Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/Gravewalker (Shadow of War)

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Gravewalker (Shadow of War)

Cost: 30 SP

“You are banished from death.”

You are no longer a mere mortal but a powerful wraith. Unlike most wraiths you are able to manifest yourself a true physical body. You now posses a great many abilities, from greatly augmented strength and agility, teleportation, raising the dead, the ability to conjure phantasmal weapons on par, if not greater, with any physical weapon you are capable of wielding, slowing your perception of time down, to controlling fire, ice, poison, and light, and host of of other abilities that you can discover over time and experimenting. But your two greatest skills are Resurrection and Domination. With Resurrection, upon death whether by natural or unnatural causes you may reform and reconstitute yourself back to perfect condition at a safe area, though this take time on the scope of a few hours. Any equipment on you also reforms with you. And with domination you are capable of overpowering others, peering into and freely reshaping their minds and binding them to your will. You also gain all of the skills and equipment of Talion, Celebrimor, Eltariel, and Baranor allowing you to engage in combat with and destroy multiple enemies easily. You may also optionally gain the Talion, Celebrimor, Eltariel, and Baranor as companions for free.