Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Powers/Way of the Shinobi (Sekiro)

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Way of the Shinobi (Sekiro)

Cost: 5 SP

Once, a curious shinobi questioned the relevance of swordsmanship when direct confrontations seemed unlikely. Regrettably, that shinobi's fate met a violent end. However, this incident sheds light on the importance of the Way of the Shinobi, a formidable art embraced by ninjas. While it may not possess the sheer potency of the Ashina school, the Way of the Shinobi thrives in situations demanding direct combat.

The foundation of this style revolves around unsettling adversaries and dismantling their defenses. Expertise in parrying and countering allows the practitioner to exploit vulnerabilities, seeking to unbalance opponents and penetrate their guard. Consequently, the Way of the Shinobi appears to be more defensively inclined, tailored for duels rather than large-scale warfare.

Through arduous training, you have become a master of this unique combat form. Your keen perception allows you to discern weaknesses in your opponent's stance, enabling you to exploit them flawlessly. You create windows of opportunity for precise and decisive "Deathblows," the strikes that spell the end for your adversaries.

As the master of the Way of the Shinobi, you possess the prowess to identify and exploit openings, capitalizing on them with lethal efficiency. Through your calculated movements, you wield the power to deliver the definitive blow that seals the fate of your opponents.

You start on par with early-game Sekiro

Prosthetic Arts

You learn how to create the various supernatural items featured in Sekiro, from Buddhist Sugars & Medicine Pills, to Sculptor Idols & magic Gourds, to multifunctional prosthetic arms. Even the artificial Dragon's Heritage is within your reach.

This also gives you mastery of all techniques from the Prosthetic Arts Esoteric Text.