Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Power Upgrades/Unrestrained Realm Martial Artist (Volcanic Age)

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Unrestrained Realm Martial Artist (Volcanic Age)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Peak Realm Martial Artist (Volcanic Age)

You have transcended mere mastery, honing your martial arts skills to perfectly align with yourself, allowing you to wield martial arts at 120% effectiveness. This journey has led you to enlightenment and a metamorphosis, enhancing your bones and flesh to superhuman standards. Your internal energy capacity has increased substantially, allowing you to fight for an entire day without exhausting your reserves. Enlightenment grants you the ability to solidify your internal energy, unlocking versatile applications such as generating protective auras, energy slashes, or transforming your qi into elemental forces. Despite its versatility, your solidified qi remains limited to the martial arts you have mastered.