Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/Champion of Chaos Undivided

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Revision as of 22:36, 28 February 2024 by Ltouroumov (talk | contribs)
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Champion of Chaos Undivided

Cost: 10 SP

Embracing the unification of Chaos, your soul has become the Champion of Chaos Undivided, making your form constantly mutates and adapts based on your self-belief. As long as you believe yourself to be something, you will be it. With this, you gain the ability to alter your size, shape, and physical attributes at will. This versatility allows you to respec your combat abilities on the fly, growing additional limbs, merging with your weapons and technology, or assuming monstrous forms tailored to each battle. Your body becomes a canvas of endless possibilities, embodying the essence of Chaos itself. You can still retain your original form and appearance, able to seamlessly revert to it at will

Apocalypse Throne of Ruins

As the inheritor of Chaos Undivided's mantle, you become the Harbinger of Ruin and Herald of the Apocalypse, a newly born Chaos God of Annihilation. With your ascension, you gain access to a new warp realm known as the Annihilation Abyss, allowing you to wield the raw power of the Warp to seep into every corner of existence. The Annihilation Abyss hungers for the collapse of order and the triumph of chaos, growing stronger as the universe teeters on the brink of annihilation. You gain the ability to summon and control daemons from all four Chaos Gods, wielding their combined might to unleash devastation on a cataclysmic scale. The Annihilation Abyss empowers your abilities to sunder reality, tearing through dimensions and unleashing waves of destructive energy.