Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Power Upgrades/Master of Adolla (Fire Force)

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Master of Adolla (Fire Force)

Cost: 35 SP

Required: Hybrid Pyrokinetic (Fire Force)

Adolla is an alternate dimension connected to the collective unconsciousness of humanity. It is the home to entities like the Evangelist and Doppelgängers for every person on Earth, living or deceased.

It is a realm of pale skies and black flames, fueled by the despair and fear for death of humanity, capable of nearly destroying anything. Normally they are weakened by the hope and positivity of humanity, but you can exert your influence over your connection to the humanity's unconsciousness to mitigate this to some degree. You now find yourself the master of this realm, standing above even the likes of the Evangelist.

This dimension exists outside the normal world and is extremely overwhelming to any ordinary human; any human who experiences a connection with Adolla will experience physical damage of some sort known as a Stigma. As the master of Adolla, you possess the ability to grant your Grace to individuals of your choosing, allowing them to experience the dimension without harm.

You have full control over the Adolla Burst, which are the flames that originate within Adolla. Your original flame is pure and unimaginably powerful. As the Genesis Flame, it can bring fuel creation by restoring life and greenery to barren lands, or produce unlimited energy. As the Flame of Destruction, is potent enough to cause great cataclysms consisting of worldwide wildfires, continents torn apart, obliterated nations, or even the warping of reality that results in an altered visage of the world to that of an anime or manga-styled world.

You can release sparks of your Adolla Burst into the mortal world to give rise to Infernals and other pyrokinetics.

Anyone you grant your Adolla Grace to will awaken a Third Generation ability if they hadn't already, and will be known as a Fourth Generation pyrokinetic. Fourth Generation pyrokinetics receive a piece of your Adolla Burst that greatly enhances their pyrokinesis to the point of affecting the very laws of physics. Using their Adolla Burst, one might be able to decrease the heat of everything around them, preventing the expansion of the universe and stopping time, or disintegrating their bodies into particles of light to attain lightspeed movement or brief moments of acausality.

Anyone with an Adolla Burst can form an Adolla Link to another with some sort of connection to Adolla, whether that's their own Burst, Grace, or Stigma. Someone without your Grace that still awakens an Adolla Burst can receive brief moments of empowerment by forming a Link to someone who does have your Grace.

As the master of this dimension, connected to human unconsciousness, you will find yourself capable of using any form of Ignition Ability that evolves within humanity, including all of those shown in official media. You can manifest a barrier-like construct anywhere on earth that grants physical travel between Adolla and Earth to those you choose. Your connection to Adolla is so strong that your existence can be considered immutable. While your physical body might be able to be overcome, it can be compared to nothing less than the peak pyrokinetics connected to your domain; should your body take damage, you can fully heal yourself or reform within the fires of Adolla. Nothing short of overwriting the entire universe can permanently harm you.