Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 3/(Breaker/Shaker) Embodiment of the Supernova

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 3

(Breaker/Shaker) Embodiment of the Supernova

Cost: 35 SP

You are able to transform into a person-shaped supernova. and in this state, you possess almost complete control over plasma and the ability to create a near-endless amount of it. and you can create and manipulate plasma that is over a billion degrees Celsius and fire concentrated beams of plasma, alongside creating and directing seas of plasma, with a mere thought.

You also gained immense control over gravity and radiation. Your gravity manipulation allows you to condense matter into black holes. Your control over gravity is such that you can prevent black holes from affecting matter. Your control over radiation is such that you can prevent others from being affected by your breaker state. create illusions by manipulating visible radiation and tapping into communications that use radio waves, and so on.