from an Entity level ability. If focus is kept on the ice the temperature will stay down but if not it will rapidly heat up to its normal temperature, superheating the area around it to a temperature in excess of 15M °C. It will take an immense amount of energy but if you drop yourself to absolute zero, you gain the durability mentioned along with Alexandria level strength, but your most notable ability is that time will freeze around you for as long as you stay at absolute Zero, you can move and do things in this state but it will expend more energy to do so and freeze those you hit during this time. (This power will kill your shard if used for more than 24 hours and rapidly decreases its life span when in use, Negentropy stops these negative effects)

(Master/Trump) The Friend Bringer

Cost: 40 SP

You gain the ability to summon and resend Alternate versions of Shard bearers that you meet, clones of the originals as well. These summons will be perfectly loyal, but will still hold their personality, they will be given a general understanding of both your world and you upon summoning. They will sacrifice themselves and their morals to protect you and do what you say. Their powers start at 50% strength and after a full 1 month of being summoned they are boosted to 200% of their normal strength from then on. (This only happens once.) You are given a Thinker ability which allows you to perceive a mental rotating list of currently useful summons for the tasks you need done. You are given an Aura of 30 feet which counts as your range for the "meet" condition. Endbringers and Entities can be summoned, alts and clones alike, but only under the condition that you touch their core for Endbringers and Seriously injure for Entities. (To summon a clone Leviathan or Alt Leviathan you would need to touch its core; to summon a Scion clone or Alt Scion you would need to seriously injure his real body.) Every summoning takes shard power and requires focus to keep active after they complete their original task, summoning Endbringers is an immense drain of both shard energy and mental focus and will do serious damage to your shard if held too long while Entity summons will instantly drop your shard to less than 1 week of energy left and knock you unconscious for at least 1 hour, they will shatter your shard if summoned for longer than their task takes. Summon's initial energy and focus requirements are substantially higher than continual summoning post task. (Negentropy will completely null all the shard based drawbacks of this power and half all mental drain) This power will allow you to perform this ability with any and all "powered" individuals in the multiverse if taken with Esoteric Knowledge or Shardless

(Stranger/Master) Observer

Cost: 25 SP

You no longer exist in reality, and cannot be seen or attacked by anyone, including shards, Endbringers, and even Entities. You can manifest an invisible phantom at any location on the planet that can interact with the world.

(Shaker/Thinker) Ouranos

Cost: 35 SP

You gain the ability to manipulate all oxygen within a 3 mile radius sphere around yourself, up to the Atomic level. With powers of notable specificity aside (Cocytus being specified to Ice only for example but a normal Water Bender isn't specific enough) you are the absolute authority when anything oxygen based is involved, from air to water to certain acids, even with people up to 10 times your power.

You gain a secondary Thinker ability which gives you knowledge (Position, Bonds, and things directly interacting with it, like people walking through air for example) of every Oxygen atom within your range. This ability inherently lacks the usual shard Manton Limit, allowing you to do things such as take or add oxygen to/from people or control them using their blood, etc.

Notable uses of this power include weather control in both the air and water involved, water manipulation(all forms) like the creation of Tsunamis and hyper compressed water attacks, popping heads by filling them with oxygen, unbinding every Oxygen atom in your range creating a 6 mile diameter sphere of desperately unstable atoms, splitting or fusing the atoms in your range.

Your best attacks, from world changing weather phenomena made by your power to nuclear denotations made by you splitting or fusing oxygen atoms, easily damage/destroy Endbringer, and do significant damage over large areas to even Entities.

(Master/Trump) Gestation

Cost: 35 SP

Every Parahuman you make physical contact with has their Shard controlled by your own. This effectively means you can add or remove restrictions to the power of those under your control, or even shut their powers down entirely! The longer this effect lasts the more the Target will find their willpower drained to become little more than a puppet to your will. You are able to control the amount of willpower that is drained from those under your control and how subtle your influence over them is. This control can be broken by having or being close to a Trigger Event or if their connection to their Shard altered drastically (Bonesaw or Panacea's work for example).

(Mover/Breaker) Time Out!

Cost: 35 SP

You can manipulate how fast time flows for you, in either direction, as much as you want. In other words, you can speed your perception and movement up to the point where time appears stopped, or slow it to the point where years pass in minutes, or more. You can interact with objects normally, as though they weren't frozen, or you can choose to have objects simply refuse to move. Strength is not increased despite your speed, but you can apply your normal force multiple times in a row for roughly the same effect. You are not able to rewind time with this power. If you speed up your perceptions, your aging is slowed to account for it in a way that you age as though the appropriate amount of time passed, instead of however much you experienced. If you are about to die, this power automatically stops time for you.

(Thinker/Trump) Sylar

Cost: 40 SP

You can instantly learn and understand the workings and mechanics of anything, understand the complexity and exactness of organisms, objects, etc. without the need for long-term or special education regardless of how simple or complex. This only helps with understanding the underlying mechanisms of the thing in question, it doesn't give any skills you didn't already possess. Your shard obscures your ability to learn anything related to The Entities such as the workings of the Cycle but with enough time or if you have a good relationship with your shard, you can understand their workings. By cutting into the brains of Parahumans to see and feel their Corona Pollentia and Gemma, you can understand how their power works, how to use them, and the best way to utilize them. You can even apply some minor adjustments to them.

(Brute) Immovable Object

Cost: 25 SP

The user's skin and body are completely invulnerable to damage of any kind, making them utterly invincible. This power is so extreme that it even negates other all-or-nothing effects, such as the sting. The user can withstand attacks from even the most powerful parahumans and villains, and is practically indestructible. This power also makes the user immune to being thrown around or knocked back by any sort of force or attack, rendering them virtually immovable.

(Brute) Unstoppable Force

Cost: 25 SP

The user possesses immense physical strength and stamina. They can lift and throw objects with ease, and their punches and kicks are incredibly powerful. Their strength is so great that they can flatten entire countries in minutes. Their stamina allows them to continue fighting for years without rest, making them a force to be reckoned with in any battle. A single punch can destroy most of the defence an Endbringer has, nearly reaching its core.

(Breaker/Trump) Golden Form

Cost: 30 SP

You’ve gained the ability to change into a powerful breaker form, converting your body into a semi-solid/liquid energy with its initial form resembling you in a full body cloak of golden flames. All your abilities are massively enhanced from your previous form, a normal human would be capable of overpowering Alexandria in strength and durability, sheer speed to run from one side of the planet to the other in a minute, and a reaction time to easily handle that kind of speed. This enhancement is extended to all your abilities, including other powers. The breaker form can be confined to a single part or individual parts of your body if you wish, and switching between your normal form and breaker form will instantly heal any injury.

Alongside this is the ability to manipulate the energy your body is made from, allowing you to freely shape it into whatever you desire such as massive hands, a large animal form, or even weapons. The energy your body produces and is made from can be expelled as powerful blasts or used to imbue any other abilities you possess to further enhance them. You can channel any abilities you possess through your energy form as if they were your own body. You also possess a secondary ability allowing you unlimited multitasking in regards to your energy form.

You cannot access any of the abilities from the form without using your breaker form, and can choose to change the colors of your breaker form at will. The transformation between forms is instantaneous.

(Shaker) Same Day Delivery!

Cost: 25 SP

You have the ability to summon raw materials in a radius of 50 feet around you. The things you can summon can be any raw materials you can think of, as long as they are physically capable of existing; this means you would have to work with any metamaterials created by Tinkers before your power accepts them as viable for summoning. Notably, you can't summon finished products with this, but you can summon the component materials. This power is hard to weaponize, but you can be creative, such as summoning mercury on top of someone, dropping a gold anvil on someone's head, and so on. Go forth and solve resource problems forever, for yourself or others.

(Stranger/Master) Self-Inserting for Days

Cost: 40 SP

You can retroactively insert yourself in anything or anyone's story. If you wanted, everyone would think that you are the Hebert's youngest child. Or maybe you were always the president, even though you are clearly a minor. Cauldron? Of course you know about them, you were there in their founding. Want to be a movie star? You are, you just started that movie, did you not? Can I get an autograph? Whatever new “truth” you decide, the world will change to accept it: paper trail will be created for your convenience, statues for your glory, even the crater you made when you totally-one-shot a endbringer. This affect everyone in the world. You can dismiss any narrative whenever you want, and no one will notice you leaving. PS: Just because everyone believe you did something doesn't mean you actually did. So when you convince the world that you killed Scion, do try to act surprised when he show up to save a kitten or something.

(Breaker/Shaker) Hellfire

Cost: 40 SP

Flames can only burn so hot. The highest temperature recorded is two trillion kelvins. A supernova can exceed 100 billion degrees, and you're hotter than that.

Your body temperature has a secondary breaker effect that can be manipulated as a sort of field to contain your heat, extending upwards of 100 meters.

Your heat is enough to even start in the deconstruction and softening of Endbringer cores, very likely to even turn an Endbringer into nothing more than a gas.

Your range is as your eye can see, and your abilities mean you are completely immune to the very idea of heat. No amount of heat can scar or burn you. Your infernos are all under your control.

You can scale this temperature down.

You have no brute or breaker powers allowing you to survive extremes, but you are immune to any malignant effects heat might cause to your health. This includes smoke from fires.

(Brute/Shaker) Seed of Yggdrasil

Cost: 40 SP

You are a seed of the tree that holds the worlds together. You have immense control over the entire Kingdom Plantae. All plants of your choice naturally flourish and provide endless bounty within 1000 miles of your location.

Within 100 miles of your location, you can force plants to grow in unnatural locations; blanket an entire city in green algae, grow an oak tree in the middle of an office, etc. The speed you can cause plants to grow in this range is fast enough for entire trees to grow within minutes.

Within 10 miles of your location, you have absolute control over all plant life. You can grow entire red wood trees faster than a blink of an eye. Any plant within this range can be used to express any of your other abilities. You can grow plants within people to gain access to their powers and control their actions. You are no longer limited to terrestrial plants in this region; you have free reign to combine, alter, or create brand new plants within this area.

You have a thinker ability that allows you to sense plants within your range relative to your level of control and a level of multitasking to match. You can interdimensionally connect the roots of your plants, allowing you to travel between them at your leisure; the interdimensionality of your roots can be extended to singular plants within your absolute range, allowing you to bypass barriers and other insurmountable defenses.

You can assume the properties of plants in any combination. At a minimum, you have a brute rating that grants you the strength to treat a pair of red woods as mere chopsticks. Your durability resembles that of the cumulative durability of the plants within your absolute range. By adopting the properties of plants, you can grow your body into various shapes and sizes. So long as there are plants in your absolute range, you can recover from any injury that doesn't destroy your Corona Pollentia.

(Trump) Shard Supply Store

Cost: 40 SP

You have an endless selection of powers in an archive of sorts. These powers are standardized components instead of finished products and can’t be used by themselves. You have the ability to fuse, modify and forge these components together, creating greater powers from lesser shards. You can hold onto and use a limited number of these constructed powers at once or grant them to other people.

In order to swap powers must either break down a power or grant it to another person. Power will in time construct new components to replace any given away.

If you focus on making the strongest power you can it will be equivalent in strength to a tier 3 weaker than Shard Supply Store and completely fill your capacity for powers but if you focus on quantity above all else you will be able to construct around forty powers equivalent to low to mid level tier 1 powers.

The construction of Trump powers follows different rules as Shard Supply Store does not directly allow the construction of powers that permanently alter its own rules or permanently connect to, copy, steal, or create other powers as way to sidestep Shard Supply Stores limited capacity for powers, temporary or limited effects are allowed though. Powers created while under the effect of an alteration to Shard Supply Stores rules and the effects of those powers are eliminated when the effect ends and can’t be given to others.

(Shaker/Thinker) Be the Butterfly effect!

Cost: 30 SP

At any time, you may enter a completely accurate simulation of the past created by your power; however, there is no past version of you in this simulation. Despite this, your presence is remembered, and any effects you had on the world at that point are maintained. You may choose to simulate any time within the last year. The simulation automatically ends if enough time passes in the simulation to reach the time you created that specific simulation. No time passes in the present while you are in the simulation. You enter this simulation in the past of the location you were at in the present if that space is unoccupied; if it is occupied, you appear in the nearest empty space. You are free to move around to any location in the simulation even across the universe or local multiverse, and if you end the simulation, you appear in the nearest empty space to the location you were at in the simulation. Being killed in the simulation automatically ends it returning you to the present unharmed.

You may interact with the simulation with your body and powers, with everything and everyone within reacting just as the original would to anything you do. Changes you make to the simulation ripple out and affect the present within a few city blocks of your exit point, as if what you did in the simulation actually happened in the past.

For example, if you kill or save the life of somebody in the "past", but their body isn’t within a few blocks of your body in the present, then nothing happens to them. This can’t be used to create temporal clones of people, so if you trap someone in a location they would not be at in the present and end the simulation at that location, but the original's body isn’t nearby in the present, then they won’t remember being trapped there or interacting with you at that time, and there won’t be a copy of them at that location.

(Breaker/Shaker) Reality Sculptor

Cost: 40 SP

You have absolute control over reality within a personal radius of 250 meters. You can manipulate matter and energy at will, essentially creating or transforming anything you can imagine into existence.

You can also create sentient beings, constructs, and even alternate versions of yourself or others. You have inherent knowledge and understanding of all matter, energy, and even conceptual beings and can instantly create or manipulate them as you please.

You can take a form analogous to a visual representation of an infinitely complex Mandelbrot set.

(Thinker) Path to Victory

Cost: 40 SP

You can see the steps needed to accomplish any goal you wish, provided it’s feasibly possible, and can execute each step perfectly. You can choose to let your power take over to follow each step in your place.

You can have as many paths as you wish, capable of removing, altering, or adding to them at will. You can view the entirely of the path without actually following it, allowing you to use it as a method of gaining information.

Your power will understand the spirit of your goals instead of merely the letter, accounting for things you may have forgotten to think of.

This power operates by peering into the infinite possible paths through time and finding one where your goal is accomplished, as such it is true precognition.