Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Power Upgrades/Rip And Tear, Until It Is Done (DOOM)

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Rip And Tear, Until It Is Done (DOOM)

Cost: 30 SP

Required: The Last Night Sentinel (DOOM)

Throughout the eons of relentless strife against the malevolent forces of Hell, one name resonates with resounding might—the Doom Slayer. Timeless and unyielding, this revered warrior of indomitable willpower stands as the beacon of hope and the bane of demonic existence. Like the legendary Doom Slayer before you, your spirit is an unbreakable fortress, repelling corruption with an unwavering resolve. Your sheer strength knows no bounds, rending through metal barriers as if they were naught but fleeting mirages. Massive demons quiver before your might, their colossal forms shattered under your relentless onslaught, while your eternal essence defies the ravages of time, forever immune to aging's touch. As you stride forth, the demonic hordes tremble, for they shall never know freedom from the eternal vigilance of The Doom Slayer.

Moreover, mastery of resourcefulness is your art, akin to a maestro conducting a symphony of chaos. Every object becomes a potential weapon in your hands, a key to unlock new possibilities. Should a portal be required, an Argent Accumulator shall meet its spectacular destiny under your calculated guidance. And when swiftness is demanded, an orbital defense cannon shall serve as your launch pad to reach unparalleled destinations. Conventional constraints hold no dominion over you, for you unveil unprecedented solutions that leave your adversaries astounded. The skeptics witness the impossible seamlessly materialize within your grand design, as you navigate the impossible with graceful ingenuity. As The Doom Slayer, your legacy is etched in the annals of valor, heralding the advent of an unyielding champion and the eternal guardian against the forces of darkness.