Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Power Upgrades

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Spirit Control (Dragon Ball Z)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Ki (Dragon Ball),Half-Saiyan (Dragon Ball Z),

You have learned the Art of Spirit Control from the planet Yardrat.

While you have not mastered every technique, you start off with the proficiency Goku possesses during the Android Saga.

Thus you now have greater Ki Control, and Instant Transmission, which also comes with the ability to sense other living beings.

You also have the necessary knowledge to continue your spirit control training to the point of mastery, which will allow you to gain new abilities along with making your Ki more potent in strength.

God Ki (Dragon Ball Super)

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Ki (Dragon Ball),Half-Saiyan (Dragon Ball Z),

Through either training with the gods or somehow learning to break the barriers of the limits of mortals, you have obtained God Ki.

Compared to regular Ki, God Ki is much denser and much easier to control. You also gain an immense boost in power compared to your full power when using your regular Ki.

While you usd God Ki, no one who does not possess God Ki or reached the level of the Gods in power, can sense your energy.

You also become immune to the effects of dark magic, but you can mimic the effects should you have the necessary knowledge.

Legendary Super Saiyan (DBZ/DBS)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Half-Saiyan (Dragon Ball Z),Bio-Android (Dragon Ball Z),

Your power explodes in a green aura as rage begins to fill your heart. You are a Legendary Super Saiyan, a being of incredible might. Your Super Saiyan forms are now five times as powerful (Super Saiyan 1 being a times-250 modifier instead of a times-50 modifier), and your power grows five times as fast with training.

However, you have trouble controlling this form, as you are filled with a berserker-like rage, and need to train to control it.

Super Saiyan 4 (Dragon Ball GT)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Half-Saiyan (Dragon Ball Z),Bio-Android (Dragon Ball Z),

"You know, it's funny. When I'm at this power level, it's hard for me to listen to reason. You see, I just lose control!"

You have pushed your limits beyond: attaining the form of a Golden Great Ape while retaining your humanity in control. Everything that is the Great Ape form has been condensed within you, causing your power to explode into a new tier. Your power is the stuff of legends and is great enough to fast track you to the status of God of Destruction, should you wish to go that route.

Taking this form adorns your body in a crimson fur and matching lining around your eyes; should you not be in your prime body, your body will transform in to the prime of your adult body while maintaining this power. The mastery over your ki has smoothed it to the point of lacking any electrical discharges in your golden aura.

This form takes you to the edge of your limits, in every regard. You can easily be considered thousands of times more powerful than your base form and can supercharge any of your signature abilities by several orders of magnitudes. You have the ability to absorb the energy of your opponent's attacks to strength your own, and an ability to adapt to your opponent's attacks in real time. Most attacks will only be capable of harming or affecting you once or twice before this form naturally adapts your defenses to leave you unaffected.

Enter this form perfects everything about you for the purpose of defeating your opponent, whether that boosts your battle IQ, numbs your rationality, or simply banishes your mental blocks to violence. This perfection means that it will take negligible amounts of ki to remain in this form, and you will never have to wory about stamina issues.

21 (Dragon Ball)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Majin (Dragon Ball Z)

Required: Bio-Android (Dragon Ball Z)

The Majin genes have now been infused into your extensive cellular genetic makeup, with it gaining a new transformation, granting you access to a Majin form at will. This Majin from gives you the physical properties and abilities characteristic of the Majin race, including their unique rubber-like physiology and much more.

Your new Majin heritage also complements your existing genetic legacy. You retain all the abilities inherited from your genetic pool gained through Cell, the Frost Demon race, the Saiyans, and more.

You have the freedom to choose the appearance of your normal base form, but your Majin transformation must have some physical characteristics shared by the Majin race (pink skin, tail,,,etc).

The Grey (Dragon Ball Super)

Cost: 75 SP

Required: Spirit Control (Dragon Ball Z)

Your power has ascended to legendary heights. A realm of unparalleled might, boundless strength, and limitless possibilities. You have surpassed the Gods of Destruction, and now only the Angels of Zeno-Sama are worthy adversaries. They rightly recognize the immense threat you pose. You are akin to an embodiment of raw power—a veritable god of war in human form. Even a fraction of your released energy can cause the infinite void to tremble, while a mere exertion of your power can obliterate entire universes.

Your remarkable skills match your overwhelming power, enabling you to achieve awe-inspiring feats with your body and Ki. From executing intricate blasts and teleportation to single-handedly vanquishing armies effortlessly, or engaging in duels with the greatest martial masters from different universes and emerging victorious. Your potential for growth extends far beyond your current capabilities, though it will likely require a truly exceptional catalyst to unlock that untapped potential. At present, the only being outside the Angelic hierarchy who can contend with you is Jiren the Grey, a hero whose legend rivals your own.

Perfected Ultra Instinct (DBS)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Ki (Dragon Ball)

You have ascended to the pinnacle of martial prowess, achieving a level of mastery so profound that even the gods themselves struggle to attain it. Perfected Ultra Instinct, often deemed the "absolute peak" of martial arts, is your ultimate skill.

This technique grants you the ability to operate at a level beyond conventional human limitations. Unlike ordinary individuals who must consciously think about their actions and await the transmission of commands from their brain through the nervous system, you have transcended this limitation. Every part of your body operates autonomously, independently thinking and acting in perfect harmony.

In the heat of battle, your body effortlessly reacts to any situation or threat with unparalleled precision and timing. You need not even acknowledge the presence of danger; your responses are automatic and flawless. You can engage in combat with supreme effectiveness, even while your focus is diverted elsewhere, rendering you virtually invincible. This transformation will also maintain your body at its peak performance as long as it remains active, ensuring that you always operate at the zenith of your capabilities, while magnifying your strength and abilities to a degree two or even three times greater than your previous mightiest transformation.

This state of Perfected Ultra Instinct will now be your default condition, marked by your hair radiating a resplendent white glow, with your eyes shining a piercing silver light. You can toggle this power on or off at your discretion.

Musu Tensei (Fist Of The North Star)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Hokuto Shinken (Fist Of The North Star)

Required: Ki (Dragon Ball)

You have suffered through a great tragedy and unlocked the final form of Hokuto Shinken known as Musu Tensei. This technique allows you to use the power of “Nothingness” granting them the ability to become intangible, greatly increase their speed, commune with the souls of fallen allies, and lastly borrow their techniques at their full strength.

Rogue (Marvel)

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Homo Superior (Marvel)

You gain every Alpha level or below power. This doesn't change your physical appearance unless you wish it to.

Omega-Level Mutant (Marvel)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Homo Superior (Marvel)

You may have the Omega level ability of your choice, except for Franklin Richards & Nate Grey.

Mister Sinister (Marvel)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Omega-Level Mutant (Marvel)

Required: Rogue (Marvel)

You aren't satisfied with being some kind of Mutant Eidolon, you find it far too limited for your ambition.

You become a Tinker capable of recreating any technology prominently featured or implied to be available in the X-Men series & it's spinoffs (X-Force, X-Factor, New Mutants, Excalibur, Marauders, etc.), but this is only the start of your power. You become a powerful generalized Biotinker capable of altering the X-Gene itself, allowing you to research and give yourself or others Mutant powers.

Mutation is a blank canvas to you, and you are it's finest artist. If you wish for more Omega level powers, build them. If you wish to advance mankind into a new species, do so. If you wanted to build Sentinels, you could. Your potential is unlimited, but it is up to you to seize it.

And Behold, A White Horse (Marvel)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Mister Sinister (Marvel)

Your Mutant body has been integrated with Celestial technology, giving you the abilities of En Sabah Nur, better known as Apocalypse.

You can control your own body on the atomic level, being able to evolve, adapt, & overcome anything life throws at you. You cannot be permanently killed, as you are an External, and will simply resurrect. You can rapidly heal from anything that fails to instantly kill you, you can morph your body to change size in whatever way is convenient to you on the fly, from size to shape, you have the physical ability to tussle with Asgardians & Gamma Mutants, you have psychic power that can best Jean Grey, and many many more abilities I can't adequately list here. Suffice to say, with your perfect self-alteration, incredible genius for evolution & mutation, & Celestial technology, anything you cannot do is simply something you need to spend a little more time evolving towards.

Royal Blood (Marvel)

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Asgardian (Marvel)

The Blood of Asgard's greatest Gods runs through you. You gain even greater physical attributes and the choice of a divine domain, like Wisdom, War, Thunder, Storm, and so on. Your potential becomes equal to the greatest in Asgardian history, such as Odin and Rune King Thor.

The All-Father (Marvel)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Royal Blood (Marvel)

You have been given the Odin Force, the power of the Kings of Asgard since the time of Odin. It is only a shadow of itself at the moment, but will grow to the full force in time.

This power is near-infinite and seems to allow Odin, and later Thor, to become almost invincible, and seems to allow its wielders to rival the powers of the strongest beings in the universe. The limits of its power are unknown, but it adapts to its holder, enhancing all aspects of their power, from physical, to magical, to divine, allowing for just about anything, only limited by your power & imagination.

Beware of overuse, for if overused you will be forced to enter a deep sleep to recover from overreach - leaving you vulnerable in the process.

MAD TITAN (Marvel)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Homo Immortalis (Marvel)

Required: Homo Superior (Marvel)

Required: Master of the Mystic Arts (Marvel)

Mistress Death has seen the Entities and their plans to escape her DEATH itself, so she has decided to intervene by adding a little bit extra to your conversion process into an Eternal, gifting you the complete legacy of the Mad Titan Thanos from Universe 616 without causing any changes you do not want to your mind & soul.

This legacy gives you the bionic amplification and mystical enhancement that Thanos did to himself, and Mistress Death did when she resurrected him as her Avatar. These enhancements have increased your strength beyond the original limits of even the strongest Eternals. You will be able to fight Worthy Thor, who is using the Power Gem, defeat the likes of the Silver Surfer, and physically subdue an Angry Hulk with ease. All of this can still be enhanced with cosmic energy when needed.

Your durability is now nigh-invulnerable, such that even a point-blank, planet-destroying hit from Power Gem-wielding Thor leaves only a bloody nose, or three full screams from Black Bolt, leaving no significant damage aside from damaging your clothes. While blasts from Odin and Galactus leave you wounded but coming back for more. You can survive the extreme environment of a 2-light-year-wide black hole and only be covered in light wounds.

Your energy projection abilities are now at the level where your blasts are capable of knocking down the likes of the Hulk and Thor, and are even able to graze Galactus's armor as well as blast someone of his level off his feet and send him across the moon.

Your mind is all but invulnerable to most forms of psychic attack, to the level of the Mind Gem in power. Even people as skilled as Moondragon or Mantis wouldn't be able to break your defenses. Your skill with the Mind is so great that you can mess with minds on the level of Reed Richards'. These powers, combined with Thanos's great charisma, have allowed him to turn even hated foes to his side temporarily. You also have access to his most dangerous technique, the Time-Mind Sync Warp, a move that plunges the victim's mind into a psychedelic dimension of insanity, causing death or incapacitation.

The greatest part of this legacy is Thanos's intelligence and knowledge, which makes Thanos one of the most dangerous beings in the Multiverse. Thanos is a genius in virtually all known fields of advanced science and has created technology far exceeding contemporary Earth science created by Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Reed Richards. Considering such people smart for a human but children to someone like him. As well as being one of the greatest fighters in the universe.

You can summon Thanos's Space Throne, a throne linked to you through techno-magic. It is capable of faster-than-light travel, teleportation, and dimension travel. The Throne was also capable of working as a focus for your power to generate powerful force fields and energy blasts.

As an Avatar of Death, you can bring Death to that which cannot Die, and with Thanos's skill with Magic and his and your status as an avatar of Death, your understanding of Death and Necromancy are raised to the highest possible.

Until you defeat the Entities, you are banned from Death itself, rendering you truly immortal. You can still die, but you will always return, no matter the severity of any injury.

Controlled Burn (Marvel)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Gamma Mutate (Marvel)

Like Jennifer Walters, you have complete control over your ability to transform. Your alternate form is now no longer brutish, being aesthetically identical to your normal appearance save for coloration.

Hulking Professor (Marvel)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Gamma Mutate (Marvel)

Though you are now permanently transformed, your affinity for the Gamma Radiation that saturates your being has caused your mental capabilities to skyrocket in all aspects. Additionally, as this is now your permanent form, your looks are now back up to your standard level if they weren't otherwise.

Atom Bomb (Marvel)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Gamma Mutate (Marvel)

You have gained control over the Gamma energies that infuse you. This allows their projection for various abilities such as flight, energy blasts, and camouflage.

World Breaker (Marvel)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Gamma Mutate (Marvel)

Your rage empowerment is no longer soft-capped, and you will scale much faster.

Immortal Hulk (Marvel)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Gamma Mutate (Marvel)

You become an Immortal Hulk, a being linked to the "One Below All", as such, your powers grow stronger at nighttime and in dark places. This powers grants you various abilities, such as perceiving lies, self-sustenance, communicate with ethereal beings (such as spirits), detect gamma radiation, awareness about if you are being monitored, manipulate your body and even the power to absorb energies, gamma radiation, beings inside you and magic.

The most remarkable feature of this upgrade is that it grants you complete and total control over the "Green Door", which is what grants you, your immortality.

You can't ever be truly killed, because you will always come back.

Gamma Beast

Cost: 5 SP

Required: World Breaker (Marvel)

Required: Fel Blood (Warcraft)

Your Gamma form is infused by the Fel, removing any concern for diminishing returns and physically empowering you even further. This also provides a massive level of magic resistance.

Doomsday (DC)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: (Wo)Man of Steel (DC Comics)

Required: Gamma Mutate (Marvel)

By fusing your Gamma form and Kryptonian Powers you have unlocked a Doomsday transformation. In your Doomsday form you have truly S-tier strength, durability, speed, natural bone weapons and armor, adaptive regeneration, and adaptive resurrection.

Fel Beast

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Doomsday (DC)

Required: World Breaker (Marvel)

Required: Atom Bomb (Marvel)

Your Doomsday form is saturated in the Fel fire of the Twisting Nether. Your Doomsday transformation is further empowered in all aspects, and you can now project nearly unlimited amounts of Fel magic energy.

Solar Flare

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Wo)Man of Steel (DC Comics)

Your heat vision has evolved into a more sophisticated form of solar manipulation, becoming more potent and versatile than ever before. You can now manipulate solar energy from any part of your body, enabling you to produce various types of blasts and beams. Furthermore, you have gained unparalleled control over their trajectory, as they can bend, curve, and rotate at any angle you desire.

Additionally, your body has become more efficient in its use of solar energy, providing you with greater power and potency for less energy while significantly reducing strain. This efficiency allows you to use more strenuous abilities for extended periods without experiencing any adverse side effects.

Silver Age Kryptonian (DC Comics)

Cost: 85 SP

Required: (Wo)Man of Steel (DC Comics)

Sent away from a doomed planet by loving planet Jor-El and Lara to Earth, it was predicted that Kal-El would gain extraordinary powers based on the power of Earth’s sun. However, it is unclear if in that moment Jor-El truly understood that Kal would effectively become a god of the material universe in all but name.

It is not simply that Kryptonians of this strength have such incredible physical prowess that it would take armies of metahumans led by multiple Post-Crisis Kryptonians to even have a hope of pinning one down without exploiting their weaknesses. Their physical feats don’t make sense, and treat kinetic force as more of an artistic medium than anything. Towing entire systems of planets around on a giant chain? Child’s play. Gathering millions of meteors from across the universe to fuse into artificial planets for the homeless? Easy. Clapping lightning into existence, squeezing diamonds into coal, accurately throwing a jewel around the world back to its original position, and viewing events happening in the far corners of the universe? Just another day in the life of the Man of Steel. Try going back and forth in time, taking anything you can carry with you for something approaching a challenge-and even then mainly because of the risk of accidentally going to a parallel universe and endangering it with time paradoxes.

Kryptonian powers of this era are also oddly modular and responsive to external stimuli; by catching a cold, Superman’s heat vision briefly became cold vision, after touching an alien spacecraft he gained the power to create a miniature version of himself with his powers and through sheer anger and prolonged violence Superboy Prime could retcon the past of targets he punched. It is no exaggeration to say that with enough sunlight to sustain your powers, even truly fundamental beings such as the Anti-Monitor could be beaten to death by your fists

Princess of Themyscira (DC)

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Amazon (DC Comics)

Required: Equipment of The Wonder Woman (DC Comics)

The handiwork of the gods shines brightly through your divine clay, elevating your very existence. Granted by Demeter, you are now "stronger than Hercules" and contain the potential to overpower a matured Superman. Your durability, also granted by Demeter, is enough for you to survive being punched from the Sun to the Earth, lightspeed attacks around the globe, and even the pressure of a black hole. Your speed, granted by Hermes, is high enough to keep pace with casual use of the Speed Force, and reflexes to match, and even exceeding those of Superman.

Demeter's blessing grants you a constant renewal, boosting your regeneration to the point of healing up to moderate injuries in seconds or minutes, and an immunity to poisons and toxins. Your very presence boosts the healing of and durability of those around you.

Athena's blessing grants you "The Sight of Athena", a broad improvement to your insight and an ability to sense the emotions of others. You are immune to illusions on the scale of the cast by Doctor Psycho to such a degree that their attempt to be used against you is more baffling than the illusions themselves.

The blessings of Artemis grant you the ability to communicate with all animals and bring a raging beast to a calm through just your presence. Your eyesight is vastly improved, being able to see much further and a "Hunter's Eye" to always hit your mark. Your sense of touch is acute enough that you can sense the subtle changes in air pressure around you, granting you a form of physical precognition.

You gain the full capacity as the finest warrior ever born among the Amazons of Themyscira and the over 1000 years of experience that the original Wonder Woman obtained while fighting with Thor and Superman in Valhalla.

Your wisdom and intelligence, heightened by the blessings of Athena, are now able to rival the likes of the Martian Manhunter and Batman.

Cold War Retrofit (Shipgirl)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Light Shipgirl (Azur Lane/Kantai Collection),Heavy Shipgirl (Azur Lane/Kantai Collection),

Your ship is retrofitted with modern weapons and equipment giving you more projection power. This would bring you to the level of a ship from the end of the Cold War.

The technology level is determined by the setting but will be at least on par with 1970 earth technology, out of date but still serviceable.

Modern Retrofit (Shipgirl)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Cold War Retrofit (Shipgirl)

Your ship is retrofitted with advanced weapons and equipment, this includes drones, long range guided missiles, multipurpose guns, stealth coating, and more.

The technology level is determined by the setting but will be at least on par with 2020 earth technology.

Starship Retrofit (Shipgirl)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Modern Retrofit (Shipgirl)

Your ship-self is completely remade, transforming it into a fully functional spaceship. You lose the ability to walk on water but gain the freedom of the skies and beyond.

Your hull, weapons, propulsion, and other systems are upgraded to the technology level of a galactic spacefaring civilization (such as the Galactic Republic from Star Wars, the Federation in Star Trek, or the Asgard and Goa'uld from Stargate), based on your ship type. This includes energy weapons, shields, an faster-than-light drive, and more.

Abyssal Princess (Kancolle Shipgirl)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Light Shipgirl (Azur Lane/Kantai Collection),Heavy Shipgirl (Azur Lane/Kantai Collection),

You become the dark counterpart of a shipgirl, a being born from the resentment of the souls lost at sea. Your rigging transforms into an eldritch shape that meshes organic elements with black metal.

You can choose any Abyssal princess that matches your tonnage but not installations. This grants your the ability to summon subordinate vessels through a dark ritual. You can have only have a single strike group of 3 heavy ships and 7 light ships, 2 support ships, and 3 submarines, summoned at once.

Elite Siren (Azur Lane Shipgirl)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Light Shipgirl (Azur Lane/Kantai Collection),Heavy Shipgirl (Azur Lane/Kantai Collection),

You are a Siren, a shipgirl created by Aoste through unknown means. Your rigging and technology level is upgraded to include advanced technology such as energy weapons and shields which increase your force projection abilities. Your rigging also takes on an techno-eldritch appearance.

You can choose any Elite siren that matches your tonnage. This grants your the ability to summon subordinate vessels through the mirror sea. You can have only have a single strike group of 3 heavy ships and 7 light ships, 2 support ships, and 3 submarines, summoned at once.

Upper Moon (Demon Slayer)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Demon (Demon Slayer)

Your Demon blood has increased and your strength has reached incredible heights, you are absolutely unparalleled in strength when compared to even the strongest of lower moon demons. Your hunger for humans is still insatiable and like before you will never truly be full however the craving is much easier to resist and it will continue to weaken as you grow in strength. You are now so fast your movement looks like teleportation to most humans and lower moons. Your strength would now allow you to destroy multiple city blocks at once and your blood demon art is now strong enough to destroy an entire district to small village. Your healing is now so fast that non-weakness imposed wounds, such as a normal katana or a gunshot, close as they are formed, a slash's start point would be closed by the time the slash finished and entire limbs will regrow in around 5-10 minutes. Your senses cover even greater distances with even greater accuracy and acuteness. You are still weak to everything you were as a lower moon but these weaknesses will decrease in effectiveness as you grow in strength, though the weakness to both the sun and decapitation with a sun powered weapon will never vanish, through training and/or eating humans. Due to your increase in demon blood you can now create lesser demons, these demon's potential will scale with your own but the limit is always 6 tiers below you. Upper 6 could create demons upto the strength of Lower 6, Upper 5 to Lower 5, etc.

Progenitor (Demon Slayer)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Upper Moon (Demon Slayer)

Your Demon blood and power is now equal to only one other demon is history, Muzan Kibutsuji, the demon king. Much like him you gain pinkish-red catlike eyes and absolutely incredible self-biokinesis, you have intimate knowledge of every cell of your body which allows you to change yourself in any way you need or want, from making new limbs like bone whips and new mouths to completely disguising yourself by changing your size, gender, smell, your heartbeat, breathing pattern, or even your unique eyes. You also have massively increased intelligence and thinking power due to your evolution giving you 5 brains and 7 hearts. Your strength is immense, you can easily destroy a town to small city, and your speed is equally incredible being able to cover vast distances in instants, many many times faster than even the fastest Upper moon. Your senses can cover entire cities at once with ease and when focused can go even farther, these senses are so strong you could differentiate people by their heartbeats from miles away. Finally your regeneration, instant even for total limb destruction unless the injury was imposed by a weakness like a sun fused weapon and even then it would only slow you down unless the power was already stronger than your own. You can make new or use any mentioned blood demon art with experimentation and study and their power scales with your own always being strong enough to be considered an ultimate move. Even the absolute best wisteria poisons would only be enough to slow you down and annoy you until you adapted, sun infused weaponry does little unless it is significantly stronger than you already, and decapitation is completely ineffective. Death will only come to you if you are completely disintegrated or all of your hearts and brains are obliterated by powerful sun weaponry, difficult considering you can move and change them at will and they naturally move around in erratic patterns. The sun itself will still completely kill you, though you at least have a second or 2 to escape it before you die completely. You are still insatiable and will never truly be full but the craving for humans can be easily suppressed and you will never feel real hunger ever again. You can make demons of incredible strength, their max potential still scales with your own and they will never have the strength to challenge you. All demons made are fervently loyal to you and will do anything for you and your goals even die. Optionally you may get all of the 12 Kizuki from Demon Slayer, even Nakime the biwa player and Kaigaku.

Sun Conqueror (Demon Slayer)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Progenitor (Demon Slayer)

No demon is history has reached the level where you now reside, you have surpassed all Demon Weaknesses and it would take complete obliteration and nothing less to kill you, nothing can weaken your strength or regeneration anymore. If even a single partial cell of your lives you can reform from it in under a second. You now no longer need to eat humans to grow stronger though it will give you significant boosts in power, you passively gain strength for every day you exist. Where once the sun would signify your weakness and your need to hide now it signifies your ever growing strength. You are many many times more powerful than you were as a progenitor, your strength is enough to level mountains with relative ease and even islands when pushed. Your speed is now around 10-12% percent the speed of light. You can now easily make demons on the level of Muzan. Your demon's weaknesses are weakened but still exist until they reach a Muzan level of power, even then you may choose whether they keep them or not.

Sword Saint (Sekiro)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Ashina Arts (Sekiro)

You stand as the epitome of this generation's newest Sword Saint, blessed with a divine skill that transcends the realms of mortal skill. Your swordsmanship is a testament to this, as you effortlessly wield the blade, crafting arts like the revered One Mind Technique and similar divine techniques. However, your prowess extends far beyond the confines of the sword.

With any weapon in hand, you become a masterful combatant, displaying an unrivaled proficiency that echoes your divine heritage. Whether it be the staff, bow, or any other weapon that crosses your path, you wield it with the same level of expertise and finesse. The fluidity of your movements, whether slashing with a sword or launching arrows, is a sight to behold.

In addition to your mastery of various weapons, your speed is akin to lightning, The force behind your blows is insane, capable of effortlessly shattering buildings and structures with minimal effort, and your durability allows you to endure similar forces with no effort.

The next generation demon slayer (Devil May Cry)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Descendant of Sparda (Devil May Cry)

Instead of being half-demon, only 1/4 of your blood carries the power of the legendary dark knight like Nero.

While this might seem like a detriment rather than a benefit it is not, for human blood can nurture demonic power and make it grow. This has allowed Nero to match both Dante and Vergil despite being in his mid-20s while the sons of Spada were in their early 40s.

You start off weaker compared to Demon hybrids like Dante and Vergil but you grow in power much faster and you have greater potential.

Evil Cycle (Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Half-Devil (DxD)

Demons experience an uncontrollable and intense burst of emotion and power known as Evil Cycle when their stress level reaches a critical point. This loss of reason can lead them to commit acts of violence and sadism without regard for their inhibitions or limits. An Evil Cycle can enhance the user's magical abilities, but it also consumes their mana quickly and reduces their inhibitions. As such, triggering an Evil Cycle requires a great deal of training, and it is associated with a Return to the Origin—a state of wild, destructive behavior that harkens back to the primordial demons. Each individual's Evil Cycle is influenced by their sense of self and their bloodline, an example being Asmodeus demons whose origins were known to govern both Virtue and Destruction. In their cycle they becomes less friendly and turn more lustful and sadistic, craving destruction while being elegant. This power can make you formidable, but it also carries with it the risk of losing control.

Blood of the 72 Pillars (DxD)

Cost: 10 SP (Pure-Blooded Devil (DxD))

Cost: 5 SP (Pure-Blooded Devil (DxD))

Required: Half-Devil (DxD)

The devil's half of your DNA belongs to one of the 72 pillars, granting you the power of one of the pillars. These abilities range from the fire and regeneration abilities of the Phenex pillar to the power of destruction of the Bael pillar.

The reserves of your demonic energy are doubled, and all of your physical attributes are significantly above those of a normal half-devil.

Pure-Blooded Devil (DxD)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Half-Devil (DxD)

Your DNA has been fully replaced with that of a Pure-Blooded Devil, granting you even greater speed, strength, and durability on the level of a High-Class Devil. Your vision is now perfect in all conditions, and you now possess a passive ability called ‘Language’ which allows normal people listening to them to hear it in the language they're most familiar with and vice versa.

The reserves of your demonic energy are doubled, and your growth speed and potential will be significantly higher than other devils.

Super Devil (DxD)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Pure-Blooded Devil (DxD)

Required: Blood of the 72 Pillars (DxD)

You are now a Super Devil, also known as a Transcendental Being, that surpasses all known Devils. Your growth speed and potential is now multiplied by a magnitude. Your bloodline abilities are increasingly versatile, you will now discover new uses for your abilties will ease. Your growth will never slow down due to your increasing power. You will be able to delve into new field of magic that would be otherwise deemed impossible.

Your reserves of demonic energy have been further multiplied 5-fold, and your growth speed and potential is now multiplied by a magnitude on top of any previous bonuses.

Primordial Terror (Chainsaw Man)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: What Do You Fear? (Chainsaw Man)

Tap into the primordial fears that have haunted humanity throughout the ages and transform into a Devil that embodies these ancient terrors. With this upgrade, you assume a form that represents a fundamental fear such as darkness, death, or war. As you activate this ability, an overwhelming aura of dread emanates from you, striking fear into the hearts of all who cross your path.

Your powers surge, granting you the ability to manipulate and command the very essence of your chosen primordial fear. For instance, as a Darkness Devil, you can shroud your surroundings in impenetrable darkness, distorting space-time and instilling primal terror with your mere presence. Witnessing your true form can even break the minds of those unfortunate enough to lay eyes upon you.

The strength of your abilities is directly linked to the intensity of fear harbored by humanity towards the primordial concept you embody. The deeper their fear, the more potent and devastating your powers become, drawing strength from the collective nightmares of mankind. Additionally, you possess the power to form contracts with humans, empowering them with a fraction of your terrifying abilities. However, these allies must be willing to bear the cost and consequences that come with harnessing your primordial fear.

The King of Fear And Curses

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Primordial Terror (Chainsaw Man)

Required: Cursed Spirit (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Embrace the pinnacle of terror as The King of Fear and Curses, combining the potent forces of Primordial Terror and Cursed Spirit. With this upgrade, your power reaches unparalleled heights, granting you true conceptual immortality, ensuring that as long as the fears you embody exist, you cannot die.

As The King of Fears, your power expands beyond the confines of a single fear, allowing you to embody multiple fears simultaneously, each fear enhancing and complementing the others in a twisted synergy that ensure you dwarf even the most potent Primordial Fears. This versatility grants you unparalleled control over the essence of fear and curse itself. As The King of Curses, your innate mastery of curses has been magnified a thousandfold, enabling you to create curse techniques at will, imbue objects with curse energy to create cursed artifacts, and spawn an army of Cursed Spirit servants from your twisted energy.

Across infinite realms, you alone stand as the Honored One, an embodiment of fears and curses that surpasses all others.

All the World's Evil

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Blood of the 72 Pillars (DxD)

Required: The King of Fear And Curses

Ascend to the pinnacle of darkness as All the World's Evil, an entity that embodies the culmination of negative forces. With this upgrade, the potency of your power is magnified to unfathomable levels, surpassing even the mightiest super devils. Your body, a compressed negative dimension of evil, sin, death, fear, curse, and more, radiates an aura that strikes terror into the hearts of all who behold you.

As All the World's Evil, you possess innate absolute mastery over demonic energy, dwarfing even the most formidable devils in its manipulation. Your demonic energy is fused with curse energy and fear energy, creating a primordial energy that transcends individual forms, granting you unprecedented control over the essence of darkness itself.

From your twisted energy, you can create devils and their primordial ancestors, demons, shaping them to serve your malevolent will. You wield the innate abilities of each of the 72 pillars at an absurd potency, harnessing fire, destruction, regeneration, and countless other powers with effortless command. Your existence stands as the closest semblance to an Anti-God in the realm of monotheism, challenging the very foundations of divine forces.

Across infinite realms, you alone reign as the embodiment of all the world's evil, wielding power that consumes and subjugates all in its path.

Grand Regent (Invincible)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Viltrumite Hybrid (Invincible)

Your physical ability is now equal to that of the previous Grand Regent, Thragg. You are much faster than the non-Royal Viltrumites, and your strength is incredible, only inferior to that of Royal Viltrumites. You are able to easily destroy even large satellites and small to medium-sized planets when pushed. Your natural Viltrumite regeneration is pushed to its limits, you heal very quickly and may even heal from heart and brain damage as long as it is not too severe or completely destroyed.

Supreme Reincarnation (God of High School)

Cost: 40 SP

Required: Reincarnation (The God of High School)

You transcend even the extraordinary. As a reincarnation of a mythological entity, your power eclipses all others. With a single punch, you can obliterate a fully unleashed reincarnator. Moving effortlessly at speeds millions of times faster than light, their strikes barely graze you. Your unleashed life energy is so immense that even the High Gods tremble and the very stars themselves tremor in its presence.

Upon transformation, you will acquire four divine powers that are uniquely attuned to the legend of your original self. These powers will surpass the might of the Monkey King's tools, such as Yeoui/Ryu Jingu Bang or Yongpyo. Alternatively, you have the option to manifest four original items, drawing inspiration from the powers and feats performed by your chosen entity, as long as they remain faithful to their authentic legend.

Embrace the full extent of your reincarnated divinity, for you possess an unparalleled strength that sends ripples through the fabric of existence. With your newfound powers and artifacts, you shall leave an indomitable mark on the world, surpassing even the grandest of legends.

Vile Blood (Bloodborne)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Hunter (Bloodborne)

The potency of your Eldritch blood was always unlimited in scale, the percent of your blood that was Eldritch however was locked. Now that has changed, the percentage has been significantly upped and your magic/Eldritch power has dramatically increased. Your magic power and the power of your blood and its enhancements is increased by 5 times and every subsequent improvement in potency is 5 times what it would have been. You also gain an instinctual understanding of Eldritch spells, summons, rituals and Blood spells, enhancements and rituals as well as immediate access to several of spells and rituals in every category mentioned including normal magic (6 spells and 6 rituals per category) all of which are useful to you in one way or another.

Old Hunter (Bloodborne)

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Hunter (Bloodborne)

Age begets experience and wisdom, in your case your physical age is largely unchanged but you have been through millions of fights against the greatest of beasts and even those who dip into the power of the beyond, living the same yet millions of different lives all for the sake of sanity, power, and survival. Your raw power both physically and magically is enough to rend continents asunder and your speed makes light seem slow. Your talent in battle has been honed though fights unending, you adapt to opponents on the fly in combat and are nothing short of equal to the best in history with 10 weapons of your choice, due to your experience and talent any weapon you pick up will be wielded with nothing less than expert level skill no matter how strange or esoteric as long as you can wield it it will be used expertly. You have regained an ability that was lost to hunters during the current age, you may now perform the Quickstep an arcane ability which grants you massively buffed speed and a level of invulnerability. Your physical senses span city blocks and your magical/Eldritch senses cover entire towns, you now live up to your name as a hunter having supernatural skill in tracking and investigation as well as an internal bestiary which updates supernaturally with more information as you kill more and more of a species. Your battles with beasts are incredibly in your favor as all of your power is massively augmented when faced with those that fit in the category. Your Eldritch blood is of incredible potency now, other eldritch of lesser strength will recognize yours and be naturally avoidant unless specifically provoked and all blood magic and enhancements are incomparably stronger than before. Even normal magic is learned, mastered, and improved on much easier than before making you a true talent in the arts. Your resolve is hardened now and the terrors of the night bring you little fear, though you inflict plenty in them. Your inner beastial nature in now much more easily soothed as you have long since won the battle against your bloodlust and despair and can be called on to boost your physical strength in battle, though be careful overuse could reawaken those long suppressed dangers.

Light of Aman (Lord of The Rings)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Blood of Númenor (Lord of The Rings)

The Calaquendi are those elves that travelled to the west to the eternal land of Valinor in the days when the trees lit the sky. They have the seen the Valar in person and lived in beauty and peace. You are of the Calaquendi. Although not an elf, Having beheld the light of the trees and the land of Aman you are mightier than others of your kind. Others can see the Light of Aman upon your face, either finding their spirits bolstered as your allies or fleeing in fear of the light if they are your enemies.

Majesty and Splendor (Lord of The Rings)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Light of Aman (Lord of The Rings)

The Maiar are those spirits who descended to the world at the dawn of creation to help the Valar craft Arda. They are angelic beings that serve the mightier Valar. Each Maiar is associated with a certain Valar and as the Thoughts of Iluvatar have some power over a single concept, be it Water, Light, Metal, and more esoteric things. Pick a single concept to have some power over.

The Maiar are impressive beings, filled with the light and music of Iluvatar and possessed of a spark of the divine. Some burn brighter than others and are able to fill themselves with such majesty and to leave others in awe. You are one such brightly burning Maiar.

You may reveal all of your light at anytime and burn with such Majesty and Splendor as to freeze your allies and enemies in awe or fear, should you wish it. The Secret Fire also burns more brightly within you, bringing you much closer to the might of the Valar than the rest of your brethren.

The Maiar are holy beings that serve Iluvatar. As such they possess a sacred light and portion of the divine. They are able to bless things, giving them supernatural protection and durability. They may share their light with others and protect them from darkness and corruption. You are particularly Hallowed. Remove evil spirits with a touch, bless a blade to cleave through the undead like paper, and with enough focus and effort you can remove taint and corruption from evil lands.

Beauty Too Great For Words (Lord of The Rings)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Majesty and Splendor (Lord of The Rings)

Varda, the Lady of Stars is the most beautiful being in creation. The light of Iluvatar rests on her face. Her light and beauty is such that Melkor loved her, her rejection leading him to hate and fear her over many others. You are now invested with a portion of Varda’s beauty. People of all races will be caught off guard by how beautiful you are. Men and women will be in awe of your light and even your most dire enemies will need more pushing to physically harm you.

Cosmic Fear (One Punch Man)

Cost: 50 SP

Required: Master Martial Artist (One Punch Man)

Required: Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (One Punch Man)

Required: Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist (One Punch Man)

Something waiting. Something watching. Something has imparted you with power—the power of a god. This new power has altered your appearance; while you still maintain your general shape, your body takes on the appearance of a featureless void filled with stars and galaxies.

Your abilities have been catapulted into the absurd, being able to take and trade blows with others who have broken their limits to possess unlimited potential. You are able to withstand many blows that would have utterly annihilated you without this godly power.

You have obtained an unparalleled knowledge of the flow of energy and workings of the cosmos. You are able to manipulate the energies of the universe to perform powerful attacks of cosmic energy. You naturally emit dangerous levels of ionizing radiation to such a degree that anyone in your presence, powerful regenerative abilities or not, will quickly succumb to acute radiation syndrome. Your levels of emission are high enough to end all life on Earth. Your knowledge and control of cosmic energy allows you to easily suppress this emission.

Your divine nature is easily felt by those in your presence, imparting overwhelming levels of awe or fear at your discretion. Only the most resolute will find the willpower to stand against you. All others will be struck with an insurmountable urge to flee your presence or give in to your divinity. Your supernatural ability to learn martial arts has received its own place in the sun. No longer are you limited to adapting other techniques. Instead, you can now use your ability to understand an opponent's abilities and techniques with your cosmic knowledge to fully duplicate their abilities once you witness them, even if you previously lacked the capacity. If you lack the anatomy, your creativity and knowledge with synergize to allow you to find the closest and best approximation for your current body.

In time your cosmic knowledge will allow you to shift your skills inward, allowing you to manipulate the particles within your body on a sub-atomic level. Forcing them to behave like anti-particles will lead you on the path of developing time travel.

Hybrid Pyrokinetic (Fire Force)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Demon Infernal (Fire Force)

You have managed to avoid your fate of Spontaneous Human Combustion by having compatibility with your Doppelgänger. This has awakened within you special pyrokinetic abilities. Notably, your ability to control fire is much greater than your peers, granting you both Second and Third Generation abilities. You are immune to fire and being burned, but are still capable of feeling heat.

As a Second Generation pyrokinetic, you are able to control and manipulate any flames that exist in your surroundings, whether they are natural or produced by other pyrokinetics. Your control might manifest as the ability to construct a wide barrier around yourself through which fire and heat are unable to pass, the ability to manipulate the flames and explosive formed when firing a gun to control the velocity and trajectory of bullets, or even absorbing kinetic energy and releasing it after conversion into thermal energy.

As a Third Generation pyrokinetic, you possess a unique way of forming and using flames from your body known as an Ignition Ability. This might take the form of producing jets of flames from your feet, allowing for flight or enhanced kicks, form and launch arrows of fire from your index finger as if from a bow, to generating fire within your body to massively increase your strength and durability.

Your pyrokinetic and martial arts abilities put you on par with those of Benimaru Shinmon; you can choose to have the same set of martial arts techniques as Benimaru, or an equivalent set of your choosing. You have mastered Hysterical Strength, allowing you to maximize your potential and utilize 100% of your pyrokinetic abilities. Your strength and pyrokinetic abilities are nearly peerless. Your durability allows you to take hits from the likes of Dragon who was able to split the Sea with his blasts of fire, and shatter the Moon's crust with his punches. Your speed allows you to easily react to and outpace individuals who can move at hypersonic speeds.

Master of Adolla (Fire Force)

Cost: 35 SP

Required: Hybrid Pyrokinetic (Fire Force)

Adolla is an alternate dimension connected to the collective unconsciousness of humanity. It is the home to entities like the Evangelist and Doppelgängers for every person on Earth, living or deceased.

It is a realm of pale skies and black flames, fueled by the despair and fear for death of humanity, capable of nearly destroying anything. Normally they are weakened by the hope and positivity of humanity, but you can exert your influence over your connection to the humanity's unconsciousness to mitigate this to some degree. You now find yourself the master of this realm, standing above even the likes of the Evangelist.

This dimension exists outside the normal world and is extremely overwhelming to any ordinary human; any human who experiences a connection with Adolla will experience physical damage of some sort known as a Stigma. As the master of Adolla, you possess the ability to grant your Grace to individuals of your choosing, allowing them to experience the dimension without harm.

You have full control over the Adolla Burst, which are the flames that originate within Adolla. Your original flame is pure and unimaginably powerful. As the Genesis Flame, it can bring fuel creation by restoring life and greenery to barren lands, or produce unlimited energy. As the Flame of Destruction, is potent enough to cause great cataclysms consisting of worldwide wildfires, continents torn apart, obliterated nations, or even the warping of reality that results in an altered visage of the world to that of an anime or manga-styled world.

You can release sparks of your Adolla Burst into the mortal world to give rise to Infernals and other pyrokinetics.

Anyone you grant your Adolla Grace to will awaken a Third Generation ability if they hadn't already, and will be known as a Fourth Generation pyrokinetic. Fourth Generation pyrokinetics receive a piece of your Adolla Burst that greatly enhances their pyrokinesis to the point of affecting the very laws of physics. Using their Adolla Burst, one might be able to decrease the heat of everything around them, preventing the expansion of the universe and stopping time, or disintegrating their bodies into particles of light to attain lightspeed movement or brief moments of acausality.

Anyone with an Adolla Burst can form an Adolla Link to another with some sort of connection to Adolla, whether that's their own Burst, Grace, or Stigma. Someone without your Grace that still awakens an Adolla Burst can receive brief moments of empowerment by forming a Link to someone who does have your Grace.

As the master of this dimension, connected to human unconsciousness, you will find yourself capable of using any form of Ignition Ability that evolves within humanity, including all of those shown in official media. You can manifest a barrier-like construct anywhere on earth that grants physical travel between Adolla and Earth to those you choose. Your connection to Adolla is so strong that your existence can be considered immutable. While your physical body might be able to be overcome, it can be compared to nothing less than the peak pyrokinetics connected to your domain; should your body take damage, you can fully heal yourself or reform within the fires of Adolla. Nothing short of overwriting the entire universe can permanently harm you.

Binary (Marvel)

Cost: 35 SP

Required: Marvelous (MCU)

Your empowerment was no mistake; through experimentation your physical being has merged with the very fabric of the universe. No longer do your energy reserves rely upon a sliver of an Infinity Stone, but rather a white hole, an interdimensional source of cosmic energy. You have an unlimited source of cosmic energy to use in the form of light, heat, and radiation.

Your base and empowered states have grown by a vast amount. Your strength has increased to the level of being able to destroy large asteroids, punch large craters into the moon, or lift a Celestial. Your durability now allows you to take hits from opponents such as Thanos, the Hulk, or Gladiator. Your energy absorption makes hanging out on the surface of stars trivial, or even allows you to temporarily absorb the Phoenix Force against its will.

Your energy output easily matches that of a star and will only go up over time as you grow to handle the power of the white hole. You can easily overcome the energy absorption abilities of others with your output and can even muster enough energy to block energy-based attacks that would overcome even your own impressive absorption.

Sentry Super Soldier Serum (Marvel)

Cost: 60 SP

Required: Super Soldier Serum (Marvel)

You have the full powers of Sentry and Void, without their weaknesses.

The Sentry Super Soldier Serum is a remarkable formula from that endows individuals with extraordinary physical abilities and grants them access to unimaginable powers. Upon administration, recipients not only acquire superhuman strength, speed, agility, and endurance, surpassing the limits of ordinary humans, but they also tap into the enigmatic power of the "void." This connection to the "void" personality of the Sentry grants them a second set of powers that defy comprehension. These additional abilities are often linked to reality manipulation, energy projection, and the ability to traverse dimensions. With the infusion of the Sentry Serum, individuals become vessels of immense power, wielding both the might of a million exploding suns and the mysterious forces of the "void" entity. The Sentry Super Soldier Serum bestows a dual nature upon its recipients, making them forces to be reckoned with in the realms of both physical prowess and esoteric capabilities.

Human-Symbiote Hybrid (Marvel)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Klyntar (Marvel)

You are a half-Symbiote. Due to your unique circumstances, Symbiotes are much better connected to you than normal and you can dominate them.

Your power comes from the god of light, not Knull.

As a Half-Symbiote, you and your symbiote are integrated as one, now instead of saying "We are" you say "I am".

This enhances your symbiote shapeshifting ability, letting you shape your body into any appearance, such as stretching your wrist the same as Reed Richards could or regenerating yourself from a puddle of goo.

If you take "Venom The End" upgrade, now those powers apply to you, instead of only your symbiote.

King in Black (Marvel)

Cost: 45 SP

Required: Human-Symbiote Hybrid (Marvel)

A King in Black exists within the Symbiote Hivemind. They rule it and live outside of the universe. With enough skill, they can learn to manifest themselves in the past or future.

You possess the powers of Knull and an Symbiote army.

Venom The End (Marvel)

Cost: 30 SP

Required: Klyntar (Marvel),All-Black (Marvel),

The Codex Database is an archive of genetic information that allows you to access the powers and abilities of those who bonded with your Symbiotes, including your own.

You're able to replicate their various abilities regardless of the source, and will eventually gain the abilities of all living beings.

The Other (Marvel)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Spider-Totem (Marvel)

The Other. A totemic deity closely linked to the Web of Life and Destiny. By choosing to become its receptacle you are now something else. Increases your physical abilities slightly, while bestowing more clandestine abilities related to arachnids such as fangs and stingers (being venomous if you so choose), night vision, a monstrous form by fully giving up your body to the deity, among other abilities.

Cait Sidhe

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Catfolk

Entering the realm of the supernatural, you take on a more fairy-like existence. You are now able to take on the full form of a bipedal domestic cat, about the size of a dog, and sport a notable white tuft of fur on your chest. You are capable of conversing with people in your cat form and are able to move without making a sound. You can freely transform back into your base catfolk form whenever you like. As a type of fairy, you gain knowledge of and awareness of any other fey in your general surroundings and are able to travel to places restricted to fey in general.

Should you be in the presence of someone at the time of their death, you can claim their soul before it passes on into any afterlife or some other god’s domain. As a supernatural creature, you now have an extended lifespan, much longer than what it would have been. Any souls you claim can be used to extend your lifespan further.

Your presence brings blessings to those in your good graces. You are able to confer heightened luck and augment positive emotions of those around you. Those around you will find a boost to their general health, being able to shake illnesses sooner or even survive illnesses that might have won otherwise. You can focus your blessings on individual people or objects to improve their potency. Your blessings can bring protection from minor curses, including negation or removal of ones that stay within your presence long enough. Those that cross you can expect to face household-level famine as one of your primary forms of curses. Over time and with sufficient practice, you will come to learn how to develop your existing blessings to new levels and discover even new ways to share them with others.


Cost: 5 SP

Required: Catfolk

Your feline connection has inverted, increasing the prevalence of your cat-like features. This grants you more potent feline abilities. As you master your abilities and body, you will learn to suppress the visual flair of this form to return to your base catfolk visage.

Your new form has risen to embody the nature of the cheetah. You have gained a vast improvement to your running speed and agility. When pushing yourself, the peak that humanity could ever hope to achieve would seem slow to you. Your body sense sees a proportional increase as well, allowing you to perfectly react at the necessary speeds to act at your top speed. With enough lead time, you can perceive and track bullets mid-trajectory and easily aim-dodge them. This is where you begin, as long as you continue to push yourself, you will find yourself running to new heights.


Cost: 10 SP

Required: Catfolk

The cat within your inner spirit has finally grown to a proper maturity, granting you a new form. You are able to assume a large, seemingly normal, quadrupedal cat form. The most notable feature, aside from your size, is your forked tail. As you continue to grow, your tail will eventually split into two full tails. Once this happens, your original tail will fork once again. Every tail you grow in this manner represents an extra life you can expend to continue should the worst come to rear its head. You will never be able to grow more than nine tails in total, however. As the number of your tails increases, you will find a corresponding decrease in the rate at which you age.

You will find that your senses have taken another leap in potency. Your vision is now capable of seeing in complete darkness, but will be reminiscent of low-light conditions rather than day-like. You are also able to see and hear spirits and other spiritual entities in your viscinity.

Your main supernatural ability in this form arises in the manipulation of a special ghost-like fire that you can emit from the tips of your tails or paws. Emitting these flames from your paws can allow you a form of flight by running on the air itself and leaping further than should be possible for the amount of force you use. Fire emitted from your tails take-on a more spiritual nature and is capable of harming ghosts, spirits, and other similar entities. Your fire can interact with souls, themselves, allowing you to harm someone without damaging their body. With time and practice, your flames can take the place of a soul for the purpose of reanimating and controlling the recently deceased. As you learn to manipulate your flames, you will come to learn how to affect their properties to cast impressive illusions. At the peak of your manipulation, you will find the ability to fully consume any object that is completely engulfed in your fire, with no harm to yourself.


Cost: 10 SP

Required: Catfolk

Pushing your inner feline to its limit has seen it take a step forward. Your inner desire to have the abilities to go wherever you please has been heard. Your new form has paradoxically taken the path of specializing in the general, granting you a beyond peak level of athleticism and mastery over the way your body moves.

You have the strength to casually table-flip a large SUV and toss people around like ragdolls. You can leap several stories, to easily travel in any direction. Your claws are sharp enough to shred the densest of terrestrial metals and strong enough to support much more than your weight, allowing you to climb nearly any surface you come across. Your enhanced musculature tends to increase in density to a much further degree than in size, allowing you to maintain your supernaturally adorable form. This comes with the added benefit of a durability that grows faster than your strength.

Your muscles don’t just grow in density, but also in efficiency. This vastly improves your endurance, eventually allowing you to act at near peak performance for days or weeks at your peak. As you push your body and strength to its limit, you will eventually find yourself capable of punching with speeds capable of igniting the air around your fists.


Cost: 35 SP

Required: Cait Sidhe

Required: Nekomata

Your spiritual and fairy natures have come together and expanded beyond what either would ever hope to become alone. You have awakened, within you, an Eye of Ra, granting you the full creative power of the sun goddess you are destined to embody.

Wherever you look, the sun shall shine. Whatever bathes within your sunlight will find itself restored, should you wish it. No sickness or injury, physical, spiritual, or esoteric in nature will be able to resist the restorative power of your light. With little effort, your light is capable of restoring the fertility to the lands of an entire nation and beyond. Your sight shall never be denied to you, and you can easily direct your light upon yourself, banishing the concept of injury and unwanted harm on your being.

You can take your restorative abilities a step further and bring life into being, either within yourself or within those that receive your sunlight. Any life that is brought to bear in this way is guaranteed to be born with perfect health, devoid of any illness, genetic, random, or otherwise. Any that carry your life are guaranteed to undergo the process without issue or harm, and will experience it at an expedited rate.

As a master of life, you are not obligated to share your grace with others, and can even rescind your gift with a mere touch. A touch is all you need to claim the life-force of anyone you please in any quantity. As an extension of your fey and spiritual abilities, you can fully manipulate the souls within others, push, pull, or twist them into whatever configuration suits your needs. The amount of ghostly fire you can conjure is now able to match the output of the sun itself. Your presence can evoke a great sense of peace and can fully soothe the wrathful. Pushing your divine presence enforces serenity upon your surroundings, negating aggressive drives in those around you.


Cost: 35 SP

Required: Cheetah

Required: Leopard

Your mastery over your body has reached its limit and refused to stop. Igniting the power of your soul has incinerated the limits that once held you back. You have taken more than a step, or even a leap and a bound, forward into the realm of gods. As the fire within you stabilizes and fills you with its warmth, you open an Eye of Ra, granting you the vengeful power and heat of the sun befitting the warrior goddess that beckons your destiny.

With a mere breath, you can bring forth the fiery might of the sun to bear against your enemies. The heat at your control can burn away and banish the very notion of evil, destroying its vessels and warding against its return. Should you wish it, you can bring your heat against the world itself, giving rise to massive deserts.

Those that bask in your heat will find disease and other ailments fail to progress, allowing them to recover at expedited rates. So long as your heat remains, those in your heat will continue to enjoy an absence of disease in any form. In the unlikely event you shall find yourself defeated, you need only wait no longer than a day as you find yourself fully renewed upon the dawn of a new day. Yet, before you get to that point, you can turn your flames upon yourself and burn away the concept of your injuries to reforge yourself into peak condition.

While your power is a vengeful one, you still hold a mastery over it, and thus can freely choose how your fire and heat interact with the world around you. You can blast an entire nation into a desert of glass without touching a single hair on the head of any of its citizens. You can embue the concept of your heat into objects and foods, giving birth to potent weapons capable of defeating evil, and creating medicines and tonics capable of burning away what ails a person. Your martial might is enough to stand against the whole of humanity and bring them to their end should another god not come to distract you.

Taking the visage of a lion, your presence can evoke a great sense to act and work towards one’s ambitions. Pushing the weight and authority of your presence, the ferocity of your royal visage can bring the most boisterous and arrogant to heel.

The Beast (Infamous)

Cost: 35 SP

Required: Conduit (Infamous)

You are no mere conduit, you're the very driving force of human evolution. You're the pinnacle of conduit potential and far more. Your body now possesses the ability to instantly adapt to any new powers you possess removing it’s negative side effects such as electrocuting yourself in water and can now gain new abilities by either absorbing massive amounts of your elements/energies, stressing your body and powers in new ways, or forcing RF energy into your body.

As a start the base abilities you gain as a conduit are enhanced by a ludicrous degree, your strength, speed, agility, stamina, durability, and basic regeneration are increased to put you as far away from prime conduits as they are from regular humans, allowing you to casually rip apart large structures and take even a 51 kiloton nuclear strike and recover in moments no worse for wear.

The beast had the incredible ability to manipulate matter and energy, capable of breaking it down and absorbing it or manipulating it for various purposes. You can perform transmutation, turning matter and energy into a different form of whatever you wish. You are now capable of performing feats such as absorbing and cleansing radiation, releasing blasts that can disintegrate most, even manipulating the structures of other beings at will to give them the conduit gene, or even something as blasé as creating clothing for yourself. Through this power you’ve also been given incredible control over the weather allowing you to create blizzards, hurricanes and even raise volcanoes.

You possess the ability to manipulate gravity to a significant degree, able to create a localized singularity to absorb all nearby matter and energy or nullify its effects. You can choose to exclude some from the effects of your powers.

Perhaps The Beast’s most well known ability is his power to alter his own shape and size at will. You’ll start off with the instinctive skill to turn yourself into a giant lava-incarnate capable of toppling skyscrapers simply by moving, as well as turning yourself into a singularity to absorb massive amounts of matter and energy and nullify attacks against yourself. This particular power is also the reason behind your incredible regeneration, allowing you to absorb surrounding material to reform yourself from even a single atom. You are by no means limited to these forms, and can take a variety that best suits your needs.

As for his second most well known ability, that would be his ability to manipulate fire. You're now a pyrokinetic on a terrifying scale, capable of leveling cities and sinking ocean liners in a single blast. You also possess incredible precision, capable of using it to do nothing more than heating a homeless man in the middle of a blizzard on the other side of the city if you're feeling charitable. All your other elements are enhanced to the same degree of power and precision.

And finally the very ability that made The Beast an absolute threat to all of humanity as a whole, the manipulation of RF energy. You now naturally generate massive amounts of RF energy, which can be used in a number of ways. This passive generation will slowly increase your power over time. The most notorious use is that you can generate a massive and powerful blast that activates any nearby conduits, greatly amplifying your own power, while simultaneously killing any nearby humans. This blast can be powerful enough to lay waste to the entire east coast, wiping entire cities off the map or even split the moon. Manipulation of RF energy allows you to manipulate the powers of other conduits making you capable of enhancing them, negating or turning off their powers, or even granting them new ones. You may instead of utilizing a blast, use the passively generated RF energy to awaken any new conduits. The energy you produce doesn’t have any of the negative effects shown in the series, unless you intentionally use it for that.

Alongside his major abilities you are granted the following powers of telepathy, allowing you to read and communicate directly with others through their mind even over massive distances, teleportation; allowing you to instantly travel large or short distances in the blink of an eye, as well as flight and levitation. As a bonus you are also granted the powers of all the other conduits shown in the series, with their elements being enhanced to be on par with The Beast’s fire, and the rest of their other abilities rising at a similar scale. You’ll also get Cole’s and Delsin, both good and evil versions, skills and experience to go with this. Your power also requires no more effort on your part than blinking, your power simply doing what you’d like it do.

Quirk Awakening (MHA)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Quirk (MHA)

Your Quirk has Awakened, meaning it has undergone an evolution that raised it to a new level of strength and uncovered new aspects that can be developed. Training Quirks that have been through an Awakening is much easier than training Quirks that haven’t undergone an Awakening, as Awakened Quirks have their restrictions loosened and are incredibly malleable, allowing them to respond better to attempts to improve it.

Double Quirk (MHA)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Quirk (MHA)

You now have another Quirk alongside the one you initially received. This is still limited to any quirk that is not One for All or All for One. The synergies between the two quirks will not be entirely unfounded, do not expect synergies from two quirks that are diametrically opposed. That does not mean it is impossible to develop combinations between your first and second quirk. Two quirks that share some common ground will be able to work together effectively.

One for All (MHA)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Quirk (MHA)

You have the Quirk One for All, as Izuku Midoriya received it. You have an ocean of energy buzzing beneath your skin augmenting your physical attributes immensely along with any other Quirks you might have. However, if you don’t have the muscle to withstand the power you will receive massive backlash in the form of broken bones.

Like canon, as you further you master your abilities the 7 Quirks of the previously wielders will reveal themselves. The previous wielders living inside your head is optional. Unlike canon, having other abilities along with this won’t kill you.

The One for All stockpile grows as you use it, in turn strengthening itself over time. If you give away One for All, through consenting and letting someone consume your DNA, you will lose the ability to generate the stockpile and have a limited amount left which eventually turns to nothing.

Symbol of Peace (MHA)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: One for All (MHA)

Now, you are truly worthy of the power of the world's greatest Hero. For starters, the strain of One for All is now dramatically lessened, to the point where, even with a completely average physique, you could harness post-injury All Might's level of enhancement without any backlash or damage, and that limit only goes up as your body gets better.

Secondly, you now have access to a particular trick similar to the big blonde himself: With a bit of exertion and concentration, you can 'puff up' your body into a massive, ripped caricature of your ordinary state. This isn't just for show or disguise, either; while in this form, you actually do get stronger - not to the same absurd degree as you look, mind, but still by a significant margin, which certainly helps with drawing out more strength from the Quirk. Do be careful not to lose focus and drop this form at a critical time, though.

Thirdly, One for All's link between its users, past and present, is enhanced as well, becoming a two-way road: Any former users, including you should you pass on the torch, will always have access to a small fraction of One for All's power, as well as all of its bearer's Quirks (and other genetic abnormalities). Furthermore, One for All no longer needs the sharing of genetic material such as blood to be passed on, only requiring either physical contact for new holders, or merely intent for previous holders, in case one needs to return it for whatever reason.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, the definition of the 'power' that One for All now stockpiles has become significantly more loose, to your benefit: Exploiting this new vagueness, you can harness its power for more than just as a physical enhancer, allowing feats such as enhancing additional aspects of yourself like senses and reflexes, tapping into a stockpile of stamina and vitality, and even emitting searing heat and electricity.

(Note: One for All may now potentially awaken Quirks in those without the requisite genetics, such as out-of-setting bearers. Potential quirks will usually be semi-random, determined by a mix of personality, background, and possibly species, should they be non-human)

All for One (MHA)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Quirk (MHA)

You have the Quirk All for One, though not quite at the same level as the man himself. You start out with ten Quirks aside from itself, which you may choose freely save for One for All, though Rewind, Overhaul, and New Order, due to their sheer power and versatility, are worth two, three, and five other Quirks, respectively. With just normal human physiology alone and no training, you can use about a dozen quirks or other stolen abilities at once, which scales upwards as either of the two factors is enhanced.

Be mindful of sharing too much of your collection with a single person, because the strain of so many abilities on their body might just break them if they're too weak.

Demon Lord (MHA)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: All for One (MHA)

Now, you are truly worthy of the power of the world's greatest Villain. For starters, not only is your initial stockpile of Quirks increased to twenty-five, but your Quirks are now all connected, woven into an intricate living network: As you use and combine them in different ways, they will 'ping' off of each other, filling in their gaps with adaptations and enhancements better than if you simply trained them alone. While they won't ever truly blend together into a single cohesive unit, they'll be so optimized and fine-tuned that they may as well behave like one.

In addition, as your Quirks strengthen and evolve, not only will they adapt and mutate to become better, but they will also quite literally grow, forming 'buds' of a sort both by themselves and with other Quirks, which will eventually bloom into fully-fledged Quirks of their own with abilities based on those of their 'parents'. Bear in mind however that this is a very slow process, taking at least one or more years for new Quirks to fully form, though this budding can potentially occur for every Quirk in your collection.

Kakuja (Tokyo Ghoul)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Ghoul (Tokyo Ghoul)

Your Kagune has gone through an evolution, making you a Kakuja. Kakujas are ghouls with a specialized kagune that completely transforms their bodies. This transformation occurs through the process of cannibalism, where the ghoul absorbs high concentrations of Rc cells. Once the Rc cell concentration reaches a certain level, it triggers a mutation and a new type of kagune forms. In contrast to the standard predatory Kagune, a Kakuja possesses a specialized Kagune that serves as armour for the entire body, significantly enhancing their strength. Unlike most Kakuja, you are capable of retaining full control over yourself when in combat.

In addition to this, your Kagune has evolved to be able to take the shape of any of the 5 types of kagune.

Gourmet hunter paradise

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Gourmet Cells (Toriko)

As someone who has gourmet cells within your body, you crave evermore nutritious and delicious food which the earth simply can not provide but fear not for You can now at will enter an endless dimension filled with all manner of dangerous, exotic, and most importantly delicious flora, fauna, and environment. The more dangerous, powerful, and difficult to cook an ingredient is, the more delicious it will be.

Even ingredients that can rival the quality of Acacia full course or as powerful as the eight kings and beyond can be found here. hunt, devour, and cook to your heart's content for there is always something that will satisfy your taste bud and stomach within this gourmet paradise.

Tribrid (Originals)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Werewolf (Originals)

Required: Original Vampire (Originals)

You are the result of a loophole in nature—a child conceived by the original hybrid and a witch. You are an even more unnatural abomination than a vampire and werewolf hybrid. While a witch is someone who upholds the natural order of the world, vampires and werewolves are the antithesis of the world, unnatural beings that should not exist. Normally, such a creature with all three characteristics shouldn't have been allowed to happen. There are now no known limits on your abilities, as a coven of witches would normally require a great deal of energy to cast spells of the nature you can cast without a second thought. Your magic is so powerful that your only equals would be gods and Arcadius, someone who, upon his death, created an entire dimension under his control. Along with your magic, you have increased power in your vampiric and werewolf abilities, being able to compel beings to a greater degree than the original and even compel beings normally resistant to such abilities. With magic, your ability to grow in strength as you age has been further enhanced so that you can surpass the version of yourself a week earlier. Unlike Hope, you start with all your abilities already awakened, so you don't need to kill someone or die for them to awaken. Whilst your physical abilities are no longer your only avenue of attack, they are still strengthened to a level beyond what a hybrid can do, being able to crack continents with little effort, and with enough effort, you could crack the moon. Your speed has reached unmatched levels, and you can now move as fast as light and, with enough effort, faster. You may choose what color your eyes glow when using your abilities.

Child of Adam (NGE)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Angelic Aberration (NGE)

You have unlocked the full potential of your angelic heritage, enabling you to transform into a true Angel at will. This form enhances both your appearance and abilities, allowing you to emulate an existing Angel designs or a unique one of your own. You can effortlessly switch between your Half Angel and Full Angel forms at your convenience.

In your Angel form, your AT-Field reaches a level comparable to the mightiest Angels, such as Zeruel, Ramiel, and even Adam, allowing it to withstand even greater assaults, including N2 explosions, positron cannons, and even the Spear of Longinus. Furthermore, your AT-Field has the capacity to be shaped into intricate and potent forms like lasers, bombs, or even warping space-time around you to construct portals. You can even use your AT-Field to instantly regenerate you from any injury, even if your core is damaged or destroyed.

Moreover, your AT-Field now can also influence the souls of other entities, facilitating the creation of links that enable you to synchronize with beings or objects. This synchronization permits telepathic communication, sharing of information or memories, manipulation of actions or emotions, and even fusion with other entities or objects. This newfound power extends to weakening, strengthening, disrupting, or even absorbing the AT-Fields of others.

Inside of your Angel form is the N2 core—the wellspring of your vitality and might—that you have full control over. You can reposition it within your form, conceal it within your AT-Field, or divide it into multiple cores. Your core can also serve as a formidable weapon or explosive, either through detonation or as a projectile to assail adversaries.

Father of Angels (NGE)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Child of Adam (NGE)

You have the ability to create and control your own Angels, the mysterious and powerful beings that threaten humanity. You can design their appearance, abilities, and personalities, drawing inspiration from the existing Angels or your own imagination. You can have up to twelve Angels active at a time, each with a unique name and core. Your Angels are loyal to you and will follow your commands, unless you give them free will and let them act on their own. You can also communicate with them telepathically, sense their location and status, and recall them to your side at any time.

Your Angels are formidable foes for anyone who dares to oppose you. They possess strong AT Fields that can protect them from most attacks and manipulate reality in various ways. They can also use different forms of energy projection, such as beams, blasts, or waves, to attack from a distance or close range. Some of your Angels may have additional abilities, such as shapeshifting, regeneration, hacking, or mind control, depending on how you design them. Your Angels are also immune to conventional weapons and can only be harmed by other beings with AT Fields or esoteric weapons like them.

Creating an Angel requires a lot of energy, as such you can only create 3 per day. During the creation process you can infuse the Angels with the genetic material of other beings, through this, you can facilitate a unique Angel with the traits of their donors. You can also modify or upgrade your existing Angels by spending more energy and time on them. However, you cannot create an Angel that surpasses the power of Adam or Lilith. An intriguing aspect of your Angels is they each boasts a secondary, miniaturized form, often referred to as their "Chibify" state. This form grants them the ability to shrink down to the size of a person or even as diminutive as a mouse. Furthermore, through a dematerialization process, you're able to deactivate, and store a selection of Angels, ensuring a versatile and adaptable active roster.

Olympian (God of War)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Divine Physiology (God of War)

You are no longer a 'minor' god. You are a Major God on the level of Ares, able to even become more powerful than Zeus.

Your divine physiology is improved. Now, the only way you can even take damage is if the source has any divinity. Without anti-immortal or anti-divine weaponry, mortals are completely incapable of damaging you.

A demigod can hurt you, but even they are weak to your power.

Your strength grows leaps and bounds, able to temporarily keep all of Creation above your head, a strength immeasurable.

You gain significant protection against Fate, Time, and Destiny.

Your power grows significantly with worship.

Attacks that target your soul are significantly weaker and your powers are incredibly hard to copy or take. Your domain grows significantly, becoming a Major Domain with two secondary minor domains.

Your shapeshifting increases significantly, allowing you to grow to sizes surpassing modern day skyscrapers. On top of all of this, you gain a weapon or pair of weapons that embody your domain. Hades had the Claws of Hades, allowing him to rip people's souls out of their bodies, even Titans. Using this, he could also summon souls anywhere from the claws.

Legendary Master Martial Artist (History Strongest Disciple Kenichi)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Grandmaster Martial Artist (History Strongest Disciple Kenichi)

You have achieved what few others have managed to achieve in the history of martial arts and that is to join the esteemed rank of legendary master. You are considered invincible in the martial art world capable of fighting and defeating multiple grandmaster-level opponents with relative ease. You possess immense strength even compared to grandmaster-level fighters, you could move at a speed so fast that even a high-speed camera slowed down to 1/1000 of a second could barely catch a blurry glimpse of your movement, your Ki is so ridiculously vast that it could even change the local weather and you have enough durability to survive an explosion that can level a small town.

You have mastered Both Ki types of Sei and Dou and can switch between them or use both together at will.

But beyond your physical strength, your skill in martial arts has advanced a step beyond, absorbing and breaking down the essence of all that you have learned combining and developing an entirely new martial style that is perfectly fit for you both in body and spirit. This further enhances and combines all martial art power you may have using the strength of one to eliminate the weaknesses and shortcomings of another.

Unrestrained Realm Martial Artist (Volcanic Age)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Peak Realm Martial Artist (Volcanic Age)

You have transcended mere mastery, honing your martial arts skills to perfectly align with yourself, allowing you to wield martial arts at 120% effectiveness. This journey has led you to enlightenment and a metamorphosis, enhancing your bones and flesh to superhuman standards. Your internal energy capacity has increased substantially, allowing you to fight for an entire day without exhausting your reserves. Enlightenment grants you the ability to solidify your internal energy, unlocking versatile applications such as generating protective auras, energy slashes, or transforming your qi into elemental forces. Despite its versatility, your solidified qi remains limited to the martial arts you have mastered.

Profound Realm Martial Artist (Volcanic Age)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Unrestrained Realm Martial Artist (Volcanic Age)

You have touched upon the Profound. Going beyond the martial arts you’ve learned you’ve redefined yourself creating a new path. Transcending your limits you’ve learned to materialize your own state of mind granting you an ability that reflects who you are. You can create an ability in a similar vein to Joo Seo-Cheon’s Return, The Blood Demon’s Demonic Blood, or The Heavenly Demon’s Void. By adventuring into the unknown and creating something entirely new you’re body, mind, and technique have reached a perfect harmony. The flow of your internal energy has become flawless and your martial arts are always executed with perfection. This benefits the execution of any other powers or skills as well.

Martial God

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Profound Realm Martial Artist (Volcanic Age)

You have reached the pinnacle of Murim. You are a god among men. Your mastery of martial arts and your profound will have coalesced into something greater. No longer are you merely materializing your state of mind; it has evolved into the will of a master that can shake the world itself. Your master's will enhances your previous profound ability, increasing its scale and power fivefold. You are no longer bound to a single ability; through self-study and self-examination, your master's will can manifest more profound abilities. Beware, though, as blindly seeking power is an easy path toward deviation. True Enlightenment must be earned, not sought, or all that's left for you will be madness. Manifesting new abilities is the work of years even for a Martial God.

Your internal energy reserves are as vast as an ocean, allowing you to fully wield Qi for seven days and nights as if you were a demon of the battlefield. Your body can barely be called human. Your will and Qi have refined your body into the perfect vessel for martial arts. Every action you take is seamless and you can apply your martial skills to anything.

Adeptus Custodes (40k)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Adeptus Astartes (40k)

You have gotten the enhancements and training of a custodes. This is a significant upgrade as you have gone from super human to mythic hero in terms of skill and power. At this point you can easily take on entire corps of soldiers unharmed, and with proper wargear entire armies.

You also gain significant skills and training in arts, strategy, tactics, diplomacy, and much, much more.

Primarch (40k)

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Adeptus Custodes (40k)

You are a son of the Emperor of mankind. You have a mind, and body, like no other. Superhuman in every meaning of the word.

You have an unimaginable level of charisma and ability to lead other. Combat comes naturally to you with a level of skill utterly impossible to even the best space marines and other superhumans.

All primarchs are somewhat psychic, or have the potential. And are at least somewhat protected from the warp by sheer natural willpower if nothing else.

You can also choose one power or boon which any canon primarch held, such as Roboute Guilliman's innate administrative abilities.

Rip And Tear, Until It Is Done (DOOM)

Cost: 30 SP

Required: The Last Night Sentinel (DOOM)

Throughout the eons of relentless strife against the malevolent forces of Hell, one name resonates with resounding might—the Doom Slayer. Timeless and unyielding, this revered warrior of indomitable willpower stands as the beacon of hope and the bane of demonic existence. Like the legendary Doom Slayer before you, your spirit is an unbreakable fortress, repelling corruption with an unwavering resolve. Your sheer strength knows no bounds, rending through metal barriers as if they were naught but fleeting mirages. Massive demons quiver before your might, their colossal forms shattered under your relentless onslaught, while your eternal essence defies the ravages of time, forever immune to aging's touch. As you stride forth, the demonic hordes tremble, for they shall never know freedom from the eternal vigilance of The Doom Slayer.

Moreover, mastery of resourcefulness is your art, akin to a maestro conducting a symphony of chaos. Every object becomes a potential weapon in your hands, a key to unlock new possibilities. Should a portal be required, an Argent Accumulator shall meet its spectacular destiny under your calculated guidance. And when swiftness is demanded, an orbital defense cannon shall serve as your launch pad to reach unparalleled destinations. Conventional constraints hold no dominion over you, for you unveil unprecedented solutions that leave your adversaries astounded. The skeptics witness the impossible seamlessly materialize within your grand design, as you navigate the impossible with graceful ingenuity. As The Doom Slayer, your legacy is etched in the annals of valor, heralding the advent of an unyielding champion and the eternal guardian against the forces of darkness.

Linked Life

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Facsimile

You have developed a deeper connection to your clones, allowing you to continue existing as long as you have at least one clone remaining. Upon the death of your main body, your soul will transfer into the body of one of your clones. While retaining all your powers, any physical progress not already present in the clone will be lost; your new body is essentially that of the clone. This includes any strength gains, scars, tattoos, or changes to the main body. After the demise of your main body, you have a very brief window to select which body you will be "revived" in, based on distance.