Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 3/(Breaker/Trump) Golden Form

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 3

(Breaker/Trump) Golden Form

Cost: 30 SP

You’ve gained the ability to change into a powerful breaker form, converting your body into a semi-solid/liquid energy with its initial form resembling you in a full body cloak of golden flames. All your abilities are massively enhanced from your previous form, a normal human would be capable of overpowering Alexandria in strength and durability, sheer speed to run from one side of the planet to the other in a minute, and a reaction time to easily handle that kind of speed. This enhancement is extended to all your abilities, including other powers. The breaker form can be confined to a single part or individual parts of your body if you wish, and switching between your normal form and breaker form will instantly heal any injury.

Alongside this is the ability to manipulate the energy your body is made from, allowing you to freely shape it into whatever you desire such as massive hands, a large animal form, or even weapons. The energy your body produces and is made from can be expelled as powerful blasts or used to imbue any other abilities you possess to further enhance them. You can channel any abilities you possess through your energy form as if they were your own body. You also possess a secondary ability allowing you unlimited multitasking in regards to your energy form.

You cannot access any of the abilities from the form without using your breaker form, and can choose to change the colors of your breaker form at will. The transformation between forms is instantaneous.