Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Power Upgrades/Blood of the 72 Pillars (DxD)

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Blood of the 72 Pillars (DxD)

Cost: 10 SP (Pure-Blooded Devil (DxD))

Cost: 5 SP (Pure-Blooded Devil (DxD))

Required: Half-Devil (DxD)

The devil's half of your DNA belongs to one of the 72 pillars, granting you the power of one of the pillars. These abilities range from the fire and regeneration abilities of the Phenex pillar to the power of destruction of the Bael pillar.

The reserves of your demonic energy are doubled, and all of your physical attributes are significantly above those of a normal half-devil.

Ancient Heritage

Your Heritage is even older than that of the 72 Pillars, allowing you to either pick or design another custom ability that represents your heritage. Both of your bloodline abilities grow and evolve with use, even creating new develops wherever there is overlap between the two abilities.

The reserves of your demonic energy are doubled once again, your physical attributes are an incredible for a Pure-Blooded Devil of your age.