Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Power Upgrades/Perfected Ultra Instinct (DBS)

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Perfected Ultra Instinct (DBS)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Ki (Dragon Ball)

You have ascended to the pinnacle of martial prowess, achieving a level of mastery so profound that even the gods themselves struggle to attain it. Perfected Ultra Instinct, often deemed the "absolute peak" of martial arts, is your ultimate skill.

This technique grants you the ability to operate at a level beyond conventional human limitations. Unlike ordinary individuals who must consciously think about their actions and await the transmission of commands from their brain through the nervous system, you have transcended this limitation. Every part of your body operates autonomously, independently thinking and acting in perfect harmony.

In the heat of battle, your body effortlessly reacts to any situation or threat with unparalleled precision and timing. You need not even acknowledge the presence of danger; your responses are automatic and flawless. You can engage in combat with supreme effectiveness, even while your focus is diverted elsewhere, rendering you virtually invincible. This transformation will also maintain your body at its peak performance as long as it remains active, ensuring that you always operate at the zenith of your capabilities, while magnifying your strength and abilities to a degree two or even three times greater than your previous mightiest transformation.

This state of Perfected Ultra Instinct will now be your default condition, marked by your hair radiating a resplendent white glow, with your eyes shining a piercing silver light. You can toggle this power on or off at your discretion.