The handiwork of the gods shines brightly through your divine clay, elevating your very existence. Granted by Demeter, you are now "stronger than Hercules" and contain the potential to overpower a matured Superman. Your durability, also granted by Demeter, is enough for you to survive being punched from the Sun to the Earth, lightspeed attacks around the globe, and even the pressure of a black hole. Your speed, granted by Hermes, is high enough to keep pace with casual use of the Speed Force, and reflexes to match, and even exceeding those of Superman.
Demeter's blessing grants you a constant renewal, boosting your regeneration to the point of healing up to moderate injuries in seconds or minutes, and an immunity to poisons and toxins. Your very presence boosts the healing of and durability of those around you.
Athena's blessing grants you "The Sight of Athena", a broad improvement to your insight and an ability to sense the emotions of others. You are immune to illusions on the scale of the cast by Doctor Psycho to such a degree that their attempt to be used against you is more baffling than the illusions themselves.
The blessings of Artemis grant you the ability to communicate with all animals and bring a raging beast to a calm through just your presence. Your eyesight is vastly improved, being able to see much further and a "Hunter's Eye" to always hit your mark. Your sense of touch is acute enough that you can sense the subtle changes in air pressure around you, granting you a form of physical precognition.
You gain the full capacity as the finest warrior ever born among the Amazons of Themyscira and the over 1000 years of experience that the original Wonder Woman obtained while fighting with Thor and Superman in Valhalla.
Your wisdom and intelligence, heightened by the blessings of Athena, are now able to rival the likes of the Martian Manhunter and Batman.