Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/The Force (Star Wars)

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The Force (Star Wars)

Cost: 15 SP

Your Midichlorian count matches that of Anakin Skywalker, the legendary Jedi Knight. This extraordinary connection to the Force bestows upon you the immense capabilities to wield its powers on a scale reminiscent of the most powerful force users in Legends.

With the Force coursing through your being, you possess the potential to tap into both the light and dark side. You can channel the Force to manipulate the physical world around you, exerting control over objects and individuals with your mere thoughts. Whether it be levitating objects, influencing the minds of others, or projecting powerful bursts of energy, your abilities are vast and versatile.

Furthermore, the Force enhances your physical attributes, granting you superhuman speed, agility, and reflexes. You become a formidable combatant, an undisputed master of every lightsaber style. Your heightened senses allow you to perceive the world in ways others cannot, granting you extraordinary situational awareness.

As you deepen your understanding and practice of the Force, you can develop additional Force powers tailored to your unique journey. These might include Force healing, enhancing your own physical attributes, or even glimpsing into the future through limited precognition.

Meditation Point

Throughout every universe you step into are a large amount of glowing circles that only you can see. Kneeling in them will allow you to instantly heal all wounds and "resupply" on all gear you had, empty ammo magazines become full, health potions refill, etc. Every Meditation Point you discover acts as a "Fast Travel Point" allowing you to teleport between any Meditation Point you find.

There will always be at least one Meditation Circle within a city block.