Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Power Upgrades/Legendary Master Martial Artist (History Strongest Disciple Kenichi)

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Legendary Master Martial Artist (History Strongest Disciple Kenichi)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Grandmaster Martial Artist (History Strongest Disciple Kenichi)

You have achieved what few others have managed to achieve in the history of martial arts and that is to join the esteemed rank of legendary master. You are considered invincible in the martial art world capable of fighting and defeating multiple grandmaster-level opponents with relative ease. You possess immense strength even compared to grandmaster-level fighters, you could move at a speed so fast that even a high-speed camera slowed down to 1/1000 of a second could barely catch a blurry glimpse of your movement, your Ki is so ridiculously vast that it could even change the local weather and you have enough durability to survive an explosion that can level a small town.

You have mastered Both Ki types of Sei and Dou and can switch between them or use both together at will.

But beyond your physical strength, your skill in martial arts has advanced a step beyond, absorbing and breaking down the essence of all that you have learned combining and developing an entirely new martial style that is perfectly fit for you both in body and spirit. This further enhances and combines all martial art power you may have using the strength of one to eliminate the weaknesses and shortcomings of another.